evil spirit

Chapter 67 Bets

Chapter 67 [Bets] Yang Wei's attitude makes me feel sad... Looking back on the days when we were in Hollywood.

During that time, we lived together and were as close as a couple. Although Yang Wei always kept the last level, we did not have a relationship in a real sense, but at that time, the gentleness and warmth Yang Wei gave me showed me another gentle side of this calm, rational and wise woman... But now Everything seems to have changed, back to the strange woman I first met.

The car is driving, the excellent performance of the extended RV, the good chassis and suspension system, and Hansen's superb driving technology make the car very smooth in the driving process without any bumps.

Yang Wei never said anything to me. She seldom even looked at me, and her eyes kept falling out of the window.

I even feel that she seems to be deliberately ignoring my existence.

The only time when she seemed to finally face me was when I couldn't help but feel irritable. When I touched my pocket and took out a cigarette... I took out my pocket, I remembered the coat on my body. I bought it in the clothing store where Amei worked not long ago. How can I have cigarettes in my pocket? The action of touching my pocket attracted Yang Wei's attention. She pressed a button, and a mezzanine rose under the seat. She took out a box of cigarettes from it and handed it to me, still without saying a word.

"Thank you."

I looked at her impatiently.

Yang Wei didn't say anything, but casually pressed a button and turned on the ventilation system in the RV.

Seeing her movements, I took down the cigarette in my mouth and squeezed it into a ball.

Silence... An awkward silence spread in the carriage, and such an atmosphere made me a little at a loss.

"What's wrong?" I looked gloomy: "Weiwei, what's the problem?" Yang Wei's attitude towards me really made me a little angry.

I looked at her, but Yang Wei didn't seem to be indulred by my eyes. She looked at me directly: "It's nothing."

"Are you... unhappy? Or do you have any resentment against me?" I frowned.

"No, I'm fine."

A faint answer.

I'm almost going to scratch my scalp.

What's wrong with Yang Wei? I remember when we went back from Hollywood together, I went back to Vancouver. When I said goodbye at the airport, she was so gentle to me, so warm to me, so affectionate to me... I can still remember her gentle eyes when she stood in the airport and said to me, "I love you, I'm waiting for you."

But now, why has it changed? I forced a smile: "I called you later. I thought you would go to the film company, but you never went again... Then I called the casino, and they said that you came to China to take charge of a business..." Yang Wei said, "Oh", and still said in a very calm tone: "The film company is yours, before I I'm just helping you, but now everything is on track, and I don't need to do anything else.

And...you know..." She suddenly smiled and said to me as if jokingly, "I'm invited to do something, but the salary is very high."

I laughed twice, but my mouth was a little bitter.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you."

Yang Wei thought for a moment and said, "Happy wedding."

"..." I feel like I'm about to explode: "Thank you!" Also, I'm sorry for the riots at your wedding.

Yang Wei's expression was like a mature diplomat: "If you need my help, just say it."

***! Long time no see... Happy wedding... Expressing regret... I really want to grab her shoulder and question her: Is this what you want to say to me? The terrorist locked on the bomb, and then said with a desperate smile: You are the person I love the most in my life... Where is Yang Wei? There was nothing to say all the way. The car drove into Pudong, Shanghai, and then after getting off the viaduct, it went farther and farther on a highway. The greening on both sides became better and better, and farther away from the city. The last road bypassed to an obviously newly developed land, and finally drove into a large courtyard door.

I began to suspect that this was not a plant circle or something, because after the car came in, it drove on a path with green trees on both sides and crossed an artificial lake all the way.

The environment here is elegant, as if it were a big school, but everything around it is far more luxurious.

I even saw a standard golf course in the distance... In front of a completely European-style building, the car stopped. After we got out of the car, soon a waiter came out to help drive the car, and then several bodyguard-like people immediately protected us into the building.

This is not a villa. In front of me is a large number of European-style buildings. Entering the building, there is a lounge and a coffee shop. I can see several casually dressed men sitting on an open-air lawn drinking tea from afar, and several beautiful women chatting in the coffee shop.

"This is a leisure club."

Yang Wei finally spoke: "Almost all the rich people in Shanghai have membership cards here... Of course, only the richest class has it.

It specializes in providing all the services for the rich, men's leisure and entertainment, golf, fitness, vacation... women's beauty, SPA, all equipment, and personnel are top equipment.

There is a racecourse behind, and there are even three pure-blooded horses! Of course, if you want to gamble, you can. There is a small casino behind it, but it is also purely private.

Have you even seen those women chatting in the cafe? Each of them will not be low, or their men are the top figures in the financial industry.

You can even do beauty care for their pets here. A person who takes care of pets here earns more than 150,000 yuan a year.

In short, in this place, as long as you are a member, all your needs can be met... Of course, the price is also expensive.

If you have a membership card here, you need to do asset evaluation.

The lowest membership standard, worth less than 30 million, don't want to enter this door.

And the standard of senior membership... hehe..." Yang Wei looked at me and added, "Oh, this place belongs to Mr. Qiao."

I was slightly shocked and didn't say anything.

The eyebrows next to him couldn't help exclaiming: "A veterinarian has an annual salary of 150,000 yuan?" No."

Yang Wei looked at A Mei and smiled: "The pet care staff has an annual salary of 150,000 yuan.

As a veterinarian here, the annual salary is at least 300,000 yuan.

What you need to know is that these pets raised by rich people are all precious breeds.

We crossed a corridor. On the left side of the corridor is a golf course, and on the right side, behind a huge artificial lake, there are several villas that are very far apart, each of which has a completely different shape.

There are Chinese style, European style, and even several Arabic style buildings.

"Where is it? Is it a place to live? I snorted.

Yang Wei looked back at me: "For the time being, you can't go in yet... That place, only entertain some old guys.

Oh, by the way, it can provide some special services for those old guys. You know, there are many old people who are older, the more interested they are in women, but their bodies are often poor.

There are also some women who are specially trained to take care of those old guys... who can meet any of their needs.

In that place, there is a joke here called 'Senior Club'.

Of course, if you are interested, you can also go in and stay for a few days, which costs about $60,000 a day.

Moreover, ordinary members can't get in that place.

She seemed to have become an interpreter, pointing to a spire house in the distance and laughing, "Did you see that place? That place is a new product launch conference... Oh, it's not what you think. It's not anyone's company here... I mean, many of the world's top luxury goods, fashion, jewelry, cars... and so on. In short, it's something that rich people like. These brands will regularly hold their products here. New product launch.

For example, the new products at the annual Milan fashion conference can be shipped here for rich people here in 24 hours! After all, the millionaires in Shanghai are all members of this club! These people are the main consumers of luxury goods!" [ Heaven's Kiss] I looked at Yang Wei and couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "You introduced it in detail. Are you familiar with this place?" Yang Wei was silent for a moment, and then looked at me: "Well, it's relatively familiar."

As she walked, she whispered, "I've been living here these days... from the day you got married."

I was shocked! In the sentence "The day you got married", I finally heard a trace of calmness in Yang Wei's voice.

But...what's wrong with her? When we went back, when we were at the airport, Yang Wei was so calm that she told me that she wanted me to marry Yan Di. She even told me frankly that she thought Yan Di was my most suitable wife.

At that time, she knew that I was going to get married, but she was not as indifferent to me as I am today.

What the hell is it that made her change?" By the way... Yang Wei glanced at me: "I'm going to buy part of the ownership of this place in the business I'm talking about with Mr. Qiao."

I raised my eyebrows.

While talking, we have reached the end of the corridor, where two small battery cars are parked waiting, and there are several golf course caddies next to it.

Yang Wei stopped, then looked at A Mei and said with a smile, "Miss A Mei, well, now I'm going to take Chen Yang to meet a very important person.

If possible, I'll ask someone to take you to rest first, okay? After the matter was over, Chen Yang went back to find you.

Oh, by the way, there are still a few people you know, and I'm afraid they will come here to find you soon.

Mei was obviously a little cramped. Obviously, this luxurious place made her a little uncomfortable, and she suddenly wanted to leave me, which seemed a little unhappy.

Yang smiled. She seemed to be very gentle to others, but she was indifferent to me.

"Miss Mei, don't worry, I won't delay Chen Yang for a long time... Well, you go down and have a rest first. There are a lot of interesting things here that you can enjoy at will..." She just made a look, and a man in a suit who followed far behind immediately came up.

"Take this lady to rest... Well, meet any of her requirements and give this lady the best service..." Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Chen Yang will pay for all the expenses."

Then she took a look at A Mei again and smiled, "Don't worry and enjoy it. Don't worry about the money. Anyway, it's Chen Yang who pays the bill. He is very rich now, so he doesn't have to save money for him."

Mei was a little hesitant, but the manager was obviously strictly trained and knew how to deal with various problems of guests. On the spot, he proposed the latest style of summer fashion that could be taken to visit Milan's summer fashion.

There are also the latest leather bags such as Versace and Gucci, as well as the latest jewelry from major brands in the world.

Women really like this, and A Mei immediately left with a smile.

"It seems that you are going to bleed a lot today."

Yang Wei finally said something less indifferent to me: "The consumption here is not cheap. Today you have to spend at least more than a million dollars."

I shook my head.

I am very familiar with small money fans.

Although she often shows the careful calculation of a little woman, she will never spend other people's money indiscriminately.

She may open up to watch, but she will definitely only watch it without spending money.

Of course, if she really spends it, I don't care.

Even if we put aside our friendship, I will repay her just because she helped me today.

And... I really don't care about the money now.

Mei left, Yang Wei and I got into the battery car and drove into the golf course.

There was no Mei around, and Hanson did not follow up the golf course. Then I was relieved and stared at Yang Wei: "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?" What's wrong?" Yang said lightly.

"You! ...And, me!" I gritted my teeth and said, "Why are you so cold to me?" What indifference?" Yang Wei glanced at me, with a strange look in his eyes, as if smiling, and said lightly, "So what should I do? After meeting, jump into your arms and act coquettish to you? Or do you want to have a warm kiss that has been back for a long time?" ..." I looked at Yang Wei and was surprised that she would say such words.

Looking at my expression, Yang Wei's eyes showed a trace of unbearance, but it was soon covered up by her. Yang Wei looked at me and slowly said word by word, "Chen Yang, you are married."

I was speech-tongued.

The original blood that rushed to the forehead also cooled down in an instant with this sentence... Yang Wei didn't look at me. Her eyes looked elsewhere, and then her voice came calmly without any waves: "I think it's good now.

Chen Yang... We can still trust each other. When you are in trouble, I can help you as before.

You can still call me when you need someone to give you advice.

But...other than that, there is no need to mention anything else.

Her voice was so soft and calm, but... fell into my ears with a trace of indescribable cruelty! The evening sun was about to set, the clean green lawn, the empty golf course, Yang Wei's words almost knocked me down in an instant! There is an old saying: You won't know how to cherish it until you lose it... Isn't it too late? I am speechless.

***** "It's here!" While Yang Wei was talking, the battery car stopped on the edge of an artificial lake. In front of him, two men were walking side by side, talking and laughing. Several caddies followed on both sides, and three casually dressed followers hung far behind. I can see from the figure and pace of these followers that they must be highly skillful bodyguards. The role of the class.

Two people walking side by side, one of whom is Jojo's father, wearing a dark shirt with a smile on his face.

And the other man beside him is very ordinary-looking, but with a trace of elegance, with a pair of glasses on his face, which is quite bookish.

Wearing a thin sweater, he looks very elegant.

Yang Wei and I got out of the car at the same time, and my face was still a little strange. Yang Wei sighed and whispered, "You'd better restrain your mind.

Chen Yang, whom I know, is not a mother-in-law who can't let go like this.

With that, she had passed me, strode forward and laughed loudly, "Mr. Qiao, Mr. Ouyang, I don't know how the war situation is now? I'm afraid the $10,000 I pressed is no longer mine, right? I shook my head and smiled bitterly.

Yang Wei, Yang Wei... Can you control your emotions so well at any time? At this moment, the big thing is in front of me, and I can only temporarily suppress the thoughts in my heart and follow her.

Qiao Qiao's father saw us coming and stopped, but laughed loudly, "Miss Yang, I'm afraid you guessed wrong this time!" In terms of big brands, I'm naturally not as good as Ouyang.

But play golf... Humph, I'm in the same club as Tiger Woods! Now Ouyang is sure to lose. It seems that you can't lose the $10,000 you pressed today.

Yang smiled and said nothing.

Qiao Qiao's father waved to me and said with a smile, "Chen Yang, it's so late! But I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Come on, come on, I'll introduce you to a noble person.

The middle-aged man with glasses next to him waved his hand: "I'm kidding me again. What kind of nobleman am I?" Then he stood still, narrowed his eyes, and looked at me carefully.

When I walked over, I felt a bunch of eyes falling on me. The eyes were very strange, not sharp at all, but as if I could see through people at a glance. I knew that the identity of this middle-aged man must be extraordinary, and I immediately cheered up.

"Chen Yang, come on, I'll introduce it to you.

This is my old friend, Ouyang... Well, let's not talk about the name. If you call him Uncle Ouyang, it will never take advantage of you!" Qiao Qiao's father smiled and said, "How many people cry and want to call him Uncle Ouyang, but they may not pay attention to him."

Then he turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man with glasses and said, "Well, this is the young talent I just said, Chen Yang... Canada's famous rising star! The new favorite of Hollywood in the United States..." "It's really extraordinary."

The middle-aged man nodded, said a word lukewarmly, and withdrew his eyes.

"Okay, I've brought it, and I've finished my work.

I'm not interested in this golf ball.

You men chat, and I'm not very bored with a woman on the side.

Yang smiled and said, "I'll go down first, Mr. Qiao. If you lose in the end, my bet is still valid."

After saying that, Yang Wei looked at me and said, "I'll go see the little beauty you brought, so as not to make others worry."

I opened my mouth and didn't say anything after all.

In fact, whether she left or not, Yang Wei was next to her. When I looked at her, I couldn't help thinking of what she said just now... Alas, it's so hurt!" All right, Chen Yang, come and play a few shots with the two of us.

Qiao Qiao's father laughed and then looked at Ouyang: "You're going to lose today. Why don't you let this young man play a few shots for you? Maybe it will work wonders."

Ouyang Youyou said, "I don't matter.

I couldn't play golf in the first place. I was temporarily dragged by you today, so I have to play with you.

But in the evening, you have to accompany me to do a few laps of mahjong.

Do you want to make mahjong? I suddenly moved my heart and remembered what Qiao Qiao's father said at the beginning.

The identity of a middle-aged man named Ouyang in front of him is ready to come out! Ouyang handed the club to me very kindly. I took it over, waited for the caddie to set the ball, pinched it in his hand, and then posed... swung... ah! The white ball drew an arc in mid-air and flew far away.

Qiao Qiao's father and Ouyang both looked into the distance at the distance. Ouyang smiled and said, "Yi? This shot is of good standard. It seems that if you had come a few steps earlier and helped me hit a few more shots, the old Joe would not be so arrogant today.

I handed the club to the caddie casually and said with a smile, "I don't play well, but I'm young and stronger, and I just play farther, but the accuracy is not good."

"Chen Yang, you're welcome. If you need anything, just talk to them. You're tired all the way here. Do you want me to get you something to drink?" Qiao Qiao's father laughed.

After thinking about it, I turned back to the caddie who followed me and said, "Please, I need to make a call.

I don't have my mobile phone with me.

The caddie went down immediately, and within a moment, he brought a brand-new mobile phone: "Sir, the number inside is also new. Please feel free to use it."

I nodded.

Looking at the brand-new Nokia mobile phone in his hand, he sighed that the service here is indeed first-class.

I took two steps away and called Tu first. This time, Tu's number was finally dialed.

As soon as I got on the phone, I immediately lowered my voice: "Tu? Where are you? How are you doing now? Tu's voice on the phone was very steady: "Boss, I'm fine, but the man ran away. I'm sorry."

The voice next to Tu was very noisy. Obviously, he was outside: "Boss, that guy is good at it. I can kill him, but you said you wanted to catch him alive.

I chased him for a while and almost caught him, but a few more people came to pick him up.

Those people are not weak.

I killed four people.

But in the end, I let the guy run away......" I stopped him and whispered, "Okay, I know.

You don't have to feel guilty. You did a good job.

"Where are you?" Tu frowned and said, "I went back to that place to find you, but you were not there.

I had a little conflict with those people. I hurt several of them and came out.

I'm worried about your safety, but you can't get through.

"I'm fine now."

I thought, "Come to me now... Oh, and the hammer they will also come. You can meet them first. You have the phone number of the hammer. You can contact them, and then come to see me together. My address is..." I waved to a caddy beside me and asked him to put the address here. He told me, and then I reported the address on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, I said to the caddie, "Please ask someone to pick up my bodyguard and my men, otherwise I don't think they can get in... Well, they are easy to recognize, a few Chinese, and one is a black man."

The caddie immediately nodded repeatedly and left quickly.

I walked back to Qiao Qiao's father and Ouyang and smiled, "I'm sorry, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Your men must be looking for you everywhere."

Joe's father smiled and said, "But you will be safe here.

In the whole of Shanghai, I can't think of a safer place than here.

We talked and laughed, and then I helped Ouyang play, and the caddie behind followed us.

After playing for more than half an hour, he finally finished a game.

In fact, my golf skills are very poor, but it is obvious that Qiao Qiao's father may be deliberately releasing water. Originally, Ouyang was far behind a lot. In the end, I helped him play for a while, but turned defeat into victory.

After the end, Qiao Qiaodi's father laughed and said, "The future is terrible!" After saying that, he raised his hand. One of his men immediately came over and took out a check. Qiao Qiao's father quickly wrote a check and handed it to Ouyang.

Ouyang didn't look at it, so he handed it to me: "You helped me win. Take it."

I shook my head and said with a smile, "This doesn't work."

Ouyang was not pretentious and said with a smile, "Oh, it's just a little bit of lottery. Since you don't want to take it, just let me go first. Let's play mahjong in the evening. If you lose, I'll lend you the money again."

I was about to agree, but Qiao Qiao's father joked, "Silly boy, don't nod. This guy's money is not easy to borrow!" You don't know where he started, do you? Borrow money from him? I'm afraid you'll peel off the skin!" Ouyang laughed and said, "It's just you. It's always my bottom!" Qiaoqiao's father shook his head: "Just kidding... But they helped you win a game. Why do you always have to show it?"

Ouyang narrowed his eyes, looked at me for a while, looked at Qiao Qiao's father a few times, and shook his head: "That's all, I knew it. It's fake for you to pull me to play ball, and it's true to ask me to do something... Humph, old man, you are always so cun After he finished speaking, he looked at me and said slowly, "Well, in this case, I won't refuse to admit it.

Young man, I heard that you are in trouble. Tell me about it. Maybe I can help you.