evil spirit

Chapter 99 Super "Slaughter"

Chapter 99 [Super "Tu"] (middle) Tu smiled, opened the door, and then ignored the guy's scolding and struggle, and easily pulled the guy out of the car.

He put me in the car and then got into the car by himself.

Because of the explosion of the car behind, the front and back were blocked, but Tu simply started the car and hit it almost savagely back and forth a few times. Only then did he hit enough space and ignored the sound of other car owners shouting. We turned around calmly and ran along the road.

"Tu, don't say... Your way of driving can only be done on the battlefield."

I sighed.

"Boss, don't be too easy. We haven't got out of danger yet."

Tu frowned: "I can't get out of the airport.

Shall we drive from Toronto to Vancouver? My face was gloomy. After listening to Tu's words, I was silent for a long time: "Do you have any suggestions?" It's very simple. Trains and planes are not safe.

Tu said slowly, "Boss, the other party chose to do it at the airport, and it was obvious that someone was staring at us at the airport just now. Someone was chasing us just now.

Obviously, the other party not only wants to get rid of Solin, but you are also one of their goals.

This is someone else's territory. If you take a plane or train, it is easy to be found.

The best way is to get a car, and then we drive all the way back.

"No, we won't go back."

I interrupted Tu's words, and then I took a deep breath: "Let's go back to Toronto!" Tu Zai frowned: "To be honest, boss, I think it's a bad idea, unless you're crazy."

"Tu, I promised old Solin."

I shook my head: "If he dies, I will try my best to support his daughter to take over.

But in the current situation, old Solin was killed, and I'm afraid there is no one else who killed him except Alan.

This is a coup, do you understand? As soon as the old Solin dies, Alan will cut the grass and eradicate it! The princess is very dangerous.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered the strange expression he suddenly showed when I said goodbye to old Solin at the airport just now, and the solemn tone... The old man actually said sorry to me, and told me so solemnly that don't forget our agreement... Although he has I'm dead, but when I think of his words at that time, I always feel a little complicated in my heart.

I'm not the kind of person who is wholehearted... Although I used to be, I won't be so stupid now.

I won't do anything blindly in order to keep my promise.

Even though I once had an agreement with Solin, it is also a cooperation of interests. I won't risk fulfilling my promise, but... Today's thing is too strange! It seems that there is a faint feeling in my heart that I should fulfill that promise! Even if it is not the time to stick to the principle, there is an idea that tells me that if I really escape now, it is naturally not difficult, but I will definitely regret it in the future! Go back."

I said slowly, "I promised old Solin.

Now that he is dead, I'm afraid it's difficult for the princess to inherit the position.

But at least I should save the princess, which doesn't mean that I broke my promise.

To my surprise, Tu, who has always been obedient to me, violated my meaning this time: "No, boss, I'm sorry, I just said that the situation is different now.

You must listen to me before I bring you back safely! My responsibility is your safety."

[Heaven's Kiss] I was stunned. Looking at the indifferent expression on Tu's face, I suddenly realized that Tu was not my brothers! He will not obey me like my other men, and he will listen to my "little fifth brother" in everything.

Tu is a killing machine! A machine that I accidentally took under my hands! There has never been an absolute obedience relationship between him and me!" Tu... I have to go back now."

I gritted my teeth.

Tu glanced at me: "Boss, I'm sorry.

If you stick to it, I will knock you unconscious and take you back.

Cars roared on the highway. Along the way, many police cars came head-on, and the sirens chirped, heading towards the airport behind us.

In front of him is a ring road, along the signs. I know that Tu seems to have decided to "kidnap" me back.

I can't help but feel a little anxious - in fact, I don't have to stay, but vaguely, Lao Solin's strange attitude before saying goodbye made me feel inexplicably strange. There is an impulse in my heart, and I must complete his agreement! Listen, Tu! I'm the boss. You have to listen to me."

My face sank: "Digger... I have to go back! At least I need to save the princess."

"I'm sorry, I can only knock you out."

Tu glanced at me, held the steering wheel in one hand, and then raised his hand and cut it down to my neck.

Although I couldn't move my lower body, when I saw his palm cut, I immediately raised my arm to fight against it. Tu's hand cut on my wrist. I ate and shrank with pain. Years of martial arts instinct made me immediately and naturally pinch his wrist. Tu's wrist was as flexible as a snake. As soon as I touched his skin, Then his fingers had touched my neck..." Tu! Listen to me."

I said angrily, "What the hell! Can you not be so dogmatic! You are not a soldier now! This is not a dead task! Do you understand? You are human now! It's not the old killing machine! Only machines don't know how to be tcible! Did you hear that!" Finally, it seemed that my words had worked. Tu's hand clearly touched my neck, but it stopped without any strength... From the side, Tu's eyebrows seemed to raise, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. Finally, he silently withdrew his hand.

My heart suddenly tightened and whispered, "I'm sorry... Tu, I shouldn't have said that."

"No, it's okay, boss."

Tu suddenly turned his head and looked at me. He actually smiled and said, "You're right.

I am a human, not a machine.

This is not a task, so I shouldn't be so rigid.

That's right... It's human to know how to be tact."

"...thank you."

I'm relieved.

Tu Ze stopped talking and silently glanced at the road signs in front of him.

Then we went around through an exit, and we moved back to Toronto...**** The feeling of ghosts made me find a way to save the princess.

But before that, the first problem we face is... to avoid the police.

This is very helpless.

Because of the explosion in the airport, we took advantage of the chaos to kill several gunmen who were ambushed in the crowd.

But then we drove into the fence out of the parking lot, causing a car accident along the way, and when facing the pursuers behind, Tu also openly shot a car on the highway, causing a series of car accidents behind... Most importantly, we also robbed a private car! According to the call to the police of the owner who was robbed by us, the police must be looking for us now.

Although my identity has a good relationship with the Canadian police, it is also strictly limited to the Vancouver area! And this is Toronto! The police here belong to the hell angel relationship.

Old Solin is dead. I don't expect those policemen to do things impartially. In case Alan buys the police, I will be in trouble.

Then, if we are found by the police, it is equivalent to being found by Alan.

We drove into a road not far from the city, and then found a store selling all kinds of medical equipment on the road. We slaughtered in and got a wheelchair directly out, and then we continued on the road.

"Boss, you are a madman."

Tu commented on me: "There are also several abnormalities among my former instructors and bosses.

But you are the craziest one I have ever met.

You obviously can't move anymore.

But he still wants to run to save people from a huge underground organization.

We stopped in the parking lot of a motel, then Tu pushed me out of the car in a wheelchair and walked into the hotel.

The first floor of the hotel is the restaurant. When we entered the door, there were no guests in the restaurant. A fat waitress standing behind the counter just glanced at us, and then came out feebly and asked us to sit down: "What do you want to eat?"

"Coffee, a plate of bagels."

I'll answer at will.

Then I looked at the TV hanging on the counter, and the news was playing the latest news about the airport bombing.

Tu sat opposite me: "Okay, boss, now tell me what I need to do next."

"I'm starting to feel helpless now."

I shook my head: "Why am I paralyzed..." "Indeed, you are a big burden to me now."

Tu said unabashedly, "And you still want to save people... You mean to let me save them, right?" Although I'm crazy, I'm not a fool."

I curled my lips and said, "Saaling people is just the best plan.

If the princess is dead now, do I still expect you to go to the king of Yan to take her back? Oh... Well, you're not Chinese. I don't know who the King of Yan is.

After a pause, I said slowly, "We need some information now, or some news.

I need to know if Allen is in control of everything now after the old Solin's death.

Or the princess is resisting with some forces.

Or Allen has controlled the situation, mastered the old Solin's palace, and killed the princess.

We don't know this."

"Boss..." Tu looked out of the window: "No matter what you have a plan... you'd better hurry up."

"What's wrong?" Tu didn't say anything. He was looking outside.

Through the window, in the distance, I saw a patrol police car parked on the side of the road. Two policemen were walking cautiously to the outside parking lot of the motel. They found our car! That white private car.

While checking, the police are saying something on the walkie-talkie. Obviously, they are verifying the license plate, the model of the car and other information.

"It seems that the guy who was robbed by us has called the police."

I frowned.

"You'd better decide quickly."

Tu Dan said, "According to my observation, this restaurant has three exits, one front, leading to the parking lot, one side door, going out is to turn the street, and there is a back door, but we have to enter the kitchen before we can go out. From the perspective of the direction, the back door exit is the most safe, because the general The back doors are all remote alleys.

But the defect is that we need a car to get out of the alley. We can't find the tools for transportation, and it's not convenient for you to move now.

Looking at my slightly surprised eyes, Tu said lightly, "Don't be surprised. This is a professional habit. I will observe these situations wherever I go."

He turned his head and looked at the police in the distance outside the window. They were checking the car. Tu said lightly, "Boss, what are you going to do? Is it to rush out hard? Or retreat from the back door? If you want to be tough, I'm sure we can find weapons in this restaurant.

On the back shelf of the counter, there must be a shotgun hidden, which is the habit of ordinary shopkeepers, and under the cash register, there is an alarm button, and there is a 30% chance that there may be a pistol hidden.

I can solve the big waitress in two seconds, and the waitress can ignore it..." I smiled bitterly: "Your observation is very meticulous."

Tu shook his head: "I can also say that there are a total of nine cars parked in the parking lot outside. I can report the model of each car, and how to start every car in it in ten seconds in various ways without a key.

Boss... This is not observation, but a trained professional habit."

He glanced at me and said, "Okay, now you can decide."

I smiled and then looked at Tu: "Well... As you just said, even if we want to evacuate here, we need at least one car, right?" I looked out of the window and pointed to the police car parked on the street: "How about that car?" Tu looked at me deeply, and then said slowly, "I repeat... You're a madman, boss."

Then he sighed and stopped looking at me, but stood up, strode to the counter, and then lifted the board and walked into the back of the counter.

"Hey! What are you doing!" The fat waitress standing behind the counter looked at Tu coming in and immediately shouted warily. Another thick waitress not far away immediately rushed over: "Hey! Get out!" Tu suddenly moved!