evil spirit

Chapter 6 Chaos

Chapter 6 [The Chaos]

The band was playing music. I slowly passed through the passage covered with a red carpet. Nearly a hundred guests were watching me, and some people applauded gently. I tried my best to calm down, but I still felt a little nervous.

When she walked to the front platform, the music stopped for a while, and then the music sounded again - this time it was the Wedding March. In the sacred music, she saw the little girl running out of the flower door tied into flowers in the distance. She held a flower basket in her hand and sprinkled petals while running.

Then, Yan Di came out from behind. She was dressed in the bride's white wedding dress. She looked delicate and charming, like a pure lily, with shyness and blush on her cheeks, and a happy look in her eyes, looking at me affectionately from afar.

And Yan Di's side is my eldest brother. The eldest brother changed into a very standard Tang suit, and Yan Di took the eldest brother's arm all the way...

This is the habit of Westerners. The elders of the woman's family will take the bride all the way to the altar and then give it to the groom. However, Yan Di is an orphan, and there are no relatives in the family, and so do I. Under such circumstances, I will let the eldest brother act as our elder.

According to the customs of Westerners, the eldest brother took Yan Di all the way to me on the red carpet and put Yan Di's hand in my hand. He smiled at me and said, "Kid, treat your wife well."

I nodded.

At this time, according to the custom of the East, around the outside of the house, a group of my men began to set off fireworks and firecrackers, and I heard the ping-pong ringing non-stop, but it was full of festive flavor.

My wedding is purely a combination of things, which inevitably makes it a little nondescript. But I don't care, and Yan Di doesn't care. We just need to be lively and make ourselves happy. I don't care so much about the rest!

We are not believers, but also Chinese. Naturally, we will not learn from Westerners to get a priest to take an oath. We directly let the da ya zhou as the master of ceremonies, took the microphone and loudly announced the beginning of our wedding. Then bao ya zhou yi asked me and Yan Di a question with a bad smile.

It's nothing more than "You are willing to marry her as your wife, love her and care about her all your life, regardless of poverty and illness..."

I answered a question like this with a smile and looked at Yan Di at the same time. When Yan Di answered the question, I saw unprecedented solemnity in her eyes!

She squeezed her lips gently and then looked at me: "I do!"

From the determination in her eyes, I saw Yan Di's deep affection for me! I'm sure that this girl will definitely stay by my side with all her heart, regardless of my poverty, wealth and health, in my life! [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

She said more than just three simple words, but more like a heartfelt oath!

Looking at Yan Di's beautiful face with such a firm expression, I suddenly said to myself in my heart: This woman, she is your wife!

Really, it's strange. At this moment, I seemed to feel that everyone around me had disappeared, and there were only two of us left in the world. I looked at her and she looked at me. At this moment, I even forgot Qiao Qiao, who was close at hand. In my eyes, there was only Yan Di left in my heart!

I took the ring from Ciro's hand, and Yandi took the ring from Jojo's hand. After the two of us put it on each other, with the applause of the guests, the wedding ceremony was completed!

Then, we accepted the blessings of the guests. I was in a good mood at this moment, and Yan Di next to me was also excited. He snuggled up to me tightly, and his beautiful face was even more radiant.

At the beginning of the party, some of his men had removed all the chairs in the yard. After a ten-minute break, the yard was arranged into a party scene, and the carefully prepared dining car was pushed up, as well as champagne and red wine. Yan Di and I shuttled through the crowd and raised our glasses frequently, but I had no problem. However, Yan Di was originally a shallow drinker. After two glasses, his cheeks were dyed red, and his eyes seemed to drip water, and his body was softly leaning against me, as if he was unable to drink.

The party in the yard was crowded, and it was inevitably a little noisy. I saw that Yan Di was a little drunk, and I felt sorry for her in my heart. Then, whenever someone toasted, I drank from generation to generation and drank more than a dozen cups in one go, and I was inevitably a little drunk.

Fortunately, there are Aze and Wood around, and Qiao Qiao also follows us. As for Silo and Xu Xin, I don't know where they have gone.

"Alas, Chen Yang." I was stunned. A charming voice called me. When I looked up, I saw Her Royal Highness standing in front of me. There was no one beside her, and Alan was not with her. Originally, when the princess came today, she was dressed formally, a set of dark professional women's clothing, which looked a little strong woman. But now she took off her coat, exposed the shirt inside, and deliberately unbuttoned two buttons, revealing her snow-white neck and a piece of skin on her chest, and her hair was deliberately tied up, looking a little more lazy and sexy. She came to me with an unconcealed teasing taste in her eyes: "Honey, do you know? You look very handsome today."

She raised her cup and touched me, and then drank it all. I said lightly, "Well, where's Alan? He's not with you?"

The princess ate and laughed, and suddenly leaned over, approached me as if no one was around, and then put her mouth to my ear and whispered, "You know? I thought he could make me forget you... But I was wrong. When I saw you today, I suddenly felt that he was not attracted to me at all.

As she said, the smell of perfume and wine on her body mixed into my nose. I frowned and stepped back and looked at her calmly: "Your Highness is drunk... Why don't you go in and have a rest?"

A trace of resentment and complexity flashed in the princess's eyes, and then she gave me a deep look and walked away.

Aze looked at the princess leaving and whistled, "Hey, this woman is good. Her figure and face are first-class."

I gave Aze a blank look: "She likes you both men and women. Are you interested?"

"No more!!" As soon as Aze heard this, he shook his head.

A few minutes later, the cake was pushed out.

Yan Di and I walked back to the table, and then I held a wine glass and a small spoon in one hand. I gently tapped the wine glass with a spoon in front of the microphone, which attracted the attention of the whole audience.

"Everyone..." I coughed, and then looked at the people below in front of the microphone. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I smiled and then deliberately said, "Well, what I just wanted to say... Unfortunately, I forgot it now. Sorry, after all, it's my first time to get married, so I'm a little nervous.

This kind joke caused a lot of people to laugh, and then I said, "There is no doubt that today is the most important day in my life, and I don't say those polite words. I just want to say, thank you for coming today, and thank you for your sincere blessings. I will keep it in mind. Thank you!"

I saw that Yan Di was a little tired, so I deliberately made my speech much shorter, and then waved to let people push the cake up.

This cake is not an ordinary cake. The pastry chef is Ciro, and I don't know what to do. He specially "invited" back from England. It is said that he once worked as a pastry chef for the British royal family! When Prince Charles and Princess Diana got married, the pastry chef also participated in making cakes!

Although I have some doubts about this, this guy was indeed a royal pastry chef, which is true. It's just that Ciro mostly hired people in a threatening way...

A nine-layer cake is as tall as me. It is said that it took the pastry chef two days to make it, and it looks really well-made.

Such a big cake was put on the dining car and pushed over from a distance, and the people next to him got out of the way. I gently hugged Yan Di and smiled, "Okay, you can rest after cutting the cake."

Yan Di smiled sweetly at me.

At this moment, a strange feeling suddenly flashed in my heart!!

This is a feeling of uneasiness! It seems that since I have experienced life and death trials again and again, my sixth sense has become more and more sensitive! Every time I encounter danger, I will have this kind of vigilance in my heart!

Last time it was in the Torch Building in Hollywood... And today, I feel this faint chill in my heart again!

No! Is it weird?!

Suddenly, my hair all over my body stood upside down! Originally, there were still three points of wine, but the wine woke up in an instant!

Looking at the cake truck that was slowly pushed close to me, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be a huge danger hidden here!

I suddenly shouted, "Stop!! Stop!!"

I suddenly shouted, and no one around me could react, but behind the cake truck, the pusher didn't seem to hear it, but he accelerated his pace and came towards the table!

I finally found something wrong!

Originally, according to the arrangement, the royal cake maker should have pushed the cake out in person! But now, the person pushing the cake cart is obviously a stranger!!

When it was far away, and there was a huge cake blocking my sight. I didn't see the person in the cart clearly. But when I got closer, I suddenly found that this guy was not the cake maker! It's a yellow person!!

Is it my subordinate? I denied this idea in an instant. Because the people who came to the scene today are all the core personnel of Dayue's lineage! I know almost all the core personnel of the big circle! And the people on the periphery are not arranged to participate in the wedding!

I immediately shouted, "Stop him!!"