evil spirit

Chapter 21 First confrontation!

Chapter 21 [First confrontation!] Wu Gang, do you think that the gangster must fight and kill when doing business? I smiled, thought for a moment, and said, "The world is different, and the times are different.

I can tell you an interesting thing that I met the last time I was in Yunnan.

Then I talked about that when I was in Yunnan, I met the gang leader of the place nicknamed "Lord Ma".

"If the underworld wants to survive and make money, it may not have to be rude to you, but if a local leader wants to trouble you, it can be said that there are many ways to make the police can't find fault."

I laughed and said, "For example, Lord Ma, I have heard that he once cracked down on foreign businessmen who invested in the local area.

They go to open a company and build a factory, but the goods produced must be transported out, right? And because local gangster organizations usually control the beginning of the transportation industry, if he wants to do with you, in a word, no transportation company will be willing to transport goods for you! At that time, your goods will be piled up in the warehouse and can't be delivered, and you will have to spend a lot of freight to finish the business smoothly! Or... foreign investment comes to open a factory. In a word, I'm afraid you can't recruit many workers! In this case, if the other party does not use violence, it can still make you play badly.

Wu Gang rolled his eyes directly: "Your little fifth brother, are you still afraid of this?" I smiled: "If in Vancouver, even in the whole of Canada, no one dares to do this kind of trick to me. Even if there is, I can deal with it.

At worst, find someone to put the other party in a sack and throw it into the sea.

But in China, do you allow me to do this? If I want to do a legitimate business, but if someone is jealous and wants to mess with me, or blackmail or blackmail me, it is useless for me to call the police with such a similar trick.

Wu Gang finally heard the smell: "What the hell are you trying to say!" It's very simple."

My eyes flashed: "Under normal circumstances, I abide by the law. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them! But if someone wants to trouble me, then I'm sorry.

Of course, I'm measured, won't make it too big, and won't use too drastic means.

I also know the domestic social environment, stability is above all else, I understand.

"I can go back to report..." Wu Gang suddenly changed his face and stared at me strangely: "Hey! Good, you, Chen Yang! What on earth did I ask you to do? Now I haven't said a word, but you have made so many conditions in one go!" I shrugged my shoulders and spread my hands: "I said, you want my help. As long as it is within my ability, it is incumbent me to refuse.

Even if you can't help me go back to China in the end, I will admit it.

I threw this to you. It's enough to get on the road.

At this point, I leaned back and smiled, "Okay, now you can say, what do you want me to help with? Even if you want to kill and set fire, I will do it for you."

Wu Gang looked serious. He thought about it carefully and shook his head and said, "I've changed my attention... I can't tell you now.

Although you said you would help me, you can't do it for nothing.

In this case, I'll go back and ask about the conditions you put in. If there is no problem, I'll come to you again.

He looked up and down at me: "Hey! Sure enough, it's the same as what I thought. Although you are fooling around here, it's very urgent to go back to China as soon as you hear it.

"Even if I don't rely on you, I can go back in another two years."

I said lightly.

Wu Gang stood up, then put on his coat and rubbed his swollen face: "I'm leaving!" Damn, your face is hanging up by you. Those kids are going to laugh at me.

You wait, at least three days, at most for a week, and I'll come to you again.

After I sent Wu Gang out, as expected, his three men were very surprised to see Wu Gang's face, and then looked at me with a little more respect.

Wu Gang didn't talk nonsense to me anymore. He took someone and left.

I heard from his words that he seems to have to stay in Canada for a while longer.

After Wu Gang left, Qiao Qiao asked me, "What's wrong? What is he looking for you for? I smiled and said, "It seems that it's mostly a good thing... Hey hey, business comes door, business comes door!" He spoke and smiled, but it touched my wound, and I couldn't help saying "Ouch" in pain.

Qiao Qiao laughed and scolded, but he still walked to me with concern and frowned, "Wu Gang is cruel enough. You..." "Well, he is only hurt more than me."

I grinned and said in pain, and then I looked into Qiaoqiao's eyes: "Qiaoqiao, if things happen this time, maybe I can go back to China immediately."

Qiao Qiao was stunned for a moment. Looking at my eyes, there was a little more complicated meaning... *** Later that day, Yan Di came out of the hospital, and the examination results were all normal. Our house could not be lived for the time being. Now I don't know how many media are guarding there, so I directly let Yan Di live there. In my brother's martial arts school, the place is big enough and safe enough.

Although a lot of things were waiting for me to deal with today, I still took time to take Yan Di home from the hospital and stayed with her at home for a while. Then, although Yan Di insisted that she had recovered, I half forced me to feed her lunch with my hands, and coaxed her to lie down and rest in the room, so I took people

After going out, I immediately went to the warehouse at the seaside pier.

Before, I asked Xiao Zhu to send someone to catch another group of people who followed the princess, and now they are all locked up in the warehouse.

"Fifth brother, don't you want to judge?" As soon as I walked into the cargo yard office of our company, Xiao Zhu couldn't wait to ask me.

"What's the trial?" I smiled and said, "These people don't need to be tried.

Put it there, don't touch them, give them water to drink, give them something to eat, just don't loosen the rope.

Xiao Zhu looked blank: "Fifth brother, then you can catch them back..." "Look at it."

I smiled faintly: "I actually caught them back just to demonstrate, and also to show goodwill.

In a moment, their master will call.

Xiao Zhu was very clever, and his eyes immediately lit up: "Fifth brother, are you talking about that Alan? Did Allen send these people to follow the princess? It's a great benefit for us to catch the people he sent to spy on the princess!" I nodded, but I saw the hammer next to me with a blank expression and sighed in my heart. It seemed that the hammer was only suitable for a fierce general like my personal bodyguard, and my brain was still much worse.

Alan and the princess have collusions and contradictions. Now it seems that Allen already has a sense of crisis. He is very worried about what tricks the princess will do in Vancouver, so he sent someone to spy on the princess.

And I deliberately arrested the people he sent for the demonstration.

Let him understand that all his actions are under my control, scaring him first.

"Then..." I sat in the office and waited for less than an hour before my mobile phone rang.

[Kiss of Heaven] "Hello."

After answering, the other party's voice came, and it was really Alan: "Mr. Chen Yang, I take the liberty to disturb you."

I smiled, waved my hand to let everyone around me out of the office, and then I smiled at the phone and said, "Hello, Alan... Well, I won't ask you why I have my mobile phone number.

With your ability, it should not be difficult to find my phone number.

The breathing sound on the other end of the phone seemed to have paused for a moment.

Then I laughed and said, "Alan, you found my phone number and called me. What's the matter? Or, what can I do for you?" Another short silence.

But then, Alan suddenly smiled on the phone. He smiled softly, and then said slowly, "Mr. Chen Yang, I don't want to waste time... Let me say it directly. You should understand the intention of my call.

But first of all, I have something to say to you.

"What?" I didn't do it at your wedding.

Allen's tone is very serious.

"I know."

I answered calmly.

"Well, thank you."

Alan didn't seem to be too surprised, but there was still a hint of relief in his voice, which caught me.

He then continued, "I don't know who did this... Well, maybe you have found it out by yourself now."

Cunning guy.

But if he pretends to be stupid, I can also pretend to be with him.

I said lightly, "I won't bother you with this."

"No, it has a lot to do with me."

Allen smiled again, but this time it was a wry smile: "I'm in Vancouver now, and I'm within your control. Your judgment on this matter is very important to me."

"Oh? So what do you think?" Someone wants you to kill me.

Allen said directly: "You are a smart person, and I'm not a fool.

If you die, it's really good for me.

But even if I want to deal with you, I won't do such a stupid thing.

I know that our position is not friends, but I don't think you will like being used.

"...I really don't like it."

I said lightly.

"So... am I safe now?" Alan asked me in a strange tone.

"Can I ask you a question?" I suddenly became very interested in him: "After something happened at the wedding, in view of the enmity between you and me... I think you know the cooperation agreement between Solin and me.

In this case, I will definitely suspect that you are dealing with me.

This kind of suspicion is essential.

At this time, why don't you stay in Vancouver? Do you have any important business in Vancouver?" Haha..." Allen smiled: "Mr. Chen Yang, you are joking.

Vancouver is your territory. In this place, any business in the underground world is controlled by you.

How can I do business with something out of your sight?" Indeed, you can't have something to stay here... So, why don't you leave?" Next, Alan's tone became very strange. He asked me, "If I leave in a hurry after the wedding... Then when someone says that I'm the murderer... Then won't you identify me? If I don't leave, you won't doubt me, will you? So in order to clear my suspicion, it is the smartest way for me to stay.

And if I leave and someone 'accidentally'ly points me, then you will really put this account on me.

Although we are not friends, I don't want to be your enemy now.

My current situation is not suitable for erecting a powerful enemy like you, is it? I laughed... But I laughed very complicatedly... This Alan is really not simple!" I'm going to leave here by plane tonight.

Allen said gently, "I know that my two men may have offended you today... I don't know if..." I immediately smiled and said, "Yes, I'll let them go back in a minute."

"Thank you!" Alan said slowly, "You know what I mean by thank you."

"I know."

The two of us have a very tacit conversation.

Obviously, he didn't thank me for letting him go, but thanked me for letting him go! I have promised to allow him to leave Vancouver.

This is undoubtedly very important to him... Because even if he doesn't mean the murderer who assassinate me, I have many other reasons to leave his life here! The situation is very subtle... Even if Solin calculated on me this time, I couldn't turn against him and humiliated the princess at most.

Because my strength is far from reaching the point where I can turn against Solin! Therefore, I even have to continue to stand on the side of Solin and support him to support the princess! Although I don't doubt Alan, he and I are definitely not friends! Because from the perspective of long-term interests, Alan is a shrewd person! If he becomes the new generation leader of hell angels... A powerful hell angel is not in our interest! I seem to have a reason to kill him, but I can't... Because if I kill him, I will fall into the trap of old Solin.

But if I let him go, it may still be a disaster.

This is really a little ***! After thinking about it, I can only beat him in this way.

Let him go back and bite the dog with the old Solin dog.

"Finally, what I want to say is... Although it's not my intention to come to your wedding this time... But I think it's worth the trip this time! You are an excellent person."

Allen's tone was very sincere: "And it seems that it's right to stay here for one more day."

I suddenly wanted to scare him and deliberately said coldly, "Aren't you afraid that I will change my mind and leave your life in Vancouver?" You won't."

Allen said slowly, "Because someone told me that you are a very strange person, respectable, but with some oriental persistence.

What you said will not go back on your promise. Now that you have said that I can leave, you will never do anything to keep me again.

I sneered: "Do you know me well?" Alan smiled and said, "No, it's the first time I've met you... But I have a friend who knows you very well.

Frankly, after this incident, the princess thought of many ways to drag me down and stay here for another day. I originally saw through her intention and wanted to leave as soon as possible... However, a friend of mine suggested that I stay for a day! Because he told me that in this case, you won't doubt me.

I couldn't help frowning when I heard this: "Your friend?" Yes, someone you also know.

Allen said in a very calm tone: "His name is Li Wenjing."