
20 Changyang Mountain

"Changyang Mountain?" Lin Fan stood in a fixed shape with an indifferent expression.

"I don't have time to talk about it in detail." Yan Ming's voice was a little rapid. At the same time, a picture was reflected in Lin Fan's sea of knowledge, which was the true face of the lonely peak after several times magnification.

As soon as Lin Fanfu came into contact with the picture, he was shocked.

Where is that mountain? That's obviously a lying war sheep!

The bones are rugged and its head is horny. Although the war sheep lies on the ground, it is holding its head high to the sky, as if complaining silently and expressing its unyieldingness. The surrounding canyons seem to be mission wounds. Several small peaks are like sharp swords, piercing the sky and standing upright, like white bones that are broken and exposed. It is terrible. A mountain peak that bends and hovers like horns angrily points to the sky, as if it is eternal. On the other side, a platform looks abrupt and strange. There is a faint halo flowing on it. If Yanming hadn't enlarged the picture, he wouldn't have found it at all.

"Fly to that platform, quickly!" Lin Fan was distracted and suddenly heard the eager voice of smoke.

Lin Fan's body shook, put away his doubts, took a look at the people getting closer and closer, and then turned his head and galloped towards the lower mountains, his eyes shining, searching for the platform.

Soon, Lin Fan's eyes must be, his body disappeared from the same place, and then suddenly appeared outside the rice.


Lin Fan fought for the damaged body and performed rift one after another. Soon, he came to the platform, and his eyes were stunned.

On the edge of the platform, there is a cliff. There is nothing under the cliff, but it makes people sink, can devour everything, and make people doomed.

"You stand on that platform and when those people are three kilometers away from here, you will roar the tiger into the deep valley." Yan Ming's voice was a little low, as if he remembered some long past events.

Lin Fan nodded, sat cross-legged on the platform, and took out the closed Hu Xiao again.

Surprise and protruding!

The platform seemed to be stimulated and suddenly shook violently. At the same time, the light was magnificent, and a circle of light patterns suddenly flew up from the platform, and the tiger roared endlessly, and the tiger roar also bloomed, making a slight trembling sound, as if in response to each aperture.

And in the deep valley, the wind suddenly sounded, and the sound of the valley sounded. A piece of misty fog suddenly gushed out from the ground and the surrounding cliffs. In an instant, the originally empty deep valley was already a mystery. In the fog, there seemed to contain a strong unyielding fighting spirit, which could destroy all the fighting spirit!

At this moment, the sound of dozens of skin extension air sounded, and then shouted angrily: "Lin Fan will die!" At the same time, dozens of various lights, with sharp roars, galloped towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at the void that was shaken by the magic weapon, and his pupils contracted sharply. He had no doubt that if he was hit by these magic weapons, he would disappear in an instant, including his divine thoughts, and he could not escape at all.

Ten kilometers!

Five thousand!

Three kilometers!

This is the time!

Two light suddenly shot out of Lin Fan's eyes, and the injury on his body seemed to recover in an instant. A magnificent momentum, although not qualitative, was tangible, gushing out of Lin Fan's body.

The fog in the valley seemed to resonate, and suddenly surged violently, like thousands of horses galloping, waves patting the shore, thundering the clouds!

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and shook it. Hu Xiao was held tightly in his hand, and his blood was connected!

"Go!" Lin Fan shouted in a low voice and raised his hand to throw a tiger roar.

The tiger roared softly and was magnified more than a thousand times in an instant. The tiger's head on the hilt of the sword was even more like a resurrection, ferocious and terrible!


A tiger roar shocked the dark and deterred the groundless. The boundless fierceness and blood gushed out of the tiger's roar, covering the whole Changyang Mountain in an instant. The tiger's roar galloped away into the deep valley with this infinite fierceness and blood!


A drama!

The tiger roars like the pillar of the sky, like the needle of the sea, banging into the deep valley of thousands of feet, and the tiger's head on the hilt of the sword emits a shining light, like a dragon holding a candle, shining through the nine ghosts!

And when the tiger roared, the fog containing unyielding fighting spirit in the deep valley was pulled, like a giant who had been sleeping for ten thousand years and woke up!


A seemingly immature sheep cry suddenly sounded! Although it is young and weak, it has a kind of majesty. The unyielding fighting spirit contained in it makes people feel cold, and the body is about to collapse!


The tiger roared gently, with a low roar, and then the fierce tiger figure appeared again, but this time, it was not a simple tiger shadow, but the remnant soul of the white tiger! It seems to be stimulated and wake up from the roar of the giant sword tiger!

Between the opening and closing of my eyes, there was still a strong confusion, but when I saw the shining warlike fog, a trace of confusion flashed in my eyes, and at the same time, there seemed to be a trace of clarity shining.


Another low roar, accompanied by this roar, as should be, followed by a sheep roar, and then an extremely faint shadow of a war sheep floated up from the bottom of the valley and looked up at the remnant soul of the white tiger in the air!

At the moment when the tiger roar inserted into the bottom of the valley, with the deep valley as the center, the scenery has changed greatly within a radius of 5,000 meters. The sound of rolling wind and thunder tsunami and landslides are endless. Moreover, this is not completely illusory. Visible to the naked eye, thunder with thick arms, such as Taigu Thunder Dragon, roaring and roaring in this world, the space Fracture and fragmentation!

Following everyone, at this moment, they were blind and deaf, and became mortals with a face full of panic.

Lin Fan sat on the stage and dared not walk out at all. According to Yanming, his previous forced integration with the fierceness contained in the tiger roar has caused unimaginable trauma to his body. At this time, as long as he walks out of this platform, he will be crushed by supreme fierceness and fighting spirit.

The fierceness and fighting spirit of the whole space quickly converge. In a moment, the following people felt that the pressure around them was getting greater and greater, and even it was difficult to breathe! In a panic, they sacrificed their own magic weapons to resist the shiny fighting spirit and ferocity.

Roar! Bb!

Suddenly, the remnant soul of the white tiger and the shadow of the war sheep made a whistling sound at the same time. Then, the shadow of the sheep quickly condensed and visible to the naked eye. The fierceness and fighting spirit separated quickly, and all disappeared into the shadow of the white tiger and the war sheep. With the disappearance of the last trace of fierceness and fighting spirit, a fierce tiger and a young war appeared out of the air. Sheep!

The sky and the earth are dark, and the whole heaven and the earth are stored only a majestic tiger and a sheep in the air!

God is as powerful as a prison! That's a white tiger!

The war is as powerful as the sea! That's a war sheep!

There is silence between heaven and earth, and only the platform where Lin Fan stands radiates a soft light.

Lin Fan looked at the people in the air and saw that everyone was pale and crumbling. The protective light emitted by the magic weapon on his body was getting lighter and lighter and could be broken at any time!


The white tiger suddenly roared without warning, and then the four hooves stepped on their bodies as big as the clouds. At the same time, the war sheep chanted softly and bowed to the ground!

"What are they doing?" This is the question of everyone, including Lin Fan.

The next moment, all their doubts disappeared, and some were left with shock!

In the sky, suddenly there were shocking clouds, rolling and fierceness, covering the world. In the shocking clouds, the huge white tiger slowly turned into a man with heavy majesty, like an ancient fierce god, and like a peerless god, proudly standing upright with his hands, looming from time to time, with a word king in the middle of his forehead, exuding With supreme brilliance, it seems that it can shine on the blue and underworld, and explore Jiuyou!


Suddenly, a shocking thunderbolt sounded, and then hundreds of gray and white thunder pillars came, intertwined into a gray thunder net in the air, like a lightning cage, trapping the world!

This is not real thunder and lightning, but it is comparable to real thunder! This is the peerless thunder condensed by the supreme ferocity of the white tiger! Between heaven and earth, no one can do it except the unparalleled fierce white tiger! Even gods can't!

Everyone changed color. Under this fierceness, no one dares to stop it!


With a loud sound, the protective aura of the human body collapsed in an instant, and blood gushed, which had been severely damaged!

"The white tiger is as powerful as it was!" Lin Fan had been communicating with Yan Ming, and suddenly heard Yan Ming sigh.

Lin Fan's heart moved slightly and was about to speak when suddenly a strange feeling came and he turned his head to look into the deep valley. When I saw the scene in front of me, I couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

A young man with two horns, a school of gentle, stepped out of thin air. Between looking forward, a hegemony flowed out of others, complementing his modest appearance. After that, a turbid wave that looked only more than ten feet wide, tolerant of everything, binding everything at the same time, facing the thunder net.

The two collided, silently, and merged together. The void shook slightly, and the power of destruction seemed to suddenly disappear. Instead, it was just a simple bondage.

"Alas, even if the white tiger is lost, it still adheres to the former rules of conduct." Yan Ming's voice was complicated, and it was unclear whether it was admiration or something else.

"What guidelines?" Lin Fan asked.

"In his twilight years, the white tiger was fierce and powerful, but he never killed a clan in vain. There were only two kinds of people he killed, one was the enemy, and the other was the person who betrayed our clan and defected to the enemy. I originally wanted to lead the people who chased you to this place and use the fierceness of the tiger to stimulate the remaining fighting spirit of the sheep, which would definitely destroy them. However, he didn't expect that there was a trace of true spirit of Weiyang in the remaining fighting spirit of Weiyang, which sent out the white tiger's remnant soul brigade. Lei Ze's intersection with the white tiger actually led Lei Ze to the other side of destruction, but he was trapped, but he did not want to kill. Yan Ming explained in detail.

"They let me shed the first drop of blood, and I want them to shed all the blood." Lin Fan was silent for a moment and said word by word.

Yanming was silent and said something. Suddenly, he reacted to the emotion just now and said angrily, "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The voice was full of shock and anger, and even the Emperor's seal trembled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan was stunned. Just now, he just kept passing the picture to Yan Ming, but he didn't expect that Yan Ming would suddenly be furious.

"Kill all these people! Kill them all! Don't leave one! Kill it all!" Full of violence.

Lin Fan saw this and knew that Yanming was almost crazy because he was stimulated by what he didn't know. He was a demon. If he went crazy, he would be unstoppable! But these people themselves would not let go, and it was inevitable to kill them.

Thinking like this, his mind moved, flew out of the platform and disappeared into the outside world.

In the blood sobbing handshake, Lin Fan's face was calm and he flew towards the glory.

Everyone was trapped in Lei Ze and had no ability to fight back.

There was no suspense. A corpse was accompanied by screams and kept falling. In an instant, there was only a flash of light in the distance. In a trance, several giant dragons and shadows were fighting with white tigers and sheep.

As soon as Lin Fan approached, he felt a strong surge and wanted to overturn himself, but Lei Ze around him suddenly surged, and several gray qi disappeared into Lin Fan's body, which stabilized his body. Even Lin Fan's barely pressed down injury had some signs of recovery.

Lin Fan stood up and had no worries about the future. The blood suddenly burst into a bright blood light and went madly at several people!

Those people were trying their best to control the battle between the dragon shadow and the white tiger and the sheep. All their hearts were related to him. Although they saw Lin Fan coming coldly, they could only be anxious. They had no time to withdraw at all and watched the blood in Lin Fan's hands chopping at themselves!

Even if it is withdrawn, the dragon shadow will fight back and die worse!

The blood light passed, and several people's eyes darkened and fell at the same time. The dragon shadows were without anyone to host. They became lighter and weaker and gradually became weak, and were smashed by the white tiger and Weiyang respectively.

The white tiger and the sheep roared together, and then the white tiger shook and disappeared into the roar of the tiger in the deep valley below, and the figure of the sheep became lighter and lighter and became nothing.

But the surrounding Lei Ze did not dissipate.

Lin Fan stood still with blood sobbing in his hand and waited for him to turn around. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and a thing quickly passed in front of him. Lin Fan subconsciously reached out and copied it and grabbed it in his hand. Looking at it, it looks like an animal's horn grinded.

With a flash of body, Lin Fan returned to the platform.

"What is this?" Lin Fan passed the image of the horn to Yan Ming and asked carefully. By intuition, he felt that Yan Ming's anger had a lot to do with this thing.

"This is the horns of my friend, my brother Bull Demon King. They actually used his horns to summon the soul of the alien dragon! If I leave the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, I will destroy their whole clan! Let all the people and clans related to it lie thousands of corpses and bleed 100,000 miles! Sacrifice my brother with the souls of tens of millions of traitors!" Yan Ming's voice was slow, but the killing machine made Lin Fan feel cold all over.

"Hahaha..." Suddenly, Yan Ming laughed wildly, and then the voice of grief and pain rolled like thunder: "Heavenly Emperor, how do you see what you have paid for your efforts? The ethnic group you protected to the death has long forgotten who you are for ten thousand years; the alien you fought against, and now you have become the god of the people you protect; the remnants of the king of war under your hand has become the passage for the arrival of the alien soul; the alien dragon, the alien dragon, the life-and-death enemy of the Qinglong, will show off its power on the land you protect, just by projection alone. The white tiger fights against the king Weiyang, and the source of their divine power is the people you protect! Heavenly Emperor, you are the Heavenly Emperor in vain! It's in vain to be the emperor of heaven!"

Lin Fan's heart was shocked. In Yanming's sad and angry words, too much information was revealed, but he did not ask questions. He knew that the matter of the Bull Demon King's horns gave Yanming too much stimulation.

"Lin Fan, you will cultivate on this platform. If your body is not completely recovered, you are not allowed to go out!" After venting his grief and indignation, he fell into a long silence. Then he suddenly opened his mouth, with indifference and irreplaceable majesty. "The Qiantian Taoist lines engraved on the platform were originally to protect the hearts of war of Weiyang, but they can help you hide at this time."

"What about you?" Lin Fan asked in silence for a few times.

"I'm going to retreat, and I'll slaughter tens of thousands of corpses!" Yan Ming paused word by word, and sounded with a bitter chill.