evil spirit

Chapter 137 Finale

Chapter 137 [Finale] (Part 1) "He... is dead."

When I walked out of the bathroom, only Yang Wei was waiting outside the door.

I looked at Yang Wei. Somehow, I only said these three words in my mouth. Then, I felt something flowing out of my eyes and my cheeks were cold.

Is it tears? Will I... still shed tears for Ye Huan? Yang Wei understands the feelings in my heart, and she also understands the complex feelings in my heart for Ye Huan.

So, smartly, she gently hugged me and whispered, "Okay, go up and have a look.

Cang Yu... is dead."

Ye Huan's office is in the casino on the tenth floor.

The casino is empty. Walking through the empty gambling tables, I vaguely seem to go back to that night.

It was on that night that a stunned boy walked into a strange world and a world that he had never thought of before! Now, it's empty and gloomy, but when I walked through the bar in the middle, I seemed to see the elegant Cang Yu in high-rooted shoes smiling at me.

As if she was still smiling at me: "What kind of girl do you like to be with you?" What about me? How did I answer at that time? Oh... by the way, I said, "You misunderstood. I'm not a rich man."

The past is full of past events! Cang Yu's body was found in Ye Huan's office. She sat in Ye Huan's chair with her eyes bulging. Her originally delicate face turned pale.

"We found the medicine box here, and she said she wanted to be alone for a while."

Yang Wei whispered, "But after a while, our people pushed the door and found that she was dead."

Cang Yu died very calmly... Or, I guess when she died, she must be very calm.

She stuck a syringe into her neck... I don't know what kind of medicine is in the syringe.

But to be sure, it is a deadly poison.

I can even imagine a picture in my mind: Cang Yu sat alone in Ye Huan's office. She walked to the table calmly, sat in Ye Huan's chair, and even stroked the armrest of the chair affectionately. Then... She opened the medicine box, took out the syringe, pulled out the poison, and plunged into ...Cang Yu knows Ye Huan well.

She loves Ye Huan so much that she must know Ye Huan's person.

Although she didn't go to see Ye Huan with me at that time, she must have guessed that Ye Huan would die after seeing me.

So... Cang Yu also died.

Looking at this woman's body, I suddenly didn't want to stay in this room for a second! I almost turned around and ran out of the room in embarrassment, and even staggered under my feet and almost fell down! When I walked through the bar in the casino outside, I vaguely saw an elegant and beautiful woman smiling at me in front of the bar... "What kind of girl do you like to accompany you?" My name is Cang Yu, and everyone here calls me Sister Yu..." "Brother Huan said before he left.

If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me.

"I'm a socialite, a dancer, a mistress, a toy, and a prostitute! I'm just such a person!!" You know, on this sofa, I have slept with at least a dozen men!" ... That elegant and beautiful face, and a sad and twisted face... These two faces flashed back and forth in my mind, and I shook my head hard.

I suddenly turned around, strode towards the bar in the middle, and then kicked the bar fiercely! Bang!!" I grabbed a high stool beside me like crazy, shook my hand and smashed it at the bar! I was like a crazy tiger, punching and kicking, and hitting the bar! I was out of breath, and suddenly turned around and shouted at the men around me, "Come on! Smash this bar for me! Smashed! Let it disappear from my eyes!! I don't want to see it!!!" Yang Wei hugged me from behind and called in a low voice, "Chen Yang...Chen Yang..." The high stool in my hand was thrown to the ground by me. I took a few deep breaths and then shook my head: "I... I'm a little uncomfortable."

Yang Wei didn't say anything. She just hugged me quietly.

"Weiwei...Wei..." I suddenly had an impulse to talk to people: "Weiwei... I don't know what's wrong.

I succeeded today... Ye Huan is dead.

I took revenge! The unfair treatment I once received, the betrayal I once... Everything I once got back! But... But why, I'm not happy at all now, not happy at all! I..." Yang Wei sighed gently: "Xiao Wu... In fact, you should understand that this is an inevitable ending!" My body stiffened, and then I gasped for a while and calmed down: "Where's Duoduo... Duoduo? Have you found Duoduo?" I found it, and Jinhe, all together.

Yang Wei answered quickly.

"Bed me! Now! Hurry up!" Before pushing the door into the room, I was still a little worried and nervous.

Just now in Ye Huan's office, I pushed the door and saw Cang Yu's body... Such a scene really left a trace of haze in my heart! [ Heaven's Kiss] I'm worried that after I open the door in front of me, will I also see several bodies? Fortunately, after opening the door, I saw a bed.

A hospital bed.

Duoduo sat in front of the bed. In addition, there was another person with one arm hanging on his chest with a bandage. It was Luo Lie! ** Lying down, it's the Golden River! He still has a cold and resolute face, but his face is sallow.

Jinhe is awake with his eyes open.

Look at the ceiling quietly.

When I approached two steps, I finally found something wrong! Under the thin white bed quilt, from the outline of Jinhe's body under the quilt... he... one of Jinhe's legs is gone.

"Ye Huan was assassinated by Qinghong's people before, and Qinghong killed several good people.

Jinhe... was injured and lost a leg.

Yang Wei whispered in my ear, and then took another look at Luo Lie... It seems that Luo Lie was also injured because of this.

So it is, so in tonight's fierce battle, Jin He did not appear from beginning to end, which made Ye Huan's people lack a great power.

"Chen Yang!" The Golden River lying in ** suddenly opened its mouth.

His eyes were still on the ceiling, and he didn't look at me.

"I'm here."

Jin He looked indifferent: "Have you finished your business?" ...It's done."

Jinhe lay in **. His throat knot squirmed a few times. I saw a tear slipping from the corners of his eyes, and his voice was still cold and hard: "It's done, let's go."

I nodded.

At this moment, I, and ** Jinhe, it seems that we don't need to say anything more, and we seem to have a tacit understanding in each other's hearts.

"Sent someone to take him away... to the charity hall in Shanghai and find a doctor to take care of him."

I said to Yang Wei.

Soon, my men came in and removed the Golden River from **.

Jinhe didn't struggle or say anything, so quietly let my people lift him up.

It's just that when passing by me, Jinhe, who was lying on **, whispered, "Duoduo, take good care of her."

When I, Duoduo, and Luo Lie were left in the room, the atmosphere had fallen into a suffocating silence! Duoduo sat there, not talking, but crying silently.

Luo Lie has come to me silently.

"I want to take Duoduo away!" I ignored him.

"I want to take Duoduo away!" The breath of a beast flashed in Luo Lie's eyes.

He tried to pull Duoduo, but Duoduo didn't move.

"Let go of her."

I sighed.

"Chen Yang! I'm going to take Ni Duoduo away..." I answered him in the face! Luo Lie was knocked to the ground by me. He suddenly jumped up and shouted at me.

I kicked him down, looked at him coldly, and then asked him, "Do you deserve it?" Luo Lie's eyes widened, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped. He stared at me and shouted, "I don't deserve it? Why do you say I don't deserve it! Do you deserve it? If you have the ability, you can kill me! Otherwise, I must take her away!" Bang! Still, the answer to him was a slap in the face.

I withdrew my hand, still looked at him coldly, and asked the three words again: "Do you deserve it?" Luo Lie was beaten by me and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, but he gritted his teeth: "Do you deserve it?" Yes, I deserve it! But you don't deserve it!" My answer was very calm. Looking at this boy, I sneered, "Luo Lie, I remember I asked you... Is it worth it? It seems that you haven't thought about this problem at all!" Luo Lie gasped violently and said nothing.

"Listen to me! Son of a man! Courage is a valuable quality, but recklessness is a sign of stupidity! Do you think you are brave now? Joke! Can I kill you if I have the ability? What a joke! Why can't I kill you? A lot of people have died here tonight! I don't care about you! What are you? Your life is not worth more than others! It's not more valuable than others! If I kill you, as long as you move your mouth, you will disappear from this world forever! Is this called courage? This is called stupid!" I unabashedly stimulated this guy: "You look like me? No, you don't look like it at all! Because you have no patience except to show your so-called 'courage' in a brainless way! What else can you do besides working hard? Let me tell you, you only have one life! You can only fight once! When the fight is over, you will have nothing!" Luo Lie lay on the ground and looked at me like ashes.

My tone was more indifferent: "Listen! You can't take Duoduo! Because you don't deserve it! Do you know what the word 'not worthy' means? It means: You can't protect her! You can't take care of her! What are you? Now you are nothing. You have no money and no power. What do you have except the two-handed cat's skill? Even if I let you out of here today, after you go out, you are just a gangster with nothing! Why did you take Duoduo away? Why do you protect her? Take care of her life?" Luo Lie's language is blocked.

I looked at him and sneered: "I deserve it! I dare say that! Ye Huan is dead! It's dead! But his enemy is still there! Qinghong is still there! If the people of Qinghong knew that Ye Huan's daughter was alive... Do you think you can protect her with your gangster? Are you brave? Wrong! You are brainless! It's a big deal! It's not self-remeasurable!!" I turned around, pointed to the door, and said coldly, "I'll give you a chance to choose now. You go out of this door, and then things here have nothing to do with you in the future!" It's good for you to go back and be your little gangster or live your life! Think about how you live! Otherwise..." I sneered: "If you want to avenge Ye Huan, you can give me a gun and see if you can kill me? Then, I promise, you will die here!" Luo Lie's face changed dramatically, and the muscles of his cheeks jumped... I sneered, looked at him contemptuously, and then bypassed him to ignore this person.

I walked to Duoduo's side and patted her gently on the shoulder: "Duoduo, your father is dead."

Ni Duoduo looked up at me, and her eyes were indifferent: "You, kill him?" No."

I shook my head: "He killed himself.

But...you can also think that I killed him. It doesn't make any difference.

"You killed him!" Ni Duoduo suddenly stood up. She held a knife in her hand and pierced my chest fiercely.

I raised my hand and pinched her wrist, then shook and the knife fell to the ground.

Ni Duoduo struggled. I simply punched her unconscious, then picked her up, turned around and walked to the door.

Behind him, Luo Lie on the ground suddenly jumped up. He suddenly grabbed the knife on the ground and stabbed me fiercely in the back! Unfortunately, I turned around and kicked him over with one foot. The guy lay on the ground with a distorted and resentful face.

I sighed: "I gave you a chance.

There are enough people who died tonight. I didn't want to kill you.

But... I told you, you are not brave at all, but stupid and crazy.

I took out the pistol in my pocket... Bang! There was a gunshot from the room.