
47 ink day appeared

In full view of the public, a huge stone stick suddenly flew high and slid across the sky. With a scream, a strange bird that had flown 20 feet high and three feet long and covered with scales fell straight down from the air by the stone stick.

"What kind of creature is this?" Everyone was completely shocked. At this time, the power tightly on Lin Fan's shoulders seemed to feel the threat. A silver light flashed, jumped from Lin Fan's shoulder, roared, and grew up quickly. In the blink of an eye, it had grown to two feet long and one foot high, but at this time, no one noticed its change. Their hearts God was stunned by the shocking scene in the air.

In mid-air, screamed endlessly. Huge strange birds were knocked down by huge wooden stones thrown into the air from the ground and fell to the ground. Blood and feathers fluttered all over the sky. This bloody scene aggravated the panic of walking beasts on the ground and birds in the air. For a moment, the whole mountain forest birds and beasts jumped and became chaotic. From time to time, the sound of giant trees falling to the ground came out, causing people's souls to die. All this is extremely long, but almost in a flash, the whole region has become a Shura field of birds and beasts.


An excited roar sounded, and when everyone had just come to their senses and wanted to run away, the culprit that caused the panic of the beasts suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone.


Everyone gasped and looked at the sudden appearance of the barbarian object in disbelief.

"Wild...savage..." A mercenary's face was white and scary, his lips trembled, and he said vaguely, and then banged, foamed white at the mouth and fainted to the ground.

Lin Fan's heart beat, staring at the huge thing in apprehensation.

The five-foot-high body, like the pillar of Optimus Sky, with more than a foot long and shiny black hair makes it look like a world-class demon god. Its fierce and huge feet make a thud sound every time it steps on the ground. The whole world seems to be shaking with the rhythm, and everyone's hearts can't bear this pressure. , which makes people feel suffocating. What's more terrible is that the giant held a two-headed bird in his right hand and a spotted leopard in his left hand. He kept tearing and biting on it, and his mouth was bleeding. As it moved forward, a beast that could not escape roared and turned into a pool of meat mud.


When he saw Lin Fan's group of people, the giant was obviously stunned. Then, his fist-sized eyes flashed with excitement, and his nose couldn't help moving, as if he was enjoying the smell of the air.


The giant suddenly threw away the strange bird and leopard in his hand, as if laughing wildly, and ran towards the crowd with a big mouth.

"Fal away!" Lin Fan and Ji Yun shouted at the same time, and then they practiced and retreated to both sides. Everyone had dispersed everywhere long before they shouted out.

Bum! Bang! Bang! Roar!

The giant seemed to be more excited and shouted. At the same time, a pair of mountain bag-like fists couldn't help pounding on his chest.

"It is said that there are savages in the Tianzhu Mountains, which are extremely ferocious, but I didn't expect it to be true." At this time, only Ji Wuhua did not retreat in the field and looked at the savage thoughtfully.


The savage saw that the crowd dispersed far away, and a trace of * flashed in his eyes. When he took a closer look, he saw a person standing not far in front of him. He was immediately overjoyed, took a huge step, and rushed to Ji Wuhua.


Ji Wuhua hummed coldly and turned into a long rainbow. Not only did she not hide, but she rushed to the savage. At the same time, he had already turned into a strong man who was two feet long and one foot tall, and also roared and rushed towards the savage.

Lin Fan and Ji Yun looked at each other from afar, nodded together, and then joined the regiment.

For a while, it seems that three people and one beast fight against the savage.

Three people, like butterflies, circled around the savages and couldn't help attacking.

Ji Yun's palms flew wildly, and all kinds of wind blades gushed out of his hand and attacked the savage. He cut off a lot of fur from the savages, which did not cause any substantial damage to it, but it made the savage more furious. He roared repeatedly, waved his fists, and the range of movement of his legs did not expand. Dozens of mercenaries wanted to come forward to help, but when they were only two feet away from the savage, they were blown out by a strong mouth and gradually felt at ease in the appearance war.

The savage moved his feet, and each foot weighed 10,000 pounds, stepping out of a large pit one meter deep on the ground.


Ji Wuhua suddenly snorted coldly, and then suddenly jumped into the air. His left hand and right hand stroked the knot at the same time, but the knot was completely different. Just as the people around him were stunned, his left hand suddenly burst into a cyan flame, and his right hand was a light golden heavy water. Looking at the cyan flame and golden heavy water, everyone seemed to be facing a sea of fire and a sea of ocean.

"He... he actually repaired water and fire! Water and fire are born to be compatible! How did he practice?

"When water and fire meet, even the most immortal things will collapse into flying ashes, which is terrible!"

In everyone's incredible eyes, the cyan flame quickly condensed into a blue shining spear, while the golden heavy water condensed into a golden war!


Ji Wuhua opened his mouth coldly. With the voice, he flew out of his hand at the same time and roared at the wild man. Around the two virtual weapons, the void seemed to be annihilated, and as the earth approached, the earth changed rapidly. Like the end of the world, the vegetation quickly turned yellow, and then in the eyes of everyone, it completely turned into flying ash, and the originally fertile soil quickly turned into sand. For a moment, in the fertile forest, in In the blink of an eye, it has turned into a desert!

At the same time as Ji Wuhua's water and fire soldiers were formed, Ji Yun also shouted in a low voice, and his hands were quickly imprinted, and purple winds were cut towards the wild. Visible to the naked eye, those seemingly single winds quickly gathered into an energy storm on the surface of the wild human body. The wind raged, and a purple destruction storm instantly Form, like crushing everything in the world, crazily twisting the flesh of the savage.

At the same time, the unicorn in front of Dawei's forehead flashed with cold light, and a pale blood thunder gushed out and bombarded the savages. At the same time, the front paws waved repeatedly, forming huge mountain peak shadows under its claws. Even if they were far away, everyone still felt the thickness of those mountain shadows. The vicissitudes of life.

All of Lin Fan's spells have long been invalid. Without vitality, he can't use them at all, but now he has really received the strength of his body. He punches again and again, but he can always make savages roar repeatedly. At the same time, with the power of his body, although not at this time It can fly like Ji Wuhua and Ji Yun, but if you jump one or two feet high, it is more than enough. Between moving and jumping, the savages will not be punched around.

At the moment when Ji Wuhua's two water and fire soldiers attacked the savage, Lin Fan suddenly jumped away, and his right hand waved obliquely, and a hazy palm shadow also cut towards the savage. He actually showed a broken water cut in this situation!

At the same time, Ji Yun shouted wildly and opened and closed his hands. Suddenly, a purple light ball formed in his hand, during which the purple wind rampaged, as if it could destroy a world and hit the savage!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several mountains suddenly emerged from under the claws and made a real roar. At the same time, there was a crackling unicorn on the head, and a thick bloody thunderbolt also formed at this moment!

The two soldiers of water and fire, the ball of the sky and wind, the emperor-like mountain, the bloody thunder and lightning filled with destruction, and Lin Fan's invisible water chopping, attacked the savages together!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bum! Bang! Bang!

Wo! Wow! Wow!

The mixed sound sounded, and the whole land seemed to explode. In the place where the savage was originally standing, a huge mushroom of various colors suddenly appeared, and the turbulence of energy went towards the crazy bombardment around. Where it passed, everything turned into powder and no longer existed. Although the mercenaries around them were far apart and did not suffer devastating damage, the huge explosion and residual energy fluctuations also caused most people to spit blood and fall to the ground.

Even Lin Fan and others are uncomfortable. Although they dodge, their clothes are broken, their faces are embarrassed, and their bodies are covered with blood and flesh.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone looked into the field. In the place where the savage originally stood, a large pit dozens of meters appeared, but the savage's bones were gone!

"Dead?" Those mercenaries were still dreaming and looking at the big pit with an unbelievable face.

Lin Fan and the three looked at each other and walked towards the gathering place of the mercenaries. Dawei seemed to be extremely tired after this battle, shrinking to a foot in size, curled up on Lin Fan's shoulder and motionless.

"Brother, are you all right? You're not hurt, are you?" When they came together, Ji Yunzheng ran over nervously and pulled Ji Yun's crazy arm and asked nervously, with her eyes still from tears.

"I'm fine," Ji Yun shook his head, patted Ji Yunzheng's head to comfort him, then meditated slightly and said, "Shouldn't the savage appear in the depths of the Tianzhu Mountains? This is about to leave the Tianzhu Mountains, which is the periphery of the periphery. How can there be savages?

When everyone heard Ji Yun's words, they couldn't help but be stunned. Suddenly, everyone felt that the world seemed to shake. Then, the whole world quickly darkened, but strangely, there seemed to be a strange blood red around.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" The surrounding mercenaries were scared by the savages just now. At this time, they were already full of vegetation. As soon as they felt the changes in the surrounding environment, they immediately screamed.

"Brother, look at the sun... why is it black?" Just as everyone panicked, Ji Yunzheng's trembling voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as everyone heard this, they looked up and looked up at the sky. In the dark environment, a round of black sun, which seemed to be completely condensed from dark matter, suspended high in the air, scattering an unknown breath.

"Mo Ri!" Lin Fan, Ji Yun Kuang and Ji Wuhua shouted at the same time. At this time, even Ji Wuhua, who was always indifferent and arrogant, completely changed his face.