evil spirit

Chapter 38 Death's Shoulder

Chapter 38 [Death's Shoulders] It's probably what the trapped tower and his men said. The few black soldiers who sent us back on the plane this time were much more friendly to us.

Jojo next to

is still listening to music bored.

I didn't tell her about Kurikaka. I didn't want to tell Joe Jojo about that cruel and disgusting thing.

I leaned back in the chair for a while, but as soon as I closed my eyes, it seemed that the killer had been eaten into a white bone in my mind, and both eyes were full of cannibal ants... "Fifth brother... You don't look well."

The hammer in front of me suddenly looked back at me with a little worry on his face.

I shook my head: "I'm going to drink some water."

After saying that, I stood up and headed for the cargo hold behind the plane.

Of course, the so-called cargo compartment is actually the cabin separated by a plate wrapped in iron, our luggage is placed in the back, and there is a box of spare bottled water.

I walked to the cargo compartment and rummaged through the luggage for a while. I was bending down to get a bottle of water out of the box... Suddenly, at this moment, the alert instinct in my heart flashed! Almost without any hesitation, an instinct seemed to prompt me to rush forward and then roll away to the left! A chill almost rubbed against the back of my neck! At this moment, all the hair on the back of my neck stood up!! I was still on the ground before I turned around. A figure had flown over and pressed on me. Almost at the same time, I felt that the chest and abdomen had been hit several times! I raised my hand to resist twice, but I was still hit in the abdomen. The severe pain made me understand that it was a heavy blow to the opponent's knee! The person who attacked me seems to be very experienced! A big hand has quickly covered my mouth, and then this person has pressed on me. The other hand grabbed a dagger and inserted it in my neck! Life is at stake! I struggled with all my strength, and one of my hands immediately pushed up, pressed hard against his chin, and pushed it up! This man is so strong that I didn't push him away.

He just shook his body, and then the dagger was almost on my neck! My arm pushed hard against his chin, so that he could not send the dagger forward smoothly, and the other hand was also pinching his wrist to the upper gear... Fortunately, he was going to separate a hand to cover my mouth, otherwise I'm afraid I would really die! I have seen his appearance clearly. This is a black man with a strange oil paint on his face, so that people can't see his original appearance clearly. He is wearing a camouflage-style military uniform... Is it a trapped tower's men? Is the tower going to kill me? An idea flashed in my mind.

The two of us were competing. The tendons on his neck burst out, and the joints of his arms clicked because they were too hard! Finally, I seized an opportunity, first took a deep breath, and then my body bounced forward with the help of the strength of my waist... Bang! This guy was immediately turned over by me from the top of my head. As soon as I was free, I immediately jumped up, and then just as I was about to shout loudly, this guy was so strong that it was far beyond my expectation! As soon as he was thrown out by me, he hit himself into a pile of suitcases, but he jumped up, as if there was no loss of balance at all, and then his body immediately reappeared like a ghost! Come on..." I just shouted a short byte. The dagger had scratched on my chest with a cold air. I suddenly inhaled and shrank back three points. He was probably surprised that he failed with a knife. But then this guy saw that the dagger could not subdue me, but he actually shot the dagger at me. Come on! I'm afraid this is the closest to death in my life! I have practiced my ability to shoot flying knives to a considerable time.

So I just saw his wrist-raising posture, and I knew it was not good! His posture is a veteran at first glance, extremely skilled and skillful! According to my experience, I can never avoid the dagger shot by such a master at such a distance between the two of us! [ The kiss of heaven is over! Just as the idea flashed in my mind, it was probably that God heard my voice again... Well, in other words, my character broke out again.

It was probably to avoid some airflow, and the whole fuselage suddenly shook! Then he and I staggered to the side at the same time, and then his dagger just got out of his hand! Bang!! Keng!!! The dagger rubbed against my face, although I knew it was impossible - but I swear, at that moment, I could almost feel the cold metal feeling of the cold dagger against the skin on my face!! The dagger had been nailed to the partition not far behind me, and even shot through the iron sheet wrapped outside, and nailed directly into the board inside! I'm shocked! At such a close distance, in such a hurry, how did this guy's wrist work! How can the dagger have so much power! I just dodged the disaster, but the two of us fell to the ground again because of the earthquake of the plane just now, and we fell together! I was about to raise my hand to fight with him and stop his attack at the same time, but as soon as I moved, I stiffened.

Under my neck, something cold stuck to my chin! Gun muzzle! Looking at this guy up close, although his skin is black, it is not as black as other black people, as if it is a deep brown, probably a mixed race.

His eyes smelled like a beast. After the muzzle held against my chin, I saw his finger on the trigger.

At this moment, my mind suddenly became extremely clear, and all the reactions became extremely sensitive! In an instant, I saw the horrible guy in front of me! The camouflage suit on his body is different from the soldiers under the trapped tower, and it has obvious dirt and stains, and even grass crumbs! What surprised me more was that when I was so close to him, I suddenly smelled a bloody smell! I saw that his clothes were open, revealing muscles as strong as a cheetah, but it was also obvious. There was a bandage wrapped in it, and there were obvious blood stains! This guy is actually injured! It is obvious that even if the trapped tower wants to kill me, it is impossible to send an injured man.

After vetoing that it was trapped in the tower for the first time, I suddenly reacted... This guy's awkward appearance and the stains on his body were obviously the result of crossing in the jungle! And his camouflage suit... Obviously, it is very similar to the killer who assassinated the trapped tower I have seen!! In an instant, I understood something!! Moreover, just as his fingers seemed to pull the trigger, I suddenly whispered, "I'll help you kill the tower!" In the evil eyes of the other party, the originally sharp and unusual eyes seemed to have a slight loosening.

He seemed to stare at me, and then I saw that his fingers holding the gun gave me a little bit, and the muzzle of the gun against my chin didn't hurt me so much.

Finally, he removed the muzzle of the gun and said in an indifferent voice like an iceberg, "Who are you?"

Thank God, he speaks English!" There is no time to explain. I know you are going to kill the tower, right? You also have a companion, but you were caught by the people trapped in the tower, right? His eyes became fierce again.

"Your companion is dead and killed by the trapped tower.

I'm not a trapped tower person, but I can help you, at least take you out of here.

I said it quickly.

I figured out everything in an instant! There were two people who went to assassinate the trapped tower. One of the soldiers trapped in the tower was captured back, and the other fled in the jungle, but it was a jungle. He didn't know why he was injured, but in the end, he was bold and got into the plane! Then he escaped in this way! This is also normal. In that jungle, it is surrounded by barren mountains, and the airport is also the only shortcut to escape.

He looked at me for a long time, and I added: "Either you kill me, and there are more than a dozen fully armed people on the plane!" If you shoot, you will definitely startle them! Let's see if you can kill them all?" He stared into his eyes: "Or, believe me, I can help you out! - Anyway, it's all dead. You might as well gamble once and believe that I can help you, and there is still a way to live."

Finally, the murderous spirit in his eyes subsided. Although his eyes were still cold, I knew that for the time being, the murder was lifted! I quickly separated from him. He looked at me warily, then slowly retreated and leaned against the cabin... At this time, I found that although he tried his best to hide it, there was still a trace of weakness and pain on his face.

He leaned against the cabin and his chest kept fluctuating and gasping.

I looked at this guy: "Trust me."

Bang! His gun suddenly fell to the ground. He was also shocked and seemed to reach out to pick it up, but as soon as he moved, his face immediately showed an unbearable and painful expression. Finally, he looked at me helplessly. His eyes turned over, and his body fell soft and fainted.

...dizzy? Are you dizzy? This was beyond my expectation. I carefully approached him, checked it, put away the gun first, and then confirmed that he really fainted... After a simple examination, I couldn't help but marvel! Is this guy still a human??? **[Please note!!] ( Say the number of updates: Six chapters and nineteen words yesterday! I posted more than nine words this morning! It will be twenty-eight thousand words in less than two days! And the number of words I updated last month was 240,000 words! Speaking of quality: Recently, my attitude has been obvious to all. The quality of the latest series of chapters is here, and you can see it.

Request monthly ticket support! It can be said that I am trying my best to get out of the low tide, so now is the time when I need everyone's support the most. Your monthly ticket is my motivation! Whether dancing can get out of the previous low tide, I have made an effort, and it depends on everyone's support!!)