evil spirit

Chapter 3 Wedding 3

Chapter 3 [Wedding] (3) Looking at Ciro's modest face, I simply closed the door, walked back, and said with a smile, "In my opinion, this matter is actually very simple... I'm afraid that old Solin is brewing a big internal cleaning!" I smiled and pointed downstairs: "I'm afraid that Alan, who is sitting in the lounge below now, will soon cut the butcher's knife on his neck."

Ciro shook his head: "I don't understand, but now it seems that old Solin clearly trusts him very much.

I believe in his ability very much. The smuggling business has not been good before, and old Solin pinned his hope on him.

Even if he didn't do well, old Solin just angered his subordinates, but he didn't move this Allen at all.

"That's it, it's more dangerous!" I sighed.

Who is Alan? It was originally trained by old Solin as a successor! Such a person's status in the angel of hell is definitely not low! And there must be a group of its own forces! But the problem is - now old Solin has changed his mind at my instimation! He decided to leave his place to his daughter! In this way, Alan becomes a character that must be cleansed! Look at a series of actions of old Solin! It shows that the legal business has been put in the name of the princess - now we all know that old Sorin has focused his career on bleaching! I can guarantee that most of the property of Hell's Angel has been bleached and hung under the name of the legal group company! The future of the angel of hell is on this road to the mainstream! Old Solin did this, which is equivalent to giving the future to her daughter! What about Alan? It's funny! Leave the smuggling business on the East Coast to him... It seems to be a very trusted position.

But even Ciro understands that there are congenital deficiencies in the smuggling business on the East Coast! Under such circumstances, it is not changed by manpower, but by the economic level of the two regions! No matter how powerful Allen is, no matter how strong his ability is, no matter how awesome he is, it is difficult to make any climate! It seems that he has left the smuggling business of the whole area to take care of it. It is a very prosperous position and a very trustworthy gesture. In fact, it is simply rising and falling in the dark! As for "the angry subordinates, the subordinates have changed batch after batch, but they have never touched Alan."

This is even more terrible! What does this mean? It shows that Old Solin has actually begun to cut off Allen's wings!! Changed batch after batch - don't ask, it must be Allen's direct men who have been replaced! ...The butcher's knife has been raised! I patiently analyzed it to Silo. After listening to it, he was silent and sighed convincingly for a long time.

But I frowned again: "Today, it seems that the princess has an affair with Alan again... Well, I hope there is no leakage in it... Humph, but these are all the headaches of old Solin.

Well, I'll find a time to remind old Solin... It's just that old Solin gave birth to such a sloppy daughter, which is enough for him to have a headache.

But I still had one more heart and told Silo, "Let you send someone to stare at the princess."

Did you send it?" Ciro nodded: "Don't worry, I sent three of our powerful men to watch around her."

[Heaven's Kiss] I nodded and told him, "It's not only the princess, but also Alan... and all their men who accompanied them have sent people to watch it.

I don't want to take care of the Solin family's family affairs, but today I'm getting married, and I don't want their affairs to cause me any trouble.

Well... I think Alan is not a simple character! Old Solin wants to kill him, but I'm afraid it will take some effort. Coupled with his precious daughter's trouble, I'm afraid it won't be easy.

What I'm most worried about is that Alan is out of favor and has a lot to do with us. If he resents us and makes trouble for us, it's not good.

Especially today, take a close look."

After telling me this, I cleaned up the appearance again and went out to see the guests.

******* The wedding time is set at three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's already two o'clock at this time. Most of the guests have almost come. Except for a few unusual identities, most of the others have arrived.

Now looking at the yard outside, it's much more lively.

The invited band is playing music. The guests in the yard are all well-dressed. Even those gangsters have dressed me in suits and ties today.

And these gangster bosses, who attend such occasions, must also bring their female companions... Fortunately, I have thought of this for a long time.

I know very well that most of these underworld women are not good people, either dusty women, senior prostitutes, or some roles such as mistresses or baby honey.

I also said something, and everyone dressed me neatly! Especially the female companions brought by these gangsters, whether it's a mistress, a mistress, a mistress or a mistress... I don't care, there's only one! Dress appropriately and neatly! No one with heavy makeup, fancy, and no one with a "personal" hairstyle! As for the female companion brought by a gangster, she was probably from a flying car party. She actually had an explosive head, exposed her navel, and wore five or six rings on it. The rest, on her nose, ears, tongue, and even wore messy metal rings and nails... I directly asked Silo to take someone to throw her to the road. Go up.

Then the gangster offended me and was so scared that he followed Ciro to plead guilty.

It's not that I'm pretentious, it's not my hypocrisy, and it's not that I forget my original.

If it's usual, I'm not a good person myself. These guys around me like to scold, like to swear, like to dress strangely, even if they have a punk head, I don't care.

But today is my fifth child getting married! Get in such a group of people, holding cigarettes, full of rude words, dressed strangely... Shit! What if my delicate bride is scared? Because of my strict order, the guests in the audience today suddenly looked, and they were all well-dressed. Even the ** mistresses of the gangsters who usually like to wink their eyes are dressed like ladies today.

It's just... but after all, it's still a little more strange... Especially before the wedding has begun, many guests in the yard greet each other, and some people make friends with each other here, which is also an ordinary thing... But I'm in the underworld now.

When such a group of guests get together, it is inevitable to make a joke... "This guy is a nobleman at first sight! I don't know where to get rich?" A gangster laughed.

"Well, I'm a judge of the local procuratorate. Mr. Chen has always cooperated with our judicial organs. Today I also came to congratulate..." A prosecutor smiled politely and said, "I don't know if you are..." "Oh! Mr. Prosecutor? Ah ha, it happens that I have my own business in the North District. Have you heard of the name 'Horrible Butcher' in the North District? That's me! Alas, recently, one of my brothers has been prosecuted for hiding drugs. I don't know if there is any way for me to accommodate him..." "............"******* "Eh? Why does this guy look very familiar?" Er... I think you seem to be familiar..." "Aha!" A fierce man shouted, "I remember.

A batch of goods on my sea was caught by the Coast Guard last month! It seems that you are the leader!" Sure enough, it's you! I remember! That day, you took a group of men to resist the law, and then you jumped into the sea and ran away!" ******* "Oh? I heard that you are in charge of the cultural industry in the government? That's great. In the future, you might as well contact us more and take care of them.

"You're welcome... Er, it seems that you are also engaged in cultural work? I don't know what you do? Is it an investment troupe? Or do you want to do entertainment culture? Or is it in the electronic entertainment industry?" Cough... Well, I'm pirated... Yellow Level 3 is absolutely not a grid... Whether you want Japanese goods or goods from various underground companies popular in Europe and the United States, I can get them here. They are all real materials shipped by sea!!" ******* "Alas, it's getting harder and harder to catch criminals now."

A senior police officer sighed: "No one has been caught in the shooting case in the West District last week. In fact, the case is not serious.

There are no casualties, and the property loss is not big. If you find a good lawyer, maybe the fine and get some social labor punishment will be over... It's just that the gunman doesn't know where he got. My men have almost turned over the whole block and didn't catch it..." As he said, next to him A big man with an eagle hooked nose stood up, patted his chest and laughed, "Okay! This police officer can rest assured that what everyone is talking about today is so speculative, and this matter is all up to me! Isn't it just catching someone? I'll let him go to the police station tomorrow to turn himself in!" Er...are you?" Hey hey.

I'm the boss of the West District. The case you mentioned was done by my younger brother.

Since you said so today, I'll give you face, and tomorrow I'll let him take the initiative to sell the case!" ......"*******"Ah? What did you say? Are you from the Women's Foundation? Ah ha, we should be closer to this. In my business, there are not many others, but there are the most women! Black, white, yellow, Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, in short, you want women from all over the world, I have them here! I just want to ask, does your Women's Foundation have any financial subsidies for women? Can I apply for relief on behalf of those women under me... huh? No financial subsidies? Oh, is there a regular free physical examination? That's good too! We must protect these girls well. They are our money-making babies! Huh? What? You asked me what kind of business do you do? You're welcome! What we are doing is to save countless men, purify the social atmosphere, save divorced families, and the most environmentally friendly cause without pollution and waste! Yes, it doesn't take up space! Don't occupy the house! Only one bed is needed for work! The biggest pimp in Vancouver is Laozi... Hey! Don't run!!!"