evil spirit

Chapter 89 The Beginning of Metamorphosis

Chapter 89 [The Beginning of Metamorphosis] On the way, Tu told me.

He took someone to a nearby town hospital to find medical equipment and was going to get an ambulance back.

However, obviously, the people who surrounded us outside were ready to ambush us. When they saw Tu go out with the people, they immediately separated part of them out to deal with Tu.

Just as we began to be besieged by the other party, Tu had arrived at the town hospital.

Almost at the same time, both sides fought.

Tu's skills were strong. The other party's ten people were assigned to deal with Tu's party, but they suffered a big loss. The other party's ten people died, but one of my two men who followed Tu to find the equipment died.

After that, Tu immediately realized that I was in danger and rushed back with someone, but by the time he arrived, I had already hid on the mountain with the fat man.

After that, when the other party searched the mountain, Tu also looked for us in the mountain.

However, Tu did not find it. On the contrary, when I was in a coma, the fat man asked my last two men to go out to attract the other party's attention. Such a move not only successfully attracted everyone except the old cat, but also coincidentally led Tu away! As a result, Tu did not find me. Instead, he banged with the other party's people once, fought fiercely, massacred several people, and retreated.

Tu's purpose is to find me, not to fight head-on with the other party.

He searched along the river for a long time, and finally found my trace... Unfortunately, I have been captured by the other party, surrounded by a large number of people, and Tu could not do it.

"I brought people all the way here. This is the best ambush spot."

Tu said lightly as he drove: "There is only one direction on this road. When I saw them on this road, I simply detoured from the back to the front and chose this place to ambush... Fortunately, boss, you were injured. They wanted you to live, so the car drove very slowly.

Just now... I asked your last subordinate to shoot in the distance to attract their attention. I attacked head-on, but he was killed by the other party's gun.

I didn't say anything.

Tu's injury was not light, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. He just told me, "Boss, the person who troubles you is not easy.

I have had several fights with them today. They have several very powerful people, all of whom are masters, otherwise I would not be hurt.

As your bodyguard, I think it is necessary for you to strengthen your security measures... After all, boss, I am a soldier, not a bodyguard.

I'm better at attacking than defending.

However, what I don't know is that the ambush operation of the big circle failed to some extent.

also brought a great shock to the other party! Especially... Tu! Starting from Tu's taking people to the hospital to find medical equipment, in the ambush in the hospital, Tu almost killed ten people on one person! Then when searching on the mountain, there was a scuffle in the jungle, and Tu easily killed six people from the other party, and then retreated completely.

The battle in the jungle is obviously easier to play his strengths.

After that, in the rescue operation just now... In just five minutes, Tu even destroyed 26 people in the other party's convoy! The failure of this operation shocked the big circle even more... This time, the big circle surrounded me and ambushed me, and they were all masters! In addition to the old cat I killed, and the chipmunk with military thorns... there are also several veteran soldiers who are very skilled! For example, the guy who had been guarding me in the carriage just now, in the smoke array, I fought with him. This man's hand may not be as good as me, but he was easily killed by Tu.

More importantly, a team of "airborne troops" was sent to the big circle today! It was also completely destroyed in the hands of the slaughter!" Several guys in the jungle are very powerful. They are not ordinary people. They are all experienced soldiers.

Tu told me.

There are not only a few masters, but also a team of airborne soldiers among these people who were slaughtered to death! As a result, the arrest of me failed this time, but the big circle knew that there was an extremely strong "killing god" around me!! Boss, you need to rest now.

Looking at me with my eyes open and silent, Tu suddenly braked sharply, then took out something from his arms, leaned over, and gently plunged it into my thigh.

"What is this..." "Morphine."

Tu looked into my eyes: "The two guys I killed in the mountain forest were found on their bodies.

These are not ordinary enemies. They are all soldiers, because this kind of morphine is the standard of field armies of various countries.

Morphine was injected into the body, and the pain really eased a lot.

I lay in the back seat of the car, but my mind still couldn't calm down. All kinds of ideas poured into my mind one after another. Finally, I smiled.

I didn't laugh much, but with an unusual sense of mockery.

Tu, who was driving in front of him, frowned: "Boss?" I'm fine."

I said lightly, "I just think it's funny... I think it's ridiculous."

***** The car returned to Shanghai. Instead of going to the hospital, I sent it directly to Joe's old fox's clubhouse.

The top medical treatment can also be provided here.

In fact, my wound has been almost treated, and even the bullets on my body have been taken out.

But those big circles are just to maintain my life, just deal with it hastily.

I returned to the clubhouse. Under the care of the advanced medical level, my wound was re-treated, sutured, and the lungs were cleaned and bruised, etc.... The most serious thing was that several of my wounds began to be infected, and... I knew that I was ambushed and seriously injured, and everyone came, not even in Fang Nan came when she learned the news (Ning Yan told her.

) But at my command, I didn't see anyone! Even the news of my injury was kept strictly confidential.

After the injury, the only thing I saw was Joe's father, and I talked to him for about ten minutes.


, people outside seemed to hear the quarrels in the ward, but no one knew the content of our conversation.

Finally, when Qiao Qiao's father walked out of the ward, he couldn't help scolding me: "I think you're crazy!" But he still compromised with me, and I... signed the contract for him! Qiao Qiao, Aze Mutou, and other people all wanted to see me, but they were all blocked by me.

The reason is that I was seriously injured and unable to visit.

Miss Qiao was impatient and almost rushed in to see me, but she was finally taken back by her father.

Mutou Aze and others saw that I didn't want to see anyone, so they just asked Tu carefully and learned what had happened from Tu.

The next day, my wound began to be infected on a large scale, and the infection also caused complications. I began to have a high fever, and even almost died of shock.

and lung infection.

also made me almost stop breathing.

I've been in a coma for another two days.

During the

period, my life indexes once fell to the lowest point.

After three first aids, the medical personnel snatched me back from the hands of the King of Yan.

[Kiss of Heaven] Two days later, I finally woke up.

After I woke up, I still didn't see anyone, but recovered quickly under the careful care of the medical staff.

On the fifth day, the doctor announced to all my relatives and friends waiting outside.

I can already accept the visit.

After waiting for five days, Qiao Qiao rushed into my ward first, and behind, Fang Nan, Aze, Mutou, Mei, etc., everyone rushed in.

The ward is very spacious, the wide curtains have been pulled up, and the bright sun shines in outside.

I was pale, wearing a white pajamas, and lying quietly in **.

is accompanied by a top doctor urgently invited from Germany, who is giving me a physical examination.

"Here you are."

I looked at the crowd rushing in and smiled calmly.

Seeing that I could still speak and laugh, Fang Nan's reaction was finally relieved, but tears couldn't help rolling out.

And Qiao Qiao... Qiao Qiao shouted, "Chen Yang, why didn't you see us the other day! Is it a person hiding and crying... You, even if you want to cry, I can cry with you."

After saying that, the strong Qiao Qiao slowly came to me. Suddenly, he sat down and said with tears, "You... you bastard... I thought you would die..." I shook my head: "Look, I'm still alive."

Then I turned my head and looked at the doctor: "Please continue. I also want to know when I can fully recover... I still have a lot of things to do!" Several professional nurses helped me up. The doctor's face was very gloomy. He said in English, "Sir, you have read the examination report... All I can say is that it's not optimistic... It's not optimistic! So I hope you can prepare for the worst.

After saying that, he had my trousers rolled up, and then gently knocked somewhere on my knee with a small hammer.

"...do you still don't feel it?" I looked calm: "No."

He asked someone to move me again, changed my other leg, and gently knocked twice: "What about now?" ..." I didn't even say anything this time, just shook my head.

"It seems that the situation is the same as I thought."

The doctor picked up a report of the examination results placed next to him.

Everyone's face was ugly. Someone had already guessed something, and Qiao Qiao jumped up. He went up and grabbed the doctor's hand and asked loudly in English, "What's wrong with him!" What's the matter!!" I'm very... I'm sorry."

The doctor sighed: "This is a symptom of concurrent infection caused by wound infection syndrome, a kind of Alpha Rhodes' disease..." "I don't want to listen to this! I don't understand! Tell me what's wrong with him!!" Jojo asked loudly.

"Miss... Please let go of my hand first."

The doctor's face was ugly. He said slowly, "Simply... the infection of the wound almost killed him, which caused a series of complications, some reasons to be examined, hurt his spinal nerves... So..." The doctor gave me a deep look, and then looked at everyone present. The announcement said, "So... now my diagnosis is that he has lost consciousness below the waist, that is to say... below the waist, he is paralyzed."

Bang! As soon as the words fell, Fang Nan suddenly closed her eyes and fainted.

And in the room, everyone who can understand English has changed color! Thank you, doctor."

My face seemed to be very calm, and my voice was cold: "I'm lucky to be alive."

"Are you paralyzed?! You mean paralysis!!" Qiao Qiao seemed to finally react. He suddenly shouted, rushed up, grabbed the doctor's shoulder, and shook it a few times: "Say it again! How could he be paralyzed! He just has a skin injury! It didn't hurt the brain, and there was no broken spine! How can it be paralyzed!!" The doctor's face was a little ugly by her, but he also showed a trace of sympathy: "I'm sorry... Miss, this is an infection, which damaged his spinal nerves... The current medical level does not have too many ways to deal with this symptom. The only best way is conservative treatment... Maybe in the future, there will be standing up. One day..." "Little...Xiao Wu..." Fang Nan just sat on the ground. Now she woke up and turned around. She couldn't help shouting in pain, rushed to my side, hugged my leg hard, and cried, "You...you..." "I'm fine."

I smiled gently, reached out and stroked her hair, and said softly, "Look, I'm lucky to be alive."

Qiao Qiao finally let go of the doctor, then looked at me in a stun, and then looked at everyone blankly.

Aze and Wood sighed, came up and held Qiao Qiao hard.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." I took a deep breath and smiled on my face: "Everyone... Thank you for your concern... But now, can you leave me alone for a while? Please." "

Everyone can see the reluctant smile on my face.

Aze and Wood's faces were particularly gloomy. They looked at me and seemed to want to speak at the same time. I had already looked at my two best friends and whispered, "Okay, please."

Everyone finally said nothing more this time.

Even Qiao Qiao looked at me in a daze as if he had lost his soul.

I was cruel. I turned my head and didn't look at them. Then soon, everyone retreated. Fang Nan seemed to want to stay with me, but I didn't look at her. She still went out silently.

Fat, dead.

Vietnamese, dead.

Old cat, dead.

My brother who has been with me for so long is dead.

I looked at the ceiling and then gently pounded my legs.

In my mind, I suddenly remembered the fat face of those years, with a smile, but the squinting eyes were full of seriousness. Looking at me and slowly asking me... Is it worth it?? Is it worth it?" I read these three words slowly, and I didn't know whether it was a smile or something else on my face.

There was a sound of footsteps behind me. I didn't look back, and I knew it was a slaughter.

I don't see anyone now, except for this order.

"What's wrong?" Boss, two things."

Tu said slowly, "Hammer... He has been outside all the time. He just learned about your condition... He immediately went crazy and rushed out with the gun."

I took a look at Tu: "Go and knock him unconscious, and then find a room to throw him in first. When he calms down and then let him out... Just say that this is my order."


Tu didn't say much, and gave a short answer: "There is a second thing..." "What?" Outside... a Miss Yang Wei wants to see you. She... is very excited.

I felt my fingers tremble gently, and then whispered, "You... go and tell her that since the decision has been made, there is no need to shake it... Well, let's say so."

Tu walked out of the ward and looked out of the window... Today's weather was very good, sunny, and there were white clouds in the blue sky. I looked at the sky so quietly. As the warm sun shone on my face, I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of the sun.

"Fatty, fat man... After all, is all this... worth it?" I muttered.

The corners of the mouth are a strange sneer!