
89 Tiandi City Magic Shadow

"Dawei?" Nangong Ling was stunned and blurted out. Shen Duan and others also looked surprised.

The power, which had disappeared for a long time, suddenly came out of the cracks in the space and was stained with blood. The silver-white body was full of shocking blood stains. The skin and flesh turned out, which made people tremble. You can imagine how seriously injured it was. Its two eyes were confused by blood, but it stared at the four old men with an angry face.

The four people's faces were full of anger and embarrassment, and their clothes were almost shattered, and their eyes were about to spelt out fire and stare with great power.

"It's not good!" Just as the four people confronted Dawei, suddenly, the man with the blue palm keenly felt the huge vitality fluctuation in the air, shouted in a low voice, and quickly flashed by. The other four old men also escaped from the battle between the magic sword and the doll beast shadow of Guiyuan for the first time. Dawei seemed to be fascinated, still standing still and did not leave.


Suddenly, a golden and red shadow crossed the sky and dragged the long manth tail. At the critical moment, Lin Fan stepped on seven steps to the sky, rushed to Dawei at a high speed against the sky, picked it up, and then stepped on 36 steps and quickly left the center of the battle.


Just as Lin Fan just dodged with Dawei in his arms, the three-headed and six-armed monster that rushed out of the Guiyuan demon sword finally collided with the doll beast shadow that rushed out of blood sobs! There was a earth-shaking explosion!

The space has been annihilated, with a radius of hundreds of feet, all of which are dark and lacquered. The huge whirlpool can't help rotating and expanding, as if it is going to reverse the universe.

But it is not over, and the explosion is still continuing, like a chain, one after another. Finally, the whole sky is boiling, and the sound of explosions is one after another. It is visible to the naked eye. Two shadows are entangled in it, endless!

"Sura green hand lion heart ghost Taoist, broken god array, this son has variables!" While fighting fiercely with Lin Fan, the old man in white robe secretly sent a voice to watch the bloody old man and others.

The bloody old man and others were shocked. They had already seen that the man fighting against the old man in white robe had the same appearance as before, but he had an atmosphere that made them palpitate. At this time, after hearing the old man in white robes's words, he quickly bullied him and stepped on the strange position. Suddenly, the magic in the air gradually grew, forming a light mask. , cover Lin Fan in it.

"Breaking God Array? Legend has it that this kind of array is from Xuangu and once besieged and killed gods! I didn't expect it to appear again!"

"Locking the sky and the earth, breaking the gods and destroying demons, one of the four fierce arrays of Xuangu, I didn't expect that there would be inheritance!"

"The Bailian Sect suddenly retreated at the beginning, and people all over the world suspected that they were forced to retreat by peerless figures, but now it seems that the background is still the same!"

As soon as the broken god array came out, the murderous spirit between heaven and earth suddenly condensed crazily and rushed towards the large array formed by the five people in the sky, and then disappeared into it. Suddenly, the circle formed by the five people in the sky suddenly condensed a lot, and the light mask also emitted a terrible light at this moment, like an ancient fierce beast standing in the air.

Gradually, the scene in the mask could no longer be seen clearly, and the figures of the five people also turned into five light spots, integrated with the mask.

Although people can't see the scene clearly, they can imagine it. A sonorous sound came out of the broken god array, and at the same time, the broken god array could not help shaking, but under the full control of the five people, it became more and more solid, and finally banged in the air, motionless.

Lin Fan is in the killing array. What he sees is full of endless swords condensed by murderous spirit, shuttle back and forth, and can't be prevented. His golden red light shines all over his body, and his eyes are like a bottomless abyss, as if he can devour everything.

The blood in his hand is sobbing, resisting the murderous sword coming to the body. Although it is impossible to break through the array for the time being, it is not life-threatening.

Turning his head and looking at the bloody power that fainted on his shoulder, Lin Fan's eyes slowly became clear, and at the same time, the golden red light around him began to gradually turn into pure gold.

Finally, his body was shocked and his consciousness completely returned to its place. His eyes slipped through a brief confusion, and everything before was reflected in his mind.

Anger flashed in his heart. Inexplicably, someone came to kill Dawei, and then he inexplicably fought with the old man in white robes, and then inexplicably stepped out the fourth step that had been destroyed in the seven steps of ascending to the sky in the 49th step. Although there was only a trace, it also evolved the seven rainbow bridges, and then he He lost his mind, was mastered by the gods he didn't know, beat the thunder messengers, and fought with the old man in white robes. Now when he saw the appearance of Dawei, the anger in his heart suddenly burned again, but in a moment, there was no gold all his body, and it became blood red!

Wake up Dawei, turned his hand and took out an oval fruit with flashing purple light and handed it to him, then patted its little head. Then, his eyes full of anger suddenly looked up and looked around. Two blood rays rushed out of his eyes and suddenly faced a small sword formed by pure murderous spirit!


A sound of gold and iron sounded, and the blood light and the little sword turned into nothing at the same time, but soon more killing swords surged up.


Lin Fan strode forward, surrounded by blood and anger, and the blood sobbing in his hand seemed to be completely stimulated by the supreme ferocity and trembling gently.

Although Lin Fan has not used blood sobs several times, he has been warming it with Hu Xiao. The tiger roar is fierce, and its invisibly emanating ferocity is enough to absorb blood in the early days.

The blood sobbed softly, and it was not clear whether Lin Fan was in service or whether the sword spirit in it was in service. The sword spirit doll beast suddenly rushed out of it, and its little face was still a little confused, with humane joy.


He suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath. Suddenly, a large number of swords turned into the purest murderous gas, which was suddenly sucked into his body.



The blood sobbed and made a cheerful cry. At the same time, the sword spirit doll beast also made a substantial cry, and then opened its mouth and sucked.

Lin Fan was angry and almost lost his mind. He didn't notice this at all. He just kept moving in one direction. At the same time, he waved the blood in his hand and split everything around him.

But he gradually felt that his strength was being lost. Even if he was refining his body, his cultivation was not high after all. Earlier, with the power that I don't know where it came from, he made his cultivation rise to a quite high height in an instant, and he was comfortable against the old man in white robe. But that's not his own strength. At this time, he was angry, and although he still improved his strategy a lot, it was still not enough.

The strength on his body is losing, but Lin Fan seems to be unconscious and still clams fiercely. And with the split of each of his swords, the sword spirit doll beast will open its mouth and suck, and at the same time, the blood light on the blood weeping will be stronger.


Suddenly, when the doll beast devoured another murderous atmosphere, it once again made a cheerful voice beyond the past. With this cheer, its originally weak body with only one shadow solidened in an instant, as if it could be touched. At the same time, the originally faint flame on its body was actually But it suddenly became vivid.


After eating a spiritual fruit, his body gradually became more powerful, reluctantly opened his eyes fascinated by blood, looked at the sword spirit doll beast, and then reluctantly raised his little paws and shook it, as if to say hello.

The sword spirit doll beast saw Dawei's action, tilted its head and looked at it, then its nose wrinkled slightly, flew to Dawei's front, and gently pumped its body with its long tail.


Although it was extremely light, Dawei still felt the pain and couldn't help exhaling pain. It was really hurt too much. It was only in its infancy, but it was besieged by four marrow monks. Fortunately, he did not die on the spot.

The baby beast was stunned, as if it had found the scars on Dawei's body. A strong anger flashed on its little face, and suddenly looked up to the sky and roared!

Son of a sudden, the whole broken god array became violent, and the murderous spirit raged. Countless swords collapsed at this moment!

The five people, including the old man in white robe who maintained the formation, were shocked. Unexpectedly, they were shocked out and appeared in the air. At the same time, the outer light mask of the already condensed array of broken gods suddenly faded a lot, so that everyone could see the scene clearly.

When I saw a faint shadow floating around Lin Fan, I was stunned. Obviously, I couldn't imagine where it came from. Previously, when competing with the Guiyuan demon sword, although the sword spirit doll beast also appeared, it was not as brave as this time. Flames are soaring all over, and a tail is extremely long. People stand up and roar up to the sky.

Although everyone did not hear any sound, there was a feeling of trembling in their hearts at the same time. But he couldn't help secretly. Why are all the things around Jia Mu so extraordinary?

"It's not good! The murderous spirit is weakening!" The old man in white robe roared, then suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and a blood arrow spewed out and flew towards the light mask.

The other four people did not hesitate to act according to the law. Suddenly, the light mask was covered with a layer of blood and slowly penetrated into it.

! Oh! Oh!

The already * broken god array suddenly stabilized when the light mask completely turned into blood color, and then it became completely violent. A long bloody knife went through the air to kill Lin Fan here.


Lin Fan did not dodge, only being swept by a knife handle, and it was like being struck by lightning. Blood flowers flew all the way and flew hundreds of feet backwards before stopping.

In Lin Fan, it feels hundreds of feet, but in the eyes of everyone on the ground, it is only three feet away. The broken god array seemed to have isolated the space and opened up a narrow world in the original world, making Lin Fan seem to be in a vast world even though he was in the air.

It was not easy to stop. Lin Fan's eyes were indifferent, regardless of his injury, wiped a handful of blood stains at the corners of his mouth, and then held blood sobbing, like holding heaven and earth in his hand, moving his arms slightly, and suddenly shouted: "Cut water, cut!"

With the voice, a blood dragon rose to the sky and cut towards the front!

There was nothing to stop all the way, and all the blood-colored knives collapsed one after another under this broken water cut! Lin Fan cut out with a sword, and then kept shouting loudly. With each loud shout, a blood dragon rushed out, one wave after another, like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger. Finally, in front of him, a blood dragon with dozens of feet thick rushed towards the distance!


I don't know how far the blood dragon ran out, hit the barrier, and exploded!

The bloody light mask of the broken god was shocked, and there was a crack on it, which was covered with cracks between breaths!

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, a dull roar suddenly came from the Heavenly Emperor City in the distance, and then a dark light suddenly rose to the sky! Far away from this! In the dark light all over the sky, a magic shadow that seems to be thousands of feet high is in the sky!