evil spirit

Chapter 100 The Great melee

Chapter 100 [Big melee] The reversing mirrors on both sides of the police car have been knocked out, the left door has been deeply concave, and the front windshield has been spent, the hood is twisted and deformed, and the headlights of the car have long been broken.

We broke through three barrier roadblocks along the way. If we had changed to an ordinary car, we would have been intercepted long ago. Fortunately, this is a police car, and the tires are special, so when facing a nail roadblock laid on the ground, we rushed over easily and the tire did not burst.

We crashed into at least four police cars along the way. At one time, we were almost caught up by the other party, and even shot each other a few times. The most unfortunate thing was a policeman riding a motorcycle. Because of the sudden brake, he didn't have time to stop. He bumped into it, and then he turned into a flower shop

A police car also tried to speed and force us to stop. As a result, it was hit by a slaughter and broke a fire hydrant on the roadside. As a result, a column of water rose to the sky and almost sprayed off the helicopter that followed us all the way.

When we finally rushed all the way to Highway 9, there were already seven or eight police cars and a police helicopter in the sky.

The siren sounded loudly. What annoyed these police officers most was that our chased police car at the moment also sounded the siren all the way. As a result, many pedestrians on the road and people who did not know the situation were surprised: "Why did a large group of police cars rampage on the road? Is it to catch the criminal? But I only saw the police car, but I didn't see the criminal.

After many unsuccessful shouts, the police began to try to contact us from the radio station on the police car, but we never picked up the walkie-talkie, and the police were helpless.

Finally, he simply used the public radio station of the police station to shout at us loudly.

At the beginning, it was nothing more than intimidating us to surrender immediately, and then began a series of psychological attacks. Finally, they even sent negotiators to sit in front of the radio station and began to baptize us with saliva.

I was a little irritable, so I simply blew up the radio with one punch.

Anyway, at the beginning.

We can also get some information through the police's public radio stations, such as the police's mobilation of power, and which road the surrounding police cars will be surrounded.

But then the police quickly realized that we robbed the police car, and we could hear all their dispatch information on the radio, so we immediately used the backup communication signal. As a result, our radio station lost its value. The only function was to listen to the noise of the negotiators.

After driving on Highway 9, the police finally slowly calmed down. Although they still couldn't catch up, the police car behind them was not so anxious.

After all, Highway 9 is a straight road with no exit. The police can calmly mobile people to block us from the other end.

But they don't know that our purpose is to bring their people here.

Because the castle in Solin is on Highway 9! Seeing a series of police cars roaring by, the most ridiculous thing finally happened! I'm right. Allen is indeed surrounding Old Solin's castle with people now.

In the castle, Solin's loyal subordinates are still stubbornly resisting.

And Allen will of course leave a lot of people on the periphery when he does such a thing.

On a small hillside by the roadside, several Alan's men stared at a large number of policemen.

The siren rushed towards the castle, looking at each other in consterance. When we finally reacted and called to inform Alan, we had already led the police to rush over.

"Boss, our car can't run anymore."

A noise from the engine made Tu slightly frown.

After all, it was like playing with a bumper car all the way. If I hadn't tied my seat belt, I would have been thrown out of the car several times.

Although this police car is much stronger than an ordinary car, it is not a tank after all.

How can you stand a driver like Tu? We are lucky that there is no critical moment to turn off the engine along the way.

By bypassing a grove, the castle in Solin in front of us has appeared in sight, and the police behind us probably also noticed that the direction we are running in is Solin's base camp.

After all, the old Solin's status was there. Seeing such a situation, the police chasing behind him seemed to have the intention of slowing down, and they began to hesitate to rush to Solin's base camp so recklessly.

After all, this kind of thing has a great impact.

"Yi? They seem to be slowing down?" I sneered, then picked up the pistol, poked my head out of the window, banging the gun behind me, shot all the magazine in one breath, and then simply smashed the pistol back.

Sure enough, it works! The police behind were hit by a burst of random guns! I guess they have never seen such an arrogant criminal, have they? He robbed the police car, then rampaged all the way, and took the brigade of police around half of downtown Toronto. I don't know how many traffic accidents were caused on the road, how many police cars were damaged, and finally dare you shoot and provoke brazenly? The police cars behind immediately accelerated and caught up like fire.

I have seen a lot of cars parked outside the castle in front of me, and I also saw seven or eight people standing far away on the road to stop the way. Two cars were in the middle of the road. It seemed that Alan was the guard outside.

"Stop the car! Private territory, don't rush indiscriminately..." Far away, the other party saw a police car rushing towards him. He couldn't help getting nervous and shouting loudly with his horn.

But Tu Ke didn't care about this. As soon as he gasmed the door, the car crashed into it with a bang.

He hit the other party's two cars across the road, and squeezed out a gap from the middle and drilled through.

There were still dozens of people guarding inside. I saw that the iron fence door outside the Zhuangyuan of Solin Castle had been closed, and I simply let Tu close his eyes and hit it... The car trembled, and the tires on the ground finally burst off, and then there was the sharp and harsh sound of wheels rolling against the ground. Our car burst into black smoke and crashed in with sparks all the way.

At this moment, outside the main building of the castle, a large number of people in black suits are surrounded with all kinds of long guns in their hands, and the door of the castle is open. I saw Alan standing in front of the door, surrounded by many men, and inside the gate of the castle, it seems that there are people blocking the door and them with guns Confrontation.

In such a situation, Tu looked at me and said, "What should I do?" Rush up.

"In broad daylight, the police car broke through the blockade outside and crashed into Zhuang Yuanli, which immediately made Allen's large number of men panic! After all, although they were gangsters, they still rarely fought with the police so openly. Seeing that the tattered police car had no intention of stopping at all, they hit the steps, and then smashed the gate of the castle like a monster. Allen was also stunned for a few seconds, as if not Dare to believe the facts in front of you.

[Kiss of Heaven] I guess Alan is probably inexplicably shocked at this time.

Seeing that the big thing is about to succeed, a large number of police cars fell from the sky, but they did not conform to the routine of the police, so they broke in like this! The most annoying thing is the police car at the time, which is bold and does not stop! He even drove up the steps and drove straight to the house! How can it be! Even if Alan wants to calm down, he can't calm down.

After being stunned for two seconds, he finally gave an order: shoot! Nonsense! A gang boss saw a police car crashing towards him like a crazy tiger! At this time, it is no longer necessary to shoot back.

The problem is that when his order is issued, it will be messy! Why? Because it's not just my police car that rushed in! There are a large number of policemen behind! I don't know who fired the first shot first. Anyway, I heard a bang.

Then, the scene was lively... Ping-pong, Allen's men picked up their guns and shot at the police one after another, and the one closest to me shot at us.

Far away from us, he simply shot at the police car that followed us with a gun.

Anyway, the gangsters are fighting here. At this time, a large number of policemen are coming. They must be here to make trouble for themselves! Start the wall first! Bullets flew across, and the gunshots were loud, as dense as fried beans! Tu and I fell down for a long time. Tu simply didn't even grab the steering wheel and just shrank and hugged our heads... ah!! A loud noise! The police car smashed into the main entrance of the castle, and then finally stopped. The car was stuck in the door frame of the gate, thanks to the old Solin's castle, which was big and strong enough.

Fortunately, Alan is quick to dodge quickly, otherwise he would be killed by our car.

The car finally stopped. I immediately heard a scream from the castle, and then there was a sound of pulling a bolt. I immediately shouted, "Don't shoot! Sophie! Princess, it's me! Chen Yang!!" I shouted repeatedly. Tu had already kicked open the changed door, and a few guns immediately came next to him. Tu did not resist, but just lowered his hand.

"Shout up!" I finally heard the princess's voice, and then the door was pulled open, and several people pointed their guns at me.

At this moment, it has already become a battlefield for gunfight. Allen's large number of people fought with the police inexplicably, and we blocked the gate with this police car.

It was so easy that Tu took me out of the car and quickly left the door - I didn't want to be killed by a streamer.

In the hall, the sofa and table were all pushed down as a bunker. I took a look and saw that there were about 30 people here. These people protected a woman, and naturally they were Her Royal Highness.

Looking at Tu, who was in tattered clothes, hugged me, the princess was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed, shook off the people beside her and ran over: "My God! Chen Yang, why are you here!" I smiled feebly: "I promised you, and now that he has hung up, of course I have to come and have a look and try not to let you be killed."

The princess looked at me with a complicated face. I saw that her eyes were red and swollen, and I couldn't help sighing: "Your father is dead. Do you know the news?" The princess didn't say anything, just looked at me, and then suddenly hugged me hard and cried bitterly.

I frowned: "Okay, let go of me. Now it's urgent. I have plenty of time to make you cry in the future!" I pushed the princess away and shouted, "Everyone, step back and don't go out!" Stay away from the gate! Just keep the hall well.

Those people were stunned for a moment, and the princess said quickly, "Do as he said!" Don't shoot indiscriminately without my order.

I added another sentence.

At this moment, the people who had been hit outside turned over, and the sound of bullets kept ringing.

I also heard the sound of sirens in the distance. I guess it was the backup summoned by the police.

Originally, these policemen only came to arrest me and Tu, two arrogant criminals who dared to rob police cars, but they didn't expect to be led to such a place by us and encountered a large number of armed elements. In this chaotic fight, they immediately suffered heavy losses, and then used the radio to summon support.

And Allen outside also said that he was suffering. He took his most direct subordinates and surrounded the castle, ready to make a full contribution in the battle! Moreover, now that Solin is dead, Allen's plan is to force the princess to compromise and surrender without firing a shot.

After all, the general trend is gone. Solin's old subordinates are not fools. Not many people will really be loyal to a dead person.

It was about to succeed, but it was inexplicably rushed in and beaten by a group of policemen! A large number of militants openly fought with the police! How can this kind of thing be small? Whether you win or lose in the end... It's a big deal! The people inside listened..." The gunshots gradually faded. It seemed that after a random fight, the leaders of both sides calmed down.

After all, the leader of the police was not a fool. He organized personnel to start to retreat, then blocked the safe distance and began to shout, "We are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!" You openly attacked the police officers with guns..." "Chen Yang! You bastard! I must kill you!!" Before the police shouted over, Alan's roar came from outside. He just watched us drive in, and finally saw that it was me at the last moment.

The scene became more and more lively. The police urgently mobilized people and then shouted loudly, while Allen, who was so angry, ignored the police's shouts and scolded me loudly.

And I... "Can anyone pour me a glass of water?"

I sighed and looked at Solin's loyal subordinates beside the princess: "It's better to have a cigarette."