
143 Leave

I have something to do today and I'm in a bad mood, so my brain is very blocked and my writing is very bad. Please forgive me.


In this shocking blood, with invincible domineering, it seems to be able to sweep the wilderness. Lei Feng and others had already stood up, but they were rushed by this momentum and suddenly stepped back three steps, with an unbelievable look on their faces. At this time, only Lin Fan can still keep his body still. After all, blood crying is his.


The blood sobbed and let out a sword sound, and then all the blood light flowed back to the sea. Suddenly, the thunder in the sky finally weakened and finally disappeared. At this time, the body of the blood crying sword spirit doll beast is like substance, and the flames are steaming all over, standing in the air, extremely powerful. At this time, he was turning a pair of big eyes and looking curiously at the still discernable starry sky.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand, and the sword spirit looked at the starry sky again, then turned around and rushed into the sword body, and then the blood sobbed and fell into Lin Fan's hands.

Lin Fan held blood and cried. Suddenly, a rich power came to his hand, and his heart suddenly became heroic. In his perception, blood crying was much lighter than before, with an ethereal feeling. With a slight meditation, Lin Fan guessed the reason. The thunder just now has almost forced the impurities and dirt in the blood crying out of the sword body. At this time, the blood crying turned out a shiny red color. Lin Fan had a sword in his hand, and even had a feeling of a sword breaking the sky.

Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush!

When the silence fell in the field, four shadows suddenly appeared in the air. Lin Fan and others were shocked and looked up to see four blurred light shadows in a zig shape, horizontally empty.

"Emperor of Heaven?" Lin Fan was stunned, and then looked at the vague shadow of one of them wearing a dragon crown and a dragon robe. Hearing Lin Fan's words, Lei Feng and others immediately looked at the shadow.

Although the shadow of the Emperor of Heaven was vague, his eyes seemed to be extremely clear. He turned around slightly and looked at several people on the ground. He was swept away by the eyes. Everyone suddenly felt that his consciousness was clear, and a layer of gap in his brain was suddenly broken.

"We are leaving soon. Heaven and earth will change, and extraterritorial space needs us to plan. After a long time, the divine consciousness of the Emperor of Heaven echoed in everyone's minds. Obviously, the Emperor of Heaven did not hide the intention of Lei Feng and others.

"This is the White Tiger General, and who are these two?" Lin Fan did not answer the words of the Emperor of Heaven, but looked at the other three people. Lin Fan once felt the breath of the white tiger general, but the breath of the other two was not obvious. Although the existence in the soul-chasing flag of the previous years has also revealed, Lin Fan somehow failed to capture his breath.

"Hey, little doll, I saved your life. You don't remember me so soon, do you?" A shadow flashed, and a ruffian voice sounded in Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan was stunned and looked at the other two people when he vaguely saw a young man in a purple robe with an evil smile standing in the void and smiling at himself.

"Are you the owner of the soul-chasing flag?" Lin Fan said suspiciously.

"Well, I am the soul-chasing emperor, but someone used to call me the soul-chasing demon king. As for the owner of this forbidden flag, yes, no, no, yes. It used to be, but not now." The words of the purple robe shadow were still ruffian, but the words made Lin Fan confused.

"That forbidden flag will be given to you. The above prohibition is enough for you to study for a period of time. When you really master this forbidden flag, your combat effectiveness will definitely increase, and it will not be in vain for you as Xuangu 13... Cough, make good use of this forbidden flag. Halfway through the words, the purple robe shadow suddenly seemed to remember something, coughing twice and covering up the words.

Lin Fan's mind moved, and the soul emperor obviously wanted to mention the thirteen murderers of Xuangu, but he obviously had some scruples. Just as he opened his mouth and wanted to ask, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "There are some secrets. You will know it in the future. It's useless for you to know too much now."

Lin Fan was stunned and subconsciously looked at the domineering shadow. The man was the white tiger. Aware of Lin Fan's eyes, Bai Hu nodded slightly.

"This senior is..." Lin Fan suddenly looked at a person standing side by side with the Emperor of Heaven and said. By intuition, Lin Fan felt that this person was stronger than the Emperor of Heaven, but he really couldn't remember who could be more powerful than the Emperor of Heaven. The four leaders of Xuangu, the emperor of heaven and the emperor, respect the Taoist saint. Their strength should be between Bozhong, but this person gives Lin Fan a feeling far beyond the emperor of heaven, which is a little strange.

"You will naturally know his identity in the future, but now is not the time to say it." The voice of the Emperor of Heaven is calm, "All the strong will return, and the secrets will be unraveled one day."

"Extraterritorial space, what kind of place is it?" Lin Fan pondered for a moment and asked the next question, "Also, what's wrong with Yan Ming now?"

"You have too many questions." As soon as Lin Fan's words were spoken, the existence that had been silent suddenly opened his mouth. As soon as he opened his voice, Lin Fan and others felt that the surrounding temperature dropped sharply and more than doubled in almost an instant. What was more terrible was the unquestionable smell in his words.

"I said, old man, even if you can't tell him about this, you don't have to make such a cold face, do you? Fortunately, it's a remnant soul. If I see your face, I won't freeze to death!" Lin Fan was stagnant and did not open his mouth, but the soul-chasing emperor said ruffianly, "After sleeping in this Xuangu coffin for so long, I think you are about to become an iceman."

"You have said too much." The shadow is still a faint opening, but it gives people an extremely cold feeling. As soon as they spoke, everyone felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped by three points again.

"Extraterritorial space, I believe that you will set foot in the near future. As for Yanming, he is still sleeping in the starry sky of my imperial seal. You don't have to worry." The Emperor of Heaven obviously knew that they often fight, so he ignored it and answered Lin Fan's question.

Lin Fan nodded and stopped talking. Suddenly, the majestic and domineering voice of the white tiger sounded in Lin Fan's mind again: "Lin Fan, your gentle tiger roar is to warm me in disguise. It is useless for you to cultivate my white tiger's skills, but I can show you a way. When you break through the bone refining and reach the marrow, you can go to Changyang Mountain, where I think there will be what you want.

Lin Fan was stunned and immediately thought of Changyang Mountain, which was almost forgotten. He had been closed there for a long time and did not find anything. At this time, although he did not understand what the white tiger meant, he still nodded.

"The ink sun has come out, the blood moon has appeared, and time is pressing. My road is imprinted here. If you are confident that you can understand it thoroughly, just stay here." The cold sound sounded again, and then the light flashed in front of them, and a large light curtain sprinkled down. Everyone looked up and saw that a dense small word had covered the whole wall opposite.

"Your ancestors and I are very predestined. Now that we have seen his descendants, his original unique learning should naturally be passed on by me so as not to be annihilated." The cold voice still continued, and then a purple glow brushed into Nangong Ling's body.

Nangong Ling suddenly looked up at the shadow, with an excited and strange mixed look on his face: "This...this is... Wanhua wind and thunder method!"

"Yes, your ancestors became famous with this skill, and later suffered great changes. Even I don't know where he is." The man's voice is still as cold as ice.

"This is the farewell today. This meeting is just the beginning. Next time we meet, we will be in extraterritorial space. The sound of the Emperor of Heaven's thoughts sounded in everyone's minds. Before everyone came to their senses, all four disappeared into the palace, and disappeared, including the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, the ancient coffin and the tiger roar. Only on the wall opposite Lin Fan and others, there was a large light curtain shining soft and gorgeous light.

Everyone stabilized their minds, took a deep breath and walked forward.