evil spirit

Chapter 147 A glimmer of life

Chapter 147 [The First Line of Life] Is there another purpose? Naturally, four words immediately came to my mind... Terrorist?! Those people, including Ramucci, seem to be not interested in jewelry, because they are simply a group of extremely dangerous elements who are ready for terrorist attacks... Only these terrorists who are 'death-seeing' at any time will not be interested in these things!" These are Yang Wei's analysis.

And after the four things she just said are added together, the context of the whole thing is almost obvious! I immediately stood up, walked back and forth in the room twice, and looked at Yang Wei: "If they are terrorists..." Yang Wei raised her hand and gently scratched her neck... Her eyes were a little gloomy: "Terrorist attacks naturally attract widespread attention!" Only in this way can we fight the enemy to the maximum extent physically and psychologically! First of all, everyone gathered here tonight is Hollywood celebrities, those big stars, representatives of large companies, investors, filmmakers... These people are the focus of media around the world.

Imagin... Hollywood is now almost a cultural tool for American culture to invade the world! And if all these people die here tonight... what will happen? The muscles in the corners of my eyes twitched... I'm afraid that the huge and powerful film industry and film economy in the United States will go back at least 30 years even if they don't collapse immediately! And the destruction of the film economy will cause a series of chain reactions... I'm afraid that such terrorist attacks are not inferior to the 9/11 incident! So, do you mean that maybe they will take extreme measures? Yang Wei shook his head: "I'm just guessing... Because according to the current analysis of this matter, that's probably the case.

Otherwise, ordinary robbers will not have such high-quality personnel.

But use this kind of nondescript action plan.

So, if our hypothesis is true that these people are terrorists and they plan to carry out terrorist attacks... then what will we do? Shoot and kill nearly 300 top figures in the American film industry here? I think they want to attract attention and attention first, in order to make things as big as possible.

Yang Wei carefully analyzed: "So, they deliberately hijacked these people first.

Then publish the news, contact the police, negotiate, confront, and have a buffer time. This matter will be widely concerned by various media around the world... If you don't believe it, you can see.

Outside the isolation belts downstairs, I'm afraid they have gathered the interview cars of major media around the world! I don't know how many cameras are aimed at our building now! If a huge horrible time happens in front of so many shots, immediately, everything here will become an image.

The sound spread to TV sets and radios in thousands of households around the world! And it is also a huge blow to the psychology of the American people and the U.S. government.

"As for us.


They are not in a hurry to break through here and catch us! Because I'm afraid that even if we hide here, as long as we don't run out of this floor... the other party is sure.

also kills us..." Yang Wei whispered.

My conversation with her was conducted in Chinese, which did not shock others.

It's just that Lei Xiaohu's has also changed a little. He opened his mouth and smiled bitterly, "Oh, my God, uncle, we won't be so lucky. We have encountered such things, right?" I no longer hesitated and immediately walked to the front of the computer, ignored the eyes of others, and directly turned on the computer to contact the other party.

Soon, I got in touch with Officer Lewis.

He looks a little anxious and tired, but he looks calm.

"Officer Lewis."

I stared at the camera and said slowly, "I think there is something I need to talk to you about!" Did something happen to you there?" Officer Louis frowned.

I thought for a moment and said, "No, not for the time being... However, what I want to ask is, have you confirmed the identity of these bandits? They look like Middle Easterners, and only three of them are white.

Can you confirm the identity of these people? My question is probably strange. Officer Lewis thought for a moment and said, "What's wrong?" Please answer me, our time is precious, and we don't have much electricity.

I said slowly.

"Okay!" He said slowly, "It has not been confirmed at present, but we have found out that they have passed the food company to provide food for this exhibition.

We found three food delivery cars belonging to that company in a warehouse in a nearby block. In the three cars, about 11 employees of the company had been shot to death.

And we have reason to suspect that the car of the food company was stopped by these people halfway, and then they killed the personnel of the food company and entered the building impersonating their identity.

And we have now found that in the parking lot under the building, a security guard in the parking lot was killed and the body was put in a car.

The logo of the food company on that car is believed to have been mixed in after being modified.

And the security guard probably found something and was killed.

So far, the number of deaths has reached thirteen!" I'm afraid it's fifteen."

I added, "I saw them kill two security guards in the temporary kitchen with my own eyes."

Officer Louis was stunned, and then said, "We intercepted the picture of 19 cameras in the parking lot, and then after analysis, it can be determined that three of them are white people... The leading one is called Jack. He is an extremely dangerous person wanted by 12 states and has robbed the bank 13 times, of which After nine times, he killed six policemen, four bank guards, and two hostages! However, we can't confirm the identity of the Ramucci you mentioned. After we contacted him, someone has entered his image data into the computer to search... Unfortunately, his identity, in our control data, is... zero!" Looking at the change in Officer Louis's eyes, I sighed and whispered, "You... must have guessed something, right?" My conversation with this policeman was in English, which finally attracted the attention of others.

One of the men immediately shouted, "Oh my God, what are you talking about to him... What's wrong with the identity of the gangster? Damn it, don't waste the power of the computer!" I took a look at the guy who didn't realize that we were very dangerous, ignored him, and continued, "Officer Louis, you are more experienced than us. I believe you must have felt something wrong, right? Um... Have they made any requirements for you now? Can you tell me?" This..." He was hesitating, and I immediately shouted, "Don't forget, we are also in the building now! So please tell me!!" A trace of light flashed in his eyes and said in a low voice, "They asked for the password to open the jewelry cabinet, which we have been dealt with by negotiators. Our police have no right to decide on these jewelry, so they are still deadlocked... And they have asked... to disclose their videos to the media."

I sighed.

This is obvious!" ...If we don't agree to their request, they will start killing a hostage every ten minutes after half an hour.

And an hour later, it turns out to kill two people every ten minutes.

Officer Louis's face was expressionless.

"So, what about other requirements? For example, their request for evacuation? They won't be stupid enough to ask you for a car, because it's easy to block the road.

They must have proposed a helicopter, right?" Yes!" Officer Lewis thought for a moment and said, "They did ask for a helicopter. I think they will plan to escape from the air, and when they escape, they will also take a group of hostages on the plane to prevent our air interception."

"They are procrastinating."

Yang Wei's voice came from me. She came to me. Yang Wei's face looked a little weak and said slowly, "I suspect that these people are terrorists. They may be ready to take extreme measures.

Now it's just procrastinating to prevent the police from breaking through directly after confirming their intentions! They still want to continue to delay the time and further expand the impact of this matter..." Yang Wei's words were said to me, and she spoke Chinese.

I looked back at her and nodded.

"Wait a minute..." Officer Louis suddenly took the headphones and listened to it, and then looked a little ugly: "The latest news... They made a request... They asked to open the video signal to the media... and made a request... Damn it! These people are really not bandits! They are terrorists!! I'm leaving. I'll contact you in five minutes!!" After saying that, Officer Louis hurried away.

I turned off the screen and re-cut it into power-saving mode.

I took a look at Yang Wei and found that her body was trembling slightly... She was obviously not afraid, but very weak.

"What's wrong with you? Tell me!" I gently wrapped my arms around her waist and felt that Yang Wei's body was a little soft, so I helped her aside.

Yang Wei shook her head. Her breath was a little short, and her face flushed even more: "Xiao Wu, listen to me.

I'm afraid we have to find a way to get out of here... Yes, I'm right.

From now on, I have reason to suspect that these people are ready to take extreme measures, and at the same time... The reason why they didn't deal with us and ignored us is that they don't care that we are hiding here at all... They have a way to get rid of us at any time! So, we are not safe here now.

Leave? I frowned: "But, how can I leave?" All the exits are blocked. Even if we want to jump off the building, I'm afraid we can't break the tempered glass windows in the room! Get out of the roof? Break the ceiling and then run to the roof to ask the police for help? Impossible, how thick is the ceiling on the top floor of this kind of building? Reinforced cement, can I break through it with flesh and blood? And I only have a fire axe in my hand.

What's more, there are three gunmen on the rooftop.

So, go down? Similarly, I can't chisel the floor... And even if it's chiseled, don't forget, the 61st floor is below! It is also a layer controlled by the bandits!! Yang Wei shook his head: "I don't know. I can't help it now, but I have to try... Moreover, I have a hunch that these people probably want to do a big one!" I stayed in front of the computer. After waiting for a few minutes, I turned on the computer again, and now the remaining power is only 15 minutes.

Officer Lewis appeared in the picture, and his face was ugly.

Seeing that I finally contacted him, he seemed to sigh, and then said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I'll inform you that from now on, my command here will be contacted. The FBI will come, and they will take over everything here."

"Officer Louis! Tell me, what did they ask just now?" ...You guessed it! They are indeed terrorists."

The word "terrorist" came out with the sound of the computer, which was heard by everyone in the room! Suddenly, the lady exclaimed, and the men also changed some color... The most obvious were the two male guests.

His face immediately collapsed, and another shivered in his mouth: "Terrorist...terrorist?!" Americans have a strange fear of terrorists... 911 really left too painful memories for Americans, so it almost became a nightmare in the United States! A male guest suddenly rushed to the computer uncontrollably and shouted at the screen, "Come on! Get me out of here!! I beg you to get me out immediately! Otherwise, I will let you be fired!! You bastard!! Hurry up!!" He screamed hoarsely, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out.

I grabbed him, then pushed him away and punched him in the lower abdomen.

The man snorted and bent down.

Cut your lower abdomen.

"Be quiet!" I said coldly, and then looked at the screen: "Time is tight, there is no time to talk nonsense! Say it quickly!" All right."

Officer Lewis said slowly: "They asked the government to release a group of members of an extremist organization in the place where they were detained, and the time limit was one hour.

At the same time, they asked to speak to the media, and asked the media to publish their speeches... They threatened that they still had people hiding outside and would watch them on TV. Did the media really release their speeches without reservation... If we dare to deceive them.

They will immediately start to kill the hostages.

Obviously, they are indeed terrorists, and their request is to rescue the leaders of several terrorist organizations held on trial.

He thought for a moment: "The FBI's commissioner has arrived. He is coordinating with other departments. They already know your situation. In a few minutes, the FBI will be here to connect with you.

So, in order to save electricity.

That's all for our conversation."

"Wait!!" I gave a desperate roar.

No...no! Definitely wrong!! Are these terrorists taking hostages just to rescue their accomplices held by the government? No! " This is a delaying smoke bomb!" Yang Wei said slowly, "They are procrastinating to prevent the police from knowing their real purpose, so as to avoid the police's frontal attack.

Their request is actually... just to disclose everything here, that's all.

"Officer Lewis!" I looked at the screen and said viciously, "Hey, listen! I believe you are not stupid! You should have more experience than me!! Do you think all this is normal? These people spent their strength to penetrate and caught more than 200 famous celebrities all over the world! Then the request is just to release a few prisoners??? Do you believe that they are telling the truth?" I... don't believe it."

Officer Lewis looked a little hesitant, but he still told the truth: "To be honest.

I have a bad feeling! These people must be planning to do something big! But now I'm not sure... It's just that the FBI doesn't seem to believe me..." At this point, he looked at me.

He said coldly, "In fact, if it were me, I would rather order someone to attack!" I paused for a moment.

He seemed to hesitate for a long time and looked left and right again.

looked at me and said in a low voice, "Sir, personally, I admire you, because you can run out with more than a dozen people in such a situation and fight bravely with these people.

So, I think I need to tell you the truth!" What?" Officer Louis took two steps closer and approached the screen. His face zoomed in on the screen, and then gritted his teeth and said, "When Ramucci talked to us just now, he said... he had some dangerous weapons... He said he had TG23 nerve gas weapons! If we attack, they will detonate these poison gases... From a personal standpoint, I need to tell you the truth, otherwise I will not be able to face my conscience! This kind of TG23 nerve toxic gas can be transmitted through the air. The direct original solution can make a strong man die in three seconds... And when it spreads into the air, ordinary people mainly inhale a little in their breathing, and they will be in shock within five seconds and die in fifteen seconds! Is there a ventilation duct where you are? So, now... you are not safe! If they are ready to die together... you will still... die!" .................. Now the whole room is quiet!! Even the crying lady stopped crying and looked at the computer screen in shock.


I suggest that you find a way to get out of there immediately... Although, I know it's difficult.

But it's more dangerous to stay there! I have talked to that Ramucci. From my point of opinion, he is a very dangerous person... I even doubt whether it will be a suicide attack!" ... "Leave? How to leave!!" I shouted loudly and then punched hard on the table.

"I shouldn't have revealed this to you... But those guys in the FBI dare not.

They don't believe me, and they plan to continue to negotiate with these people to try to solve the matter peacefully... But I think these people are procrastinating! Imagine that if they really want to rescue their companions, it will be difficult for them to leave here even if they are released! So, no matter whether their purpose is really to rescue their imprisoned accomplices.

But they may all choose to take...extreme measures in the end!" I felt my hands trembling... Not fear, but excitement! I tried to grab the corner of the table. I pinched hard, and the muscles on my arm were beating. I stared at the screen: "Officer Louis, you must help us! For God's sake! You can't watch more than a dozen people waiting to die here!" ...All right."

He whispered, "It's a pity that I don't have the command now.

But I made a small discovery that I once drew up a plan, but it was rejected by those FBI fools.

They dare not take risks.

They are worried that if there is any problem, they will bear the responsibility... Those guys are just a group of bureaucrats.

Listen, sir, I have a copy of the building in my hand now! I can't send you the drawings, but I can tell you... Let me explain first that this plan is very dangerous, but I personally think it's better than sitting there and waiting to die.

"Tell me."

I gritted my teeth word by word.

"ok!" Louis's ground color is uncertain: "I have seen the later decoration drawings of the building.

After the completion of this building, a company once bought all of them from the 62nd floor of the 60th floor. Their original plan at that time was.

Between the 60th and 63rd floors, set up an additional up and down stairway.

There are two lounges on each floor, and each of the two lounges has a passage to go upstairs or downstairs! What a pity.

Later, when they were going to buy this three-story company, they accidentally went bankrupt, so.

Later, I took over the unit here and took the original two channels on each floor.


However, after all, the channel is re-sealed after being opened, and it must not be too difficult to dig it up again.

Fortunately, I have confirmed the location of the original channel on each floor!" I feel refreshed!" I can be sure that in the place where you are now, this security lounge is one of the original company's planned lounges, in the current dressing room. If you pry open the tiles on the ground and then dig the ground, you will find a passage on the ground that is locked by a steel door, but To the sixty-first floor! I'm not sure if the door has been welded to death, but if it's just locked, then I don't think it will be difficult to deal with a lock! As long as you open the steel plate door on the ground, you can pry open the ceiling on the sixty-first floor, which is a suspended ceiling. The suspended ceiling is very fragile. You can chisel it and reach the sixty-first floor! Then you can find another channel in the same position on the 61st floor. According to the same method above, you can reach the 60th floor! And the 60th floor is not under the control of the bandits. You can come down to the first floor from there, so that you will be saved! Am I clear enough? There are two problems here: First, the sixty-first floor is also occupied by the bandits! You are now in the security lounge on the 62nd floor. The gate is blocked. You can dig holes on the ground calmly! However, on the 61st floor, I checked the decoration drawings. Now it has been turned into an office by a new company. The walls are made of simple wooden boards, and a strong man can easily knock it open! Even if you reach the floor below, I'm afraid it's difficult to have time to dig holes on the ground! And on the 61st floor, there are also a large number of armed terrorists!" As he spoke, everyone held their breath and listened carefully. When they began to hear that there was a passage, everyone's face showed joy.

But when I heard it, I was stunned.

Indeed, even if we go down to the 61st floor... surrounded by terrorists, will they allow us to dig holes under our eyelids?" What I want to mention is..." Officer Lewis said slowly, "The bandits have controlled your two-story camera probe! That is to say, even if you reach the 61st floor, you should be careful of all actions! I know it's very difficult...but that's the only hope!" I looked back at Yang Wei, only to find that she was closing her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.