
132 Dry wood meets fire

I have something to do today, and I'm sorry for being late. There will be a second update later.


As soon as Lin Fan entered the magic path, he felt dazzling in front of him, and there was a dazzling light everywhere. Under this light, my eyes are dazzling.

A vast white area can't see anything, but at the far end, there seems to be an exit ten times brighter than the illusion path. But I can't see a person.

"I don't know what other people see. Is it like me?" Lin Fan said to himself that what he had seen before was completely different from what Nangong Ling and others saw. It can be said that there is an essential difference. At this time, he couldn't help but have such doubts.

Dawei lay on Lin Fan's shoulder, his little nose wrinkled, and his eyes were full of curiosity. At the same time, he couldn't help humming and was eager to try. He wanted to run away but was a little worried.

Lin Fan patted Dawei, settled his mind, and walked forward.

There seem to be countless roads stretching under your feet, dense, like cobwebs. Lin Fan only took a few steps, then stopped and frowned at the insegregable fork under his feet.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Fan finally made up his mind and stepped into a fork in the road.


With a flash of light, his figure disappeared without warning and appeared in another place.


Suddenly, Lin Fan was stunned. At this time, in front of his eyes, it was not as bright as before. In a trance, he seemed to see a green.

"This is a fantasy, this is a fantasy..." Lin Fan reminded himself like this, and at the same time, he walked forward with intuition. But if intentionally or unintentionally, it is approaching a piece of green.


The previous situation reappeared. When Lin Fan appeared again, he suddenly found that he was a little closer to the green, and he could even faintly see several small flowers dotted in the green, and further away, there was a vague corner of the pavilion.

Lin Fan's mind is still very firm, and this firmness is beneficial to the jade pendant given to him by the old gang owner at the beginning. Otherwise, he is likely to be lost in it at this time. This illusory path is endless, but in Lin Fan's eyes, he doesn't know why it is always white and seems to be endless, and the only remaining scenery in front of him has slowly become the only one that attracts Lin Fan's heart.

Lin Fan looked around and stepped forward. Suddenly, a shocking light burst out around him, which suddenly turned the whole illusion into an ocean of light. Then, Lin Fan's light flashed and disappeared into the world.

The light dissipated, and Lin Fan was stunned when he saw the surrounding scene. The bright light in the sky has disappeared, and the place where it stands is actually a small garden.

Under the eyes, on the left is a lawn, full of greenery, decorated with various small flowers, swaying, and the gravel path is naturally paved without any abruptness. On the right, a clear spring flows around a small pavilion, and the sound of water makes people calm, and in a short distance, there is an extremely delicate rockery.

In the whole small garden, the seven colors are staggered and elegant. All kinds of spiritual beasts stop and look at Lin Fan with a curious face and are not afraid of people. In the whole garden, there is peace.

As soon as Da Weifu entered, he suddenly broke free from Lin Fan's bondage and ran to the ground. In a blink of an eye, he ran away.

Lin Fan looked at all this and was confused for a moment. All this was said to be an illusion, but he felt so real! Let him not feel a little psychedelic!

"I'm afraid it won't be so simple. The more peaceful it is, the more strange it is. Lin Fan's face was calm, but he was thinking secretly. While thinking, he walked on the path between the lawns and walked forward.

As you move forward, the scenery along the way is getting stronger and stronger. If what you saw before was the spring scenery, what you see now is the summer scenery. There is even a hot breath.

And Lin Fan's mind gradually lost and became more and more blurred unconsciously.

The thick green and fragrant flowers around him are actually like a layout that affects his mind and gods, slowly affecting Lin Fan's mind and making him move forward at a loss.

"Hum! If it is too stimulating, let alone the tiger roar and the thing with the breath of mountains and rivers, but the seal of the little guy of the Emperor of Heaven and the soul-chasing flag of the little doll of the soul-chasing demon king may keep this little guy's mind free! How boring is that? It's better to let him get lost step by step! If you don't ask for some interest from the dragon python, Uncle Turtle won't do it!"

Just above the high sky outside the illusion path, a huge turtle shook its head and stared at a mirror in front of it, and in the mirror, there was Lin Fan at this moment. In addition, there is another figure. The figure is graceful and charming, but it turned out to be Qin Keer.

"The progress is really slow. It seems that it's better to stimulate it again..." The old turtle looked bad and stretched out his huge tortoise claws and pressed it down. Suddenly, a burst of space ripples around Lin Fan came out, and the scene around him changed greatly in an instant.

To be precise, there is one more person around him. That person is Qin Keer.

"Hum hum! Dry wood meets fire, dragon python little guy, will you also feel wonderful? This little girl has a strong bloodline and has your talent!" The old turtle muttered with interest.

At this time, Lin Fan's mind had already been unconsciously lost. When he first saw Qin Ke'er, he was just slightly stunned, and then he was stunned and watched Qin Keer no longer take steps. At this time, there was only one most primitive idea left in his heart: that woman is so beautiful!

And Qin Keer was lost almost when she first entered here. This space seems to be full of fascinating things. However, the old turtle seems to be afraid that Lin Fan will be awakened by the seal of the emperor, that is, the seal of the world, and the soul-chasing flag of the years, so it is only slowly "educational" and not as fierce as dealing with Qin Keer.

"Who is this?" Qin Keer had such a question vaguely in her heart, but she was curious and had a kind of hatred for the person in front of her who rose from nowhere. Her eyes gradually widened and stared at Lin Fan, as if to kill him with her eyes. At the same time, she clenched her fist and walked towards Lin Fan step by step.

And Lin Fan also walked towards Qin Keer with a stupid face. However, the thoughts of the two are very different at this time.

Before three feet, Qin Keer suddenly took action, clenched her fist and bombarded Lin Fan. There was no energy fluctuation, just a simple punch. In this fantasy world, their cultivation was also deprived.

Lin Fan was originally strong. When he saw the punch hit, his body dodged it by instinct. When he was still wondering how the woman came up and fought against him, the second punch had come again.

Then, the third punch, the fourth punch... Lin Fandong hid from the west. Originally, he just stared at Qin Keer in a daze, but he always hid around like this, but finally induced his fierceness.

Suddenly, Lin Fan's eyes flashed fiercely. After dodging another punch, he suddenly raised his palm and hit Qin Keer.

Qin Keer didn't expect Lin Fan to suddenly return his hand. She was slightly stunned and was firmly slapped on her right arm by Lin Fan's palm. How strong is Lin Fan's body? Suddenly, Qin Keer felt a burst of hot pain, but this was not over. Lin Fan slapped him and instantly turned his palm into a claw.


A crack sound came out, and a piece of clothes on Qin Keer's arm had been torn off, and a forear arm suddenly appeared.


Qin Keer let out a frightened roar, showing a trace of shame and anger on her face, regardless of the **'s forearm, opened her teeth and claws, rushed to Lin Fan fiercely, and shouted at the same time.

Suddenly, a skirt flew in place, and Qin Keer's appearance was unparalleled. At this time, she was even more like a fairy, with a blush on her face, which made Lin Fan stunned. Under the deliberate control, Lin Fan had already been completely fascinated. His breathing became heavier and heavier, and his eyes were getting redder and redder. He stared at Qin Keer**'s forearm outside, making a sound like a beast.

Outside, the old turtle smiled unscrupulously and proudly: "This boy didn't do anything to women at a glance. If it hadn't been for my help, I wouldn't have known how long he would keep the boy! Hey hey!" While talking, the tortoise paws patted down a few times, and suddenly, the addictive atmosphere in the field was a little stronger.

The more Qin Keer and Lin Fan fought, the more frightened she became. Her body was not as good as Lin Fan. At this time, she directly fought against him. It didn't take long for her to feel that her palms were sore all over her. However, looking at the beast-like person opposite her, she seemed to have no sense. Only the sound of breathing was getting heavier and heavier. Although her heart was lost, Qin Keer I also instinctively felt a trace of fear and wanted to retreat quickly.

But at this moment, Lin Fan suddenly grabbed the left leg she wanted to take back, and then Zla gave a sound, and suddenly a crystal calf was exposed to the air. Qin Keer only felt cool and had a brief sobriety, but at this time, the old turtle patted gently again. Suddenly, Qin Keer's face appeared confused again. At the same time, her face began to flush and his breathing became heavy.

"Alas, this boy is so stupid. How many times should I help you? Thinking of the king of the killer at the beginning, 300 million..." The old turtle muttered while taking out the wine from nowhere and pouring it into its mouth.

At this time, at this moment, it was already a piece of **. Lin Fan and Qin Keer, under the conscious play of the old turtle, their eyes were blurred. Gradually, they stopped fighting and walked towards the other party in a daze. Finally, they suddenly went crazy and tore each other's clothes. At the same time, The sound absorption is heavier.

In an instant, all the clothes turned into a wisps of cloth, scattered everywhere, while the two were already frankly opposite each other, entangled, crooked on the green lawn, making people blush and heartbeat endlessly.

"Dry wood meets fire! Turtles also need turtles, which can't be seen indiscriminately. Hey hey, old crazy woman, others don't know why the dragon python tribe rebelled. Don't I know? You can't hide the secret of this little girl from your turtle uncle. This will be a gift from your turtle uncle in the future!" The old turtle took a sip of wine, threw the empty wine pot aside, with a treacherous (harmonious) smile on his face, and looked away from the mirror.