evil spirit

Chapter 26 I'm not James Bond

Chapter 26 [I'm not James Bond] At Cairo Airport in Egypt, as soon as we walked out of the airport lobby, we saw Wu Gang and the "Comrade Ren" who had seen me in the repair yard standing outside.

"Hon, how's the road going?" Wu Gang looked a little darker, and it seemed that the sunshine in Cairo had left a lot of traces on him.

The first feeling when you get out of the airport is dry! Extremely dry! Twelve of us, plus Wu Gang and Comrade Ren, and the three Luhu jeeps they brought.

I noticed that the drivers are all Chinese. Everyone has a serious face and a cold face. No word, obviously, they all have a sense of military atmosphere.

The car drove in the sun for less than 20 minutes, and I kept drinking water after getting on the car.

"Where are we going now?" I laughed and said, "I'm ready to open up the wasteland this time, starting from scratch."

Wu Gang didn't say anything, and Comrade Ren smiled: "Mr. Chen, it's not as terrible as you said. If things go well, I think we can finish everything in a week at most... Well, let's take you back to the station first. I'll treat you to dinner at noon, and then we will leave here in the evening ."

qiao qiao asked, "Are you leaving Egypt today?" Comrade Ren took a look at Qiao Qiao, and I immediately said, "This is my friend and my French translator."

After a pause, I said slowly, "She is one of my own. I don't hide anything from her."

Comrade Ren's face changed slightly, but then he smiled and said, "Don't be so terrible. In fact, there is no secret about this matter... Well, it's just that the fewer people participate, the better."

Then he smiled at Joe, and then suddenly said a string of French.

Qiao Qiao raised his eyebrows and talked to him very skillfully in French.

"You translate, French is good."

Comrade Ren smiled and said, "But she has a little Parisian accent, which is rare in Africa... Well, but it doesn't matter.

We originally prepared a translation for you, but now it seems that we don't need it.

*** The car drove for two hours, drove out of Cairo, and then went all the way to the east. Finally, we came to a project station.

This is on the banks of the Nile. The world-famous Nile is not as magnificent as I thought. On the contrary, it looks very small, much smaller than I thought, and the water is smooth and almost dried up.

"It looks much more stingy than the Yangtze River..." I muttered.

The station here is very large, far away on the river. A huge water conservancy project is under construction. Huge shovels come and go, and the roar of machines. I see that most of the workers are Asian, and obviously many of them are Chinese.

There are also some technical experts with safety helmets and drawings standing behind the instrument to measure something.

In the hot climate, the spicuous sun sprinkled on the ground unobstructed. I got out of the car and only took two steps, and I felt the ground under my feet hot.

"What is this place?" A cooperative project, which is jointly constructed by a large domestic engineering company and Egypt... Well, these are normal foreign labor projects. You don't have to worry about it. I'll take you to rest now.

About a thousand steps from the river is a low simple building. After I walked into the office on the first floor with Comrade Ren and finally enjoyed a little shade, I sighed: "It's so hot here. How do you work here all year round survive?" Comrade Ren licked his cracked lips, as if to downplay, and said lightly, "The country needs it."

When I was training in Daquan, I was trained with a little simple military knowledge. I deliberately stood by the window and looked out a few times, and immediately recognized that the layout of the whole engineering camp was somewhat militarized. The layout from the door to the inside was obviously very suitable for the distribution of security measures! I was a little distracted for a while, and then turned around and said, "No need to rest. Let's start directly... Where am I going tonight? What are you doing?" Comrade Ren looked into my eyes and hesitated for a moment: "You really don't have to take a break first?" [ Heaven's kiss] "I'm not here to rest in Africa."

I said lightly, "End early and go home early."

He nodded with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and then led me to a conference room.

There were only Wu Gang, Comrade Ren, and me in the conference room. As for my men, they were drinking water in the lounge. The two engineering station personnel stood at the door of the conference room and held the door.

I hesitated for a moment and didn't bring Joe in.

"Please turn off your mobile phone for me... and please turn off any electronic instruments on your body."

When I was about to follow Comrade Ren into the conference room, the two security guards at the door stopped me directly.

I took a look at them and didn't say anything. Comrade Ren in front of me turned around and smiled and waved his hand: "No, he is one of his own."

Then he looked at me: "If we don't believe you, we won't look for you."

But I took the initiative to take out my mobile phone and gave it to the security guard: "No, I know you are disciplined."

"Haha" Comrade Ren smiled and said, "Well, don't make such an exaggeration... We're not asking you to be James Bond. This job is not complicated."

After officially sitting down, Comrade Ren turned on a slide projector in the conference room, and then his face gradually became serious: "Now let's introduce the people you will come into contact with."

After the light flashed, a photo of a black man appeared on the screen in front of him, and then turned into a set of photos.

The protagonist of each photo is a black man, about 40 years old, with a strong figure and a cold light in his eyes... just like a snake! Obviously, the photos are public, and some are secretly taken from all angles.

The black man in it was dressed in casual clothes, military uniforms, and even one of him standing next to an armored car with some oil paint on his face.

"Lu Ken Panta, 46 years old, is the current ruler, president and army leader of the G country of East Africa.

Of course, he prefers to be called 'General Trapped Tower' by others.

The population of G country is only 9.6 million, and the land area is about the size of only one and a half of Jiangsu Province.

This man was originally a general of the young army of the G country, and he has participated in six regional military wars... Of course, from our point of view, those so-called wars can only be regarded as small conflicts.

Three years ago, he led the army to launch a coup, overthrew the original government, and executed the original president of G, who was also a general.

When Comrade Ren said this, he smiled and said, "In Africa, the heads of state of many small countries came to power through coups, which is common."

Then he continued: "General Trappedta currently controls the vast majority of the country's army, and his political orientation is unclear, that is to say... um..." I suddenly came up with a sentence: "If you have milk, you are a mother."

Comrade Ren was stunned for a moment, and then said with a wry smile, "You can say so."

Then he sighed: "Which of these small countries in Africa is not like this? When they face the United States, they need to provide conditions for assistance. When they face the Japanese tomorrow, they can also negotiate terms for assistance. When they face the European Union the day after tomorrow, they can also turn their faces and abandon the Americans and Japanese... As for us, it is just one of his many cooperation choices. Whoever gives him benefits, he will be inclined to him.

This kind of guy has no political direction. He just relies on the left and right and gets all kinds of resources in case of consolidating his rule.

"His main economic source is the support of all forces..." Looking at me, who seemed to be a little confused, Comrade Ren sighed and whispered, "After all, G has a seat and a legal vote in the United Nations General Assembly. Although he came to power in a coup, he passed the European Union with the Americans in those years. The compromise was recognized by the United Nations.

Over the years, small African countries have been the targets of great powers! Think about it, a country as strong as the United States and a large population as China, voting at the United Nations meeting is just one vote.

And this kind of ant-like small country is also a vote! ...By the way, in addition to various international support, he also controls a diamond mine and a gold mine, producing about $44 million a year, which is regarded by him as military expenditure.

At this point, he seemed to smile: "In the country he rules, the annual gross national product may not be comparable to the wealth of a family in the United States.

Even you, in a few years, you will be much richer than this country.

"If he has any tendencies... it's that he seems to have some special vigilance against the United States.

In recent years, the United States has made great moves in Europe. The annual activity funding allocated by the Langley Building (CIA) is a considerable amount. Many small-country coups in Africa are related to the Americans. Of course, although they do not send troops directly, they can support puppets and even spend money to organize mercenaries.

By the way, Africa is the world's largest golden area for mercenaries to survive! The most famous mercenary organizations in the world are all here! Behind the mercenaries, the water is actually very deep. Basically, the major mercenaries active in Africa are supported by the forces of major powers behind them, and the actions carried out are all with strong political purposes.

I whistled and said lightly, "Africa... such a large continent, the land is vast, and the resources are so rich, but the local forces here are weak.

Of course, it will attract foreign coveting.

Comrade Ren smiled, and then he slapped, turned off the slide projector, and then turned on the light in the room.

I took a sip of water: "Where's my task?"