evil spirit

Chapter 16 Who said that foreigners can't use tricks?

Chapter 16 [Who said that foreigners can't use tricks?] I thought for a moment, and there was a trace of evil on my face: "Who is following the princess now? Is it reliable?" It's the old brother in the original car repair yard, and he is absolutely reliable.

Now a total of four of them drive a car to follow the princess.

Xiao Zhu saw that my face looked a little strange in the mirror and couldn't help saying, "Fifth brother... Do you want to?" I nodded: "Let them do something, stop the other guy who followed the princess, and deliberately get some traffic on the road.

Then get the person back!" Xiao Zhu nodded, picked up the phone and was about to dial the number. He asked again, "There are more than one person in the other party's car. If we start... Let's do something, is it okay?" I sneered: "Let the brothers do it! If they resist, just move the guy!" After a pause, I rubbed my temple and said faintly, "This is Vancouver!" **** The car drove all the way. On the way, Xiao Zhu called me and told my hand to do something. I didn't say anything more. Qiao Qiao next to me looked at me with curious eyes. Several times, he couldn't help opening his mouth to say anything, but he didn't say it after all.

The place where I met the princess is a very famous hotel near the southern coast of the city. The sunshine morning tea here is very famous. Many rich people like to come to this place on weekends for a two-day vacation.

When I arrived at the hotel, I came to the second floor, which was a very large terrace with many tables and chairs.

In such a sunny morning, the sea breeze is blowing, and not far away is the vast and calm sea, with beautiful scenery and pleasant environment.

In such an environment, enjoying a delicious seafood breakfast is undoubtedly a great enjoyment.

When I came here, the princess had already arrived first.

She sat in front of a table next to the railing on the side of the terrace near the sea, with a cup of specially made black tea in front of her, holding a silver spoon in one hand, casually stirring, but looking at the sea.

A chef next to him pushed a small dining car, right next to the table, carefully frying a delicious special pastry for her.

I saw that there was finally an attendant beside the princess this time. The two men who looked like bodyguards stood not far away, straight, and their eyes kept staring around, and they subtly separated a space around the princess's seat.

When I came over and sat down, the princess looked at me and looked at Qiao Qiao who followed me. But she didn't seem to care too much. She was just slightly stunned and smiled bitterly at Qiao Qiao: "Hello, Qiao Qiao."

Xiao Zhu and the hammer are not far away.

I pulled off my chair and sat opposite the princess with Jojo.

Today, the princess is dressed very conservatively. She wears a blue turtleneck top with long sleeves, and wraps herself tightly.

Originally, this woman, who had always been dressed enchantingly, suddenly dressed so conservatively, but she looked added a special taste... Only I knew that she didn't change her nature, but because she was whipped by me last night. Now even her arms, neck and shoulders are full of whip marks, so she can only dress more tightly. Covered up.

The princess's eyes were a little swollen. Obviously, she didn't sleep much last night, and there were some blood bruised on her face, which was left by me when I slapped her last night. Although it can be seen that she has carefully put on makeup, one night is not enough for her face. The traces disappeared.

"What? Don't you welcome me when you see me coming?" Qiao Qiao smiled, but his eyes were very sharp.

The princess's face began to look a little unnatural, but she didn't say anything.

"Don't worry, I'm just here for breakfast. If you have anything to do, just talk about it."

Qiao Qiao looked like nothing, and asked the chef to make a fried egg for her. He picked up the knife and fork in his hand and deliberately grinded it a few times, making it jingle and eating without scruples.

I'm not in the mood to eat anything. I didn't come here to eat. I thought about it and simply looked at the princess directly: "You asked me to meet today, and now I'm here too.

What you promised to tell me, I think I can say it.

The princess's eyebrows were a little embarrassed. It seemed that she looked at Qiao Qiao. I said slowly, "Nothing. You don't have to hide my business from her. You can say it directly."

Looking at the princess still without saying anything, I raised my eyebrows and sneered, "Your Highness, you asked me to come here. Are you going to look at me and I look at you, and then sit down all morning?" I stared into her eyes: "Or is it difficult for you to say what you are going to tell me?" Well..." The princess sighed and looked at me faintly. She bit her lip hard, and there was a resoran look on her face: "I tell you... In fact, the person who spent money to kill you behind your back and put a bomb on your wedding is..." "It's Alan, right?" Before I finished speaking, I smiled, and then cut off her words. The princess was stunned and looked at me in surprise: "You... What's wrong... I narrowed my eyes and looked at her carefully. Looking at this woman, my voice was very soft and my tone was getting slower and slower: "Are you going to tell me that you actually sent someone here?" It was Alan who killed me at the wedding, right? Are you still going to tell me that Allen hates me because he knows the agreement between me and your father, and if I die, your father will have no foreign aid, and no one can support you anymore. In that way, even if your father may not immediately give up his plan to establish you as an heir, he will at least postpone the action, and at the same time Temporarily stop killing Allen and give him a chance to breathe... After all, Old Solin actually doesn't hate Alan. On the contrary, Old Solin may even appreciate this young man, otherwise he would not have planned to make him an heir.

If I die, then the 'external cause' that caused you to be the heir of the old Solin will disappear, and the old Solin may hesitate... At least this is very beneficial to Allen, right? I said to myself, and then glanced at the princess quickly: "That's what you're going to say to me.

Is that right?" Yes...yes."

The princess seemed to be a little surprised, and even more unexpected: "You...you already know?" [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight] "Hmm! I know?" I laughed deliberately, but everyone could hear that there was no smile in my voice! I looked at the woman in front of me and said slowly, "Are you still going to tell me?"

In fact, if you want to solve the trouble, the best way is that Allen should kill you! But you are the daughter of Old Solindi, and Alan can't touch you. He can only let you continue to be a ** princess and lose foreign aid at the same time, so that you can slowly let Old Solin give up... So, in this matter, the only person who needs to die is me, right?" I said so much in a hurry, and then looked at the princess with an almost feminine smile on my face: "Are you going to say this to me?" The princess's eyes were a little flustered, but she immediately took a sip of tea and sighed, "You...how did you come up with this?" I shrugged my shoulders and said mockingly, "It's easy to guess... And it's reasonable to think so, isn't it?" The princess lowered her eyelids, gritted her teeth and said, "That's good! You guessed it right!" But... I have a question."

I smiled deeply: "If Alan had dealt with me, why would he send two people from the Huaqing Gang in the United States? Allen has been in hell for so many years, so he won't even have two or three dead people, right? Um... Even if he is worried that things will be exposed, he can at least find one or two killer organizations in Canada that are willing to pick up business. Why do he have to go to the United States? And... the killer I found was not a white man, not a black man... but I was looking for a Chinese!" Gong advocated opening his mouth, and then said slowly, "It's because... because... Allen checked you..." I smiled. This time I really smiled. The smile on my face was very cruel, as if I saw a prey walk into the trap by itself. I interrupted her again: "Okay, let me go on... Are you? I want to tell me that Allen checked my background and found out that my fifth master in the big circle was actually smuggled from mainland China more than two years ago? He also checked my background and knew that I had offended a powerful gangster in mainland China... Moreover, the gangster in mainland China also had some bloodline connections with the Huaqing Gang of the United States... Therefore, he chose to spend money to find the Huaqing Gang to deal with me. In this way, if I die, then this The account will also be counted on my Chinese enemy, and it can't be counted on Allen... And even if I fail, I will probably doubt whether my Chinese enemy is here to seek revenge, and I won't doubt Alan."

I leaned forward slightly: "Your Highness, is what I said exactly right? Shouldn't you say to me: correct answer, add ten points? Huh?" My tone was so strange that the princess finally couldn't stand my tone. Her face changed slightly: "You...what do you mean by saying that?" What do you mean? It's not interesting."

I leaned on the chair, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in my heart, but with a mocking smile: "Well, Your Highness, now the answer has been revealed. If this is a movie, then follow the route of the next script... Should I look very angry and then be angry? I was so angry that I pulled people to settle accounts with Alan, or I should say two powerful lines, um... Let me think about it, for example... I stared at the table and shouted 'Damn it, dare to make trouble at my wedding! I will never let this guy leave Vancouver alive!' - Should I say that? This is Vancouver. I should immediately take a large number of people to unload Allen! Or throw his body directly into the sea to feed the sharks? My appearance scared the princess. She looked at me with complicated eyes, as if she didn't understand what I meant.

I sneered, then raised my hand gently. Xiao Zhu, who was standing behind me, immediately came over, then handed me a cigarette and lit me.

I took a deep breath, and then spewed out the cyan smoke from my nose... "Ha!" I smiled disdainfully: "Well, well, let's assume I did it... I believe in your words, and I'll send someone to be that Alan... This is Vancouver, my territory! It's so easy for me to kill someone here! But the question is... what happened after I killed him?" I looked at the princess with a playful smile.

The princess's body shivered, and the blood on her face faded in an instant, and then looked at me with a very complicated look.

I flicked the soot casually, but my eyes looked at the sea, with a smile on my face, and whispered, "Well, let me think about it, if according to the development of the script, what should the next storyline be like... Oh, by the way, I killed Alan.

Kill the godchild of the great Mr. Solin who killed the hell angel! Kill his most valued young man and his most powerful assistant! Haha! Isn't it? Now everyone knows how much Solin trusts Allen! He gave him the smuggling business of the whole East Coast! Although he didn't do well, although Solin was very angry, and although Solin changed a lot of subordinates, he never touched Alan! Doesn't this mean that Solin is a 'favor' to Allen? Such a young man who is valued by the forest, if he dies in Vancouver and on my territory... What's next? Let me think about it...haha! Of course, I'm going to usher in the strong revenge of the hell angel! Hey hey! Whether Solin really wants to avenge his godchild, or just pretend... Anyway, he must do something!" He said slowly, pretending not to see the surprised expression on the princess's face, and continued, "Then what? Oh, by the way, I believe that the great Solin will never kill me.

Because if I'm completely finished, it won't be good for him... However, take the opportunity to blackmail me, knock me well, and by the way, take the opportunity to suppress the power of the big circle that is currently developing too fast! Maybe I can take the opportunity to 'take the initiative' and 'voluntarily' and spit out some of the shares of the smuggling company to him! And what about me? At this time, I was still in the dark. Instead of hating him, I would be grateful to Mr. Solin for showing mercy to me and letting me go... From then on, I will give up my heart to escort your princess... right? I sighed and smiled, "What a perfect script... Oh, by the way, you should know that I have a Hollywood film company now. Do you think if such a script is used to make a movie, will it be very popular?" If the princess was just nervous just now, then she was completely panicked at this moment.

I looked at her coldly and suddenly sighed loudly, "Damn it, who said that foreigners can't play strategy? Old Solin's bureau is really well arranged! Hey hey! In such a bureau, it includes the four strategies of 'killing with a knife', 'blaming Jiangdong', 'go to the house and draw a ladder' and 'taking advantage of the fire'! Oh, by the way, and the princess, the 'beauty plan' and 'bitter meat plan' you showed me last night... Oh, my God, such a game actually wrapped six strategies in the thirty-six tricks... Wonderful! Wonderful!! It's so *** wonderful! If I'm really fooled, I'm afraid that if I end up selling it to old Solin, I will count money for him stupidly!!!" My eyes were sharp. Under my eyes, the princess seemed to be a little unable to hold on. The expression on her face became more and more stiff... At this time, a discordant voice broke the awkward atmosphere and deadlock, and she heard Qiao Qiao burped loudly, put down the knife and fork in her hand, with a satisfied expression. He sighed: "Buff! I'm full..." **** (Solemnly ask for a monthly ticket. It's already the second half of the year. Friends who have a monthly ticket in hand, please help support it.
