
02 Robber

Lin Fan was shocked when he saw it. He was stunned. He didn't expect that the "fairy" in front of him would fall in front of him and screamed. When I woke up and covered my mouth, it was too late.

Ji Buhua was in pain. Before recovering from the joy of Ji Lianhua's death, she smelled a scream. In shock, she suddenly looked up and looked forward, just met Lin Fan's frightened eyes.

"I, I... I didn't see anything, I didn't see..." Lin Fan stammered and carefully retreated. Ji's eyes were cold. She reluctantly raised her body and waved her left hand to see a weak flame chasing Lin Fan.

Lin Fan only felt a burning pain on his body and thought he would die, but suddenly found that a very light blue water curtain surged up on his body surface. He immediately got rid of the flame and was unconsciously stunned.

Ji Buhua was supposed to burn mortal children in front of her. When she saw it, she returned without success. Her face sank. Another flame between her hands had been formed between her and had not yet been emitted. Suddenly, she felt a flash in front of her eyes, and then she felt a pain on her body and immediately fell to the ground. In shock, the flame between her palms suddenly went out. Looking up, it was the child in front of him who knocked himself to the ground!

Fang waited to slap the child to death and suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and then a cold breath came from Ji Lianhua's sword on his body and gathered towards his chest! Accompanying, it is the vitality of the body!

It turned out that Lin Fan immediately made a bold decision when he saw that the fireball could not hurt himself! He knew that if he encountered this kind of thing, if the "fairy" in front of him recovered, he would definitely die. He simply gambled and ventured into Ji Buhua's arms. He took out the emperor's seal in his arms and pressed it on Ji's funeral flower, but he didn't expect that he would really put Ji's funeral flower to death.

Although Lin Fan is only 11 or 12 years old, he has been living on the street since he was a child and is used to seeing life and death. At this time, when he sees someone want to kill himself, he naturally fight back, but it feels very normal.

In an instant, Ji's peanut burial machine was almost exhausted. She took the last trace of strength and looked at her chest. She saw the upright seal on one side of her chest, and the light of water and blue passed through the emperor's seal and quickly poured into the little children in front of her! I don't know how long it took, Ji Buhua and the long sword on her body suddenly broke inch by inch, and then turned into flying ash and dissipated. At this time, Lin Fan suddenly felt a surge in his body, and his limbs suddenly lost a little strength. He raised his hand to put the emperor's seal in his arms, and then ploped and fainted.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Fan finally woke up leisurely.

But as soon as he woke up and hadn't sat up, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body, just like a hundred-foot python rushing around his body, tearing the bones, meridians, flesh and blood in Lin Fan's body again and again, and then healed again under the action of some strange power, and then tore it again, so on.


Under the severe pain, Lin Fan raised to the sky and made a painful roar, his head danced wildly, his eyes were red, and his face was distorted by severe pain. Suddenly, Lin Fan jumped up and ran through the air with the body of a mortal, making a painful roar all the way, tearing the air and tearing out a sound. The sound of cracking the void!

At this time, Lin Fan was no longer a twelve-year-old child, but a wounded beast!

I don't know how long it took, Lin Fan's whole body was exhausted, but the python in his body was not half tired, but became more and more active. Between the back and forth impact of Lin Fan's body, there seemed to be signs of breaking out!

Lin Fan was not enough to control his body at this time. He fell from the air, but his body couldn't help circling back and forth like a python. At this time, Lin Fan seemed to have become a puppet of a python in his body!

Aokizi stepped on the flying sword and jumped through the clouds. Seeing that it was less than a thousand miles away from Shuiyunzong, he remembered the few disciples left in the door, sighed, but gently twisted his beard and secretly muttered: "Although I didn't find any precious spiritual grass when I went out this time, I still thought of refining a few three high-class elixies. It's more than enough, and it's difficult for them to stay with my old man to guard such a declining sect, and it's right to compensate them. During meditation, he looked in the direction of Shuiyunzong from afar, as if he saw his disciples looking forward to the mountain gate. There is some kindness in his eyebrows.

Suddenly, Aoki's face changed: "The spirit of the water mysterious beast? Strange, why is the spirit of the mysterious beast so tyrannical? Is there even a little blood light in it?"

In hesitation, Aokizi's mind moved, and the flying sword under his feet had fallen down. Looking at its position, it was where Lin Fan was.

When it was 100 meters from the ground, Aokizi had seen Lin Fan's strange trajectory like a water python crawling. Looking at the scene in front of him, Aokizi cursed, "Nonsense! Unexpectedly, he devours the spirit of the mysterious beast with the body of a mortal!" As he spoke, the sword light flashed and fell in front of Lin Fan.

At this time, Lin Fan's eyes were dull and empty, and his body was covered with a dazzling blue light. At first glance, he was no different from the dead.

Aokizi cursed "nonsense" again. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand, grabbed Lin Fan's clothes, then raised his left hand, slapped Lin Fan's heavenly spirit, and saw a milky light shining and had integrated into Lin Fan's body.

An angry roar suddenly came from Lin Fan's body, and then the shadow of a thick python in a bucket appeared out of thin air, and the mouth of the blood basin was opened, wearing a gust of fishy wind, and devoured it towards Qingmuzi.

"Evil beasts dare!" Aokiko stared angrily, shouted, and then waved his sleeve, and a fierce wind rose. The shadow of the giant python let out a unwilling roar, and suddenly collapsed and dissipated. Lin Fan finally settled down, rolled his eyes and fainted.

"I don't know why the spirit of the water python is angry. I'm afraid the prohibition just now can't be sealed!" While Aoki was meditating, two milky lights had once again entered Lin Fan's body. Two milky lights entered Lin Fan's body, and an angry roar came from Lin Fan's body again. At the same time, Lin Fan's body shook, but only a few times, but finally calmed down.

Aoki sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at Lin Fan who fainted, patted him on the head, and laughed and scolded, "Wake up, stinky boy!"

When Lin Fan was in a coma, he was slapped by this palm and suddenly woke up. At a glance, he was shocked and suddenly sat up. However, as soon as he fell to the ground, he suddenly felt that his feet were soft, and his body staggered and fell into Qingmuzi's arms.

was still struggling to get up, but Aokiko patted him on the back and said, "Okay, just rest for a while, stinky boy, let me ask you, how did you swallow the spirit of this eight-grade water python into your body? If I hadn't passed by, I'm afraid your life would have been over!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan knew that it was the person in front of him who saved him. With a trace of gratitude in his eyes, he recounted what he had met, but he omitted the names of Ji Buhua and Ji Lianhua and the imperial seal, and said that he was inexplicably crazy.

Although Aokizi felt that what Lin Fan said was not true, he only smiled and did not delve into it. The topic turned to the point and said, "I sealed the spirit of the water python in your body with vitality, but this is not a long-term solution. If it is not difficult to take it out, it is too wasteful. If you want, go back to Shuiyunzong with me, and I will tell you to practice. True method, how about refining it yourself?

When Lin Fan heard this, he suddenly became interested and stammored, "Then...isn't that going to be an immortal?"

Aokizi smiled slightly. Naturally, he knew that in the eyes of mortals, all practitioners are immortals, but he was too lazy to explain. He just nodded and said, "That's right, but this door..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fan had completely forgotten that he had no strength. He rolled out of Aokizi's arms, knelt down and shouted, "Master, disciple Lin Fan, see you!"

Aokizi was stunned and couldn't help laughing. He thought that his nature was also easy-going, but he had never received such a big gift. He helped Lin Fan up and said, "If you worship me as a teacher, you should know that you are a teacher. As the teacher's name Aokizi, he is the patriarch of Shuiyun Sect today. Now that the disciples of this sect have withered, you are the eighth disciple of the teacher.

Lin Fan worshipped the "fairy" as his teacher and was overjoyed. He didn't hear what Aokizi said. He only remembered the master's Taoist name Aokizi.

The two of them tossed around, and the sky was already half white. Aokizi stood up and waved his right hand. The flying sword had floated in the air. He grabbed Lin Fan's left arm and shouted "up" in a low voice. The two had fallen on the flying sword and rushed towards Shuiyunzong like lightning.

Before long, the gate of Shuiyunzong was already far away. Aokizi's mind turned around, and the flying sword under his feet had galloped towards Shuiyunzong.

As soon as he landed, six people and four men and two women came forward.

"Disciples have met the master!" Six people bowed together.

Then, a person came out and bowed again and said, "Master, disciples and others know that the master has returned to the mountain today and have prepared refreshments. Please take a rest for a while."

Aokizi laughed a few times and said, "Okay, but before that, I will introduce you to someone, your little brother, Lin Fan."

"Lin Fan, come here and see your brothers and sisters!" Aokizi stretched out his hand and pulled the ghostly Lin Fan from behind.

Lin Fan answered respectfully, and then bent down to the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "Disciples have met all the brothers and sisters!"

The six people saw that although Lin Fan's clothes were ragged, their faces were extremely beautiful. Between their eyes rolling, they were full of aura and patted Lin Fan's head with joy. At the same time, they congratulated Aokizi on receiving a good apprentice.

Aokiko laughed and said, "Okay, let's talk about it after entering the room."

A group of eight people entered the room, and the person who spoke just introduced the brothers and sisters to Lin Fan.

The person introduced is the second brother Wu Dao. The following are the third brother Li Huairen, the fourth sister Mei Xin, the fifth brother Liu Kou, the sixth brother Liu Bus, the seventh sister Tian Yu, and a big brother who is practicing in isolation in the back mountain, Feng Han.

After listening to Wu Dao's introduction, Lin Fan tilted his head and thought for a moment, and then turned his head to Qingmuzi with a strange face and asked, "Master, shouldn't our Shuiyunzong be a robber's nest?"

"How does the stinky boy talk? We Shuiyunzong was also a famous school thousands of years ago. Why did you become a robber's nest in your mouth? Qing Muzi stared and patted Lin Fan on the head.

Lin Fan shrank his head and said with a bad smile, "Master, look, the eldest brother is a 'crazy man', the second brother is 'roadless', the third brother is a 'bad guy', the fifth brother is a 'rogue', and the sixth brother is a 'hooligan'. Do you always say that we are not a robber's nest or a god? Maybe the fourth sister and the seventh sister will still be snatched by you to suppress the village!" After saying that, he stared at Aokizi and the brothers and sisters with a pair of bad eyes.

Aokizi shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "Who would have thought that the apprentice had received so many bad things..." He shook his head again, his face was correct, and then the topic turned around: "This time as a teacher is for the big comparison ten years later. This big comparison, alas, you can do your best, even if you lose. Don't let others look down on our Shuiyunzong! Even if you lose, you will lose with backbone! The teacher found a few good medicines this time. Although it is not a rare treasure, it is still possible to refine a few three-grade elixirs. When the refining is successful, you can also close down.

Wu Dao and others heard Aokizi's words, and their smiling face suddenly showed a little haze. For a long time, Wu Daofang said heavily: "Master, don't worry, even if we fail, we will not fall into the prestige of our Shuiyun Sect!" Shuiyunzong can be defeated, but ambition is indispensable!"

Lin Fan saw that the master, brother and sister and others all had a heavy face, so he smiled and said, "When I was living on the street, I heard people say that they were extremely good. Maybe we can turn defeat into victory this time!" Although Lin Fan still doesn't know about the practitioners, it is nothing more than a sect fight in the world.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Qing Muzi laughed and said, "What Lin Fan said is that you don't be too heavy. Just do your best."

Everyone nodded in unison and said yes. Wu Dao was waiting to speak. Suddenly, he saw Lin Fan step closer, turned his palm up, stretched out to himself, and said, "Bring it here?"

"What?" Wu Dao said curiously.

"Nonsense! Don't you give some gifts as a senior? As he spoke, he looked sideways at Li Huairen and others, and said in a natural tone, "Be conscious! Self-conscious! Do you know what it is? From today on, I, Lin Fan, have been a member of the robber's nest. How can you not send red envelopes? Be conscious! Do you understand? Do you understand?"

Wu Dao and others looked at Lin Fan's outstretched hand and jumped violently at the corners of their eyes. At the same time, the corners of their mouths twitched and the black line of their forehead surged. Tian Yu stepped in front of Lin Fan, patted Lin Fan's hand and said viciously, "Bad boy, give me a reason!"

"Hmm! The ancestors said that wild geese want to pull their hair, and people want to fish for treasure. It's shameful to be a waste!" Lin Fan's old-fashioned way.

Wu Dao and others have a darker line on their foreheads. They were waiting to speak, but they heard Aokiko laugh and said, "Well, I have a crystal nucleus of a water mysterious beast here. I'll give it to you. Let your brother go." As he spoke, his fingers flickered, and a nucleus of a beast shining with light blue crystal light had fallen into Lin Fan's hands.