
104 Mystery

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The tiger roared into the boundary gate, and its own spiritual consciousness seemed to wake up at this moment. A light tiger shadow roared out of the body of the tiger roaring sword and rushed forward at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Countless explosions and endless screams suddenly rushed out of the boundary gate!

The tiger shadow rushed out of the tiger's roaring sword seems to have strong emotional fluctuations. If you want to destroy everything, you can destroy it all the way without leaving a trace of emotion!

"No! No! Why is the legendary spirit of killing gods still there? How is this possible? He has not died for ten thousand years! How is this possible? How is that possible?"

There was a frightening scream on the other side of the boundary gate, which was full of strong fear, which was obviously completely scared away by the fierce tiger roar!

"The message sent back by the saint is wrong! Quick retreat! Hurry back!"

"It's not good! It rushed over! It rushed over! Run!"

"Daw! Who released him?"

The voice of fear is endless, and there is even despair!

"No matter who you are, if you want to kill me, die!" Lin Fan was soaked in blood and showed a shocking dark red, like the bloody demon king walking in the world. The ruthless words made people shudder.


At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the other three boundary gates at the same time, and then countless monks gushed out at the same time. This wave of monks was obviously much stronger than before!

At the boundary gate of the White Lotus Religion, countless monks gushed out, each with the cultivation of the bone refining period. Hundreds of thousands of people appeared at the same time, and the air machine emitted by it was horrible! At this moment, everyone watching the battle in the distance took a breath of cold air. Bone refining monks, in today's world, are rare for young people to reach, while hundreds of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the White Lotus Religion, which is obviously not the main force of the White Lotus Religion! The background of Bailianism is seen for the first time at this moment!

And at the gate of the nine sects, although the monks who appear are not as good as Bailianjiao, they are in a group of five or seven people and jointly control a big killer! And among them, Lin Fan even saw a familiar thing: mountain and river fan!

But the monks in these two places are inferior to the third place! And the remaining boundary gate is the Moonfall National Soul Group!

The monks who surged out there have reached the horrible middle of bone refining! The power of terror is undoubtedly exposed, causing the deepest trembling in the bottom of their hearts! If it's just their cultivation, it's not enough to be frightening. What's really scary is the kind of air they show!

It is a completely self-destructive air machine that does not seek self-preservation but seeks to hurt the enemy! Their faces are as stiff as zombies, and their faces are without sadness or happiness. They seem to have no spiritual knowledge. They hold the narrow machete unique to Yueluo Kingdom in their hands. As soon as they appeared, they went straight to Lin Fan at the door of the unknown power!

"If you want to kill me, you will all die!" Lin Fan's face showed a rare crazy look, looked up at the sky, and the murderous spirit of the sky actually split the blood fog all over the sky and went straight to the sky! The roots of his long hair soaked in blood stood up, making him look particularly frightening!

All the monks on the periphery shuddered together. Although they were far away, they were still deterred by the murderous spirit emanating from Lin Fan. For a moment, they were silent! In particular, the students of Beihua College who originally chased Lin Fan were all stunned and took a breath of cold air. Thinking of what they had done to Lin Fan before, they all felt cold on their backs!

"His combat power... is so horrible!"

"This kind of combat power actually escaped just now! He has no intention to kill at all!"

"If he is murderous and blood flows like a river, I'm afraid there are not many things that Beihua College can stop him!"

The students of Beihua College talked softly, and Huang Yanyan and others looked at Lin Fan speechless and filled their hearts with deep horror.


Just when everyone was shocked, there were suddenly fierce screams and howls in the inexplicable boundary gate. At the same time, a heartbreaking sound passed through the boundary gate to everyone's ears!

"He's coming! He is coming! Ah! Help me! Help me!"

"White tiger kills stars! White tiger kills stars! Are we really going to destroy the clan?"

"Is the ancient prophecy really going to come true?"

A tragic and desperate cry deeply shocked everyone's nerves. When they were shocked by Lin Fan's means, they also had a deep curiosity about the dark sword!

"White tiger kills stars! What kind of existence is that? A fierce soldier makes a force that can open the boundary door so frightened!"

"Dawei, blood crying, kill me!" Lin Fan's emotionless voice sounded. With the voice, Dawei and the baby beast roared at the same time, but one sounded in everyone's ears, and the other sounded in everyone's hearts!

The sound roar, the silent roar, and the vibration at the same time, the peripheral monks are fine, but the monks in the field, who are slightly weak, fell directly from the high altitude under the attack of the two!

"It's so strange!" Shen Duan suddenly frowned and opened his mouth.

"What's wrong? What's strange?" Shen Duan's thinking has always been very meticulous. As soon as Nangong Ling and Shen San heard Shen Duan say so, they immediately turned back and asked.

"How can the four forces launch an attack at the same time? Moreover, don't you think the actions of the four forces are a little strange? If they want to kill Lin Fan, as long as they come to a reborn big man, or if they don't think it's safe, then come to a monk who has experienced the disaster. No matter how strong Lin Fan's combat strength is, he will drink hatred. Why do they send so much cannon fodder to die? And one after another!"

"I feel that this is more like an ancient ritual!" Shen calculated suddenly flashed his light and said.

"Rial? Do you mean... Blood Sacrifice?" Nangong Ling was born in the shrimp fishing island and had extraordinary knowledge. As soon as Shen said this, she immediately thought of the legendary blood sacrifice.

"Yes, it's the blood sacrifice!" Shen calculated and nodded.

"Then what on earth are they going to do? According to the fundamental classics, blood sacrifices only occur when some powerful seals are broken or ancient gods and demons are summoned, and what does all this have to do with Lin Fan? Why do you need to kill him to attract blood sacrifices?" Nangong Ling said doubtfully.

"There is another question. Although we don't know which sects are from Tiannan, there must be Ziyang Gate. How can they cooperate with the White Lotus Sect of Yueluo and the unknown forces?" Shen Duan raised new questions.

Everyone fell silent for a moment. Everything seemed to have entered a dead end in an instant.

The sudden union of the four forces is inexplicable;

It's inexplicable to suddenly chase and kill Lin Fan at the same time;

There is a legendary blood sacrifice, which is inexplicable;

Carry out blood sacrifices, but take their own monks as sacrifices, which is inexplicable!

Everything seems unpredictable and inexplicable, which makes people confused at all!

While Shen Duan and others were so doubtful, Lin Fan had already fallen into endless killing!

Seven steps into the sky, and the blood-crying sword light seems to have reached the point of swallowing the sky and earth. It danced all over the sky and covered the blood light all over the sky. In the blood light all over the sky, a golden and red god and demon figure left a shadow in the air like a ghost, slaughtering the monks all over the sky!

Dawei and the doll beast have also fallen into madness. The two are one virtual and one real, one is galloping all over the sky. Wherever they pass, there is a sea of corpses and blood! A shadow floated, and everywhere it passed was a vacuum, and all the monks were burned to ashes by the soaring magic fire on their bodies and dissipated in the world!

"This man is so strong!" On the other side of the slightly distant sky, Ji Yun stared at Lin Fan in the killing field and said in a low voice. The smile on his face that seemed to have disappeared had also disappeared, replaced by solemnity.

"Not strong, but terrible! The slaughter monk is like a pig slaughter dog. I don't think I can do it even if I have this strength!" Jiang Yixuan's dignified interface.

"This man is as terrible as the devil!" Ji Yunzheng, who had not appeared for a long time, wrinkled her nose and opened her mouth, with deep fear in her words, unable to connect the person in front of her with the black man with a simple smile on the road.

"Brother, this man is so awesome. I want to try who is awesome with him!" Jiang Tai, with a naive smile that was not commensurate with his body, looked at Lin Fan. There was no fear in his eyes, but was eager to try.

"Don't go there!" Jiang Yixuan was shocked and grabbed Jiang Tai for fear that he would rush up without knowing the depth of heaven and earth.

"Brother Jiang, how sure is that? Will Lin Fan become a variable? Ji Yun suddenly frowned and looked at Jiang Yixuan.

"My Ji Jiang family has been living in harmony for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, I will not deceive you. According to the calculation of that day, those two things were born recently..." Jiang Yixuan said, and then his face suddenly changed, "No!"

"What's wrong, Brother Jiang?" Ji Yun saw that Jiang Yixuan's face had changed greatly, and his heart sank and said in a low voice.

"If you want to be born, there must be a blood sacrifice. Don't you think this killing scene is a little inexplicable?" Jiang Yixuan stared at Lin Fan, who killed everywhere, and said in a deep voice.

"What? You mean... these people are also here for this? Ji Yun's crazy face also changed, and his voice trembled a little.

"Your clan is divided into two factions. You and Ji Wuhua are not the same, while my Jiang family is divided into several factions. Originally, there was a struggle within the faction. Now with these external forces, it is even more unpredictable who will kill the deer!"

And in another space, Xiang Tianxiao and Gui Jianchou stood in the air and looked at the field, also thinking.

"I think we won't go through this muddy water..." After a long time, the ghost said slowly, "This day is going to change, and there will be a big war in the future. I don't think there is any need to get involved in this kind of killing at the beginning."

"That's what I mean, so we can watch the fire across the shore. Those two things can be called against the sky. We secretly note that there are still big movements in the future, and I'm afraid the direction will not be so simple..."

With the words, the two disappeared into the sky.

In addition to the open people, there are countless people paying attention to all this in the dark, and there are even slight voices ringing from the distant sky, which seem to come from a distant world.

"The world is in chaos! Six worlds return to the original! The sacred object is born! All ethnic groups return together!"