evil spirit

Chapter 2 Everything is available, only the east wind

Chapter 2 [All things are available, only the east wind]

"The Feibbage family specially made a treasure to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the construction of St. Petersburg. This work of art weighing 3 ounces. The outer eggshell is completely wrapped in white gold and inlaid with 20 blue gems in size... A fat jeweler in front of him wiped the sweat on his forehead and carefully Wing introduced: "The eggshell was gently opened, which contained the iconic sculpture of St. Petersburg." The miniature model of "Bronze Knight"... Look." In front of me is a small Easter egg, precious jewelry from the Russian tsarist royal family.

I looked at this small egg-sized work of art full of gems with satisfaction and smiled with satisfaction: "Very good, very beautiful."

The jeweler was slightly relieved, and then tried to pile up a smile: "Mr. Chen... Oh, no, no, Fifth Master, although this Easter egg is not as precious as the ones in the Sosby auction house, it is definitely the real product of the Feiberch family! You can find this 'Bronze Knight' from the product brochure of the Feibert family!" After a pause, he looked at me carefully: "I don't know you bought this thing for..."

I smiled and took a sip of tea: "Give it to my new wife as a wedding gift." The fat jeweler's eyes showed a trace of complexity, and sweat appeared on his fat face. He quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped it clean. Then he sighed, "If it's a wedding gift, then an Easter egg is perfect. In history, the Tsar has a record of giving Easter eggs to his beautiful wife as a symbol of love. There are several world-famous Easter eggs. It was made for this purpose.

Without saying anything, I directly reached out and picked up the work of art on the table. Its appearance was wrapped in a layer of shiny jewelry, placed on the velvet cloth, emitting a faint light, which was very elegant. The jeweler looked sadly at the Easter egg without wearing gloves, leaving a few fingerprints, but he didn't dare to speak. It was only after I put it down that he carefully picked it up with his gloved hand, then took out a small tweezer and gently wiped it a few times with a small piece of silk cloth.

"I'm very satisfied with this thing. You can make an offer." I leaned on the sofa and looked up at this guy.

The man in front of him is one of the owners of the most famous jewelry companies in Vancouver. It's also a coincidence. Originally, I planned to buy a jewelry as a wedding gift for Yan Di - in my memory, I have never given her any token of love.

But, I don't want to buy anything like a diamond ring. I think it's too tacky. It's too uncreative.

As a result, the periodontal period gave me a good idea. The fat jeweler in front of him, his family is in the jewelry business, and he has been in Vancouver for generations. Although the business is not too big, there are also some cherished collections.

Especially when I heard that he has an Easter egg in his hand. This is a treasure. The Easter eggs handmade by the Russian legendary jewelry family, the Ferberch family, each of which is a treasure worth a lot of gold. It is a collection treasure that all jewelry lovers around the world dream of. Originally, although there was a "bronze knight" in this jewelry store, it has never been silent, so outsiders don't know it.

It's the fang period. I don't know what channel it is. I learned that the jeweler has an Easter egg in his hand, so he told me. Easter eggs are a gift from the Russian tsar to his wife, so they have always been regarded as a symbol of love. Naturally, such a gift for my newlywed wife is the most suitable.

If someone else comes to buy it. Naturally, the jewelry merchant simply refused. Because he has no intention of giving up this thing at all... But I'm different!

I'm in Vancouver now, which can be said to be a storm, a smuggling giant, a social stycoon, and a gangster. Mayors, parliamentarians, and senior police officials are all my guests. The other gangsters are all ahead of me. In such a situation, how dare a little jeweler offend me?

I asked for it at home, and he had no choice but to take out the treasure of the town store.

I just took a look and immediately fell in love with this thing! After the jeweler pinched his nose and introduced me, I was afraid that I couldn't wait to see the best. Unfortunately, looking at my satisfied expression, he couldn't help it.

"This... Chen, um, five, five, five, five masters." He stammered. However, it was really awkward for a foreigner to roll his tongue and call me "Fifth Master". Looking at his nervous appearance, I smiled and said, "Okay, just call me Mr. Chen. I like this thing very much. So, you can make a price.

I don't like to bully others, but I'm going to pick up my newlywed wife, so I can't help but refuse to transfer it. At worst, I'll just pay more. [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

However, the jeweler's boss was sweating profusely and speechless. As soon as my heart moved, I understood what he was thinking at this moment.

I know that the value of this kind of art is certainly not low. So this jeweler is a little afraid to bid - if it's low, he's afraid he'll lose a lot of money. If you drive high... Once you annoy me, I'm afraid it's even worse. Seeing that this man looked embarrassed, I sighed and said warmly, "I bought this thing as a wedding gift for my wife, so you can make an offer. No matter how much you offer, I will never embarrass you. This is a symbol of love, and love is priceless, isn't it?

When I said this, he sighed, hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "This... Mr. Chen, I was absolutely not going to transfer this thing, but... Well, well, the final transaction price of an Easter egg at Sosby's auction house last year was 640 million US dollars. But the quality of that Easter egg is better than this one. So, I want to transfer this thing for six million dollars..."

At this point, he looked at me eagerly, and his eyes involuntarily showed a little pain - I know that the price is actually low, but he doesn't dare to open a higher price.

I smiled, took out the checkbook, wrote a cheque of eight million dollars and put it on the table: "I won't let you suffer. You take this check, which is the amount of money for me to buy this thing... Well, I'm very grateful to you for transferring this thing to me. In this way, I will send you an invitation when I get married. In the future in Vancouver, if you have any trouble, you can come to me. Starting from today. You can tell others that you are my friend.

The fat man's eyes lit up and suddenly showed some joy. You know, I can almost cover the sky with one hand in Vancouver now! The name of my "fifth master" alone can almost walk horizontally here. If this guy makes friends with me, it will naturally be of great benefit in the future.


When the hammer and I walked out of the jewelry store. Looking at the time, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon. I got in the car - this is a Rolls-Royce I just ordered. Everything from the window to the tire is bulletproof. After getting on the car, Xiao Zhu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked back at me: "Fifth brother, where are you going now?"

Xiao Zhu's original job was to take care of Uncle Seven. After Uncle Seven passed away, I left him to Silo as an assistant. However, this guy doesn't like business. This time when I came back, I tried my best to keep up with me. I also lack a smart man around me (the hammer is a fool and can't drive), so I agreed to him.

"Didn't the little girl have any assessment in the afternoon? Let's go and have a look, and then just take her back.

Then we drove to a public opera house in Vancouver. The girl Xiaowu was placed in a private middle school by me. And in order to cultivate this girl's temperament and to get rid of her wildness, it has been more than half a year. She has been ordered to learn music - the violin.

Speaking of this girl learning music, it really gave Yan Di a headache for a long time. Start to let her learn to sing. I hired a vocal music teacher from China who came to Canada for further study. As a result, the little girl scared away the high-priced private music teacher in the first music class. Before the teacher left, she left a sentence: "As soon as she raised her voice, the female wolf within a radius of ten kilometers came!"

Then let the little girl learn the piano. As a result, after learning a lesson, the girl shocked the teacher who had been a pianist in the Philharmonic Orchestra at a high price! In the end, they didn't even dare to collect the tuition fee and ran away. Before leaving, he left a sentence: "This son's hand is like running clouds and flowing water, and the antelope hangs its horns, which is natural... But no tone is on the tune. If I continue to teach, I feel sorry for the piano!

Then she thought of a way to let her learn the pipa. She thought that she could not become a piano master and practiced the temperament of a classical beauty, which should also be very charming. For this reason, a domestic pipa master was invited at a high price, who is said to have worked in the Central National Orchestra. This time, the teacher did not let her play directly, but taught her the score first - the result was broken. The girl opened her mouth and asked the teacher, "Teacher, can you play eighteen?" He angered the teacher who was still charming on the spot.

In the end, I don't know why. The little girl is obsessed with the violin. This time, everyone is desperate for her. She simply didn't hire any professional teacher. She directly bought a few pianos for her, and then got a lot of electronic education materials, such as videos, discs and so on, allowing her to play at home.

I've been walking for so long, and I don't know how she has learned now. I just heard that she is going to take an assessment today. I just bought something and had nothing to do, so I just go and have a look.

drove to this opera house. Although this kind of assessment, idle people can't enter. But these rules are invalid for me. The hammer intentionally or unintentionally opened the upper suit, revealing the holster under his armpit, coupled with his fleshy face, who dares to stop us?

The staff were too scared to speak. Xiao Zhu had pushed open the door of the infield of the opera house and led me in.

In the inner court of an opera house in Nuo University, the seats are empty, and there are only a few people sitting in the first and second rows. I think it's the examiner. Without saying anything, I went straight over and sat on the far end of the second row. Some of the examiners looked at me and were probably a little surprised. I didn't say anything. I just smiled and nodded to them.

I looked mysterious and wore sunglasses. Several examiners didn't know what I was doing. I hesitated for a moment, but no one said anything.

A strange white girl on the stage is playing the violin. I listened to it for a while and felt that the girl played well. Then I listened to the performances of several children, all of whom looked very skilled. And the little girl hasn't appeared yet. I can't help but feel a little impatient and can't help coughing.

The hammer was the most fierce. It went straight to the front row and came to an examiner. Without saying anything, he grabbed a table of the order of the exam on his desk, ignored the examiner's exclamation, and respectfully handed it to me.

I took a look at the list and number above, and the little girl was the second one in the back. I looked at the examiners in front of me. They had some **, and some people stood up and looked at me. I probably saw that I was an idle person, and Huai Bei asked me to ask me to leave.

I whispered to Xiao Zhu, "Go and tell them what to do."

Xiao Zhu nodded cleverly and walked over and whispered a few words to one of the examiners. With a few words, the people in front of him suddenly became silent, and some people glanced at him with fearful eyes.

After sitting for a while and listening to a few students' exams, the little girl finally appeared.

Seeing a thin and small figure coming out of the background, I couldn't help but brighten my eyes.

No matter how she is in the piano now, it is already very interesting to dress up in reality. Originally, my hair was yellow due to malnutrition. After half a year of beautiful clothes and food, it has become a waterfall-like black hair, after taking care of it. It looks like black satin, with straight hair softly sticking to one side of the cheek. It's a little soft and beautiful. A face is also very clean, with big eyes and a small mouth. Wearing a clean student school uniform and black leather shoes, he looks like a very ed upbred child. With a piano box in his hand, he walked to the stage and bowed to the examiner below first.

Anyway, it looks a little interesting

I couldn't help leaning against the chair, and regardless of the rules of not allowing smoking in the theater, I lit a cigarette and watched the little girl on the stage open the piano box, take out the violin, and hug her in my arms...



I almost fell to the ground with the cigarette in my fingers...

Is the violin in your arms?

Rub your eyes, that's right... It's in your arms! One of the most standard erhu postures!!

Just when I opened my mouth wide and didn't say anything, the little girl had already pulled up with the piano pole with an a solemn face...

A long long tone... With her pulling two bars, I broke out in a cold sweat!

There is no doubt! I am very familiar with this song!!

This... This is obviously the famous erhu solo "Two Springs Reflecting the Moon"!!!

The examiners below are already pale, but there is Xiao Zhu standing next to him, and Xiao Zhu may have "bringed" them just now, so no one dared to say anything. They were all strong and endured, and made a look of hard to listen, waiting for the little girl to finish a song...

Even if the little girl in the middle broke a few long sounds, and there was a sharp sound that could almost break the glass in the whole opera house, the row of examiners were calm and no one spoke.

Long time...

Bang, bang, bang...

I stood up, took the lead in applause, gritted my teeth and told the hammer, "Remember, buy an erhu for this girl when you go back!"


In the car.

"How's my pull?" The little girl smiled proudly.

I looked at her coldly, "You don't know the difference between erhu and violin, do you?"

"Of course I know." The little girl made a face to me.

"Then why don't you learn the violin well?"

"...Well, I used to see a handsome man in the school learning the violin." The little girl told the reason without concealment.

Well...so it is. Then I asked, "Then why don't you study hard?"

"Cut... Later, I found out that the guy was beautiful, but he was a sissy." The little girl curled her lips and said, "I'm too lazy to learn, but today's music. I used to pull it. When I was in Kunming, there was an old man in our group who often played this song on the street with an erhu and begged. After a pause, she deliberately frowned and said, "However, I have tried for a long time to play this song with the violin."

... I really don't know if this girl is smart or an asshole.

"Master, don't let me learn music, okay?" The little girl suddenly jumped on me, grabbed my arm and shook it a few times.

"What do you want to learn?" I looked at her.

"Learn skills! Real ability! I want to learn from you, whether it's doing business or being a boss. I want to learn all of this!" The little girl looked at me seriously.

In fact, this girl is really smart, after following me to Vancouver. It only took me three months to learn English. After I was stuffed into that private middle school, at first I was worried that she would not be able to keep up with her progress because of language problems, but later I found that... I was completely worried! This girl began to sing rap songs in English with a few black people in the third month!

"Master, are you really going to marry Sister Yan Di?" The little girl suddenly asked me.

"Hmm." I took out my cigarette. The little girl immediately came over and took out the lighter in the car and lit it for me. At the same time, she begged, "Then can I ask you for something?"

"Say it."

The little girl's face was full of cunning: "After you get married. It's not convenient for me to live with you... I don't want to be your newlywed light bulb... You let me move out! I... I can live with Boss Ciro, or I can go to Lawyer Zhou's place... Anyway, I can go anywhere, just don't let me stay at your house.

I sneered: "You are so young that you want to learn from Ciro and lawyer Zhou? It's impossible now." But I pondered for a moment: "Since I have adopted you, I won't treat you badly." Well... In the future, when you are on holiday, you can go to Huaxing Company.

The little girl curled her lips and muttered in a low voice, "Alas... I think I'm a child. Don't think I don't know. Those businesses in Huaxing Company are just a cover for your real business.

How to say? I feel more and more that this girl is really like me... There is something restless in her bones. And she is really smart. I looked at her for a long time before I whispered, "Little girl. Today, I'll teach you one more thing... Remember, what your master is doing now is not good

Things. But the overall trend of the world is to make it bigger and stronger. Then bleaching and getting closer to the mainstream are essential. Huaxing Company is still very small. But in the future, it will be the center of our business! Do you understand?"

Looking at this girl, I suddenly felt that maybe this girl can really become very powerful in the future.


My wedding date is set for August 2. The reason is very simple... Because August 2nd is also my birthday. This is also a double joy.

I'm not a Westerner or a believer, so I won't have a priest or oath at my wedding. But this is the West, and it is not convenient to make a completely oriental wedding. Finally, just decide to hold a party with a cold meal situation, and then invite some guests.

Although I have tried my best to control the impact, how can I get married, the big and small gangsters in Vancouver? There are also official people, police people...

Finally, old Solin said that he had been in poor health recently and could not go, but he sent someone as a representative to congratulate me - the representative was his precious daughter, Her Royal Highness the Princess. This person's choice really makes me a little depressed. I hope the princess won't make trouble for me. Another representative of Old Solin is a young man named Allen, who is said to be the godchild of Old Solin!

If it hadn't been for the deal between me and old Solin and the alliance, it would have said that I would have supported the princess to inherit the cause of the hell angel - originally, old soolin meant to let this Allen be the heir! It is said that this is a very powerful young man.

Although old Solin didn't come, he was very thoughtful. He specifically asked people, and then gave me a big gift according to Chinese customs: two horse horses that are said to have a noble bloodline in Europe! At the same time, he also equipped me with a horse trainer.

Ciro is even more exaggerated. I don't know what method he used to invite a pastry chef from London, England, to make me a wedding nine-layer cake! It is said that this pastry chef served the British royal family! But I've seen that pastry chef with a frightened face - well, it's not kidnapped by Ciro, is it?

As for the fangs, this guy is the most stingy. He actually gave me a box of condoms! I was so angry that I almost killed this guy on the spot, but then he smiled strangely and said, "Boss, you paid my salary, and you gave me everything. Even if I give you a million gifts, it's just giving you your money back. What's the point?


(Today's chapter is a little transitional, and today it's only 6,000 words. I'm going to think about the following plot tonight, because it's going to break out tomorrow, and a ** part will be written in the next two days, and every detail needs to be carefully conceived. Finally, please don't bother me about the monthly ticket. If you are willing to vote for me, you can vote for me! Those friends who don't want to vote, I can't put my hand in your pocket to grab your ticket, right? I pulled my ticket, it's not in the way of anyone, right?)