evil spirit

Chapter 92 Bloody Rain from Me

Chapter 92 [From Me] The ceremony of officially changing the name of the Huaxing Gang in the Canadian circle has just ended. That night, a sensational case happened in Vancouver! Originally, as a port city, Vancouver naturally had a supply of drugs. Although everyone knows that the fifth master of Vancouver does not do drug business now, he has never prevented other organizations from doing it.

Moreover, now everyone knows that the source of drugs in the hands of Solin, the largest drug lord in Canada, is from Asia! But that night, six drug gangs in Vancouver were completely destroyed overnight! The heads of the six drug lords were cut off by machetes and then thrown at the door of the police station in the middle of the night! There are also a large number of drugs that have been dumped in garbage bags and thrown in front of the gate of the police station! The only thing in common with this case is that the six drug lords who were killed overnight are all drug distribution agents in the Asian circle in North America! And the only clue is: some witnesses claimed that it was a group of well-trained black militants who did it!! What's even more incredible is that the hell angel, the largest drug organization in Canada, seriously harmed his own interests, but he didn't say a word and didn't respond! And the largest local snake organization "Canadian Circle" in Vancouver, the location of the incident, oh no, has now been renamed "Huaxing Gang".

In the same way, he kept silent on this matter and did not make any statement! The two leaders didn't say anything, and the other gangsters below.

Naturally, they are all cold and dare not move.

After that, the channels of drug smuggling at sea were swept away by a group of armed forces that almost fell from the sky! For 20 days in a row, the drug trade at sea has suffered heavy losses! The drug trade that originally took advantage of the destruction of the South American drug plantation by the hurricane and took the opportunity to occupy the large Asian circle of the Canadian market with a large amount of cheap drugs, especially in this incident! And these mysterious militants, whether it is firepower, personnel quality, and intelligence accuracy, are far higher than the government's anti-drug police force! Someone estimated that in just 20 days, drug traffickers (mainly in the Asian circle) who were shipped from Asia to North America and Canada lost nearly 60 million US dollars! The biggest case happened at sea! After the sixth day, a marine guard patrol found an abandoned locomotive ship.

However, after boarding and inspection.

These well-trained members of the Coast Guard can't help but change their color, and some people can't stop vomiting on the spot! Obviously, there is no one alive on this abandoned ship! From the scene, nearly 20 bodies were left behind! Each body was finally neatly placed in the cabin! More importantly, their bodies are covered with a white powder! Because of the hot weather at sea, the bodies are estimated to have been stored for more than two days, and they have begun to rot, and the cabin is full of a stench that makes people almost faint! Coupled with those white powders, they floated in the air.

is mixed into an indescribable smell.

"I think that's the smell of hell!" A member of the Coast Guard who did not want to be named left such a sentence to the media.

After testing, it is confirmed that these white powders are all high-purity heroin.

While the police were shocked, they were even more surprised! Who is doing this series of massacres against drug dealers? Although these cases are big, from an objective point of view, they have robbed the work of the police's anti-drug department.

For 20 consecutive days, this bloody crackup has caused a shortage of drugs in Vancouver and Canada, and the price of underground drugs in Vancouver began to soar because of shortage, which led to several public security cases of drug robbers with guns because of lack of drug resources.

And the situation is getting worse and worse.

At the beginning, the police thought it was an internal fight of the drug organization, but after step, they found that it was not good.

First of all, this is obviously not black! Because every time a bloody case is found, people are all dead, and it is an organized ambush.

But the ambush only focused on killing people, but had no interest in those large numbers of drugs! The seized drugs were either spilled or left behind and thrown to the police.

In just 20 days, a large number of such "poctive" drugs have been piled up in the warehouse of the police's anti-drug department.

You know, the value of these drugs is tens of millions! The other party kills people but doesn't rob goods, but why? Secondly, the incident revolved around Vancouver, the largest port city on the west coast of Canada.

However, for this matter, the largest local gangster, the Huaxing Gang, did not say a word from beginning to end.

No statement on this matter! Even the police suspected that it was done by the Huaxing Gang, and sent people to closely monitor several key elements of the Huaxing Gang, as well as a few strongholds - unfortunately, nothing was found! The fifth master of the Huaxing Gang is now far away from China, and you can even see him seriously injured on the TV news.

And Ciro and others, who are indeed left behind in Vancouver, swagger to expose themselves to the scope of police surveillance every day, even as if they were deliberately swaying under the eyes of the police inspectors, pointing to the noses of the police and saying, "Look, I've been here all the time, and I haven't done anything!" And the third... Even idiots know that Canada's largest drug organization is the Angel of Hell! Now this series of bloody anti-drug activities at sea is equivalent to cutting off the supply of hell angel's sea drugs! Just as the senior management of the police station was nervous all day long, when the old Solin, the underground leader, would be so popular... The news was that the old sorin took his baby daughter to his private mountain forest to hunt for a vacation.

And the hell angel seemed to disdain this action of sweeping drugs under their noses and had no intention of taking any measures.

"Is it... Huaxing Gang... and Hell Angel, are you going to turn against each other? The two families are going to open a film?" Some people in the police couldn't help guessing.

But the next day, this guess was ruthlessly broken! The news shocked everyone! " A company under Solin bought 15% of the shares of Huaxing Company at the cost of 30 million US dollars!" Looking at this situation, instead of turning against each other, the two families stood more closely together! Could it be... Is it possible that Canada's largest underworld leader, and Canada's most popular Chinese community, will unite to sweep drugs, contribute to society, and return a non-toxic and beautiful home to society? This is simply a *** joke!! Such a series of big cases happened near Vancouver. Even if it is not done by the Huaxing Gang, the Huaxing Gang at least can't get rid of it! Everyone knows that Ciro was invited to tea by the police three times, but every time he swaggered out of the police station.

The senior police are trying to contact me... The answer is: Wu Ye is still receiving treatment in China.

Yes, they are paralyzed and seriously injured! *****What am I doing at this time? I was recuperating in the old man Qiao's clubhouse in Shanghai. A few days ago, Wu Gang found me again. At that time, the news of what happened in Canada had been spread.

Wu Gang brought a reminder to me.

"I know, you did those things... Those black people, you transferred his army from the trapped tower, right? I don't care about your behavior, but I want to remind you.

, these days, your practice has cost the circle tens of millions of dollars. More importantly, if you wantonly destroy their drug routes, if their drugs can't reach North America and Canada, you will face the danger of losing that market in the future, that is to say, you will lose hundreds of millions of profits every year! Such a huge profit is unbearable for this organization! So they must hate you to the bone now! You are in a dangerous situation now. They must be trying their best to kill you!" After listening to it, I just looked at Wu Gang with a blank face: "Oh... If I don't do this, they don't want to kill me?" Wu Gang's language is blocked.

"Anyway, it's all torn. Since it's torn, it's better to do it thoroughly."

After listening to this, Wu Gang's face changed slightly, but he still sighed and advised me before leaving: "I know the anger in your heart... I don't care if you do these things in Canada.

But those African soldiers can't be here! Otherwise, we won't ignore it!" I sneered and didn't say anything.

"You are in a dangerous situation now... We have sent some people to protect you... These are professional talents, many of whom are strictly trained guards."

I laughed: "What? Zhongnanhai bodyguard?" Wu Gang also smiled: "It's not Zhongnanhai bodyguards, but the guards trained in our army are no worse than Zhongnanhai bodyguards! They are all good soldiers who specialize in guarding the heads of the army.

You are a person who has contributed to the country... So this time a group of people have been specially approved to protect you.

I hesitated for a minute and accepted.

After sending Wu Gang away, I sat in a wheelchair and pressed the button to go back and forth a few times.

After being paralyzed, I quickly became very proficient in operating this electric wheelchair. Anyway, I don't need to push the wheelchair by myself. I have a button and a lever to control the direction at hand, which is almost the same as driving.

Seeing that I was quickly proficient in operating the wheelchair, I didn't know whether the friends around me were happy or sad for me.

At least Lei Xiaohu is very uncomfortable.

He is a martial arts person. Seeing that I was injured like this, his kung fu was abolished. When he came to see me, he cried bitterly and even blamed himself deeply. If only he had followed me that day.

"If you follow me, then the worst result, you have already hung up now! The best result, I'm afraid you're in a wheelchair like me now!" I smiled and said, "The other party is a typical siege. Hundreds of people are holding guns, and you are alone. It's useless!" I heard that the eldest brother learned about what happened to me, and he was very angry. The eldest brother, who had not drunk for many years, was very drunk that night. He was supposed to go back to China to see me, but he was stopped by me in time.

I called the eldest brother in person, and I begged him for one thing.

"Someone wants to hurt me, and the purpose of hurting me is nothing more than to take away my career.

Brother, I know you don't like my career, but at least, since I sat in this position, I haven't touched drugs! Don't force good people to be prostitutes! Although I am a gangster, most of my money-making business is just smuggling! If I am killed by those bastards, then I promise that once they occupy Vancouver, the whole street outside your martial arts school will be charged protection fees again in less than a week! Then those drug dealers will run rampant! So, brother, although I'm injured now, I beg you for one thing... I'm safe now.

You came over and just watched me in a wheelchair.

At most, everyone has a headache and cries, which is useless.

I've never begged you for anything... But now, as a junior, I beg you for one thing.

On the phone, the eldest brother was silent for a while, and then sighed, "What?" I will go to war with those drug dealers! The other party will definitely send someone to get us... I'm safe now, but I'm worried about Vancouver.

My brother, Ciro... Although he is good at kung fu.

But there are no real masters around.

In the big circle, many of them are experienced old soldiers and killers.

I'm worried about Ciro's safety... Big brother, please take care of Ciro for me.

Because he is very dangerous now.

The eldest brother, who has always been very dissatisfied with my underworld, did not say a word this time. On the same day, he temporarily closed the martial arts school, and then took his three most capable apprentices to find Silo on the same day... Then, the next day, others found that behind Silo, there was an extra middle-aged bodyguard in .

Alas... Isn't it a little despicable for me to use and deceive my brother like this? I also asked myself this question in my heart, but I didn't have an answer in the end.

Now... everything is available, and it owes the east wind.

After ending these thoughts in my mind, I slowly turned to the head of the bed in a wheelchair and picked up a phone.

This is a satellite phone, and the confidentiality measures are very strong.

After dialing, a helpless voice immediately came from the other end of the phone: "Boss, what can I do for you? Alas... In this weather, you are still sent out to work... If you don't give me a raise, be careful that I will report your company's tax evasion to the Vancouver government!" Don't talk nonsense. How about Thailand?" Er...here? It's so hot in Thailand! I'm almost done! However, there are a lot of beautiful women here. In such hot weather, the beautiful women on the street wear very little... Er, but I dare not watch more. God knows whether these are real women or shemales..." *** (Alas... It still can't be... I saw that we were a lot ahead last night, but now... Wow, look at it again, it The last dozens of votes... Everyone, try harder, I'm still trying, and I haven't given up! Although the opponent is very strong, I won't admit defeat! Friends who have a monthly ticket, please support it! I really need your support for dancing now, please.
