evil spirit

Chapter 155 Double Entry

Chapter 155 [Double Entry] (Part 1) I sat on the edge of the rooftop, tightened the rope around my waist, and got the loose instrument on it.

This is an electronically controlled lifting rope. The effective distance is about 15 meters. The winch above can be electronically controlled. Within 15 meters, I can electronically control it to shrink or release the rope.

The controller is on my waist.

"Hey..." I turned on the walkie-talkie and debugged the channel I agreed with the FBI: "Listen, I'm going to start now, but I need you to do me a favor."

After the rustling noise, Officer Louis's voice came: "Mr. Chen Yang?" Oh, Officer Louis, I'm so happy to hear your voice.

I smiled and said, "I'm going to take action now.

But I need you to do me a favor."

"What?" Media control!" I said solemnly, "I'm on the rooftop of the Torch Building now, and I'm about to go down from the periphery.

But in the Gemini Building opposite me, I don't know how many media cameras and camera lenses are facing us, so I need your help to temporarily turn off the media cameras in the Twin Tower opposite me! I don't want the footage that I quietly lurk into be transmitted to the TV of thousands of households! You know, terrorists are hiding in the city and guarding the TV.

"Yes...please wait a moment."

Officer Louis was quiet for a while, and I saw that all the lights on the Gemini Building opposite suddenly dimmed!" Well, I have ordered the power of the Twin Tower to be temporarily turned off, as well as all the networks. They can't shoot and transmit normally.

But you have to be faster, you know, in this era, anyone who has a mobile phone in their hand can shoot it and then transmit it! So you have to be in a hurry. I have sent media contacts to contact the media.

"Thank you!" I turned off the caller.

I checked my equipment on the edge of the roof, and then turned over and held the edge of the roof with both hands.

Then I let go and pressed one hand on the controller around my waist. As the rope slowly lowered, my body slid down... The strong wind at high altitude made my body start to swing, but my hands with suction cups immediately pressed on the glass on the exterior of the building, and then quickly, I was like Spider-Man. Similarly, it was sucked on the wall.

I climbed down little by little.

The suction cups of both hands are very strong.

It's just that every move of one meter will be very laborious, and the canvas bag tied around my waist is really too heavy.

Although before coming, Hansen told me that this suction cup is a military product, which is specially used for aerial work, enough to withstand more than 200 kilograms of weight.

But if it weren't for a set of ropes tied around the waist.

I dare not imitate Spider-Man so rashly.

There are goggles to block the eyes.

The vision will not be affected by the strong wind, but the wind in the ear is roaring. This kind of strong wind will still make people dizzy after blowing for a long time.

At this moment, according to our agreement, the police below began to campaign on both sides of the building.

as a cover.

The searchlights were concentrated on both sides of the building, and the front looked dark, and then I heard the bottom.

Several large loudspeakers were set to the maximum volume, and then police specialists began to shout.

It's nothing more than some old-fashioned words to warn and persuade the other party to surrender.

However, fortunately, the American police are still relatively creative. They don't always use the old-fashioned line "you have been surrounded" like those policemen in Hong Kong movies.

Under the strong wind, after all, I didn't have the experience of working at high altitude. The speed of action was not fast. It took me five minutes. I just went down less than two meters. At this time, I took a breath, and then sucked the suction cup on the wall with one hand. The other hand looked at the time and turned on The machine, debugged the dialogue channel... After a rustling sound, Hansen's voice came from: "Confirm identity, confirm identity..." "Okay, Hansen."

I gasped. In the sky, I was sipped with a mouthful of wind and said with great effort: "Who else can I have... I'm in place now. Can you see me there?" I can see it."

Hansen's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "But I have to say that the way you pouted your buttocks against the wall is much worse than Spider-Man."

I was depressed for a moment, but I didn't expect that this big black man would be sarcastic.

But I know that he is looking at me with a telescope on the Gemini Building opposite the moment. I gritted my teeth and said, "Well, I need your help now. You must first confirm my location with the telescope, and then tell me the safe 'entry' location."

This is what we agreed in advance.

Hansen is opposite the Torch Building and observes the building with military telescopes with thermal devices. I will enter the 62nd floor of the building, that is, the top floor full of hostages and terrorists! This plan is bold, but it is actually safe.

Because the 62nd floor of the building is a "back"-shaped layout, with a hall in the middle, and a circle of different rooms on the periphery.

Almost all the hostages are concentrated in the middle hall, so most of the terrorists should also be concentrated in the middle hall.

And the surrounding rooms, including those lounges, dining rooms, bathrooms, and temporary kitchens, there are a total of 27 rooms outside - these information was obtained through the final architectural decoration drawings of the building given to me by Officer Louis.

There are only eleven terrorists on the 62nd floor, including their leader Ramucci.

Well, even if they send people to patrol back and forth on the periphery, there are definitely many empty rooms! Hansen's task is to confirm which rooms are empty with a heat sensor, and then I can "enter" the building in the empty room! On your left, you go down and move about seven meters horizontally. There is a seat belt. The rows of rooms there are empty. You can choose to enter there.

Hansen's voice is very steady: "But you only have five minutes at most, so, my Spider-Man.

You'd better speed up!" I cursed and began to move to the position he said little by little against the strong wind.

This feeling is really heart-pounding. There is an abysss under my body and a strong wind around me. I lie on the outer body of a skyscraper like this, and the only protective device on my body is a rope.

This feeling of hanging in the air is really uncomfortable.

It took me five minutes to get to the place Hansen said, and then confirmed with him. Hansen observed and confirmed that there was indeed no one there, so I was relieved.

I took out a suction cup from my arms, sucked it on the outer wall of the building, and then pulled out a rope from the suction cup. The metal hook on it was built on the rope around my waist, so that I could barely fix my body so that I could free up a pair of hands.

From the huge canvas bag around my waist, I took out a folded metal corner hook, like a huge compass. I gently pressed one end on the window glass in front of me, and the other end opened, and one of them was the center of the circle, and I scratched it down in a circle... There was no sound, not even the sound of cutting. Yes, there is not even the sound of broken glass.

It was very quiet. A round crack appeared on the glass. I pulled out the suction cup in the center of the circle, and then easily pulled out a piece of round glass that had been cut off. A huge round hole appeared on the window, and then I leaned in and gently climbed in... to the ground. After that, I was not in a hurry to remove the rope on my body, but immediately pulled out a gun and squatted on the ground to guard carefully! Fortunately, the place I entered turned out to be a toilet! And... Judging from the facilities in the toilet, there is no men's urinal... Well, it seems to be a women's toilet.

The room is very dark, the light is not turned on, it is quiet, and there is no sound.

I squatted on the ground and waited for ten seconds before I stood up at ease.

Untie the rope on his body, and then put back the round cut glass.

"Hansen, I'm in my position.

The location is on the 62nd floor, the bathroom on the side... Well, the women's toilet.

I said the last word depressingly.

Hanson didn't say too much at the other end of the walkie-talkie: "Okay, I'll finally confirm your location. Now it's safe about ten meters around you.

The guy closest to you is patrolling, in a clockwise direction, will pass by your door in about a minute.

There is nothing else.

This is the final position.

You can start to act.

I will also enter immediately. After I'm in position, we'll make the next call.

After saying that, the walkie-talkie was turned off.

I quickly switched the channel to Officer Louis: "I need your help."

Officer Lewis's voice was very solemn: "What?" Listen, let your plane pretend to be close to the back of the building! Attention, I'm talking about the back! At the same time, let the people shout below make more noise! Because I will take action on the front."

Soon, I heard the sound of propellers approaching in the distance. Sure enough, the police were still very cooperative. The two helicopters pretended to try to get closer from the back of the building. I listened carefully to the door of the toilet and faintly heard the sound of footsteps outside... It was just going in the opposite direction from me. It must have been attracted by the approach of the helicopter.