evil spirit

Chapter 57 Media War Under

Chapter 57 [Media War] (Part 2) At the beginning, this incident annoyed me very much.

In the place where the freedom of public opinion of the media is rampant in the United States, I have never been so calculated by the media. Instead, after returning to China, I was detained like this... Shit, keep it? At the beginning, I also took a bit of a fighting posture and was ready to call a lawyer to sue these newspapers.

But then, Ning Yan knew it and immediately gave me the idea of this.

"I said Xiaowu, you seem to be used to staying abroad. When you come back, you actually want to find a lawyer to sue the media..." She smiled bitterly: "You don't know the power of the domestic media."

I'm not convinced: "What's wrong with the media? The media is still the tongue of the country! Why can they talk so nonsense? Ning Yan smiled and said, "Fal? How do you sue? In foreign countries, newspapers are privately operated businesses and industries.

But in China, these newspapers are not private!" She picked up several newspapers on the table today and said with a smile, "Look at these XX Evening News, XX Daily, XX Express.

Are you going to sue them? Let me tell you, these newspapers belong to XX Newspaper Group! What is the cause of XX Newspaper Group? Let me tell you, almost all the newspaper groups in the country were transferred from the previous local news agencies after the adjustment of the national industry, that is to say... these so-called newspaper companies turned out to have the same nature as state institutions!" She looked at me with a faint smile: "What's wrong with you?" I see.

After all, I'm not a fool. When Ning Yan's words come to this, I understand what's wrong.

In China, newspapers belong to the state (although they are all claimed to be companies now, the companies also belong to the state!). In this land, are you going to sue the official organs? Hey hey... hey hey... At least I haven't heard of such a case of winning a lawsuit.

Ning Yan opened a newspaper.

Pointed to the large color picture and text above, he smiled and said, "And these things, do you see them? In fact, these words are similar to those circulating on the Internet.

Even if you sue, they will push it and say that they also reprint online text. The responsibility for reprinting is very light. At most, it is not painful to say: work mistakes, pay attention to it in the future.

What else can you do with them? Moreover, in China, the newspaper industry is a very strange industry, such as Nanjing. You and I are both from Nanjing.

Several famous newspapers in Nanjing actually belong to a newspaper group... This is an inconceivable thing abroad! Because it is equivalent to a newspaper group monopolizing the newspaper industry in a region! The so-called competition between several newspapers is actually their own left hand and right hand. No matter who wins, they make their own money... But there is one! If you dare to sue one of the newspapers.

You are tantamount to offending this newspaper group! You are tantamount to offending all the newspapers in such a region! Do you still want the media to say good words in the future?" Shit!" I couldn't help saying, "Is it true that in China, these media are still tiger buttocks and can't touch them?" Ha ha, he is protected by Shang Fang's sword. You can't fight, you can't fall, and you can't even show your face!" Ning Yan seems to have become more and more refined over the years, and said with a smile, "Let me give you an example: you should know that in China, almost all public opinion says that Zhang Ziyi is not good, how bad Zhang Ziyi is, bad character, playing big, etc... However, think about it carefully, put aside whether this woman is good or bad There is one thing. You and I don't know her. Ordinary people don't know her, and they don't know her well. Why do they say that this woman is not good all day? It seems to have become an argument. When it comes to Zhang Ziyi, it seems that most people are unhappy with this person.

In fact, everyone doesn't know this person at all, and has never had contact with her. Is this woman good or evil, hypocritical or sincere, good or bad... Who knows? Even if we meet every day and know friends for more than ten years, people are still separated from each other! But the people of the whole country have never had contact with Zhang Ziyi. Why do they scold her? I was silent.

Ning Yan smiled, looked at me and said slowly, "The reason is very simple, because she offended the media in those years. Almost all the media said that 'Zhang Ziyi is not good'. The media told the people of the whole country that 'Zhang Ziyi is not good', and then... the next thing was logical.

She scolded her for her poor acting skills. In fact, although she didn't act very well, at least she didn't scold so badly.

As for what she plays in Memoirs of Geisha, in fact, you and I both know that the so-called geisha is not a prostitute at all, just because there is a word 'prostitu' on the name. As a result, everyone said that she is playing a Japanese prostitute... In fact, the so-called geisha is simply a kind of It must be compared, which is similar to that of ancient Chinese Beijing opera actors.

As for what award ceremony she attended, her English is so bad that it's embarrassing for Chinese people... That's even more a joke... How many of these Chinese actors are good at English? Anyway, as long as you offend the media, don't expect them to talk to you! Any of your tiny defects will be infinitely magnified, saying that there is something, and the white one is black!" She looked at me and seemed to be a little disdainful: "As for the masses... Hey hey, what do you think the masses are? The masses don't know anything. What the media and public opinion tell them is what the masses think it looks like.

The masses? As for the network..." "Well, isn't the Internet free?" I asked strangely.

"Hahaha..." Ning Yan smiled: "The freedom of the Internet is relative. In fact, in China... the freedom of the Internet is also limited.

You find that there is not a lot of news in newspapers, which is similar to that on the Internet. Do you know why? It's very simple, because the hot news on the Internet and the topics that are very hyped are actually written by the media personnel, and they are all fired by gunmen! Well, when you say freedom, it's actually relative.

Let me give you an example... For example, if you want to post a message, then you send it on the Internet, but in the same way, other people's gunners also send messages on the Internet, but you are an ordinary netizen. Without background, what you send will be quickly annihilated in the message on the Internet... You know, this is the era of information explosion! But those gunmen, the things sent by others, are helped by the station to hype. Their messages can be put on the top of the homepage by the website, which can be placed in the most eye-catching position, so that the most people can see, click, and then... will quickly become a hot topic! And you, yes, that's right, you can send it as you like, you can write it as you like... But the problem is that if you send it, someone will see it, right? A slightly larger website has tens of millions of daily PV traffic! In such a large flow, if you send something, you will be annihilated in the tide in an instant... Look at me and don't talk.

Ning Yan said lightly, "What I said is still light! Let me tell you, if you really want to drive you away, then even if you want to use network resources to build momentum for yourself.

But I promise that you will definitely find that you are also doing nothing on the Internet! Why? Because although the Internet is free, the website is always open by people, right? Websites that are slightly larger need to be established through legal procedures. They are supervised by the General Administration of Press and Publication and officially supervised. At that time, what you send will be deleted immediately.

Those news that is unfavorable to you will be deliberately spread in a prominent position... What will the result be? Think about it yourself."

I took a deep breath and smiled, "Fortunately, you told me this, otherwise I would have poked the hornet's nest."

"In fact, the so-called news on many large websites now... In fact, it is written by people in the media... If you know about this industry, you will know."

Ning Yan smiled and said, "After all, I have been working in this industry for so many years. For example, some large domestic portals actually control most of the public opinion of the domestic network.

But do you know? In fact, most of the people who specialize in writing headline news on these websites are "part-time" people in the news media, that is, the so-called gunmen.

You will find that a lot of news on the Internet is almost exactly the same as what you read in newspapers. Even if it is occasionally the same, the tone and style of writing are like the communication news from regular newspapers.

"That's what you said? How should we deal with the media? I smiled and said, "Well, Ning Yan, let's not beat around the bush. Just say it directly. How did you deal with the media in the past?" Simple, polite, small kindness.

Ning Yan covered her mouth and said with a smile, "In fact, after all, we are in the entertainment industry. In the media, the most strictly controlled by the state is the public opinion orientation of the main national people's livelihood. There are not too many restrictions on things in the entertainment industry.

So, in fact, the things on the entertainment page of the newspaper, whether to praise you or scold you, actually depends on the pens of those reporters! If you are cold to them, they will write that you are not good. If you are good to them, they will write that you are good.

Of course, there are also some people who deliberately find faults, but those are all in the minority.

"You're welcome, little kindness?" My eyes lit up.


Ning Yan smiled and said, "What do reporters rely on to eat? Relying on news, if there is no news, they have to find news! With news, they can have something to write.

The more gimmicks the news, the greater the benefits they will get.

Moreover, these newspapers, these newspapers, these platforms, are national.

But journalists are always people, aren't they? Journalists also have to eat, and they also have to pay for the manuscript.

Did you find that many press conferences, the organizers will prepare a lot of small souvenirs, all of which are small things, such as pens, or New Year's albums, etc., which are all small gifts, so that these 'uncrowned kings' can show mercy when they go back to write manuscripts.

Of course, there are also many people who spend money to buy some journalists and then praise them for themselves.

She lowered her head and thought, "This time, I've thought about it now, not for Jenny.

After all, our Deep Blue Entertainment Company has always had a good relationship with the media. In the past, we did things according to the rules of the circle.

It is reasonable that these media should not deal with us like this.

So, I think it's mostly for you.

"I?" I frowned: "I just came back, and I didn't offend these media."

"Of course you didn't offend."

Ning Yan said, "But the problem is... you just came back!" She continued: "In fact, in *** in China, the rules for the media are fixed, and everyone follows the rules, but in this way.

Everyone is the same. Who do these media say is bad and who is good? After all, there are only a few people who are not good for the media.

The readers are tired of scolding and scolding.

Always look for new topics.

But the rest of the people follow the rules honestly, so that these guys can't find them.

News, we always need new topics.

It's good now, you're back... You're a popular figure in the United States now, and you're the best news topic person! The most important thing is... You don't have any foundation in China! If it were us, our relationship with the media was not bad in the past. They would not dare to provoke us rashly, otherwise they would have broken the rules! But you are different.

You have nothing to do with them. You don't have any relatives.

They say hello and say you're not good, it's up to them to be happy.

In a word, there is no mercy between you and them! It's so easy to catch one of your gimmicks. Why don't you have to fire it fiercely? I slowly took a sip of tea and thought about it carefully for a while, but looked up at Ning Yan: "I see... Hey hey, I see what you mean.

Well... I can't afford to provoke those newspaper groups.

But those journalists are always human beings. If they are people, they have to eat, drink, eat and dress, and have seven emotions and desires.

, right? ***** The next day, I immediately held a press conference.

With Deep Blue Entertainment's previous connections in the media ***, and I am now a hot topic, this press conference immediately attracted a lot of media to attend.

Before the press conference started, I made the first move. All the reporters present today gave away a small souvenir.

A set of old photoelectric mice and keyboards worth 300 yuan, I spent tens of thousands of yuan in total and prepared hundreds of sets, all reporters who came to the press conference.

One will be given away.

A set of mouse and keyboard is not worth much money, but the problem is... These reporters have to use a computer when they go back to write articles, right? Always type with the keyboard and click with the mouse, right? The set of gifts I gave is unique in shape, and the grade is not low. I believe many people will be willing to install and use it immediately after going back.

[Heaven's kiss hand beating] The problem is... People's hearts say that the flesh is long, and people will know whether it is good or bad.

These reporters use the mouse and keyboard I sent to write press releases. I don't believe that they are embarrassed to use the keyboard I sent while typing and writing manuscripts? As the saying goes, the cannibal's mouth is short, and the hand is short, hey hey! Of course, the kind of person who eats inside and outside, takes your gift and scolds you as an asshole, but this kind of person with inferior character, despicable and shameless is in the minority after all.

As long as the hundreds of reporters attending the press conference this time, half of the people, when they write the manuscript with the keyboard I sent, think of me in their hearts, and show mercy when writing about me, my tens of thousands of yuan is absolutely worth it! Jenny did not attend the press conference, but I attended the press conference with Fang Nan and Ning Yan.

At the meeting, I announced that I would invest in the formal merger of Deep Blue Entertainment Company, and Deep Blue Entertainment Company officially changed owners, with a total investment of about 250 million yuan.

This news is hot enough! Suddenly, the whole audience was in an uproar! I'm rich, and everyone knows this.

I took out more than 200 million yuan to buy a company at a time, and everyone is not surprised.

But the problem is that I suddenly invested heavily in buying a first-class entertainment company in China. Such a move is of special significance.

Basically, I am actually a relatively simple person in the eyes of the domestic media.

I'm in the underworld abroad, and the domestic media are not clear about it, which is not even mentioned by the American media.

When I do smuggling business, these reporters naturally don't know, and even these people don't pay much attention to the legal investment business and international trade business of my Huaxing Company.

Because in essence, these reporters are "entertainment notes"! And in the eyes of these people, the most important identity is: Hollywood movie tycoon! I own a very popular film company. I just got a super hot movie at the box office. At the same time, I have a close relationship with Hollywood's upper-class *** and have a wide network.

In the eyes of these people, I am simply a giant in the entertainment industry! And now I have returned to China, and I have spent money to buy a first-class domestic entertainment company. Does this move mean that I have begun to officially enter the domestic entertainment industry? The whole audience was blown up. Suddenly, the reporters below were in chaos. They began to ask loudly. The professional master of ceremonies in the company immediately controlled the scene, and then announced the start of asking questions by name. The questioning time was ten minutes.

"Mr. Chen Yang, are you going to invest in the entertainment company this time and start to get involved in the domestic entertainment industry? What will you do next? Will you invest in movies? This topic is what everyone is most interested in. After all, it is the owner of a Hollywood film company! Mr. Chen Yang, you own a Hollywood film company. It can be said that you have a very favorable platform. Are you going to invest in filming in China? Will you invite the current stars of Deep Blue Entertainment to appear in movies in Hollywood?" Will you invest in shooting real commercial blockbusters in China? Or use Hollywood's filmmaking methods in the domestic film industry?" Will you ask domestic directors to cooperate? For example, Zhang Xmou, or Chen Xge? Which director do you like best? Is it Feng Xgang?" Will Jenny be the heroine of your next investment movie? Will you take her to Hollywood for development? I sat on the stage and smiled and said, "Since I have invested in this industry.

Naturally, there will be a intention to do a good job in this company. As for what you ask, will you know if you will cooperate with my film company in the United States... What I want to say is.

I have this platform in my hand, so naturally I don't know how to use it... communication, for sure.

But the specific plan cannot be disclosed at present.

However, it is certain that the future development will definitely be two-way communication.

I will use the resources in my hand.

It can enable the outstanding personnel of Deep Blue Company to develop in Hollywood, and will also introduce all models of the entertainment industry in the United States.

Everyone can wait and see.

I paused for a moment, and I smiled.

revealed a point: "At present, it can be revealed that for Miss Jenny, who is currently owned by the company, we have made a preliminary plan to hire Miss Swan, a famous stage instructor in the West, to serve as Jenny's future guidance.

Well, maybe everyone is still unfamiliar with Miss Swann, but she used to be the royal stage guidance of Madonna and Sweetie, and she is also a talent invited by major star economic companies in the United States.

I believe that with the joining of this outstanding talent, it will be of great help to the company's artists in the future.

After a pause, I smiled and said, "Of course.

I also have some considerations. For example, it's not difficult to invite my personal friend Mr. James Cameron to help the company's artists shoot an MTV.

In this matter, I made a temporary phone call to the tyrant last night. This guy readily agreed. After all, the tyrant has also sunk in the United States for two years. He turned over with my "The Shock" and owes me a favor.

For him, the promise to help me shoot an MTV is just a sacrifice of a few days of vacation.

These two messages were thrown out, and it was suddenly a blockbuster again! The royal stage guidance of Madonna and Xiaotiantian, who are known as popular big sisters? Everyone knows this weight.

As for... James Cameron came to shoot MTV... Shit, an Oscar-level director came to shoot MTV, which is also the first company in China!! At the beginning, Zhang Xmou made an advertisement for a domestic website, which made it sensational news! If you really get the tyrant... the effect must be even more shocking! The shocking topics were thrown out one after another, and these reporters were excited one by one - of course, when they go back tonight, they have big gimmicks to write! Of course, there are also SB.

In this case, another guy foolishly asked a question: "Mr. Chen Yang, about you going to Jenny's concert, it is rumored that you have some personal relationship with her... Well, you suddenly invested in the purchase of Deep Blue Entertainment this time. Is it a lot of money for beauty?" ...The whole audience was silent.

This fool was still proud of his problem, but he suddenly found that almost all his colleagues were looking at him with a fool's eyes.

The look means: Is this guy an idiot? Throwing a lot of money for beauty? Can you say this kind of bullshit? Joke! Yes, it is true that there are many rich people who are willing to spend a lot of money to raise female stars, and some Kaizi are willing to spend a lot of money to praise the women they like as stars.

But the problem is... Even if you are rich, you are not a fool! Spending millions or tens of millions is already a super big deal! But... spend 2.5 billion to buy a company just to have sex with a female star? Do you really think rich people are idiots? Do you think the money of the rich fell from the sky? Everyone knows that I am not a second ancestor. I have worked hard for my current property and status! Naturally, people who can start from nothing and get to today's position can't be idiots! If I'm really the kind of guy who is willing to spend more than 200 million to play with a woman... then a person with such an idiot can't earn such a big fortune! Soon, the reporter who asked this idiot question was ignored by everyone.

By the way, there is another problem. I don't need to explain, and it's logical.

Why did I go to Jenny's concert? It's simple. They spent money to buy a company. Of course, they have to see the most profitable pillar of the company! Isn't that normal? After this press conference, the sex news about me and Jenny has finally come to an end.

Because of the entertainment version of the newspaper, almost all of them are occupied by the topic of my one-time purchase of Deep Blue Entertainment Company! In the mouth of these people, I am a big crocodile in the domestic entertainment industry! Everyone was talking about the "two-way communication" after what I said.

I have to admit that Chinese people still have an Oscar complex. After all, what they can't get is always the best.

Those big directors and big stars in China, a round of tragic shock Oscars every year, try to break into Hollywood, but they always hit their heads.

I have to make people sigh.

And now, my appearance undoubtedly gives everyone a hope! I have a foothold in Hollywood and own a small film company.

So what's next... is worth looking forward to.

The storm of peach news has gradually subsided.

Although I am still at the forefront of the media, at least the topic is not so annoying.

A day has passed. Originally, I thought the storm had calmed down, but I didn't expect that the next thing made me extremely shocked!! Almost without any warning, suddenly one night, a strange article appeared in the blogs of several websites and several online promoters on the Internet at the same time! Exposure of Jenny's real identity: She is from Vietnam... When Ning Yan ran into my room in panic and told me the news, I immediately opened my laptop and saw the news on an entertainment website... Bang! In my rage, I suddenly raised my hand and lifted the table! The laptop worth more than 30,000 yuan was smashed by my punch! Who did it!" I stared at Ning Yan furiously.

Ning Yan's face was solemn: "Obviously, this is not done by the media itself... Someone is targeting us."

***** (Before I go to bed at night, I will pray to God: Almighty Lord, please give me some monthly tickets ~ Hallelujah ~ ~)