evil spirit

Chapter 158 On this day

Chapter 158 [This Day] (Part 1) My body shrank back little by little, and then when I retreated from the original road to the ventilation duct in the corridor outside the hall, I gently pressed the headset: "Hansen..." My voice was a little astringent, but very resolute.

Hansen answered me quickly.

"Report your location."

I took a deep breath.

To my surprise, Hansen's answer was: "On the 62nd floor! Besides, I just met some of your friends who escaped after being saved by you.

Then Hansen told me that he used a heat sensor to confirm the distribution of people on the whole floor. In addition to the old Bruce people I rescued, there were also a large number of hostages in three rooms.

The good news is that the power of guards is not very strong.

Of all the terrorists on this level, there are only eleven left.

I killed two when I saved old Bruce.

Now the total number of Ramucci is only nine.

is distributed in three rooms, calculated according to two people in each room... Then, there are still two people around Ramucci.

That's about it.

I immediately made a decision: "You are responsible for saving others, and I... am responsible for saving Yang Wei.

She is in the hall now.

When I need your help to save others, it just attracts the attention of these guys.

Hansen was silent for a moment and agreed, but he added, "Be sure to save the young lady, or I will kill you directly."

I didn't say anything.

The time we agreed is one minute later.

I'm waiting in place.

A minute later, gunfire began on the left side of the building! Then there were men's and women screaming in panic, and the gunshots were very short, and then I lay in the ventilation duct of the ceiling.

My head looked carefully down... The sound of footsteps came to me. I saw a group of men and women rushing towards me. Many people ran away their shoes, and the gunshots behind me were very dense! I lay on my stomach and didn't move. I watched the group of people run over from my floor. Then I saw Hansen walking at the end. He held the gun in his hands and shot in the back as he walked.

I calculated silently, judging from the sound of gunfire, at least four people behind him were chasing him.

And at this time.

I saw two terrorists flashing in the hall, right under me, ready to intercept Hansen here.

One of them raised the gun.

I've already done it first! My silencer pistol directly killed one of them, and the other was shocked. He looked up and immediately found me, but before his gun was raised, I killed him first.

Hansen retreated quickly.

I'm calculating the position.

While waiting...waiting... At the first vent, Hansen ran past first, and I watched the people behind me chased after him.

Immediately press the button to detonate the blasting device I installed there before! Boom! In the unprepared state of the terrorist running in the front, there was an explosion on the top of his head, which directly blew down a ceiling and immediately hit him in the head and knocked him down! At this time, I finally jumped down from above and shouted, "Hansen! Go back to me!" Hansen had no time to shoot at this moment. The cat ran over with his waist. I kept pressing the detonator, from behind Hansen's escape route, into a ventilation outlet on the ceiling.

Start to explode one after another! Dust, debris, flying everywhere! From the smoke, I saw at least two more guys blown up and fell to the ground! Hansen and I staggered by, and I shouted to him, "Go and save the others!" Hurry up!" After saying that, I smashed the door leading to the hall beside me... Bang!! The siding door of the hall was almost knocked down by me. I rolled to the ground, and then where I rolled, there were two gunshots, and the bullets almost hit me on the ground! In the hall, Phil and several other reporters had not left yet. After hearing the gunshot, he had been forced to climb down by Lamucci's gun! And at this time, I made a mistake in my calculation! Originally, I thought there were only two people around Ramucci at most, but I didn't expect that as soon as I crashed into the hall, I saw a terrorist rushing in at the other door opposite the hall at the same time! This is a woman with a very thin figure, but her movements are fast! I immediately started running according to the most suitable Z route to avoid, trying to avoid her bullets.

And Ramucci also shouted, and he pulled out a submachine gun from behind! Shout and shoot at me! Shuttles of bullets wiped past me. Finally, I jumped and jumped behind a glass cabinet. The glass cabinet was bulletproof and explosion-proof, which made me find the bunker! Ramucci screamed wildly, and the female terrorist approached me cautiously like a poisonous snake.

I tried to shoot her, but this woman was surprisingly agile. I was dodged by her by three shots, which made her close to me seven or eight meters! I leaned my back against the glass cabinet and took a breath. At this time, I shouted, "Lamucci! You have run out of hostages outside!! Would you like to go out and have a look!!" The answer to me was a shuttle bullet, all on the glass cabinet behind me.

The splashed sparks were very dazzling. I quickly changed my magazine for myself. At a glance, I saw a few people in the interview team lying not too far away from me... I silently observed the terrain, and then shouted, "Black sheep!!!" At the same time, I pulled out a gun from my body and threw it directly at the interview team! The FBI officer who pretended to be a photo reporter was shocked when I shouted! Then the gun fell in front of him! This guy was indeed a trained agent who immediately flew and picked up the gun from the ground.

Turn around and shoot two shots at the female terrorist... His shooting is good, but unfortunately his brain is a little too stupid! There are bulletproof vests on female terrorists! Those two shots hit the female terrorist in the chest and abdomen when she was unprepared. Originally, the impact of this kind of bullet was very painful, but the female terrorist was so strong that she just shook her body and knelt down. Before kneeling down, she raised her hand and shot... This shot directly in the head! The FBI agent didn't even hum, and his head was directly opened! He hung up directly, but he also gave me a chance to take action! I rushed out desperately and rushed directly at the female terrorist! Ramucci shot at me with a submachine gun on the side... I felt a pain in my calf in mid-air! I know I'm mostly shot! No matter how fast I move, I don't have any bullets! But I was also close to the female terrorists at this time! When the distance between us was only two meters, she had already raised the gun... Bang! Two gunshots sounded at the same time, making people sound as if there was only one sound.

A bullet shot directly from my left chest and then from my back.

Fortunately, I turned my body in a hurry, and the bullet didn't hit my heart... But my lungs must have been shot through, and the blood choked out of my lungs! I sprayed blood foam in my mouth, and I was already lying on the ground, but the female terrorist stared at me, said "er, er" twice, and finally stopped and fell down.

She was shot through her neck! I heard the sound of Ramucci pulling the bolt, and struggled with the last trace of strength. I shook my right hand, and a dagger flew out... Ramucci screamed, and the palm of his hand holding the gun was directly pierced by my dagger! The submachine gun fell to the ground! But this guy was like a fierce tiger, his eyes were red, he roared and rushed to me! When he rushed in front of me, he had already touched a short knife from his body! That's a real knife, not a dagger! I saw a cold light flashing, and the knife light like a crescent moon cut my throat! I tried my best to turn over... Dang!!! The blade cut the ground, not only cut the carpet on the ground under me, but also cut directly on the floor below, making a harsh collision sound! Ramucci's movements were very agile. After a knife failed, the backhand knife was raised again. This time I didn't dodge, and a piece of blood splashed on my back! I shouted in pain, and my body actually bounced up from the ground, and then jumped out heavily... This is completely a human instinctive reaction under severe pain! Ramucci rushed to me again, and at this moment, I heard Yang Wei shout, "Chen Yang!!" I looked up at her, and she stared at me. I understood something in her eyes, ran to her quickly, and then grabbed the 60 million diamond vest on her body! The knife light behind me came again, and I instinctively turned around and blocked Yang Wei with my body.

Keng...Ka!! I grabbed the vest with both hands and put it in front of my chest, and the knife directly cut into my chest... The blade cut on the vest, and a series of sparks burst out! Then, the last sound... The blade was directly broken into two pieces!! Ramucci seemed to be stunned for a moment. I had already reacted, flew up and kicked him in the lower abdomen, kicked him up, and then knelt down heavily! Two sounds of broken bones, I know, when he ate me and knelt down on the ground, the huge force broke his knee bone!