evil spirit

Chapter 118 Hate You

Chapter 118 [Hate You] The Prince of Qinghongtian? This identity really surprised me.

Originally, with Fang Nan's background and family background, the "brother" she liked in those years was definitely not an ordinary person.

This is what I had expected for a long time.

But I didn't expect him to be the prince of Qinghongtian?! Good boy, it turns out that you are the prince of Qinghongtian... Humph, it's just that the prince, you kidnapped Fang Nan. How can you tell his family? I'm afraid that even you can't mess around with this kind of thing!" Sun He raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the difficulty? I didn't hurt her. I said it was kidnapping. In fact, I didn't do anything.

She just stunned two people outside her house and invited her out.

I didn't break in without using any violence against her.

On the contrary, the two guys I stunned were sent by Fang Nan's family to guard her! Fang Nan was under house arrest at all. Speaking of which, I was the one who took her out.

As for this matter... It's not difficult. As long as Fang Nan calls back, the family will be clear, and naturally he will not investigate.

Although what he said is vague, there are still several layers of subtext that have not been clearly said, which means: after all, he and Fang Nan are old acquaintances. This time, he just used some special means to bypass Fang Nan's family to take Fang Nan out to meet her, which is not a big deal - as long as Fang Nan is not If you want to investigate.

Of course, unless Fang Nan insists that she was kidnapped, then her family will be prosecuted.

But after all, Fang Nan is also a nostalgic person, and she would not do so.

This meaning makes me a little unhappy, but it's hard to say: after all, I won't instruct Fang Nan to put pressure on his family to deal with Sun He.

Although I'm not happy with this person, I won't be so promising to deal with him with the strength of the woman's family.

"Well, then, prince, what other purpose do you have to find me? Say it happily!" I don't want to say.

"Of course there is a purpose.

One, I said..." He looked a little strange, sighed, and said, "Maybe in the words we just met.

I have some elements of acting, but to tell the truth, I'm sorry for Fang Nan.

In those years... My identity, after all, I can't be with her, even if I failed her.

Her family background will naturally not allow her girl to make out with the son of China's biggest gang leader.

I have no fate with her, but I also know that I'm sorry for her.

The purpose of seeing you is really a little. I want to see if you can really treat her well..." Seeing my anger on my face, he shook his head and said, "Don't be angry. Listen to me.

Of course I know that I am not qualified to be in your affairs.

I'm not stupid enough to regard Fang Nan as my person.

I just feel guilty about her. I always want to know if the man she is looking for will hurt her again.

That's all. Everyone is sitting down and talking now, and I don't have to act anymore.

I have no delusions in my heart, it's just a feeling of guilt for her.

"And then."

I'm too lazy to talk to Doroso on this issue: "Then what about other purposes?" Talk to you."

Sun He smiled faintly: "You are a popular figure now.

The three words of Qinghong, and Ye Huan, a new vassal.

There is also a big circle... Even your power extends far to North America... Among the major forces, you can go left and right. Today, you are on the cusp of the storm.

Every family, whether it is a friend or an enemy, dares not underestimate you.

As for me, I represent Qinghongtian to examine you well... What's easier to investigate your essence than a play? Sun He smiled proudly, but I frowned.

He shook his head: "You don't have to be angry.

I don't have anything to ask of you.

In the current situation, it is hard to say whether everyone will be an enemy or a friend in the future.

But now, I know you have dealings with that guy Ouyang. He helped you settle the matter in Shanghai. You must have a deal in private. As for the content of the transaction, I think it's nothing more than the big circle's business in Shanghai.

Ouyang is very good at doing business, with a knife and a gun in one hand and a honey in the other.

Humph... But Qinghong is not the only one in his family.

Everyone knows that human characters have no future.

On the contrary, you are a character that I have never seen through.

Your hands are covered with clouds and rain, and the big circle is almost helpable by you.

Their drug business has been greatly affected recently, but you hide... To be honest, I have always suspected that there is no reason for a shrewd person like you to be paralyzed so easily.

And at this time, I don't believe you can hide in North America! You must still be in China. Since you are interested in you, it's better to introduce you out to meet.

"Ha! The way you meet is very 'unique'!" I sneered.

"You're angry, I know."

Sun He said lightly, "I don't expect to be friends with you, and there is no need to please you.

I just need to achieve my goal.

Now it seems that you are a little impulsive, but you are also a lot of cunning.

Is there anything else? It's just business. Although it's not a friend, it's not necessarily impossible to do business.

I think as you and me, no one is an emotional person.

Is it? I laughed and said, "I don't know what business does the prince have to take care of me?" His eyes flashed, he looked at me for a while, and then two words popped out of his mouth: "Ye Huan?" My heart moved and I looked at the guy in front of me that I hated.

All kinds of thoughts flowed through my mind like lightning, and I immediately sorted out a clue.

"Are you interested in the territory that Ye Huan is occupying now!" I sneered.

Sun He did not deny it, but generously admitted, "That's right.

Ye Huan's territory is the original territory of Qinghong people.

I think you are a smart person. After this incident, the character will definitely be swallowed up.

Then the most important question next is: how to divide the fruit!" He sneered: "Don't you think it's strange... Ye Huan made such a big thing, and we still let him live until now.

Qinghong has gone out, and the three families will work together to engage with Ye Huan.

But there has been no movement for so long? Can't we work together to suppress Ye Huan? It's not that you don't do it. The problem is how to allocate the territory after the fight! Before the benefits are divided, no one wants to suffer losses and do it first.

Ye Huan now occupies the Qinghong territory in Jiangsu.

It's not difficult to kill him, but after regaining the territory, who owns Jiangsu is the key.

A clear man doesn't say anything secret.

The feng shui treasure of Shanghai was almost swallowed by Ouyang, and we also pinched our noses to recognize it.

But Jiangsu... We can't let Ouyang anymore.

But if we want to touch Ye Huan, if we take action directly, then Ouyang will definitely come to grab it.

It's not easy for us to turn against each other.

So everyone is holding back and not doing it first, but there is no way to put it on like this.

So, we need someone to help us break the deadlock.

I sighed: "This man is me?" It's you."

He smiled and said, "You and Ye Huan have a grudge against each other. You both want each other to die.

So... Since we and Ouyang are embarrassed to do it first, it's better to let you do it.

You kill Ye Huan.

Then take up the territory... After that, we will make a condition, and if you give up again, everyone will be happy. How about that? Are you all happy? Everyone is so happy! I scolded in my heart: Aren't you calculating me? I want to deal with Ye Huan first. The abacus is good! Ye Huan's ability to force Qinghong to join hands to deal with him shows that he is not weak.

Do I take action? Am I trying to lose manpower and material resources? In the end, even if I succeed, I will occupy Ye Huan's territory... What happens after that? After that, you have to face the two crocodiles of Qinghong's Tianzitou and Ouyang's Dizitou! Even if I don't like the territory, I'm willing to give it out, but who will I give it to? If you give one of them, you will offend the other one... I'm willing to do this kind of stupid and thankless thing! Looking at my expression, Sun He naturally knows what I think.

I couldn't help smiling: "I understand that this matter is not easy to do..." "It's not easy to do. You want to bake me on the fire."

I sneered.

"Although it is difficult, it will not let you do it for nothing."

Sun He said calmly, "We don't want to break up with Ouyang. Naturally, we need a buffer middleman. You are the most suitable one.

Ye Huan's territory, everyone wants to swallow, but they all worry about each other.

And you are the only suitable person to do business.

According to the information I have seen, you are very good at surviving in the cracks between several major forces, and your power today is getting bigger and bigger, and you are also made by these wrists.

We will also give you good conditions, at least to make up for your difficulties..." [Kiss of Heaven] said, he looked at his watch and smiled, "Okay, that's all for today.

Today's event is the first time I've known each other.

For specific details, it is necessary for the two families to find an opportunity to sit down and talk about such a big thing.

Now I'm afraid that Wu Gang's people are coming soon. Although I'm not afraid of him, it's embarrassing to meet him in this situation... Oh, by the way, Fang Nan is in the relay room of the stadium. She is very safe. You can pick her up at any time.

After saying that, he stood up. Before leaving, the guy smiled at me and said, "Actually, I'm also very unhappy with you, but we don't like each other. It's a private matter.

Business matters, interests are the most important... Say it again in private, I hate you very much.

"Me too!" I don't show any weakness.

****** Sun He left, and not long after that, Wu Gang's people really tracked up all the way, and their energy was really small.

Then he found Fang Nan who was safe and sound from the TV broadcast room of the stadium.

The only trouble is my super bodyguard, Tu.

He drove the taxi to attract the police's pursuers, and then almost reproduced the scene of Toronto's super car chase in Nanjing. He drove the police around the ring road, and then rushed all the way from the south of the city to the north of the city.

Fortunately, Tu didn't make too much trouble, and he didn't shoot and clash with the police, but his super driving skills have almost become news that local car enthusiasts can't forget for years.

Of course, Wu Gang is here, and it is not troublesome to solve it. Wu Gang directly sent someone to pick up the slaughter. As for how to explain it to the police.

That's Wu Gang's headache. I don't have to worry about it.

The only thing that makes me a little embarrassed is Fang Nan.

When I first kicked open the door and rushed into the stadium broadcast room, Fang Nan was very surprised when she saw me.

But soon, she reacted and looked at my legs strangely.

This is a problem.

It's just a smart Fang Nan, and he didn't say much.

Wu Gang said directly. When he saw me standing, he was so angry that he couldn't wait to come up and kick me a few times. Then he scolded, "Okay, you lied us so hard!" I don't have to explain anything to Wu Gang, but to Fang Nan.

I still owe an explanation.

After all, when I was "paralyzed", Fang Nan stayed by my side and took good care of me for a few days. Every day, she cried with red eyes and soft intestines.

It's just when I'm ready to explain.

Fang Nan sighed and said softly, "Well, I know you must have a reason.

No need to explain, I can understand.

Then Fang Nan's face was also a little strange: "Don't you have anything to ask me?" What to ask?" I knew what she meant, but I pretended not to understand.

"Alas..." Fang Nan sighed gently: "He brought me out. You should also know who he is.

Don't you have anything to ask me?" I thought about it and told her frankly, "Actually, I really want to ask.

After all, I'm a man. When a man encounters this kind of thing, he will always be curious.

I really want to know what kind of relationship you had with him in the past, and so on.

But when I think about it again, it has been so many years. Does it make sense to ask? It's just asking for trouble. It's better not to ask.

Fang Nan said "um" gently.

He tilted his head on my shoulder in the car and said softly, "Chen Yang, I'm just worried about what you're thinking.

I'm single-minded about you now. He... I see him again this time, just as an old friend.

I..." She suddenly blushed and whispered, "I used to have nothing to do with him..." I smiled and said, "No need to explain, I understand."

Fang Nan's eyes were gentle, but then she showed some embarrassment and said, "Although he made this matter, he also brought me out of the house... But after all, he didn't use any violence against me, and he didn't really hurt me... So, Chen Yang, I think that's forget it.

I don't want Wu Gang and others to continue to investigate.

You...you won't blame me, will you?"

I know in my heart that this is also normal.

Fang Nan is kind and kind-hearted. She doesn't want to tear her face to this old friend in the past, which is also in line with her character. I didn't want to force him to do anything. Naturally, she nodded immediately.

"You...thank you.

It's just that please don't think too much.

I..." Fang Nan's eyes were full of excitement: "My whole heart is yours now. Don't misunderstand my intention.

This time, you ran back regardless of danger. I was really worried... But when I saw you coming back, I was scared and happy.

What I'm afraid of is that you will be in danger, and the joy is... You really care about me in your heart.

With that, we looked at each other, and our eyes were intertwined. We couldn't help but be crazy. Seeing that Fang Nan's eyes were as gentle as water, I couldn't help but want to lean over and kiss him on the cheek. However, at this time, Wu Gang, who was sitting in the front of the car, cough Hey, I said, you two, be a little restrained. Even if you want to make out, don't be in front of me.

Fang Nan and I stared at the light bulb angrily, but Wu Gang was righteous. He stared at me and shouted, "Are you still excited? Boy, when you hit me with your car before, it was really cruel! I almost killed him."

I sneered: "Wu Gang, don't pretend to be.

My car seems to have crashed hard, but in fact, it just crashed your car.

You haven't even broken the skin. What's the heck!" Wu Gang laughed dryly and then said, "Well, Fang Nan is all right now, but it's so late, you don't have to rush back to Shanghai overnight, do you? Alas, your trace has been exposed this time. It's boring to rush back to Shanghai now. I'll find a place to give you a day off today.

Humph, just live in the military area, and Ye Huan doesn't dare to send people to the military area to make trouble! I will arrange someone to escort you back tomorrow. There will be no problem.

For your safety, my best has made a lot of fire with me.

When I didn't say anything, Fang Nan suddenly stiff-faced and said, "What are you doing in the military region! Xiao Wu is coming. Of course, he lives with me!" ..." Wu Gang's face changed at that time, and he couldn't help begging, "My young lady! I beg you! You two little mandarin ducks, it's better to be married for a long time. I don't understand this truth... But you can do anything outside, but in Nanjing... Please, the old man must know what happened this time now, and Chen Yang must know that he is in Nanjing! Just under his eyes, you openly let Chen Yang spend the night with you... The old man's temper, I'm afraid that he will get angry and shoot the boy with one shot!" Fang Nan's face turned cold at that time: "Wu Gang, let's talk about it, how do you Wu family care about me? What you care about is your own face! Humph... He wants to shoot someone, just come and shoot me! Chen Yang will live with me tonight!!" Fang Nan's tone was so firm that there was no room for discussion.