
59 Want to put some blood for research?

"What? Bloodletting? Old man, you won't mess around, will you?" As soon as Lin Fan heard the old man's words, his face suddenly turned pale and he opened his mouth and shouted in a hurry.

"Hey." The old man looked at Lin Fan maliciously, then ignored his shouting and walked forward with him.

Lin Fan shouted for a while. Seeing that the old man didn't hear it at all and ignored him, he also felt bored. He closed his mouth sullenly, but he couldn't help beating the drum in his heart: "This old man doesn't really want to refine medicine with me, will he? Don't you just nibble a few fruits and chew a few grass roots? As for it?" But the more I think about it, the less confident I am.

"Kong boy, we asked you to invite this little friend over. Why did you bring him directly?" Lin Fan was carried all the way by the old man and finally stopped in a rather quiet courtyard, and then a warm voice sounded.

"Kong boy? Is this dead old man called Kong Boy? Is there such an old Kong boy?" Lin Fan was speechless for a moment.

As he was sighing, his body was suddenly thrown away. Before he could react, he fell to the ground with a bang. Coincidentally, his calf just hit a stone and immediately gnawed Lin Fan's teeth with pain.

"This guy is so unsane! Unexpectedly, he stole seven or eight kinds of rare elixirs from Zhenling Pavilion!" Old man Kong stared at Lin Fan, who grinned with hatred.

"Eat it and eat it. How old are you? You are still like this kind of child, and you are not afraid of shame!" At this time, an elder with a gentle face came to Lin Fan, looked condescendingly, and kept nodding, "Not bad! Not bad!" As he spoke, Lin Fan had resumed his action.

Lin Fan was beaten this time. He staggered and looked at old Kong and said, "That's right! I can't see it at such an old age! Isn't it just something outside the body? As for it?"

"Bad boy, how dare you say it!" As soon as the old man Kong heard Lin Fan's words, he was immediately angry. He raised his palm and waited for Lin Fan to pat Lin Fan. Lin Fan could see that he had seen the strength of the old man. His face was kind, but he was definitely a "animal in human skin" and he was scared and quickly dodged.

"All right, Qingnan, go down and have a rest. I'll talk to this little friend." The warm elder saw Old Kong rushing and stopped him.

"Kong Qingnan? I think it's not east or west or north!" Lin Fan hid behind the warm elder and muttered in a low voice.

"Do you dare to say one more word, boy?" As soon as Kong Qingnan heard Lin Fan's words, the anger that had just been persuaded by the warm elder suddenly came up again.

"Do you dare to say one more word, boy? Believe it or not, I beat you so that people can't recognize you as a person!"

"Okay, okay, this irritable temper should be changed after so many years!" The warm elder took Kong Qingnan's arm and said helplessly, and then pulled Lin Fan behind him: "Let's go into the room and talk."

Lin Fan took a look at Kong Qingnan with a furious face, nodded repeatedly with lingering fear, and followed the warm elder who did not dare to leave a little.

The gentle elder led Lin Fan into a room, turned his back and closed the door, then turned around and looked at Lin Fan carefully, smiling, "Friend, sit whatever you want." With that, he walked towards a chair.

Lin Fan looked around and saw that the whole room was very simple, with only three stools, a table and a bed. Hearing this, the old man agreed and walked towards a chair.


Lin Fan just sat firmly next to the chair, and then covered his buttocks and jumped up. It's so painful that it's cold.

"Ha ha, you were beaten by those juniors, right? You are too presumptuous. The Zhenling Pavilion has always been regarded as * by several juniors of the college, and you have taken away the most precious things at once..." Speaking of this, the gentle elder shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"This...this..." Lin Fan thought of the madness from the vice president to Kong Qingnan, and also felt that it seemed to be a little unkind, so he had to smile with a red face. Fortunately, his face was already dark at this time, and he was not afraid to be seen.

"Well, I haven't asked for advice yet!" Lin Fan was really embarrassed to pester this issue again and quickly changed the topic "reasonably".

"Ha ha, old man Ji Qian", the warm elder smiled, and then looked at Lin Fan with great interest, as if looking at a treasure that suddenly appeared after disappearing for a long time.

"This...Ji Lao, what are you...what are you going to do with me?" Lin Fan looked at Ji Qian with a smiling face and couldn't help but get a burst of hair when he thought of what Kong Qingnan said about bloodleting.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll take a look again." Ji Qian smiled and waved his hand.

"Oh." Lin Fan answered helplessly, and the sharp pain on his buttocks came from time to time, which made him dare not sit down at all. He could only gently stick to the surface of the chair, but even so, in Ji Qian's "satisfied" eyes, it was like sitting on pins.

"Jia Mu, how did you get this physique?" Ji Qian suddenly said.

Ah? It's refined like that. What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Lin Fan's heart thumped, and it was not surprising that Ji Qian could call out his casually fabricated name. What surprised him was that his body was indeed famous, which was probably related to the fire of Xiao Jue's lungs at the beginning, and also related to the pool in the tomb of the gods.

"No problem, do you know the name of your body?" Ji Qian didn't seem to notice Lin Fan's surprise at all and still said with a smile.

"What's wrong? What else is wrong with this body? I don't feel strange. Except for being hard, there seems to be nothing surprising, and I can't keep my vitality. I can't fly. Speaking later, Lin Fan already looked depressed.

"Ha ha, that's because you don't know the strangeness of your body. If you knew, you would never have such an idea again." Ji Qian looked at Lin Fan left and right. Looking at that, he really regarded Lin Fan as a strange thing.

Huh? Does this kind of physique still have a history? Lin Fan's curiosity was also aroused.

"It's not just a history, this is the king of the practitioners at the beginning!" Ji Qian looked at Lin Fan and sighed, "This kind of physique, or this cultivation method, is known as the god refining body. In ancient times, it was very famous, but there were very few successful practitioners, because it was too demanding the conditions. It was necessary to have a large amount of Xuanqi to expand the body structure, to have a pure earth lung real fire as the guide, to have the legendary Xuanshui source crystal protection, and countless kinds of herbs to temper the body, which are not the most important, the most important. The main thing is that practitioners need to quench their bodies with the legendary blood of gods! God's blood, even God is a legendary existence. Where can I find God's blood to temper the body? Even if it is really found, who is willing to use this kind of thing to temper the body? After all, the blood of the gods is the best holy medicine!"

"Ah? So harsh?" Lin Fan was shocked. He had experienced all the first three things Ji Qian said. It was estimated that Xiao Jue's herb was not enough, so he lost his vitality at that time. But after that, when he woke up in the tomb of the god, he found that he was soaked in a big pool. At this time, he remembered that there seemed to be vaguely some blood at that time. Fishy smell.

"Is this kind of physique powerful?" Lin Fan then asked the next question.

"It's not just awesome!" Ji Qian raised his head and looked out of the house through the window. "This cultivation method is simply a nightmare for all practitioners! This cultivation method is not only harsh, but also dangerous. If you are not careful, it will turn into flying ashes. However, if it is successful, the cross-border killing will be like walking leisurely against the enemy in the same realm. As long as you don't have the same practice of different skills, you can almost slap to death with a slap. How can you say that it's overturn your hands?

"Oh!" Lin Fan nodded and thought about it. Thinking of the past, he seemed to be almost invincible. Perhaps since the beginning of practicing the secret of Xuanshui, I am destined to embark on a road of refining the body of gods.

"This is not the most horrible. The most horrible thing is that the blood of the practitioners of the god refining body will alienate and become gold. The vitality contained in it makes the recovery ability of the monks of the god refining the body particularly strong. It can almost be said that the vitality will never be extinguished. You can imagine that you will recover before the enemy in battle. What's the situation?" Ji Qian stared at Lin Fan with his eyes very bright.

Lin Fan was moved. He didn't expect that the god refining body would be so domineering and more powerful than others, which almost meant that his enemy had at least half his life!

"There is another frightening thing about the god refining body is that other monks can only master various spells through skills, but the god body refiners are different. After their cultivation reaches a certain level, they will naturally create their own magical powers. It is even rumored that there have been unparalled geniuses and created several magical powers at the same time. , dominate an era. Ji Qian sighed, "You know, you can only do it when you are at the top of the cultivation, but this is a kind of... instinct of the divine refiner." After a pause, Ji Qian finally interpreted this special ability of the divine refiner with the word "instinct".

"This...isn't this too perverted?" Lin Fan was speechless when he heard Ji Qian say about the god's body refining.

"Of course, God's physical refining has many strengths, but at the same time, it also has a fatal defect..."

"You can't fly!" Lin Fan interrupted decisively before Ji Qian finished speaking.

"Yes, that's right," Ji Qian nodded and said, "This can be said to be a fatal defect of the divine refining body. Before being born, the divine refining can't fly, so in the face of other practitioners, there is no doubt in a very passive situation!"

"So much, what do you need me to do?" Lin Fan pondered for a moment and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Hey, this..." Ji Qian's eyes flashed a trace of cunning and looked at Lin Fan with a smile, as if looking at a huge treasure house. "Actually, it's nothing. We just want to do some blood from you & er, and do some research..."