evil spirit

Chapter 156 No solution

Chapter 156 [No Solution]

Without even humming, the dagger in the guy's hand suddenly fell to the ground with a slap, and then his body slipped and slipped from the chair to the ground!

And the terrorist who stood by the window smoking was immediately shocked! He saw that his companion suddenly fainted and immediately threw away the cigarette butt. Just as he was just two steps over, old Bruce suddenly jumped up and punched him in the face!

Although Old Bruce is a little older, his old boxing is still quite young! This punch hit the terrorist in the face and made the other party stagger, but quickly, after all, he was a well-trained terrorist, and the backhanded butt overturned Bruce. At the same time, I fell from the sky and rode on the terrorist's head! My legs clamped his neck so that he couldn't even shout! At the same time, I took off the phone on him and threw it on the ground!

The terrorist also wanted to carry the gun. I struggled with my legs, twisted hard and turned...


With a crisp sound, his neck was broken and his body softened. I jumped on the ground and saw someone next to me screaming. I went up and covered his mouth. At the same time, I hurriedly whispered, "Quiet, shut up!!"

Fortunately, only two women shouted, and they shut up in time, and the voice was not too loud.

I just reached out and pulled up the old Bruce on the ground, and he had already looked at me with surprise on his face: "Why are you back?! Oh, my God...you..."

I shrugged my shoulders. Although I didn't come back to save them, I wouldn't object if I could save people by the way. And just when I was about to say something. Suddenly, Jessica stared at me, shouted in a low voice, opened her arms, hugged me, and then cried depressedly.

Her body was trembling, and she was very scared.

Although this is once recognized as Hollywood's first sweetheart. But at this time, in such a place, I don't have much thought about her. He immediately grabbed her, and then carefully went over and picked up the weapons of the two terrorists, confirming that both of them had hung up.

"I don't have time to explain." I looked at old Bruce: "What's going on here now? Why are you here?"

Then, Old Bruce said a few words. Sure enough, it confirmed the guess in my heart!

Lamucci really scattered more than 200 people to take care of it! It was scattered in several rooms, each with about dozens of people. This makes it more difficult for the police to rescue.

And Yang Wei, who I am most concerned about...

"Sorry, I don't know how Miss Yang is doing." Old Bruce thought about it. He said, "However, we all know that you are not dead, and Miss Yang also knows it. The last time I saw her, after you jumped out, after the terrorists shot out of the window, they came back and said that you ran away. Then Miss Yang separated from us. She was taken away by the terrorist leader and was not locked up with us.

I frowned: "What about the passage to the lower floor in this room?"

"It's blocked." Old Bruce looked at me: "But they don't have tools like welding. As long as we have the tools, maybe we can dig it out again!"

I nodded, which was also expected. I have some tools, and there is also a folding engineering shovel in the canvas bag. I gave it directly to old Bruce. Let him take the people here and try to dig up the passage to the bottom of the room again.

"What about you?" Old Bruce looked at me.

"I'm going to find Yang Wei." I exhaled.

I asked them to block the gate again, and then told them: "Terrorists will definitely contact them regularly through the talk on the walkie-talkie to see if everything is normal. So if you don't have much time, act quickly. If it is found. It's difficult to escape. But I hope it's at your feet. As long as you can get downstairs, someone will pick you up!"

After saying that, I climbed into the ventilation duct again. This time Jessica was still crying, and I didn't know whether she was afraid or excited. And I looked at the other people in this room, and most of them looked at me with infinite gratitude.

Time is so urgent that I can't consider whether they can escape smoothly. I came to the temporary kitchen that had exploded before through the ventilation duct. It has been a mess here for a long time.

My only route of action is the ventilation duct, because I know that the surveillance probe on the whole floor is controlled by terrorists, and the ventilation duct in the temporary kitchen was blown up by the gas I had detonated before, which made me continue according to the previous route. I had to make a detour in the ventilation duct. Bend, and then change direction and climb down.

After a turn, the dark ventilation pipe in front of me became wider and wider, and I realized that... I probably climbed directly to the hall!!

I'm a little nervous! Be more careful and dare not make any noise.

To my surprise, when I climbed to the ceiling of the hall and looked down through the net cover in the ventilation pipe, it surprised me!!

There are no hostages in the hall! That is to say, almost all the hostages have been transferred to the surrounding rooms!

And in the hall, there is a special live interview!

Just in the middle of the hall, a strange metal jar of about one person's height stood there, obviously on the east side of the assembly, and inside, in some transparent pipes, there was a turquoise semi-liquid substance quietly stored...

Ramucci stood under the metal jar and looked at the camera calmly.

There are three people in the interview group.

is led by a young woman in professional women's clothing, who is very beautiful, blonde, well-proportioned, and has the most calm temperament. I could only see her side face... And I just took a look and I was sure that this woman was the ace female reporter named Phil, who just found me on the plane but didn't break it.

And at this moment, she has a microphone in her hand.

The photographer was a little nervous. Originally, Kong Wu's body was strong, but his legs looked a little weak. And another man shooting around with a camera... My eyes lit up!

According to my cooperation with the FBI, I know that this guy is also a sneaking agent!

Ramucci is still the same, but he wears a windbreaker, still holds a pistol in one hand, and looks very calm - it is a kind of calmness in the face of death.

What surprised me a little was. The explosion-proof glass cabinets in the hall with valuable jewelry have all been opened!

It must be the result of the police's compromise with them. It's just that no one cares about those jewels. Obviously, these terrorists know that they are dying, and no one will be interested in this kind of thing.

"Beautiful lady, I'm going to introduce you to the ** part of this party now."

Ramucci smiled as if he were a magician who was going to reveal the mystery!

"Look, TG23, a beautiful and horrible killing weapon. Substances in a semi-** state. And the bottom of this metal jar is a detonator... Look. I don't care if you get close to it, or even you can take pictures at will... Of course, it's impossible for you to rush up and turn it off now. Ramucci looked at the female reporter named Phil.

"Why?" Phil looked at Ramucci. She didn't seem to be afraid: "Aren't you afraid that some of us will sneak in, then take advantage of the mechanism to subdue you, and then disarm the detonator?"

"No, I'm not afraid." Ramucci looked at Phil: "Beautiful lady, I think I know you. I remember that when you were in the Middle East, you worked as a war correspondent. There are few ladies with such beauty and courage.

"Thank you for your compliment. But I still want to know the answer to my question. Phil smiled quietly.'s smile.

Lamucci nodded, and then he suddenly lifted his coat, revealing his own chest...

It made me feel that my heart was twitching in his heart. Obviously, there is a scar left after surgery! And the scar turned red, obviously left not long ago!

"My detonator is remotely controlled. The way to detonate is my heartbeat sensing!" Lamucci smiled. Pointing to his own heart: "Here is a sensor that senses my heartbeat. Originally, I wanted to make it feel the pulse on my wrist, but it's too dangerous and easy to lose... So it's safer to store it close to it.

Now looking at this madman's smile, I can't help but smell a little horrible: "Look, this sensor can transmit my heartbeat frequency to the detonator below, and once my heartbeat is reduced to a range, then the detonator will be activated, and within thirty wonderful times, it will... bang! !" He made a stroke.

I found that the cameraman's legs couldn't help shivering. But Phil was still calm: "So, how do you control your heartbeat? I mean..."

"The way to control is my death!" Ramucci looked at the camera and said, "You can deliver this paragraph without deletion! Once I find that the situation has changed, or my action has failed, then I will not hesitate to end my life! I can shoot myself... Then everyone around me will be buried with me!! If someone tries to subdue me, then I still have a quick-acting poison solution in my mouth. As long as I bite it... Then within ten seconds, I will die, and once the heartbeat frequency decreases... The consequences, you know."

Phil was a little moved: "That is to say, the police can't subdue you... Even if they don't arrest you head-on, they try to use some anesthetic weapons..."

"Using anesthesia weapon will lower the heartbeat of the anesthetized person... and the reduction is exactly in line with the standard I set to detonate this device." Lamucci said coldly, "So, if I want to dismantle this thing, unless I want to, no one can catch me."

I can't help but have a numb scalp.

This guy has done such a great job!

You can't kill him, because as soon as he dies, the poison gas will explode!

You can't catch him, because he will definitely commit suicide!!

Anesthesia doesn't work either, because anesthesia can lower people's heartbeat...

Damn it!