evil spirit

Chapter 33 "Doing Good deeds"?

Chapter 33 ["Doing Good Things"?]

The final transaction price is that I increased the black gold given to him every year from 20 million to 230 million... The range of my punishment is not high. Because I know that if I punish this guy after blackmailing me, then with his greed, he is likely to continue to blackmail me.

As for the help of airborne soldiers... The price is so cheap that I'm almost stunned!!

The price of a soldier is 100 dollars. If he dies or is completely disabled... then a soldier will be compensated for a pension of 500 dollars!

That is to say, even if the situation is not good and one of the people who went out died, I only lost 600 dollars.

Six hundred dollars... In the United States, it's just a week's income for many families.

Because the price was too low, I couldn't help asking, "Your Excellency... What I need is a real warrior! He is really good at it, and he has seen a bloody warrior! It's not that kind of... Well, I saw those teenage children with guns outside.

"Of course not." The trapped tower smiled cunningly: "I can provide you with good warriors. They are all sharp... The coming-of-age ceremony of these soldiers is to go to the jungle alone to hunt a beast after the age of 20. Such a warrior's skills will not be bad.

After thinking about it, although it is obviously a wild road compared with those trained by the regular army, it is enough for this kind of person to be sent out to fight with gangsters and kill and set fire.

Cheap! It's so cheap!!

If I had known this trapped tower earlier, the Gambino family would have bothered me. I just wanted to pretend to be a grandson on the surface and get one or two hundred soldiers under the trapped tower behind my back. Then hit him with a few boring sticks. Even if he can't beat the Gampino family, he is sure to make them jump!!

One or two hundred soldiers are only one or twenty thousand dollars.

What? How do you think they will go to the United States? Visa? Toll?

Dead. What does I do? Smuggling! It's not a small thing to smuggle two boats!

As long as his hands and feet are cleaner and send someone back to burn Lao Gaoqi's villa, he can't find who did it! Did he go all the way to Africa? Joke!

And the quotation of the trapped tower really makes me sigh... Here, human life is really worthless!

After the extortion, both trapped tower and I looked at each other contentedly. He beats millions more every year, and I get the support of a survey large circle airborne troops. Although it costs a little money, this money is almost negligible for my current financial resources.

"Okay, now that the business is over, let's have a little men's program." The trapped tower smiled, and there was something I was familiar with in that smile... ** Dang!

He gently pulled a pure gold pull ring next to the bath. Soon, another flash door in the bathroom was pushed open, and a row of women slowly walked in...

These are all black people, but no matter how harsh people are, they have to admit that there are many beautiful women among black people. For example, the most famous one at present is Harry Berry, the Black Pearl of Hollywood.

These black women standing in front of me are not as thin and sick as I saw outside. All of them are plump and straight, and the innate superior physical quality of black people is reflected in women, which is such a wild feeling... The well-proportioned figure that can be called a human body model, plus the beautiful facial features. These black women are all wearing a bath towel around their lower body, and the upper body is simply **... A straight pair of ** unreservedly displayed in front of me...

Before the trapped tower greeted them, they walked out of the bath by themselves and immediately separated two to my side. One helped me lie in the pool, and then gently wiped it with a piece of silk cloth. The other one dived into the water, and I felt my toes itchy, but she began to wash it for me from my footsteps...

A hot body clung to me behind me. When I washed my back, I felt that there were two soft and plump things against me. In such a ** battle, I immediately had a normal reaction of a man. Although I was soaked in the water, the water was very clear. The black woman behind me immediately gently With a smile.

"My friend... Even if it's the pharaoh of Egypt, it's nothing more than that." The trapped tower was already lying in the arms of the statue of the goddess in the middle of the pool. He opened his limbs and let four black beauties play with him, but his two big hands stuck back and forth in a wave of buttocks...

I was in a trance when I felt that the hand of the woman who dived into the water to help me scrub my toes had slowly moved up and was about to get close to the root of my thigh. Suddenly, my heart moved, and I suddenly woke up. Then I leaned into the water and pulled her up with the woman's shoulder. .

I guess she dived very hard. After coming up, she looked at me with a little panic and gasping. Such a gesture made the man's heart even more angry... I sighed and tried to say to her in a calm tone, "No."

She was a little confused in her eyes. The girl was very beautiful among black people. There was a little doubt in her eyes. Then she opened her mouth. I said something again, and then pointed to my own leg: "No, I don't like others to touch me."

The girl seemed to have misunderstood me... She didn't seem to understand me at all, but her eyes were more obedient. She nodded, took a deep breath again, and then dived down... This time, I clearly felt that she put her head in the middle of my legs... Then I couldn't help humming. , I felt that my lower body was wrapped in a warm and wet place...

"..." I was stunned for a second, and then immediately came to my senses and quickly grabbed her and dragged her out of the water again. This time, I couldn't bear a wry smile on my face, and even more embarrassed: "No, I said no! No need!" [ Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight]

I really want to be resolute, or even fierce... But in the face of a girl who takes the initiative as soon as she comes up, obedient, and has a face that you can pick, take the initiative to help you **... In this case, I really can't be angry with her.

I'm a little depressed.

Damn it! The last time I was in the Gambino family, Lao Gao Qi was the same. Now in Africa, this trapped tower is the same... How come these heroes like to find beautiful women to force guests ** as soon as they come up! Shit!

The diving girl trembled with fear. She looked at me with a panic on her face. I said a few more words, but she replied to me a sentence that I didn't understand at all, as if it was not French, but the local language.

Only then did I understand that these girls couldn't understand my language. I can only make a gesture as much as possible, which means to ask her not to touch some of my ** parts. Finally, I simply gently pushed away the girl who was close to me with her chest, took the silk scarf from her hand, and washed it by herself.

The movement here finally shocked the trapped tower. He had already closed his eyes comfortably, but now he stared at me. Then there was a trace of anger on his face, and he suddenly shouted angrily. The two girls who served me were so scared that their faces were immediately earthy and their bodies trembled.

I knew that it might hurt these poor girls if it went on like this. I quickly said, "It's none of their business. I'm not used to it."

The trapped tower stared at the eyes for a while, and then suddenly laughed: "My friend, you don't think they are not beautiful enough, do you? Uh-huh..." He suddenly thought, "The girl beside you brought is very beautiful. Is she your woman? If that's the case, you really don't like them.

Finally, the trapped tower scolded the two girls harshly and waved them out. When the two girls went out, they were so scared that they couldn't even leave.

I sighed and said with a wry smile, "General, I really don't blame them."

"I know, I didn't punish them." The trapped tower said lightly, "If I want to punish these girls, I will throw the person who made the mistake directly into the barracks!" In less than a day, she will be killed! Humph!"

I looked at this tyrant and was speechless.

"I just asked them to go back... Because they were not beautiful enough to scare my distinguished guests!" As he spoke, he suddenly said a famous saying circulating on the Internet in the civilized world. After listening to it, I almost didn't spit it out...

"It's not their fault to be ugly, but it's their fault to come out to scare people!"


I thought it was over, but to my surprise, the trapped tower was indeed absolutely generous to his friends in this regard, as he said!

He actually grabbed a girl beside him and said something to her sternly. The girl hurried out when she heard the words.

In less than five minutes, two girls came in again behind the bathroom door!

This time, the two girls are completely up to the same level as the two girls who were just trapped in the tower. One of his eyebrows are similar to Hollywood's Black Pearl Harry Berry, and his figure is even more like a nosebleed. As for the other one, it seems to be slightly thinner, but strangely, her skin is not completely black, but a brown skin, obviously mixed-race.

With the finger of the trapped tower's hand, the two girls immediately clung to me, and then one hugged me from behind, and the small hand gently brought back the scrub in my chest, the other sat in the pool, softly sticking to my leg, and then a pair of small hands hid under the water to tease me.

I sighed. I'm not necessarily a gentleman, but I'm not interested in this tone. And I'm here. When I go back to my room, I will inevitably feel embarrassed when I face Qiao Qiao.

"Chen... These are my two treasures, not the biggest VIP. I won't let them out for hospitality. Take your time!" The trapped tower laughed, and then lay down with the two girls in his hand.

I sighed. I know that if I refuse again on such an occasion, it will inevitably make the trapped tower angry, which will make him feel that I don't know how to praise? Moreover, these two girls are probably going to be unlucky. Even if they do good deeds, they can't make these two innocent girls unlucky.

But...***, is there any good deed to do this? ( Taotaro uploaded and updated)