evil spirit

Chapter 154 Multi-angle Relationship

Chapter 154 [Multi-angle Relationship] (Part I) At the same time, I quickly picked up Jack's gun that fell on the ground, quickly dropped the magazine, returned the gun to him, and shouted to him, "Raise your gun, pretend that nothing has happened!" I rushed to the two sies, grabbed them one by one, pressed against the wall, and shouted to Jack's two men at the same time, "You guys, hurry up! Stand under the helicopter for me! Hurry up!!" With the wave of the gun in my hand, the two of them did it.

In the sky, after the helicopter approached a little, it circled, and the camera lens shot on the rooftop for a while, and then left.

Fortunately... I was relieved. Fortunately, the helicopter didn't take a picture of me pointing a gun at Jack! You know, the helicopter in the sky is an interviewer of the media! Those media don't care about anything! If they transmit the captured picture back... Once it is played... Don't forget that Ramucci still has accomplices outside. Ramucci asked for a TV interview. He must have an accomplice lurking in the city to watch TV! Once his accomplices see the roof of the building here, I have controlled Jack and his men... that's it! My plan will also be disrupted! After the media helicopter left, I sighed and glanced at Jack.

Fortunately, he is very honest. It seems that he really gave in to me.

I thought about it and took a look at a pilot beside me: "Is there a radio on the helicopter? Take me there.

I want to use the radio.

The sman took a look at me.

It's done.

But when we got to the helicopter.

He suddenly stopped, turned to look at me, and said seriously, "Who the hell are you!" After saying that, he suddenly pulled out a pistol from under the seat of the helicopter and pointed it at me! This is an accident to me!" Look, I just said, I'm not a policeman anyway!" I looked at the gun in his hand.

"I don't care who you are! But I don't allow you to do anything here! This will undermine our action plan!" The tman stared at me: "I'm from the FBI!!" Oh? I raised my eyebrows.

The FBI actually also knew to send people to sneak in among the interviewers.

It seems that these people are not too useless.

"So what?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I won't allow you to do anything unplanned here.

That will endanger the safety of the hostages! Sir!" He pointed his gun at me: "So, now please put down the weapon in your hand!" I stared at the pilot. He was wearing ordinary pilot's clothes, and there was even a TV station logo on his uniform, which was also very ordinary-looking.

The gun in his hand is also stable.

"I won't put down the gun."

I looked at him and said firmly, "You can shoot me... You might as well have a try."

"Sir, please don't force me!" He said with a warning: "I work for the government.

Now, in the name of the FBI, I order you to put down the weapon in your hand!" So what are you going to do? A sneer appeared on my face: "You are going to report to your boss.

Say that the rooftop has been controlled by you? Then prepare to drop a team of SWAT special police? Don't joke..." I didn't care about the gun in his hand and approached him step by step. My face was unconcealed with contempt: "I can tell you that I was one of the hostages who just escaped from this building today... I can mobilize the assistance of at least three huge family forces in North America at any time! As for you, you are just a small FBI agent... Believe me, if I am on weekdays, I only need a phone call, and I can even make you lose your job! Now, try to shoot me! Can you afford this responsibility? If I get hurt, your boss can't take responsibility!" I slowly stretched out my hand. He had hesitated and was still hesitating... Indeed, he couldn't bear the responsibility! He is an agent. That's right. If he is in the face of terrorists, he may be able to shoot without hesitation... But I'm not a terrorist!! This is the rule that the police or the FBI are subject to when doing business.

And a gangster like me, I don't have to be subject to these limitations!" Don't force me!" As he retreated, he warned in a low voice.

I suddenly grabbed his wrist, and then quickly removed his wrist joint. Before he could exhale in pain, I had caught his falling pistol with my other hand and kicked it on his lower abdomen at the same time.

The FBI agent snorted and bent down like a shrimp.

I grabbed his hair again, pressed his head hard and knocked on the plane... With a bang, his nose was bleeding. By the time I set him up, he was so painful that he couldn't even hum.

I quickly searched on him and didn't find anything. Then I frowned and said, "You FBI won't send you to sneak in alone, will you? You have nothing on your body. Did you come here to be a tographer and then be pointed at with a gun to do nothing on the roof?" Whoo-hoo... You bastard, you broke my nose."

He covered his nose and said vaguely.

"Hey, you asked for it."

I shrugged my shoulders: "Whoever stops me is against me! Now I'll ask you a few questions, and you can answer me well.

I thought for a moment and said, "There should be someone from your FBI in the interview group of the media, right? I don't think the FBI will be such a pig. It's useless to just send one person like you in.

At least one useful role will be sent.

He didn't say anything. I directly pointed the gun at his head: "Listen, I promise I'll shoot!" So, don't test my patience. If you don't say it, I'll kill you! There are so many terrorists here. It doesn't matter to me to kill you and then push it on the terrorists!" You are threatening a person who works for the government! Sir, this is a crime."

He also wants to intimidate me.

"Oh...you still have some eavesdroppers or something, right?" I smiled and said, "Well, well, it seems that I don't need to talk nonsense with you anymore.

Well, I won't embarrass you. Turn on the radio and contact your boss. I'll talk to him myself.

This time he did not resist. He obediently turned on the radio on the helicopter plane and obediently contacted the people below under my eyelids.

Then after I got in touch, I immediately pushed him away, then knocked him on the head with the handle of the gun, and knocked him unconscious.

Then I put on my radio call headphones: "Hello, please tell me your identity!" What the hell! Bastard, who are you!!" There was a roar from the other party.

"Sir, you'd better be polite when you talk to me."

I said coldly, "Now, please tell me your identity!" After a murmur came from the other party, he changed a slightly calmer voice. A middle-aged man's voice said, "Hello, I'm Link, the FBI special incident handling commissioner. J. Fred..

You can just call me Link! Sir, no matter what your identity and background are, we have heard your threat and means to our agent just now from his eavesdropper! You are blatantly violating the law and blatantly provoking the U.S. government and the FBI!" Well, I don't have time to fight with you.

I looked at the watch: "My identity is one of the guests this time, one of the original hostages.

My name is Chen Yang. Your FBI can check my information immediately. I don't need to talk too much nonsense.

As for the rest, I had escaped, as you know, but now I'm back. My purpose is to save my friends and deal with these terrorists.

At this point, our purpose is not contradictory, so I just don't want anyone to hinder my business.

And if it goes well, maybe I can help you!" ...But how can we be sure that your behavior will not cause danger to the hostages inside!" The other party still tried to stop me: "You'd better not move! Otherwise, your behavior will have serious consequences for you!!" I took a deep breath.

I also know that it is not a very smart thing to fight against the FBI of the United States and openly against them with my ability.

Although my main force is in Canada.

But if the FBI of the United States has a feud with me, it should not be too difficult for them to make trouble for me.

But...damn it! Yang Wei is still in there! Yang Wei is still in there!!! Thinking of Yang Wei's desperate eyes at the end, and the weak look when she was short of breath.

There is a fire burning in my heart! Anyway, even if I try my best, I must save her!!!" Listen, I'll give you two choices. First, or you can send someone to arrest me now... But I'm afraid you can't do it.

Second... You choose to cooperate with me! Do it according to my requirements! Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen.

If you cooperate, maybe I can help you save the hostages.

Of course, they can also contact the terrorists and tell them that I have controlled the situation on the rooftop... But the FBI people do such a thing unless President Bush and Uncle bin Laden bow to each other.

So, they can't do anything about me.

After all, I am the one who controls the situation now!" ... Tell me about your request."

The other party's voice is compromising.