evil spirit

Chapter 115 Intestable

Chapter 115 [Unfathomable] After hearing this, I forced my face to change. I just felt that the muscles in the corners of my eyes kept beating. Then I pretended to look at Wu Gang not far away calmly, made a casual tone, and said to the phone, "Do you have any requirements?" Very good."

The voice on the phone is still peaceful: "Your tone is very good. Keep this attitude and don't let others notice it... Well, come out now and come out of the house.

If you want Fang Nan to be safe, don't mess around.

I took a deep breath, and Wu Gang frowned beside him and said, "What's wrong?" Oh, something. The signal here is not good. I'll go out and answer the phone.

I said lightly.

Wu Gang was a little impatient, and his eyes were even more dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

I know that there is nothing more important in his heart than Fang Nan's whereabouts at this time. He was talking to me about Fang Nan, but he was suddenly interrupted by an "unusual" phone call. Naturally, he was dissatisfied.

I didn't say much. I directly asked Tu to help me down the wheelchair and pushed me directly out of the house.

"Okay, now you can say it."

I said to the phone in a low voice.

There was a silence on the phone, and then there was a sigh: "Well, you are younger than I thought.

But it's still calm... I didn't expect that Fang Nan would be so fascinated by a young man like you.

As soon as this came out, my heart jumped! Then Huo Ran put down the phone and looked around! He is looking at me! He can see me! My move immediately made the Tu next to me notice something.

After all, this is a city, surrounded by high-rise buildings. It is not surprising that there are several writing houses less than 100 meters away, and there is also a high-rise house across the road.

"Who the hell are you?" I looked around for a while, but I had no clue. I had to pick up the phone again: "Why did you catch Fang Nan? If it's against me, you might as well say your purpose directly.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient.

I won't hurt Fang Nan."

The voice on the phone seemed to smile: "Don't say anything to Wu Gang's guys. I'll contact you later.

Now, you can find a way to get rid of Wu Gang and others first, and I will contact you when you are alone.

After saying that, the phone was cut off.

I immediately made a gesture to Tu, and then whispered, "Someone is looking at me!" High place!" A trace of light flashed in Tu's eyes. He quickly looked around, and then frowned and said, "Boss, I can't confirm that the environment here is too complicated.

Unless you send someone to search around.

I tried to call this phone number back, but it was prompted that it was turned off.

Then I immediately entered the house and simply told Wu Gang that I had something to deal with, and immediately made Wu Gang angry: "What did you say? Now that something has happened to the host, what other bullshit is more important than this!" I didn't say anything, and Wu Gang was not a fool. He immediately changed his face: "Do you have any clue... or the phone call just now..." "No."

I shook my head: "The phone call just now was made by my people. It was some business matter..." As I said, I winned at Wu Gang and made a silent gesture to him at the same time.

Tu quickly searched the room. His movements were very light, and he didn't make any noise. He touched from the ceiling to the chandelier, from the corner, the phone, the lampshade, etc... All the details were checked by him... "I really have something to do, very urgent, can't delay..." My mouth Li was still talking vaguely and continued to win the eyes on Wu Gang. Wu Gang also reacted. He immediately said vaguely, "You...what are you talking about! What should I do about the little one..." Finally, Tu in the search raised a hand to signal to me, and then he carefully turned up the lampshade of the floor lamp in the room, and then turned over, but it was a button-sized eavesdropper! This thing is extremely secretive, and the color is the same as the lampshade. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

I nodded, made a "don't move" gesture to Tu, then quickly took out the cigarette box from my arms, and then made a writing gesture. Wu Gang immediately took out a pen and handed it to me.

"Someone is eavesdropping! Just make a plan!" I wrote two lines quickly.

Wu Gang saw it and nodded with a solemn expression.

Then he had found paper from the room and wrote it on the paper quickly, but he said angrily, "Chen Yang, is business more important than Fang Nan in your heart!! You..." and handed me the paper at the same time: "What are you going to do? Did the other party make the phone call just now? I took the pen and paper and pretended to sigh, "I'm sorry... It's urgent. I can't help but deal with it..." As I said, I nodded vigorously and wrote quickly on the paper: "The other party tried to ask me out alone!" He asked me to get away from you, so his goal should be me.

After thinking about it, I continued to write: "It's a man who called. I can't hear his age, but he won't be too old. The other party's number just now is: XXXXXXXXX, find a way to track down the number immediately!" We communicated through paper, but we deliberately quarreled with the intention of confusing the other party who was eavesdropping on our actions.

Then I pretended to speak loudly, as if I fell out with Wu Gang, and then left Fang Nan's house with Tu.

Tu and I drove out of Fang Nan's house, but we just swayed around on the road. Wu Gang had immediately used his strength to track down the number, and found it out in less than ten minutes.

That number is a black number bought in the market, and the owner's information cannot be traced. According to the call record, it was finally found that the call just now was made in a building 200 meters away from us.

Wu Gang's men naturally had well-trained people to search the place immediately, but finally found a discarded mobile phone on the roof of the building.

There are no fingerprints and no traces.

After the surveillance video of all the entrances and exits in the building was pulled out, no suspicious people were found.

As a result, when Wu Gang informed me by phone, Tu and I had been driving on the nearby streets for nearly two hours.

It's frustrating, but it makes me even more afraid to underestimate the power of the people who kidnapped Fang Nan! The other party has never contacted me, while Wu Gang personally took someone and temporarily transferred an ordinary van, vaguely following us and kept in touch at any time.

There is also a red DHL express delivery car parked there at the street entrance, which is actually dressed up by Wu Gang's people.

Finally, after looking forward to it for a long time, my mobile phone rang again.

Looking at another strange number, I quickly connected it.

"Hey, Chen Yang."

I was relieved, and finally, I waited for his call.

Wu Gang is already monitoring me this time. As long as I can try to keep talking to him and delay more time, it is possible to use technical force to locate the other party! You finally called."

I sighed deliberately: "Say it, what do you want? Is Fang Nan all right? I want to hear her voice, and I want to talk to her!" Ha ha..." The other party smiled gently.

But he didn't care what I was saying, but said lightly, "You disappoint me so much, Chen Yang, do you think this little trick can deceive me? I hate being deceived by others.

Well, the white van behind your car and the red DHL express truck on the street are Wu Gang's people, right? You..." I suddenly stopped my words.

"I'll give you another chance. Don't try to lie to me again."

The other party's voice was not slow, and he said lightly, "Now, I'll give you the last chance to get rid of Wu Gang and others immediately... I want to make sure that Wu Gang's people are not following you, and then I will contact you again."

"I..." I was about to speak when the other party had already laughed and said, "Do you see the DHL car on the street? I'm asking you to drive at full power and hit it! Then get rid of Wu Gang!" Why should I trust you! I want to confirm Fang Nan's safety first!" The other party smiled, and then a woman's short voice came from the phone, "Ah..." The voice was very short, but I immediately heard that it was Fang Nan's voice! If you don't do it, then you will hear her screams.

Get rid of them, and someone will contact you at XX taxi headquarters in 20 minutes.

But if you have Wu Gang's people or police behind you, you can wait to regret it.

[Heaven's Kiss Hand Fight] Pop! The phone hung up! I felt my heart full of anger, but my forehead was full of cold sweat.

"Boss, what should I do?" Tu looked at me calmly.

"Damn it!" I gritted my teeth and pointed to the DHL express transport truck in the distance in front of me. The person in the car was dressed up by Wu Gang's men: "Crash it!" What?" " Hit it! Tu! I said I would hit it!" I shouted angrily.

Tu stopped talking. He changed gears quickly, and then stepped on the accelerator under his feet. The German-made BENZ car immediately speeded up in an instant. The engine roared, roared in a direction, and then rushed to the DHL express transporter on the left side of the street fiercely... Bang! With a thrilling sound of metal collision, the car body trembled fiercely. In the surprised eyes of the people in the other car, the front of our car hit the side of their body.

The quality of the German-made car is solid, and it overturned the roof of the DHL van at once.

The van Wu Gang was sitting in behind rushed up quickly. Wu Gang shouted at me with a walkie-talkie at the same time: "Chen Yang, are you crazy! That's my own people! You really hit it!" I'm sorry."

I said briefly, immediately cut off the walkie-talkie, and shouted at Tu, "Reverse! Get rid of him!" Tu quickly changed gears and then turned the steering wheel. Our car went back a few meters in place, and then immediately turned. The sturdy BENZ car was just a little broken in the front of the car, but the overall performance was not greatly damaged.

With a roar, it crashed into Wu Gang's van copied from behind like a monster.

Oh!! This time, it was really sparking. Wu Gang's car was just an ordinary white van. The steel plate was not as strong as BENZ. It hit the rear of his car at once. Then the van hit the ground horizontally and almost turned over. The glass of our car was also broken, but Tu had turned quickly and then stepped on it. The accelerator rushed out all the way.

I saw Wu Gang stumbling out of the car from the mirror, pointing in my direction and shouting something.

"Wu Gang, pay attention to the left and right.

That guy can see your people following us. He even knows the model and appearance of the car, which means that he is watching nearby!!" I picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Sent someone to search nearby!" Damn it, Chen Yang, you almost killed me just now!" Wu Gang's angry voice came from the walkie-talkie, and then shouted, "Where are you going now!" I gritted my teeth and said, "I can't say it! Don't follow me! Otherwise, Fang Nan..." I broke the call in my heart.

Damn it! I was extremely angry in my heart. I contacted him twice. I was led by the other party's nose. The other party caught Fang Nan, but I had to listen to his instructions.

Up to now, I have a little fear of this opponent. I don't know who the other party is, I don't know what the other party comes from, and I don't know how many people there are in the other party. The other party kidnapped Fang Nan, but now he hasn't even driven the conditions... XX taxi head office.

I was originally a lively place in Nanjing. Of course, I know where it is. It's far from where I am now! The bastard on the phone is cruel enough! It only gave me 20 minutes! Just now, two consecutive collisions naturally attracted the traffic police.

Our car was damaged again, which was very eye-catching.

After driving less than two blocks, he was followed by the traffic policeman's motorcycle.

The flashing light of the motorcycle behind us to stop, but at this jime, how can I have time to park? The only way to make Tu accelerate and try to get rid of the police.

With the slaughter's almost crazy driving skills, he rampaged on the road, and the police force of the domestic traffic police is inferior to that of the U.S. police in terms of equipment and personnel. After all, they broke through several encirclement and interception along the way. Although they were not intercepted, they had to completely get rid of the police Possible.

"What should I do?" I took a look at Tu: "We must get rid of them!" Tu nodded: "Boss, sit down."

We crossed an intersection and took advantage of a sharp turn. A police car behind us crashed into a bus. Then our car quickly crossed a small road, and then Tu immediately rushed into the entrance of an underground parking lot by the road.

"Get out of the car, boss. Our car is too eye-catching. We need to change it."

Tu retreated to open the door and quickly bounced off the broken glass on his body.

There were a lot of cars in the parking lot. He quickly broke the window glass of a dark green Mitsubishi jeep, forcibly started the car, and then carried me up. Then there was a roar. We rushed out from the other end of the underground parking lot, and the sound of a siren just came from the other entrance in the distance behind us. .

It's only temporary to get rid of the pursuers, because if it is dispatched, the police can quickly find out that we changed our car and ran away according to the surveillance video in the parking lot.

However, this time is enough.

Without pursuers, we speeded all the way and ran two red lights. We finally arrived at the XX taxi head office on time.

Almost at the same time, my mobile phone received a text message asking me to find a car with the license plate number "Jiang AXXXXX" here.

XX Taxi Corporation, there is a super-large open-air parking lot outside. When our car drives in, you can see that the whole parking lot is full of taxis! What's annoying is that all these taxis are the same color! Hundreds of identical taxis crossed in front of us! Getting out of the car quickly, Tu pushed me and began to look for it in the parking lot, but these damn cars were exactly the same! It took me about 15 minutes to finally find the car he said! Tu tried, but the door was not locked, and when we opened the door, we saw a mobile phone in the empty car ringing.

After connecting, the voice on the phone smiled and said, "Your speed is not bad. It seems that the bodyguard around you is very good at driving... Now listen, let your bodyguard drive out of the parking lot immediately. The pursuer behind is coming soon, and let the big black man lead the pursuer away..." "You..." I suddenly felt a Shen! " Don't bargain with me. You don't have any chips."

The other party's voice was very cold: "Your bodyguard drove away immediately! Drive away the pursuers! As for you, do you see the subway entrance about 300 meters in front of you? You take Line 1 and keep going to the end of the station! You'd better act quickly.

Because according to my calculation, the next subway will arrive in seven minutes.

After saying that, the phone was cut off.

"Damn it!!" I smashed the phone on the ground angrily, and then stared at Tu, who was standing next to me, and said, "Did you hear me? Do as he says!" That won't work, boss."

Tu immediately shook his head: "I'm responsible for your safety!" Listen, Tu! I'm the boss, and I have the final say!" I was furious and said anxiously, "Don't argue! I'm not crazy, and I'm not confused! I know what I'm doing!" What else did Tu want to say? I quickly pulled out the pistol, then bit my teeth, and took out a small plastic box from my close pocket.

I turned around the wheelchair and then quickly passed towards the subway entrance in the distance.

Tu behind was really anxious. He was about to say something, but I turned around and shouted at him, "Don't follow me!" Do as I say! Tu!" " ***!" Tu, who had always been calm, suddenly scolded, then kicked the car tire fiercely, got into the car angrily, and then started and rushed out quickly.

On the street next to

, the police have caught up. The taxi driven by Tu hit it head-on without hesitation. He directly hit a policeman and slid it out horizontally, and then fled. In such a move, the other policemen immediately turned around and chased him... In such a situation, my woman was Hijacking, the other party takes this as a threat. Even if Tu has a strong combat effectiveness, he can't play it.

Obviously, the other party is going to strip off all the people around me and let me go to the meeting alone! I know very well what danger I am likely to encounter.

Maybe the other party deliberately led me to kill me, and maybe I will die because of this.

But... I still did it like this! It's like Yang Wei was kidnapped by terrorists and tied to a bomb. I knew that I was going to die, but I still didn't leave. I was willing to hold her and die with me! Sometimes I'm so desperate! Yes, I shouldn't be so desperate, or should I be cunning or even cold-blooded? But if you want me to watch Fang Nan die... I can't do it! At this time, if I don't give up, it's not Chen Yang, not Chen Xiaowu! I felt that my facial expression was distorted. I quickly pushed the wheelchair and entered the subway station. Then I couldn't wait to queue up to buy tickets. Instead, I rushed directly to the ticket window with a ferocious face, pushed away the people next to me, and almost rudely bought tickets and entered the subway station.

The people behind me give me some advice, and I can't take care of it! The other party didn't lie. He even counted the time so accurately! Damn it! Seven minutes, it's really seven minutes. The subway has entered the station.

I got into the car with the flow of people, and then sat in a wheelchair silently.

I ignored the surprised eyes of the people around me, and I quickly opened the small plastic box. Inside was a disposable high-end syringe, which was shaped like a pen. Such a small high-end syringe was worth nearly ten thousand dollars! The tip is a small plastic bead with the remaining medicine inside.

The reason why such small equipment is so expensive is that no matter how violent the collision or high temperature and low temperature environment is, it will not cause any damage to the drugs inside.

I quickly lifted my clothes, and then under the eyes of the people around me in the subway, I plunged the tip of the needle into my muscles without changing my face, and then pushed it into my body with the medicine.

I began to gasp... The damn German doctor was right. This drug, which is still in the experimental stage, is very unstable and will cause short and severe pain after injection! In less than half a minute of injection, I felt severe pain all over my body! Almost every muscle began to twist. I forcibly bit my teeth, and my facial expression twisted little by little, sweating profusely.

My hands clenched the armrest of the wheelchair, and the plastic layer on it even creaked by me... Finally, a slight sound was directly pinched and cracked by me! The passengers around me were looking at me with frightened and uneasy eyes, and there was a little fear in them.

I gasped from fierceness to gradual calming down, and even the tip of my nose almost dripped sweat.

However, the pain brought ** and finally passed. Although the body was weak, the legs finally felt it! The subway finally stopped. When the passengers around saw a strange person like me, they naturally avoided far away... Du! With a pleasant prompt, the subway stopped and the door slowly opened.

Then, in the surprised voice of the people around me, I, who came in a wheelchair, suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, left the wheelchair, and then strode out of the subway without looking back... Damn, no matter who you are, if you hurt Fang Nan, I will kill you with my own hands! I clenched my fists and looked murderous.