evil spirit

Chapter 36 Curikaka

Chapter 36 [Kurikaka] After this incident happened, the trapped tower's attitude towards me suddenly changed! First of all, he allowed the bodyguard I brought to follow me... Originally, my bodyguard was not allowed to go out.

Then he actually ordered the ten bodyguards he brought me to send a woman to his room... Fortunately, I stopped him in time, otherwise, my African business investment business group... would become an African spring group.

After that, he even took the initiative to invite me into his office to renegotiate business with him, and then he took the initiative to propose two... Last night, he gave me extra blackmail and canceled! The price is still set at the original 20 million yuan per year.

After that, about the matter that I paid to hire his soldiers, the warlord waved his hand and it was free! He even offered to send me a few of the best guards around him for free... Just give it to me like a slave! But after thinking about it, I still refused.

I understand the psychology of the tower. He has just been saved by me. In his capacity, he almost instinctively wants to pay off this favor immediately.

Maybe Xiaoxiong has this kind of mentality.

I owe too much kindness to others, and I feel very uncomfortable.

Finally, he was in a hurry and suddenly remembered that I couldn't do that. He had to give me a box of herbs to say anything.

I couldn't laugh or cry, but looking at his enthusiastic appearance, I blurted out, "If you want to send it, send a truck!" Where is a box enough!" OK!" The trapped tower agreed without even thinking about it.

"..." I looked at the leader of the warlord speechlessly and scolded in my heart: OK! At worst, I have to go back and use it as a Viagra to sell medicine to make money! To be honest, the leader of this tower warlord can run rampant in the land of East Africa for a while, and it is really not good to seize the power of the G country. His army is really a little able.

In less than two hours, someone returned.

The killer got it! Tateng stood up from the chair with a sound. He had a gloomy face and a trace of evil spirit in his eyes. He suddenly looked at me and said, "My friend, do you want to go and have a look together?" I want to refuse. I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but looking at the haze expression of the trapped tower, I instinctively did not refuse.

Suddenly, my heart moved... This guy is not suspicious of me, is he? It's possible! Under the protection of the guards, I followed the trapped tower to the outside.

They didn't have any torture room, but trapped the tower without saying a word and took me north from the back hillside.

After walking for about 20 minutes, he actually crossed a small river and came to a piece of sand.

The terrain here is extremely strange. It seems to be a concave ground with a radius of only about 100 meters, as if it were a small circular mountain.

In the surrounding strange stone forest, I directly picked a bare rock with a high terrain and walked up, looking down condescendingly.

The sand here is a little strange. It's actually red. I don't know if it contains any minerals.

Soon, a guy with blood all over his body was set up. The killer's figure did not seem to be high, and he seemed to be a mixed race. His skin was brown. Under the blood stain, he could only see seven or eight points of his appearance clearly. He was a very heroic guy, but now his eyelids are drooping weakly

I saw that both of his legs were broken, and it seemed that he had been shot.

He was wearing a military camouflage suit, full of dust and a lot of grass. When the soldiers threw him on the spot, this man seemed to have lost all his ability to resist, as if it were a puddle of mud.

I saw the captain of the guard under the trapped tower came over and stood beside the trapped tower and said something. They spoke in the native language. I couldn't understand it, but after listening to the trapped tower, he narrowed his eyes, sneered twice and looked at me: "My friend, this guy almost killed me, and you saved me. I'm going to die.

Then he muttered, "It's a cruel guy who even killed my three guards in the jungle."

Seeing that I was looking at the people below with strange eyes, he suddenly sneered: "What's wrong? Do you think it's strange? He can't move now. My captain of the guard broke his hands and feet with a knife.

Sure enough, I saw the captain of the guard's body with a machete with red blood.

"Start!" As soon as the tower waved his hand, two soldiers jumped to the sand below and began to dig a hole. Soon, a hole was dug out. I checked it and it was just enough to bury a person alive.

"Executed so soon? Don't you need to interrogate?" I asked slowly. Now that I know that the trapped tower brought me here, I'm probably still suspicious of me. I might as well be more generous.

To cringe, it makes people suspicious.

"Don't ask."

The trapped tower said lightly, "This guy is a mercenary at first glance. There are many people who want me to die. It's nothing more than my hostile forces. It's troublesome to ask one by one. Just kill him directly! But he killed my three personal guards, and I won't let him die easily.

A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the trapped tower. As soon as he waved his hand, someone immediately carried the killer on the ground into the pit, then fixed his position, kept his head facing up, and began to fill the earth with a shovel.

[Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight] After looking at it for a while, I suddenly found that they were not going to bury the killer alive, because the killer's chest was still outside, and the sand only filled around his chest.

"What is this?" I suddenly moved my heart and remembered the kind of torture I knew: "Do you want to skin him?" Peel... Why do you say that?" The tower looked at me.

I didn't think much for a moment, and casually said, "It's just peeling... Bury people in the soil, only exposing a head, then cut the top of the head with a knife, and then pour mercury from the wound, so that the mercury will fall off along the flowing gap between the skin and muscles, and people will feel painful Drill up..." I said for a while, looking at the eyes of the trapped tower, and suddenly woke up! I told him what to do with this! Obviously, looking at his eyes, he didn't know the torture I was talking about! I told him this kind of thing. If he learns to do this in the future, isn't it my sin? Thinking of this, I shut up and didn't say anything, but I couldn't wait to slap myself in the face.

Fortunately, the trapped tower first showed a trace of surprise in his eyes, and then a little disdainful.

"Oh, my friend... I thought you were a civilized person, and it seems that you are also proficient in these things... Haha, very good."

He smiled, and then changed his tone: "But after all, it's the Orientals... I heard that you Orientals have strange ways to torture people. What's the point of having so many tricks, but it's so troublesome! If I want to peel the skin, I will cut it directly with a knife! Just like cutting the beast... You said to use mercury, hum... In this way, you have to always have mercury around, which is unnecessary!" I was relieved and relieved, but I was worried that he would ask about the skinning. I quickly said, "Well, your Excellency..." "Call me sleepy tower!" He glanced at me and said, "Now you are my good friend."

"Okay...General Trapped Tower."

I still stubbornly added his rank. This time he didn't say anything, so I continued to ask, "Then why are you burying him here?" This is one of our most cruel punishments! The local language of our Tutu people is called 'Kurikaka'!" I accidentally found that when General Kurichaka said the word "Kurika" in his mouth, the wolf-like guards around him trembled gently, and there was an unnatural expression on someone's face.

Well... It seems that this Kurikaka seems to make them all afraid.

The two soldiers below quickly brought a pile of strange things. I saw a pile of strange dry plants. The two soldiers carefully distributed the pile of things around the red sand, and then took out the fire to ignite these things.

Suddenly, after the hay was burned, it emitted a pungent and strange smell. It was not said whether it was fragrant or smelly. Anyway, it was very strange.

In the circle of fire, the two soldiers looked at each other, and then they quickly took out the dagger and cut several times on the skin of the killer ** buried in the sand, and then watched the blood flow quickly. They ran out of the circle of fire as if they were running away and found the attachment. A nearby rock hurriedly climbed up and fled to the rock. The two soldiers seemed to be afraid.

I'm just wondering... the situation has changed! On this sand, the red blood flowed away, and the killer buried in it seemed to have no strength to move, and after the blood gradually penetrated into the sand... Suddenly, within my sight, it was clearly visible. On the originally flat sand, suddenly the sand shrugged. Then a sandbag on the ground bulped up quickly, rising higher and higher! The sand rolled, as if something under the sandbag was drilling up from the sand! Inside the trapped tower next to him, these black people's faces had a faint trace of fear. Even on the bloated face of the trapped tower, I saw that the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled gently twice... Finally, the sand pushed higher and higher. It seemed that it was about half a meter high from the ground. Finally, the sand There was a sound, and the sandbag finally collapsed! The things inside also crawled out... There was a sound of inhaling cold air around me, and even some black people couldn't help exclaiming in the native language.

Although I don't know the native language, I still recognized the bytes of their pronunciation... "Kurikaka"!!