evil spirit

Chapter 142 The Shocking Robbery 3

Chapter 142 [Amazing Robbery] (3) I have understood that it seems that these people among the bandits are not all in the same group, but are divided into two factions to cooperate.

One group is naturally three white people, and the other group is led by Ramucci.

I was thinking that Yang Wei had already pulled me. I felt her gently scratching in the palm of my hand, and then I realized that she was writing!" Differentiation."

Yang Wei wrote these two words in my hand, and then looked at the three white people with his eyes.

Ramucci's men were very effective. They blew up the cable in the elevator with a grenade without hesitation, and at the same time, they simply broke the wire... Then they completely sealed the door of the elevator.

"The fire passage has been blocked."

After a subordinate came to report, the three white people, especially Jack, looked even worse.

He suddenly looked at Lamucci angrily: "What the hell do you want to do! You have blocked the way out. How can we evacuate from here!" Honey, use your brain!" Lamucci smiled faintly and pointed to the rooftop with the muzzle of his gun: "There is also a helipad on it."

"Helicopter? Where are we going to get a helicopter!!" Jack questioned.


Ramucci pointed to the more than 200 hostages present: "If all these people die here, tomorrow, the American film industry will completely collapse!" At least 30 years back! The collapse of the film economy... Do you think the government will allow such a thing to happen? Similarly, we don't need to find our own way to open these explosion-proof glass cabinets.

Because we have these hostages!" Lamucci smiled confidently, and then he walked to Jack and patted him: "Okay, now.

Take your people to the rooftop to guard the door. I don't want the police commandos to attack from the rooftop.

Jack stared at Lamucci twice: "You're a madman! What the hell!" He was a little reluctant, but he shouted and rushed out, and his two men followed him.

"Okay, I need a friend's help now."

After Ramucci waited for Jack to leave, he came over with a smile, looked at everyone, and said with a smile, "Mr. Wilsnake.

I think I need your help."

After a question, I found that a middle-aged white man squatting behind me suddenly changed his face, and then the muscles of his face were twisted.

I saw him even trembling.

"Mr. Wilwu Schnecker."

Ramucci casually took out a photo from his arms.

took a look, then glanced through the crowd, and looked at the white man behind me.

"Oh, Mr. Snecker."

As soon as he raised his hand, two militants had rushed up.

A left and right put up the middle-aged white man behind me.

"Mr. Wilfield Schnaker, Chief Consultant of the Security Electronic Instruments Expert Group.

I think these exhibits are here tonight... hmm.

You must have a password on how to open these damn explosion-proof glass, right?" I...no."

Snake's eyes were a little nervous. He seemed to want to defend himself and was ready to say something, but Ramucci smiled and suddenly raised his gun with a bang... In Sneke's scream, his left thigh had been pierced by bullets, and he suddenly staggered.

The muscles on his face were trembling, and he roared hoarsely, "What the hell! I really don't know...ah!!" Bang!!" Another shot! Ramucci shot through his other leg without hesitation!! Schnake had collapsed on the ground, and his blood had soaked his trousers and flowed on the ground. His body was trembling, and his eyes showed real fear.

"Mr. Snoke."

Ramucci said slowly, "Look, I'm merciful.

Now you're just losing blood, and I hit your thigh.

But if I shoot your knee, then you will be in a wheelchair all your life... Now, I hope you think it over and answer again, because my patience is limited.

"I..." Snoke shivered: "I really don't know..." Seeing LaMucci's gun lifted up again, Sneck shouted in fear, "Wait a minute!!" Then he gritted his teeth: "There are two sets of passwords! These cabinets can withstand a ton of TBTB explosive frontal explosion! Only when two groups and two sets of passwords are combined can these cabinets be opened!! I'm just a on-site supervisor. I can't know all the passwords... Please..." As he gasped, his face sweated and snot flowed out. He gritted his teeth and said, "I really only know one group! I can't open these cabinets... according to the plan, at ten o'clock tonight.

Through another set of passwords of remote supervisors, plus what I know, can I open them...

After saying this, he looked at the muzzle in front of him and collapsed a little: "Please, don't kill me... I've really said everything I know! I... I still have a wife and a six-year-old daughter... Please."

Ramucci smiled. He bent down and said softly, "Well, you see, if only you had cooperated earlier."

Then he raised his chin and said to the man who had just assembled the computer, "Take our Mr. Sneck down, clean up the wound for him, and then ask him to say a set of passwords he knows."

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at Sneck: "Look, I don't expect to get all the passwords from you at all.

I just need you to say one of the groups you know.

Do you understand?" It's done."

Two minutes later, I found that two female bandits had just gone out and came back. After they reported, they played directly in front of the huge computer screen. Soon, the screen flashed and countless windows appeared..." From the perspective, I could see that, obviously, these people even controlled the floor. All the security camera probes! I began to think quickly... The fire passage was blocked.

The elevator was blown up... And this is a large building with 62 floors, and the surrounding windows and glass are tempered! To put it simply, unless someone blows through the ceiling here, it has become an independent fortress!! I have been squatting in the crowd and observing around: it seems that there are 19 bandits on this floor, three of whom are white Jack, but they have left the hall and guarded the place leading to the rooftop.

In addition, sixteen are from Ramucci's group.

Four people just went out, and I don't know what to do.

Now, there are still twelve bandits in the hall, including the leader Ramucci.

Under normal circumstances, there are six entrances and exits in the hall, one of which is the main elevator, which has been sealed.

The other five entrances and exits all lead to the outer corridor. There are some other rooms, lounges, smoking rooms, offices, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. in the outer corridor... Ramucci and two of his men are looking at the computer screen, while the other nine bandits surrounded us with more than 200 people. In the middle, they had pistols and submachine guns in their hands, and everyone wore daggers... daggers... damn it.

When I thought of this, I couldn't help sighing.

Because I will attend such an occasion tonight, and there will be a security check.

So the dagger I usually carry with me, I didn't bring it tonight.

Now facing so many gangsters... I have the only weapon... I'm afraid there is only one lighter.

And there is only one Lei Xiaohu around me who can help me.

His skills are really good, comparable to mine.

But...we don't have any weapons in our hands! No matter how good the kung fu is, it can't stop the bullet.

I still understand this truth! No, I need someone to help me! I took a deep breath and looked around.

All these guests are full of frustration and fear. Many women keep crying in a low voice, and some women are leaning in the arms of men and crying in fear.

There are also people who reluctantly comfort their female companions around them, but their voices are very low.

"Hi..." I whispered, "Little tiger."

Lei Xiaohu squatted on the ground. His face was a little depressed. Hearing me call him, he suddenly cheered up: "What should I do, uncle?" Shh! Shh..." I motioned to our left side with my mouth: "Do you see that door?" That's a door on our left, which is closest to us, about 20 meters away.

In this direction, there are only two gangsters, one of whom is still a woman.

"Are you sure to kill one of them with one blow?" My voice is very low, and I speak Chinese.

Lei Xiaohu held his head in both hands, and his eyes flashed. Looking at the two guys not far away, he thought for a moment and nodded: "No problem.

I deal with women, and you deal with men.

The female bandit is closer to him.

I nodded and looked at Yang Wei. Yang Wei's eyes were very calm. She nodded gently to me: "We need to create some chaos first."


I took a deep breath, then changed to English, and gently touched a white man in front of me: "Hey! "Mr.

The man shivered and looked back at me. He probably didn't expect that someone would talk to him at this time.

"Sir, we can't sit back and wait for it now!" I lowered my voice, and only a few people around me could hear: "Where are the two people in the door on the left? We rushed over, and we were 50% sure to rush out..."