
126 Myster

The first update will be available later. I just arrived at school today. I'm very tired and late. It will return to normal tomorrow. Readers who pass by, please collect it by the way. Thank you in advance. The status has not been fully adjusted, and it will be adjusted as soon as possible.


Hearing Lin Fan's words, everyone reluctantly glanced at the engraving on the wall and walked forward reluctantly.

"Strange, where are those people? Even if they are fast, they won't be so fast, right?" After walking for a while, Fei Liuzhi said in a loud voice.

"I always feel that this place is a little weird, as if it keeps spinning, but when I really feel it, it doesn't seem to move..." Xiang Tianxiao suddenly frowned and said.

"Strange, do you think the pillar of the long lamp is round or square?" Zhu Zhihu also opened his mouth doubtfully and stared at the pillars that blocked the bright lights on the left and right.

"Round!" Nangong Ling looked at it, and then looked at Zhu Zhihu with a curious face. He didn't understand how Zhu Zhihu could ask such an obvious thing.

"It seems to be Fang..." Lei Feng also looked at it curiously and then put forward different opinions.

"Look at it again." Zhu Zhihu said in a solemn voice.

"It's strange, why is it square again? No, why is it still round?"

"Why is it round and square for a while?"

Everyone heard some signs and looked at them curiously, and then all stared at the pillars.

"This place is spinning! Hurry up! Keep calm!" When the ghost saw it, his face suddenly changed and he opened his mouth. Just as he opened his mouth, everyone suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, the whole world was shaking, and the scene in front of him was also changing dramatically. However, in the blink of an eye, everyone only felt a flower in front of them. When they looked around, the scene was very different!

"This...where is this?" Lin Fan and others were stunned and felt a little confused when they looked at the strange environment around them.

The area just now is as dark as night, and it can only be illuminated by long bright lights, but this place is as bright as day, bright everywhere. Under the eyes, four huge cyan pillars support the whole house, and a non-socious white jade path extends to the unknown.

"Old man, what's going on?" Xiang Tianxiao turned his head and asked sadly at the ghost. Ghosts come from the Heavenly Ghost Religion and have a lot of research on some strange miscellaneous studies.

"The ancients' buildings are very exquisite, and it is not surprising that there is another universe in them. They pay attention to two sentences when building some meaningful buildings, which are called mountains without turning water and water without turning people. It means to use the natural situation of heaven and earth to achieve some purposes such as trapped people and killing people. Only when the situation of heaven and earth is really unborrowable will it change artificially, and I suspect that this place is an artificially transformed building. This is also the reason why we were spread as soon as we noticed the mystery there just now. There may be some kind of secret there that cannot be known for the time being. Ghost Worried explained in detail.

"Then why did you send us here?" Ji Yun frowned wildly.

"There is a voice ahead." The big head suddenly plugged in and pointed to the white jade path in front of him.

Everyone was stunned and listened carefully, but they didn't hear any sound.

"I said big head, is there really a voice in front of you? Why didn't we hear anything?" Fei Liuzhi looked at the big head with a suspicious face.

"Really, I don't know why you can't hear it." The big head looked at Fei Liuzhi with an innocent face.

"If the big head says there is, then there must be. Let's go ahead. That should be the people who entered before. Lin Fan had an incredible trust in the big head, not to mention Nangong Ling, Shen Duan and others. Although the remaining people were still a little skeptical, they did not refute it and now walked towards the white jade path.

Stepping on the white jade path, Lin Fan suddenly had a sense of familiarity. As he walked and thought about it, a sudden flashed in his mind: "Yes, when he stepped out of the seven steps to the sky, there was a vague passage extending to the unknown, but it was quite similar to this path. Is there some relationship between the two?" Thinking of this, he laughed dumbly, "Where are there so many coincidences? Will there be adventures if you go anywhere? How can adventures be as common as cabbage on the street? Then he left this idea behind and walked forward while paying attention to the surroundings.

Both sides of the path are extremely ordinary, like a long corridor. On both sides, there is originally a dry and hard, nothing, but as you move forward, there is a little green. The further you go, the stronger the green, and even some faint colorful flowers. At the same time, the faint aura fragrance of aura is endless. Come on, it's getting thicker and thicker.

"Isn't there a medicine garden inherited from the ancient period in front of you?" Ge Duojin suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes were full of fire.

Huh? There really is someone!" Jiang Yixuan was stunned and suddenly opened his mouth. Everyone also stopped together. They had already heard that the voices in front of him were boiling, as if they were arguing about something, and from time to time there was a sound of fighting.

"Is there any precious treasure in front of you?" Everyone was stunned, but they couldn't help speeding up their pace.

As everyone walked forward, they found that the space was slowly becoming wider and brighter in front of them. Later, they even felt that the sun was dazzling, as if there was a red sun shining everywhere outside.


Everyone rushed out, and then they were stunned by what they saw in front of them. They took a breath of cold air at the same time, and then their eyes became hot.

What you see in front of you is like a small garden, and a small medicine garden. There are countless elixirs, emitting a strong medicinal fragrance. In the middle of the medicine garden, there is a small pool of water. The water is full of treasures. A lotus grows in it. The whole body is dark, and the leaves are even more black as if they want to drip out black liquid, and in it At the top, there is a bowl-sized white flower, which emits dazzling light.

"Moyu Lotus? Is it such a divine object?" Zhu Zhihu's eyes shone, revealing an incredible light, "Moyu lotus flower, sprouted for thousands of years, leaves for thousands of years, flowers for thousands of years, fruit for thousands of years, and mature for thousands of years. It takes five thousand years to achieve great success. Looking at the appearance of this lotus flower, today seems to be the period of maturity!"

"The legendary ink jade lotus that can live and die?" Others are also shocked.

The eyes of several people looking at the small pool immediately changed. Qi Qi marched forward a few steps.


A few steps before the trip, everyone looked at the Moyu Lotus again, and then inhaled cold air at the same time. Just now, they were still wondering why they didn't compete but stood far away. Even the arrogant young master of the golden family, Jin Chixiao, stood in the distance with a gloomy face. At this time, they finally saw clearly in the shallow water. In the middle, there is a small golden snake that is only a foot long and the body is shining with golden light!

It is not accurate to say that the golden snake is actually, because if you look carefully, you will find that the surface of the little golden snake is covered with scales only by the dragon, and under its abdomen, there are four colorful feet, and two white jade-like horns on its forehead. On the whole, it looks more like a small golden snake than a Little golden dragon! And next to and on the edge of the small pool, several shallow blood stains were shocking. There was no doubt that some monks were too close to the ink jade lotus and were killed by the little golden snake.

"Gods are indeed guarded by mythical beasts. It's not easy to take this ink jade lotus." Lei Feng shook his head and sighed, with regret in his words.


Suddenly, there was a flash of light at the end of the white jade path, and then a man in white came out of the scene.

Everyone didn't care or even look back, but as the man got closer and closer, everyone felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped by air, so they turned their heads in surprise, but then inhaled cold air at the same time.

White clothes, white hair, pale face, not even a trace of black in his eyes, holding a long sword without a scabbard in his hand, the whole body is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and the whole body has an extremely dangerous breath. He casually glanced at the people around him, and walked straight ahead with no expression on his face. But when he passed Lin Fan, he suddenly turned his head and looked at him, with the corners of his mouth slightly slanting, showing a cold smile.

"Is it him?" Ji Yun looked at the man in white and whispered.

"Do you know him?" Jiang Yixuan asked, and the others also turned their heads and looked at Ji Yunkai.

"I don't know, but I think I know who he is." Ji Yun shook his head and took a deep breath, "I think he is Ji Wuhua's brother, Bai Bingyan."

"White ice geese?" Everyone frowned. They had never heard of the name, and Lin Fan frowned deeper. He could feel that the white ice goose was deeply hostile to him.

"You may not know that what Ji Wuhua learned is not my Ji family's martial arts, but another teacher, and his teacher's history is mysterious. I dare to say that even the mysterious white lotus religion in the world can't be compared..."

Ji Wuhua said these words, which immediately shocked everyone, and even Jiang Yixuan's face was incredible. You know, the skills inherited by an unrivaled family like them can be said to be the best. He can't imagine that some family disciples would give up their own martial arts and learn other martial arts.

"This is the truth, and no one else in my family knows the origin of Ji Wuhua. And those who know are all people who don't care about the world. Even if they are the head of the family, they don't know anything about the origin of Ji Wuhua. The more Ji Yun said, the more shocked everyone became. The owner didn't know what kind of secret it should be?