
10 Burning golden ants

"Daw! Why do you recite it so much? I almost got into the nest of red ants!" Lin Fan scolded angrily while flying away.

Hundreds of meters after the press freedom mud, tower-shaped green buildings slowly rose from the ground. At the same time, millions of red ants flew out of the tower, with extremely large eyes and bloody light. The two ant teeth were exposed to the air, and the golden red light flashed, and they wanted to eat. The red wings, which are dozens of times bigger than their heads, can't help flapping and making horrible humming sounds, which is frightening.

"Bad boy, run a ball? Burning golden ant nest appears in the world and gives you a great magic weapon out of thin air. If you don't take it back, why do you have a stupid belly when you give birth to a smart face? Yan Ming's voice suddenly sounded ungood.

"What?" Lin Fan stopped in astonishment.

"I'm too lazy to tell you that you fly east and stop about 10,000 miles." Yan Ming said angrily, and then he seemed to be afraid that Lin Fan would not believe it. He hummed and continued, "I won't lie to you. I don't need to tease you as a junior and drop the price!"

Lin Fan smiled bitterly, identified the next direction, and flew to the east.

Unexpectedly, he met more than a dozen dirty opening monks. Lin Fan naturally killed them honestly and rudely and accumulated meritorious deeds for himself.

Ten thousand miles away, Lin Fan sent a sound with his mind while flying: "It's almost ten thousand miles. What should I do next?"

"Look around carefully to see if there is a place where the red fog is permeated, the golden light is hidden in it, and the trees are dominated by blue and black shrubs two or three meters high."

When Lin Fan heard the words, he saw that Yanming didn't say anything, so he stopped asking. He looked around, but saw nothing.

"No, look east again." There was doubt in Yanming's voice.

Lin Fan set his mind and continued to fly to the east, but this time he was careful and flew all the way to look for it.

"Here it is!" Lin Fan was frowning and looking for it. Suddenly, he saw a faint red fog dozens of miles away, among which the golden light was mixed, and his heart was happy and accelerated to rush forward.

"Be careful not to step in! This red fog has a magical effect and can stimulate the evil thoughts of human beings and beasts. Yan Ming heard what Lin Fan said and quickly opened his mouth to tell him.

Lin Fan answered, slowly flew three or four kilometers to the edge of the red fog, stopped, and carefully observed the strange bush forest in the jungle in front of him.

"What are you doing now?" Lin Fan asked. He felt very strange. At first glance, the bush forest in front of him did not look strange, but he inadvertently felt that there were countless evil things hidden in it. However, if he experienced it carefully, he felt dead, and the whole feeling was very strange.

"Listen to Lin Fan, follow my instructions and take the surrounding trees. The bigger the trees, the better, the older the better. Then according to the orientation arrangement I said, pay attention to it, it must be sure to be perfect. Otherwise, not only can't get that sharp weapon, but it may also put you into be surrounded and die here." Yan Ming's voice was unprecedentedly dignified.

"What the hell is it? You can't let me take risks for no reason, can you?"

"This is the nest for burning golden ant eggs! The burning golden ants breed once in ten thousand years and dissolve under a hundred feet of the ground, and then the group is thousands of miles away, allowing the ants to bear the high temperature of the fire of the earth's lungs to be roasted, which is stimulated by the ground fire. At the same time, a fierce fog of burning gold is formed on the surface of the earth, which instantly promotes the burning of gold wood. Burning gold wood will attract fierce beasts here, so as to stimulate their fierceness. Burning golden ants will rely on sucking ferocity. And life, you can imagine that if you get millions or even hundreds of millions of burning ants, it is enough for you to be the king at the same level!" Smoke and the underworld.

Lin Fan quietly listened to Yan Ming's words. He was shocked and thought about it. He was moved and took a deep breath and said, "What should I do?"

"My magic name is the universe lock yuan gathering the fierce god array, you do what I said," he said after a pause, "With your current cultivation, it is unrealistic to completely put on this big array. Fortunately, there is no need for that, but even so, it can't be completed without a month."

Lin Fan knew that he had such a sharp weapon at present, and he would never be reconciled if he didn't get it in his hands. Now he took action, carefully arranged the array, and forgot what meritorious deeds had long ago. Just kill one when you see one when looking for ancient wood.

In such a hurry, more than 30 days have passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, as Lin Fan placed the last piece of flying wood and covered the area, the scenery suddenly changed and merged with the surrounding environment again. The red fog could not be seen at all, and the fierceness was not leaked at all.

"What should I do now?" Lin Fan checked it carefully to ensure that there was no error in the channel.

"Now, you go to the surrounding clouds to attract some fierce beasts into the array. The more fierce the better, the better. You need to provide enough fierceness and blood to draw ant eggs out from the bottom of the earth."

Lin Fan nodded, turned into smoke, and eslid to the clouds in the distance.

Not long, only a rumble came, and Lin Fan's figure appeared, and a few kilometers behind him, a group of hundreds of huge beasts followed him.

"The stinky boy is quite bold. This is a flood beast of an ethnic group! You went deep into its center to annoy them!" Yan Ming said with a smile.

"It's okay. These flood beasts are relatively slow, and it's not difficult to win by speed." Lin Fan said easily, "Is that enough?"

"Not enough, far away! By the way, there are more than a dozen wild dragons near a huge tree. They are said to be dragons, but in fact, they are just big-bumpy lizards. You can lead them.

Lin Fan soared into the sky and saw a huge tree crown standing in the sky four or five thousand miles away. In the forest, it was like a crane standing in a flock of chickens, which was particularly conspicuous.

Lin Fan galloped away without saying a word. At the place where the huge tree was 10,000 meters away, he held the tiger roar and silently carried Xuangong. Suddenly, the tiger roared fiercely in the sky, swinging the black light, holding the silent tiger roar, and went straight to the giant wood. His mind moved, the tiger roared, and turned around a semicircle. Then, he quickly put away the tiger roar and galloped towards the big array.

Almost at the same time when Lin Fan raised the tiger roar, Lin Fan suddenly exploded around his body. Countless fierce beast ink shadows, flying in the sky, running underground, and even emerging from the forest trees from the ground, roaring, hissing, roaring, roaring and roaring. The whole fantasy world is like a boiling boiler, and there are beast shadows everywhere. Tens of thousands of meters behind Lin Fan, dozens of barbarian dragons roared angrily, dragged their huge bodies and chased Lin Fan quickly. Several barbarian dragons flew in the air, covering the sky with black fire all the way, and their eyes were full of blood!

In addition, in the sky, green or red clouds rose endlessly, mixed with fierce roaring towards Lin Fan.

Although Lin Fan did not look back, he felt a tremor only through the light from the corners of his eyes.

"Damn it! Son of a bitch, you are playing big! You have shocked all the beasts!"

"Why so much? There is a blue cloud in the sky. What is that? Lin Fan asked with a black line on his forehead.

"That's Thunderbird! It will spit the thunder the day after tomorrow, and a piece of thunder is enough to choke you out and tender inside!"

"There is a group of dark red worms on the south ground, which seem to have emerged from the ground. What is that?"

"Damn it! That's an earthworm! You can divide it into as many pieces as you cut it into! Damn, boy, why did you fish out all the things under the ground?

"Uh... the trees over there seem to be very strange, and some small stars have been emerging..."

"Fuck! That's starry! That's Xuangu's murder, which can compete with burning gold ants. Usually, you can't live in a deep life. This thing does not kill people, but it lives in human and beasts. Three times a day, you can't die even if you want to die!" Yan Ming shouted crazily.

"This...there is still a fog over there..."

"You evil! Boy, how many monsters have you provoked? That's a fog bee! He specialized in life opportunities, and finally turned human beasts into puppets and puppets for bees..." Yan Ming was completely angry, and his voice was already angry.

"It's not good, those big belly crawlers who can fly have caught up..."

"Damn!" Yan Ming was silent for a few times, scolded viciously, and then a brand merged into Lin Fan's heart.

"I'm still stunned! Hurry up and run the formula!" The smoke almost exploded away.

Lin Fan heard the angry sound of smoke and quickly took care of his mind and condensed on the formula in the brand.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's body became weaker and weaker. Finally, it dissipated in the air, and then suddenly appeared out of thin air thousands of meters away.

Lin Fan was happy and did not wait for Yan Ming's urging to run the formula again. After so many times, he finally left the beasts behind again.

"Damn it! Son of a bitch, I'm really ashamed of this rifting technique and melting virtual art like a turtle drilling into the ground!" Lin Fan was relieved and suddenly heard the sound of smoke and indignation.

Lin Fan laughed a few times and did not answer. He continued to gallop forward. Behind him, he followed countless fierce beasts of different forms. With Lin Fan's flight all the way, the fierce beasts that jumped across the region were influenced by the fierce beast army and consciously chased Lin Fan with the beast flow, like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, and the ground roaring on the ground. The sound of the rumbling sound in the air is overwhelming and ferobic.

Among them, there were more than 100 monks. Although they were not attacked by the beasts, they did not dare to stop. They could only follow the beasts all the way. They saw Lin Fan's figure from afar, as if they were Lin Fan in the square at the beginning. They gritted their teeth one by one and couldn't wait to eat their meat raw.

Lin Fan galloped all the way, and at the same time, he couldn't help groping for the rift and melting void. Gradually became more and more familiar, and the distance through the air was slightly far away.

Finally, the place where the array is located is in front of us.

"Quick! Open the array quickly and let these guys go in, and then you use Rongxu to stay in high school. When they all go in, block the array and pay attention to close your breathing. The smoke repeatedly urged.

Lin Fan did not wait for Yan Ming to finish speaking. He had crossed the void step by step, arrived in front of the array, opened the array, and then quickly eslid into the sky, integrated into the void, staring below.

Lin Fan's eyes were stunned. When the murderers were approaching 5,000 meters away, they suddenly looked up at the sky and were blank in his eyes. At the same time, his nose couldn't help shrugging, and then waves of murderers flew into the array from the beginning of the array.

I don't know how long it took Lin Fan to see that the last batch of murderers had also entered the battle. He immediately appeared from the air, flew to the front of the array, and closed the array.

After the large array was closed, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Bad boy! You are cruel! Cultivation is dirty and takes risks like this! If it were not for Laozi's rift and fusion skills, you would not have any bone dregs left today!" Yan scolded hatefully, "If it weren't for the need for you to take me out, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you!"

Lin Fan laughed a few times and asked, "Are you all right next?"

"It's all right for the time being. The murders in it will kill each other and turn into a large amount of fierceness and blood. They should die in a month." Yan Ming paused and said, "You just take this time to study the rift technique and the fusion technique, otherwise you will have to suffer a big loss sooner or later with your adventurous nature." With that, a hidden array melted into Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan immediately arranged the hidden array, which was much easier, and it was completed in two hours.

It has been nearly a month in a blink of an eye. On this day, Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes and was overjoyed. Although the rifting technique is still superficial, the fusion technique is barely a small success.

When he was happy, he suddenly heard Yan Ming say, "There is no movement in the universe. Go inside to collect and burn golden ant eggs."

Lin Fan answered and was waiting to go in. Suddenly, he heard the smoke and said, "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

"I guess those burning golden ant eggs should not be able to fully absorb those fierceness. You take out the tiger roar and use Xuangong to absorb the remaining fierceness and blood gas in it, which will definitely increase the power of the tiger roar. The white tiger is murdered. The stronger the murder, the greater the power of the tiger roar.

Lin Fan answered, his mind moved, and the tiger roar flew out of his eyebrows and fell into his palm. Then open the array and enter the array.

As soon as Lin Fanfu entered the array, he suddenly felt as if he had entered a dark abyss. His eyes were full of darkness, and the darkness was even real! The strong and bloody pressure made Lin Fan almost breathless!

Lin Fan knew that this was the remaining ferocity and blood. He did not dare to neglect it. He kept his mind and carried the tiger roar. The tiger roared out a substantial roar and flew out of Lin Fan's hand, with a sharp roar, hovering up, and then set in the air.

A group of fierceness churls like the sea of ink, forming a whirlpool, like being pulled and gathering towards the tiger roar! The tiger roar seemed to be extremely excited. The whale swallowed the cow and drank it like a black hole, crazily absorbing this massive fierce spirit!

With the absorption of the tiger's roar, the array gradually became clear. Finally, as the last trace of fierceness was absorbed by the tiger's roar, the tiger roar flew back to Lin Fan's hand.

At this time, the tiger roar seemed to have some strange changes, with the precious light of Wujingjing all over his body, fierce and restrained, but Lin Fan held it in his hand and felt that heaven and earth were holding! Between hands and feet, you can control the sky and the earth with the roar of the tiger.

Lin Fan put the tiger roar in his body and looked around. Suddenly, he was stunned and saw tens of thousands of huge blood-red balls suspended out of thin air, full of vitality and fierceness overflowing. If there is a murderer, he will break out of the cocoon!

Lin Fan did not dare to neglect. He quickly followed Yan Ming's words, made a mark after another, sealed these ant balls, and then collected them in Wanna bags.

was about to leave when I suddenly felt a red glow in the distance and flew forward curiously. Seeing a piece of blood stone exposed to the surface, Lin Fan knew something different. He reached out to hold the blood stone and pulled it out. Suddenly, a piece of blood stone three meters long and half a meter thick was held in his hand.

"This is Geng's blood gold, which can refine weapons and armor. Put it away." The smoke is indifferent.

Lin Fan nodded and inadvertently glanced at the pit. Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and curiously brushed away the floating soil. Suddenly, the golden light soared to the sky, shining dozens of feet of golden yellow.

"It's fucking unreasonable! Son of a bitch, what kind of shit did you step on? Yan Ming's angry cry suddenly sounded, and his mood fluctuated unprecedentedly.