evil spirit

Chapter 30 Luxury

Chapter 30 [Luxury] Barbaric! Really barbaric! This is a real barbaric area! I just came here for less than a few minutes, and I at least understand that in this place, human life is worthless! He is trapped in the tower and can take the life of anyone in this land at any time! Although I felt uncomfortable, I didn't show it on my face. I just asked casually, "General Trapped Tower, I have seen your mine... Well, the scale seems to be not small."

"Of course, there are hundreds of slaves working for me here every day... Humph, but be careful, those damn pigs will steal ore!" I was a little confused. I pointed to the mine in the distance and said, "Please excuse me... I saw that these miners don't even have a complete dress on their bodies, and the clothes are thin... How can they steal the mine?" Hide it in your body."

The trapped tower smiled cruelly: "These pigs are very cunning. If they don't use whips, they won't work hard.

And these cunning pigs, they have a lot of ways to steal mines... Well, they will hide some small ores in their bodies, such as the last time someone put an ore in their mouth, and some people would stuff the ore into their asshole! Then take it out secretly to exchange money.

I was stunned.

"Last time someone drank a lot of oil and swallowed a small piece of ore, which I found. I asked someone to cut his stomach directly in front of hundreds of miners! Humph! As for someone hiding the ore in his asshole... Haha, I found someone to put a red-hot iron stick in his asshole, and the guy howled all night before he died... But that's it.

These pigs have been honest for a few days.

I couldn't help twitching the muscles on my face, and Jojo next to me was about to spit it out.

The trapped tower saw that I didn't look well, but he seemed to be very satisfied. Then he waved his hand: "Take my baby to the back. It's hungry. The pig just now just gave it for dinner."

A soldier soon came to take down the lion cub trapped in the tower... I couldn't help but imagine the lion biting the dead miner's body... I couldn't help but feel that my teeth were sour.

"Okay, my guest, I think you can go to my villa for a rest first, and then let's talk about business later."

The trapped tower patted me on the shoulder peacefully, and then led us away under the "protection" of a group of soldiers.

I was relieved to leave the trapped tower.

Because when I get close to this guy, I always feel a little cold... That's a real evil spirit! I'm sure that this trapped tower must be stained with blood! This is a kind of breath left on the body because there is too much murderous blood.

****** The villa trapped in the tower is just behind the mine valley, on a hillside, and when I walked here, I couldn't help but marvel at the leader of the East African warlord again!! Is this a villa? In front of me, in this desolate place around which was originally a mine, on the hillside, there is a beautiful building! Round top, pure white building... Damn it! This guy actually built such a "villa" according to the White House in the United States!!! Luxurious white marble... I don't know how many miners were dragged up after whipping them.

An idea suddenly came to my mind. As for bulldozers and cranes... jokes, do you think General Trapped Tower will spend money on those machines? The periphery of the villa is a circle of transplanted pine wood, and the periphery is a team of soldiers in uniform, with observation towers on both sides... Although these make the "White House" look a little strange... And when I walked into the villa, I was really stunned! The luxury here is almost comparable to the Saudi royal family! Entering the hall, I saw the gold sculpture on the wall!! And I saw the small granular embellishment on a chandelier... God, it's all diamond mine!! Then the berry hat took us into a lounge.

I seem to have entered a wildlife specimen gallery! On the front wall is a skull specimen of a huge African lion, and on both sides is a row of other animals... leopards, zebras, antelopes, bisons, and jackals... And a small row hanging on the wall from large to small... It's all ivory!! I don't know what kind of animal fur the carpet on the ground is. It's soft and deep when you step on it! After knocking on the door three times, two young and clean black boy came in from the door. They seemed to have been trained in this regard. They walked in quietly, meticulously, pushing a silver dining car, wearing a small dress like a waiter in a star hotel, wearing a bow tie and white. Gloves.

[Kiss of Heaven] "Sir, this is your afternoon tea."

When I lifted the plate, I saw a very standard English afternoon tea and some exquisite snacks.

I sighed, and there were only two words in my heart... luxury! After we were left in the lounge, I couldn't help sighing: "I saw what the local emperor looked like today."

Qiao Qiao looked bad: "A brutality, luxury... Well, are all the oligarchs in Africa who came to power by coups like this?" We speak Chinese, and we are not afraid that the other party will eavesdrop.

"It's not certain."

In my bodyguard, a man in his thirties smiled and answered me.

This person is not my brother in the big circle, but the person Ren Lei sent to help me, but he hid his identity as my bodyguard and mixed in my people - anyway, my people are all Chinese, and the other party can't tell them apart.

I know that this person follows me, and I'm afraid there is a little bit of supervision, but this is also reasonable.

Valuable is that this person is said to be familiar with the situation in East Africa.

"The oligarch who came to power in a coup like the trapped tower general of the G country will actually close the hearts of the people or the army, otherwise his position will be unstable.

But please note that this is Africa! It is the tribal race complex, and it is also the bloodiest place of genocide and racial hatred in the world!" The man smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe we can't understand that even a small country like G has more than a dozen races! And the hatred between these races may have lasted for generations, starting from the era of barbarism! African civilization has developed deformedly through the forced construction of foreign European predators.

The people here still have savage blood, especially those tribes. The vendettas against each other are incomprehensible to those of us from the civilized world.

He explained carefully: "Every oligarch or warlord who comes to power, the person who wants to win over is only his own tribe, and the tribe that is kind to him... As for other tribes in the country, it will become the object of suppression and even slaughter and plunder! This is the root cause of the turmoil in many countries in Africa.

Think about it, there are more than a dozen races in a small country. Today, this race has a general. He came to power and washed the blood of other races. In a few years, other clans have a general and washed the blood of this race again... Back and forth, this is the reincarnation of the turmoil in Africa over the years!" After a pause, he smiled and said, "General Taita is a 'Tutu', so he will probably be very good to the Tutu people, and even his army is Tutu.

As for this mine, according to the information I know, this was originally a 'Decakala' place, and those miners should be Decakala, so in addition to slaughtering them, the trapped tower treats them as slaves.

Seeing my blank face, he smiled and said, "You don't have to remember the names of these tribes. Anyway, there are many races in Africa, which are derived from the development of early tribes."

****** At night, General Trapped Tower invited me to have dinner together. Joe was stimulated during the day and had no appetite, so he stayed in the room and didn't come out.

For this dinner, we had a very authentic Western food, and the steak was also very good... Looking at the luxurious restaurants around, every decoration was exquisite.

The trapped tower general in front of him held a knife and fork, which seemed to be very quiet, and I even had a trace of illusion.

A bottle of red wine on the table is French. Although it is not a very good red wine, there is also this kind of wine in this place, which is very rare! For a moment, I suddenly had a strange understanding of this cruel warlord leader! This man seems to have a strange infatuation with the noble life of the European style. It can be seen that everything in his palace seems to be trying to imitate the way of life of European aristocracy.

This is an imitation of people at the bottom of life with complex inferiority.

Put down the cutlery, and General Trapped Tower smiled at me: "How's my English?" Well, it's good."

I didn't expect him to ask me this question.

"I learned it from my last investment consultant. He is an American."

General Trapped Tower stared at me intentionally or unintentionally.

My heart jumped. I knew that the last American was a CIA spy who had been found trapped in the tower and executed.

Sure enough, the trapped tower slowly said, "He later became my lion's lunch... because he betrayed me."

I sighed, and I understood what he meant.

"Will you betray me?" The trapped tower asked me bluntly.

I smiled, picked up the napkin, wiped my mouth, and then gently threw it away: "General trapped tower, we Chinese are the most particular about promises! We have a saying called a promise!" I explained the meaning to him, and the trapped tower thought for a moment: "Dance? A thousand ounces of gold? No, no, no... My friend, as long as you cooperate with me well, you will get far more than a thousand ounces of gold!" I believe this, that's why I'm here.

I smiled.

******Thank you for your support! According to the increase in the number of monthly tickets, the outbreak is coming!