evil spirit

Chapter 85 The Return of the World

Chapter 85 [Jianghu Return] My face changed! He was even more furious. Looking to the left, he saw a man standing by the riverside tree, with a gloomy smile on his face and a triangled military thorn in his hand. His eyes were like beasts in the jungle, staring at us, as if he would take people and devoured them at any time! Looking at this cold and quiet look, I immediately recognized that this man was the master who just jumped on the roof of the car and attacked us! It's just that this guy suddenly appeared here. With my skills, I didn't even notice when he approached! Looking at this man up close, his hair is very short, his figure is thick, and his upper body is a camouflage vest, revealing amazing muscles all over his body, and his face is a long scar. From his left eye to the right side of the corner of his mouth, he almost cut a good face in half! When enemies meet, they are very jealous! At the right time, I saw with my own eyes that his ghostly skills killed my two men in an instant. At this moment, I will certainly not hesitate at such a close distance! No more nonsense, I rushed up directly. With a kick under my feet, I was in the air and had already held the dagger in the palm of my hand! The man looked at my move, and his expression was also awe-in-teer. He stood up and stabbed me in the chest! I just turned slightly, just dodged the key point of my chest, let his military stab me in the shoulder, but I just frowned, and the dagger had scratched his throat! This man was really extraordinary. Seeing my desperate play, he was shocked and shouted, "What a cruel boy!" He shrank, and there was a sting in his hand, jingling.

My dagger was scratched on the bayonet and burst out of Mars! It can be seen how fierce my strength is! The man blocked it, then retreated and circled behind the tree.

The two of us quickly fought into a group.

The length of his weapon is dominant, and his physical strength and state are better than that of me, who was injured at this moment. I didn't stab him with a few desperate thorns. This guy was as cunning as a loach, but he always refused to fight with me anymore. Instead, he fought back a few times, which almost

The two men behind him wanted to come to help me, but I knew that this man was so powerful that it was useless for my men to rush up. Instead, they would get in the way. They quickly shouted, "Protect the fat man, I will deal with him myself!!" The more I fought, the more frightened I became.

In his heart, he saw the other party's army stinging over, but instead, he fought with his left arm to meet him! Pounce! The army stabbed into my arm fiercely. It was so painful that my eyes were dark, but I tried my best to bite my tongue. The sharp pain on the tip of my tongue suddenly made me wake up. Then I clamped my left arm hard with a ferocious smile.

The military thorn was stuck in my arm, as if it was close to my bones... This guy struggled hard, but the military thorn was caught by me in my arm. How can I pull it out? The expression on my face was distorted, and my eyes were red. The dagger had been fiercely pierced into his body. He screamed in pain, and his body retreated quickly. He didn't want the military thorn. He even staggered. In a hurry, my dagger was inserted into his chest and didn't have time to pull it out.

I raised my foot and kicked him on the knee again.

The man shook and retreated repeatedly, but he didn't fall down. His forehead was full of cold sweat. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! What a great boy!" He covered his chest hard, and then suddenly turned around and ran around a big tree, and the person was gone. I was about to chase him, but my feet softened, and I finally couldn't lift my strength.

As soon as my body softened, I almost sat down. A man in the back rushed up and hugged me from behind. My left arm kept bleeding. I gritted my teeth and shouted, pulled it out hard, and suddenly my eyes darkened and fainted.

***** When I woke up, I saw the fat man sitting next to me... Well, to be precise, I woke up in pain.

The fat man was holding a needle in his hand and was carefully sewing the wound on my arm that was pierced by the army.

Seeing me open my eyes, the fat man gasped. His fat face was full of big men and whispered, "Kid, bear with it. I know it hurts, but you are too bold.

This is not a knife! It's a military thorn! Three-eded military thorns! Damn, do you know that the three-edged blade pierced the body, and this kind of wound is the most difficult to sew..." I reluctantly raised my head and found myself lying under a big tree, with the shade above my head, lush branches and leaves, surrounded by the smell of wet soil.

"Where are we?" I swallowed my saliva, but found that my throat was hot: "How long have I been dizzy?" It didn't take long, it was only an hour.

The fat man's face was very bad-looking. When he spoke, his breath was very weak, and he was obviously short of breath. His fingers were as thick as carrots, but he pinched the thin needle, but he was extremely dexterous. He carefully sewed the wound for me: "Okay!" He sighed and was obviously very tired: "Now in this situation, let's make do with it.

You are lucky. This penetrating injury is not too serious, but you are really cruel... This wound is not only difficult to suture, but also difficult to stop the bleeding.

You bled frighteningly on your arm a while ago.

After saying that, he carefully took a leaf with a little plaster on the leaves: "Here, this is the medicine. I'll apply it for you. It hurts a little. Please bear it."

After saying that, he pressed the leaves on my wound. I grinned in pain and took a deep breath: "You...where did you get the wound medicine?" It's on me."

The fat man looked a little ugly, but he laughed: "The Vietnamese just applied the wound medicine for me in the morning. Now you are seriously injured. There's nothing I can do. I can only scrape a little from my wound and give it to you... Haha.

You won't worry that I, a fat man, will infect you with some AIDS, haha..." Looking at the fat man's barely squeezed out of the smile, I noticed the trace of sadness in his eyes when he mentioned "Vietnamese" just now.

I wanted to comfort him, but when I thought of the brothers who died in front of me just now, my throat seemed to be blocked by something in an instant.

When I was excited, I coughed violently, and then opened my mouth and spit out blood.

The fat man looked at me and hurriedly pressed me and said, "Don't be excited. Remember, if you die, you won't have a chance to take revenge!" If you want revenge, you have to save this life!" After figuring out the current situation, I knew that after we crossed the river, this was a hill next to the town.

In the south of the Yangtze River, which is full of hilly areas, this kind of small mountain is very common, and the mountain is not big, but only a radius of more than ten square miles.

But fortunately, there was such a small mountain area. We got into the mountain forest and found a secret place to hide with the experience of the fat man who had experienced the battlefield in those years.

"Now the other party must be searching."

The fat man gasped, and his voice became weaker and weaker. He whispered, "But now there are four of us, two seriously injured. The two of your men can barely move, but they don't have enough skills. If they go out with them on our back... I'm afraid we can only die together."

I was suddenly shocked. I suddenly sat up and looked around. My two men were not here.

I vaguely remembered something in my heart and stared at the fat man's face: "Fat man! Tell me, where are my two brothers? The fat man sighed, his eyes were a little complicated, and he turned his head.

I was furious and struggled. I grabbed the fat man's clothes and shouted, "Tell me!! Say it!!" The fat man was shaken by me, and his face became more and more gray. He couldn't help sneering: "Xiao Wu, you have guessed it. Why do you still ask me?" But I still refused to give up and gritted my teeth and stared at him: "No! I want you to tell me yourself!" Alas..." The fat man looked at me, and there was a trace of warmth in his eyes: "It's still the same as before, he is a devoted boy..." He shook his head, changed his expression, and said lightly, "Yes, you guess well! When you were in a coma, I asked them if they wanted to escape alive! They said yes! I told them that they might sacrifice themselves.

They also said they were willing...so..." The fat man looked into my eyes and said calmly: "I told them that if we go together now, we will definitely not be able to escape. The only way to survive is to let the two of them escape all the way, and then try to make some noise along the way to attract the attention of those searchers. Power! Buy time for us!" The fat man's eyes were so indifferent that he seemed to have no emotion: "These guys search here, and it's impossible to search all the time! Even if they can handle the local relationship, set up roadblocks here, and shoot in such a big scene, it is impossible to suppress this matter all the time! Besides, didn't you send someone out? And your people in Shanghai will also send someone to see that you haven't heard from you for so long.

We can't run away now. The only way to live is to hide! Until the people who hide from you come to save you!! Before that, your two men, my task for them is to sacrifice themselves, attract each other's attention, and buy time for you!!" [ Heaven's kiss hand hit] "You..." I couldn't speak. I stared at the fat man, but I didn't expect him to do this!" It's very clear."

The fat man was still expressionless: "I let them be 'abandoned children'! Do you understand? If I'm right, I'm afraid they're more or less lucky now.

"Fang...Fang Dahai!" I gritted my teeth, and there was anger in my eyes, and blood flowed in my mouth: "You... you bastard..."! Before I finished speaking, the fat man suddenly raised his hand and slapped me in the face! I was stunned for a moment, but the slap didn't hurt at all. The fat man seemed to have no strength. After the slap, he was already lying beside me, gasped weakly, and then cursed in a low voice, "Kid boy! Do you think I'm afraid of death for myself? Hey! Hey hey!! You die-hearted boy... Alas, you are still the same as in those years... in those years... so... dead, dead-hearted."

He coughed a few more times, but it was a little creepy that he didn't even have the strength to cough, and his throat cooed a few times, but he didn't even have much strength to inhale.

Fatty Fang's forehead was full of cold sweat, but he smiled and looked at the sky with a weak voice: "Kid! I... know my injury... Didn't your black man say... I... there is no ambulance to move around... I'm dead.

Hey hey... Damn, I know, I'm afraid I don't have much breath now... I can breathe... I'm doing this, not for me, but... for your life!" I was speechless. Looking at the fat man lying weakly and gasping, it was suddenly difficult for me to have any hatred for him in my heart... It was just that the anger in my heart turned to me! Boy... Don't blame yourself."

The fat man smiled powerlessly: "You haven't been to the battlefield... On the battlefield, it's more cruel than this... I can't do it, but you must live... Otherwise, who will *** avenge us... revenge..." Fatty Fang can't do it! This idea came to my mind, and I was suddenly sad. Looking at the fat man lying down, the corners of his mouth began to bleed out weakly, but he still laughed desperately.

I feel something wet flowing out of my face. How can I still hate him at this moment? I quickly bent down and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, but where was it finished? The blood kept flowing. As soon as it was wiped off, it flowed out again! I was in great pain, but the fat man smiled. There was only the last bit of air in his eyes, but he looked at me, full of warmth: "Kid... Live well... Live..." "Yes! Yes! Live a good life! Let's live well together."

I gritted my teeth and squeezed out a smile: "Fat, I haven't taken you to Shanghai for a drink yet! I haven't taken you to see my new company yet! And my new house... By the way, you haven't seen my wedding photos... And... Do you know? I bought a new big clubhouse... Fatty, you don't have a wife yet, do you? Can I introduce you to some beautiful women... okay?" The fat man didn't even have the strength to laugh, but his "hey hey" laughter seemed to have turned into a soft hum.

"Fat man... You talk...**! You *** talk! Is it good or not! Is it okay?" I finally cried. I grabbed the fat man's clothes and gritted my teeth and said, "I'll drink with you!" I'll accompany you to the vegetable market to buy vegetables... I'll accompany you to find a beautiful woman... okay?" The fat man shook his head weakly, and his eyes began to be lax. Suddenly, his lips opened vigorously. I rushed over, but I heard a low voice from the fat man's mouth: "Alas... It's really like taking a sip of cigarettes before I die..." Cigarettes! Cigarettes! I immediately groped for my pocket like crazy, but my whole body changed, but I only found a cigarette box that had long been soaked in the river.

I threw the cigarette box on the ground in tears.

"I'm sorry... fat man, I don't have any cigarettes on me now... Hold on! Hold on! Wait for Shanghai! I'll buy you cigarettes! I'll buy you China! Buy a panda! I'll buy you a cigar! Buy Cuban cigars!!" The fat man's eyelids trembled, and suddenly he seemed to be a little distracted. I saw it, but my heart was cold! I know it very well! I'm afraid this is the return of light!! Xiaowu..." The fat man took a deep breath, but his chest detonated like a dry balloon: "I...please... you must promise me."

"Say it!" I immediately grabbed his generous palm: "Fat man! Say it! Say it!" Hey hey..." The muscles of the fat man's cheek barely twitched, turned his neck hard, and looked at my eyes: "I know, between you and Ye Huan... can't be good... But, Jinhe... Jinhe..." He suddenly closed his eyes: "Xiao Jin, in the future, you... spare his life, don't kill him.

After my death, among our comrades-in-arms... he... is the last one."

I nodded crazily and desperately, but suddenly I heard a sigh behind me: "Oh, Fang Dahai... I'm dying, and you still can't let it go."

I turned around and saw that I didn't know when I was already standing alone!! This man has a calm face and a medium height. He is about 40 years old, but he holds a dagger in his hand. At a glance, I saw that it was the one I lost when I fought with the military stabbing master before!!! Boy... When I gave you this dagger, I asked you to use it well.

I didn't let you throw it away at will.

The man seemed to smile, and then raised his hand... grab it! The dagger flew past my cheek and nailed it to a big tree next to me! Old...old cat! I finally recognized the person who came. He was actually one of the two old killers in the big circle who had trained my killing skills! And before parting, give me an old cat with a dagger!! Suddenly I saw an acquaintance, and the first reaction in my heart was joy! But then I woke up immediately! After him, the fat man lay on the ground, but sighed feebly: "You dead cat... Are you here to take me on the road? Hey hey... Very good, very good..." "Jianghu people, Jianghu road, Jianghu home."

The old cat said lightly, "You and I will have this day sooner or later, good or bad, what's the difference?"

With that, he came over slowly, stepping on the withered branches of the leaves on the ground, rustling.

"Old cat..." I turned around and stared at the guy: "You...why!" No need to ask, boy.

The fat man behind him suddenly puffed up his strength and laughed loudly. In the face of the old cat, the dying fat man suddenly had some energy: "It seems that I guessed it well! There is chaos in the big circle! Old cat, right!" There was a trace of complexity in the old cat's eyes, and he whispered, "Fat, I'm known you for many years. I'll give you a chance to choose."

After a few seconds of silence, the fat man suddenly smiled and whispered, "Thank you very much."

I just didn't understand what the two meant. The fat man had already looked at me: "Xiao Wu, do me a favor... Kill me!" I was shocked, and the fat man whispered, "I died at the hands of the traitor and at the hands of my brother.

... I choose the latter! If you still think I'm a brother... I'm tired, give my brother my last ride!"