evil spirit

Chapter 8 The Role of the Four Jackals

Chapter 8 [The Role of the Four Jackals]

He looked around and said with a wry smile, "Your house is just an ordinary mansion. Although we have taken safety measures for today's wedding, this kind of measure can't prevent the real killer."

Indeed, my house is surrounded by low walls. Such walls can be turned over by anyone with good skills. Such a big house, such a big yard, I can't send someone outside to surround the whole house and yard.

At this time, Ciro came back with someone. He told him that the two killers had been locked in the garage. At the same time, the house was thoroughly checked. Finally, he told me that he found some traces behind the yard wall on the left side of the house. It was a trace of someone climbing, which was very subtle.

"Xiao Wu... I'm sorry." Silo's face was full of guilt, and his eyes were unconcealed with guilt: "I should be in charge of safety today... I..."

I shook my head. Although I was very angry about what happened today, I still sighed: "Ciro, don't be confused. It's not your fault. This kind of thing has nothing to do with you. Someone is secretly planning to target me. Such a thing can't be prevented..."

The last one to leave was Doug. He was calm. When he came to say goodbye to me, his eyes were worried: "Mr. Chen Yang... Well, I'm sorry for what happened today. If you need the help of the police..."

"Thank you!" I immediately said, "If I need help, I will definitely come to you."

He frowned and said nothing. Doug knows very well that what I want to find out in Vancouver is definitely more efficient than the police. At this time, the police have arrived, and the police have checked back and forth in my house, and then made a record. I cooperated with all these things one by one, and then left these things to the fangs.

As for the two killers in the garage, after I saw the police coming, I asked them to be loaded into the car and ordered to be transferred to the warehouse at the dock.

The police officer who led the team is also very embarrassed. This guy is not an idiot. He knows very well that this kind of case can't be handled by people at his level. First of all, there are so many prominent guys in the underworld. And I'm a different person in Vancouver now. If I dare to assassinate at my wedding, the other party must have a lot of experience. And those guests were all big shots, and he didn't dare to pull them back to the police station for investigation.

Doug whispered to the officer. The officer nodded, and then finished the work and took the people to the team.

"Chen Yang..." Before Doug left, he looked at me in a complicated tone: "I know you must be very excited now. But I still want to advise you that you can check this matter or do something... But don't go too much! Vancouver has just stabilized. I don't want to see any trouble... Do you understand?"

I recognized the threats and warnings in his words. I was a little upset, but my face didn't show up. I said lightly, "Doug, now my wedding has been planned and assassinated, and my bride is injured... Do you think I can be indifferent?"

Doug's face changed slightly, and then he sighed and patted me on the shoulder: "Old friend, I know you're angry. But please calm down. Don't make it difficult for me... okay?"

I smiled and looked into his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't embarrass my friends. I will deal with this matter carefully and won't make it bigger.

got my guarantee. Doug left with satisfaction and took the police away at the same time. Because he knew that I would deal with this matter on my own, and it was useless for the police to stay here. All he wants is to get my guarantee that he won't make any big trouble.

The guests are gone, the police are gone, and the yard is already in a mess. The originally paved red carpet has been trampled on by the police. The lawn is full of mess, and there are tables that have been pushed down in chaos, sprinkled wine, broken wine glasses, messy food, scattered ribbons, broken balloons...

I don't know what it feels like in my heart. I only have the intuition that my heart is about to explode.

I took two steps slowly, bent down and picked up a lily. I don't know how many shoes had been stepped on the original white lily, and it was stained with grass crumbs and dirt. I picked up the bouquet of flowers, gently brushed the dirt off the top, then stretched out two fingers to straighten the wrinkled petals, and quietly looked at the bouquet of flowers in my hand...

For a long time, I seemed to have calmed down and stood up with flowers twisted in my hand. At this time, Yan Yazhou sent the policeman away and came to me. I looked at him and suddenly smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhou, it's been almost a year since I saw the blood last time, right?"


I smiled faintly and gently sniffed the flowers in front of my nose. I smiled more calmly, and the eyes that looked at me more and more strangely. I said softly, "Have I been quiet for too long, and some people think I'm easy to bully?" Humph..."

"Boss, you have to calm down..." He frowned.

"Calm down?" I took a look at him and said slowly, "Isn't I calm enough like this now?"

Then I gently threw away the flowers: "Okay, you and Ciro stay here to deal with the scene. I'll go to the hospital to see Yandi... Well, two hours later, we will meet at the No. 3 warehouse of the dock."


Xiao Zhu drove, and I drove all the way to the hospital with a hammer. Yan Di has been sent to the hospital, and in addition to the three jackals, there are also big brothers and Lei Xiaohu.

When I arrived at the hospital, Yan Di's injury had been dealt with, but I still made a big deal with a separate intensive care unit.

When I arrived, I found that there were policemen in the hospital, and the leader was Jeff, a Chinese police officer I was familiar with. I looked at him, and he smiled at me and said, "Mr. Doug sent us here to protect your fiancee."

"No. It's not my fiancee. I laughed and said, "The wedding is done. Now it's my wife lying inside. I looked at Jeff's eyes: "Thank you."

With the protection of the police, I am also a little more relieved.

I'm not afraid that someone will deal with me, but I have to guard against someone's action against my relatives.

Yan Di is lying sick** and hasn't woken up yet. When I came in, the eldest brother and Lei Xiaohu both looked at me. Then he went out quietly.

"She's fine. Don't worry." The wood comforted me, and then pulled Aze out. There are only me, Yan Di, and Jojo in the room.

Qiao Qiao sat at the head of Yan Di's bed. She looked at me with a strange face: "Do you know where she was hurt?"


"She was scratched by shrapnel under her shoulder blades and shed some blood, but it's not a big problem, and she will recover soon."

I frowned and said, "Then why hasn't she woken up yet? Did you inject anesthetics?

"......no." Qiao Qiao's answer almost made me angry: "Original trauma is nothing. But in order to protect her, you threw her to the ground. The two of you rolled down from the stage, and Yan Di's head landed first and touched it. The doctor said that she had some slight oscillations - oh, don't worry, there is no big problem. She will wake up in about three or five hours. At most, there will be some sequelae of dizziness and nausea, and she will recover in a day or two.

Damn it! I almost didn't smated myself, but it turned out that I accidentally hurt her.

Looking at me without saying anything, Jojo stood up and walked to me. She gently held my hand. He whispered, "Xiao Wu, I know you must be very angry now. But you can't mess up... Now many people are looking at you. You must not mess up! Don't worry, Yan Di will take care of her here... With a young master, I'm here, and your wife won't lose a hair!"

I looked at Qiaoqiao's eyes and opened my mouth: "Qiaoqiao..."

"You must have a lot of things to do now. Go quickly. You don't have to worry about the hospital. Qiaoqiao said quickly, "You're not worried that I will rude your wife when she is in a coma."

I finally smiled, and then sat in front of Yan Di's bed for a minute. Looking at her falling asleep, I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Then I stood up again and walked out of the ward.

I gathered a few direct brothers from the big circle, all of whom used to be in the gym, leaving four here, and the eldest brother also said that he would watch here. And I immediately decided that after Yan Di woke up and was discharged from the hospital, he would definitely not be able to live at home. He simply moved to the eldest brother's martial arts school. With the invincible elder brother, Yan Di must be safe. And as for Wood Aze... I took a look at them.

"I'm sorry, brother." I smiled bitterly and said, "I originally planned to wait for the wedding, and tomorrow I will drive a yacht and our group of people will go to sea together. I'm afraid it won't work now. You can stay here for a few days and wait for me to deal with this matter..."

"I'll go with you." The wood suddenly opened his mouth.

"Me too." Aze also said.

I was stunned for a moment, and Aze said lightly, "Sister Yandi is also our good friend. If something like this happens, we also want to help."

I hesitated for a moment. In the end, this matter was mostly fighting and killing. I'm afraid that neither of my two friends is suitable for this kind of thing.

Aze saw my concerns. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, we just want to do something and won't cause you any trouble... Besides, maybe we are more useful than your subordinates. Some things may not be done by fighting and killing alone.

Then he looked at me: "Have you forgotten the slogan that the four of us often said when we were hanging out in Nanjing?"

I smiled, looked at him and the wood, and shouted, "We eat everything, but we don't suffer losses!"

Then Aze and I looked at each other and smiled, but Wood silently brought his suitcase and came to me: "Let's go."

After a pause, he looked sad and said slowly, "You should be going to interrogate the two caught survivors now... I'm afraid I can help you with this matter."


(The hard-working birds have worms to eat~ I can't help but work hard this month, and it can't be said that there are not many updates. Please hold the friends who didn't vote for the monthly ticket in your hand. Stop watching and waiting, vote for me... Now there is a shortage of tickets...)