
156 underground universe

In the Moon God Palace, the Lord of the Moon God Palace stood quietly against the wall, and behind it, the four servants of Meilan bamboo and chrysanthemum stood respectfully. The whole room is full of unspeakable depression. With the unshakable status of the Moon Palace in the Moonland Kingdom, it was actually put up like this, and what annoys them more was that the royal family and the Yanghou Hall were also very likely to intervene. Otherwise, with the energy of Lin Fan and others, even if they use their means to connect the sky, there is no way to fight with the Moon God Palace. You're welcome. In front of the Moon Palace, Lin Fan and several others can't even be called ants.

But these few little people can actually trigger a series of events*, which has become an incentive for the Yanghou Hall and the royal family to secretly "fire" on themselves. For a long time, although the Yanghou Hall and the royal family have been dissatisfied with the arbitrary and exclusive power of the Moon God Palace, because there are too many supporters of the Moon God Palace in the Moon Land, they can't find a place to start. An inappropriate person will not only not achieve the purpose they want, but may also set fire to themselves! But now it's different. The Moon Palace used the famous killer on the killer list as cannon fodder, which is enough for the Yanghou Hall and the royal family to put on a big hat of "human life". Although all three parties have done this kind of thing, whether it has been known to everyone, the difference is quite large.

"Have you found out where they are now?" The Lord of the Moon God Palace suddenly opened his mouth and broke the silence that had been maintained since Meilan Zhuju came in. Although her voice was calm, the four people couldn't help shivering. The four of them followed the palace owner for the longest time. They deeply understood her temperament. The calmer she was, the more her anger was. It can be said that they have never seen such calm as now.

Meilan Zhuju's four attendants are only four code names, not fixed four people. During the more than a thousand years in charge of the Moon Palace, several waiters have been executed by her. In terms of iron-blooded hands, no one can surpass the four generations of palace owners of the Moon God Palace. At this time, when they heard the calm words of the Lord of the Moon God Palace, their hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

"Go back to the palace master, those little animals went all the way north. Looking at their appearance, it seems that they are going to go to one of the most dangerous places in the Moonland, the Sun Valley. According to their journey, they should have arrived in Tulong Town at this time. As the head of the four waiters, Hanmei was quite frightened at this time, but she could only answer bravely.

"Kill them." When the owner of Yueshen Palace heard Hanmei's answer, he fell silent again. Just when the four of Meilan Zhuju felt that they were going to be forced by this unspeakable repressed breathing difficulties, the owner of Yueshen Palace opened his mouth calmly. Although the voice is calm and there is no waves, the murderous intention in it is like a cold winter wind, which seems to freeze people's blood.

"Yes." Hearing this, Meilan Zhuju's four hearts breathed at the same time. Since the Lord of Yueshen has issued an order, they just need to do things, and they no longer have to bear this unspeakable suffering.

The tight plan of the Moon Palace to hunt Lin Fan, manpower, time, place, means, these are the scope of consideration. If it is just to kill Lin Fan and his party alone, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. However, now they can almost be sure that at least one side of the Yanghou Hall and the royal family are mixed, so it is not only It's so simple to hunt Lin Fan, which is equivalent to treating Lin Fan and his party as a "battlefield" for the three-way competition.

There is tension on this side, while on the other side, in a quaint town called Tulong Town, Lin Fan and others are looking around with great interest.

I don't know how many years it has existed in Tulong Town, and there are mottled traces of wind and frost everywhere. Even if it is an ordinary stone, it has the smell of years. As soon as they entered the town, Lin Fan and others were shocked by the momentum. Although the people in this town are all civilians, they are all strong. Although it is early autumn, the men are still shirtless and have a muscle knot on their bodies, shining brightly. The extremely tough folk customs make this dragon-killing town a little worthy of its name.

"Dragon Town, this name is really tough. Has a righteous man ever slaughtered a dragon here?" Lei Feng and others looked around and chatted casually.

"Look over there!" Suddenly, Nangong Ling pointed to the distant sky with surprise in his voice. Lin Fan and three others, even Dawei, looked up in the direction of Nangong Ling's fingers and suddenly opened the corners of their mouths in surprise.

In the distant sky, a statue of a black dragon, which is 100 feet long, is ferocious and terrible. It seems to roar at the sky, and its huge body dances around, which seems to destroy everything. Although it is only a dragon statue, the violent atmosphere is overwhelming at the moment Lin Fan and others see it.

"There is still a man on it..." The big head pointed to the top of the dragon's head. Everyone looked up and saw that a burly man with only a animal skin skirt was holding a shield in one hand and a sharp sword in the other, struggling to soften towards the top of the dragon's head! Compared with the hundred-foot long body of the dragon, the burly man looks extremely small, but the momentum on his body is not weaker than the dragon, or even one point stronger!

"Dragon Slaying Town, is this Dragon Slaying?" Lin Fan muttered to himself and looked at the statue in a loss.

"Are some friends coming to our Dragon Town for the first time?" Just as everyone looked at the dragon-killing statue, a smiling old man passing by Lin Fan and others stopped and asked.

"Yes, my father-in-law, when I first came here, I really have a lot of curiosity about the origin of this dragon-killing town and this dragon-killing statue." Lin Fan bent down slightly and said.

"Haha, young man, let me tell you, there is nothing surprising about our first visit to Tulong Town. Why? Because our Dragon Town is a real and absolutely fake Dragon Town! In the past, someone really slaughtered dragons with us!" As soon as the old man heard Lin Fan's words, he suddenly became excited, his eyebrows were flying, and even the wrinkles on his face seemed to be much less.

"Oh? Have there really been dragon-killing heroes in Dragon Slayer Town? Is this hundred-foot-high statue also true? Lei Feng said suspiciously.

"What are you talking about?" The old man heard the suspicion in the thunderstorm's words and was immediately unhappy. He glanced at him and said, "This dragon-killing statue is the first generation of residents of Dragon-killing town who raised a huge amount of money and asked the fairy master to build it here to commemorate the dragon-killing hero and take advantage of the wind!" Speaking of the name Huyan Chengfeng, the old man couldn't help straightening his chest, his waist was a little straight, and his face was full of pride.

"Huyan riding the wind?" Nangong Ling frowned. She knew something about Yueluoguo, but she had never heard of the name and couldn't help looking at the old man suspiciously.

"Haha, I know, you have never heard of this name, because ah, this Huyan hero was like a dragon and disappeared after killing the dragon. He didn't stay here for even one more minute. Only we know his deeds, but he is famous outside. Not obvious. Legend has it that the extraterritorial evil dragon invaded this world, and a powerful extraterritorial dragon made waves here, causing people to live in poverty. Later, a god-like young man fell from the sky and fought with this dragon for three months, and finally took off its head!" Speaking of this, the old man pointed to a huge mountain in the distance and said, "See? That mountain is called Longshou Peak, which is said to have been transformed by the head of the dragon in those years! However, after killing this dragon, the hero Huyan didn't know where he was going..." Speaking of this, the old man sighed.

"Extraterritorial?" Lin Fan turned his head and took a look at the dragon head peak blocked by clouds and fog in the distance and found that it really looked like a huge head, but he had never seen the dragon, and he didn't know if it was the dragon head. Lin Fan was suddenly stunned. He heard the word extraterritoriality again!

"Old man, what is the place outside the region? How did you know the word extraterritorial? Lin Fan looked at the old man.

"I don't know about the extraterritorial region, but that's what it has been said, saying that the dragon was an extraterritorial evil dragon that day, and that the Huyan hero came from outside the sky. I don't know what's the difference between extraterritorial and extraterritorial, and I don't know what it is, but that's how the old ancestors passed down. The old man looked confused and obviously didn't know these things at all.

Lin Fan frowned and nodded, but after thinking for a while, he didn't figure it out. Knowing that it was useless, he hugged the old man and said, "Thank you for solving the puzzles!"

"You're welcome. Even three-year-old children in Tulong Town know these things that our ancestors left us!" The old man waved his hand and looked at the dragon-killing statue in the distance. He bowed with his hands together. The piety on his face was touching.

"Let's find a place to rest. We have been walking for several days, and it's time to have a rest. Then ask how to get to Sun Valley. After resigning from the old man, Lin Fan turned his head and looked at Lei Feng.

Of course, the three of them have no objection. In the past few days, several people can be said to have been sleeping in a hurry. They often can't see a village all day long. Now they have finally seen a place with a profound historical background, and they suddenly have the idea of taking a rest here.

I casually found a small restaurant, wrapped an elegant room, ordered some ordinary food, and everyone chatted.

"Lin Fan, why do I always feel that something is sleeping in the ground?" After gossiping for a while, Nangong Ling suddenly frowned.

"What? Do you feel the same way? I thought it was my illusion!" As soon as Lei Feng heard Nangong Ling's words, his eyes stared.

"This dragon-killing town has a history of tens of millions of years at least, which is not surprising. Moreover, the dragon is respected by all races. Although the so-called extraterritorial evil dragon was killed by the wind, it is not easy to completely destroy it. I'm afraid that the seal under the ground is the dragon soul. Lin Fan pondered and said such a guess.

Lin Fan's sight, like two peerless sharp blades, fell to the ground and suddenly penetrated 50 feet below the ground! However, it is still not found that there is still cold earth and rocks around, and some places there is some groundwater.

Lin Fan frowned, condensed again, and strengthened his strength to go underground!

One hundred feet!

Two hundred feet!

Three hundred feet!

500 feet!

Lin Fan's eyes are congested, a piece of blood red, and 500 feet underground, which is already a piece of magma, but he still hasn't found it at all. If there is any difference, it is the smell of the underground strong man, which is getting stronger and stronger!

Lin Fan felt that he had almost reached the limit, but if he gave up, he was not willing to, but at this time, the heat of the underground magma could even burn his eyes through divine consciousness!

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Lin Fan's heart moved, and the water and fire wanted to help. Lin Fan suddenly transferred his divine consciousness into the body of the spirit of Xuanshui, and then took advantage of the spirit of Xuanshui to move his eyes and looked at less than 500 feet again.

"Useful!" Lin Fan's heart was overjoyed. After looking at it with the eyes of the Xuanshui spirit, the burning sensation was suddenly infinitely weakened, and even faintly, his eyes also felt a feeling of comfort that had never been seen before! At the same time, he also keenly felt that his divine eyes were sharper than before! Originally, he could only see about ten feet under the ground, but now, he can see thirteen feet at once! That is to say, his eye penetration is more than half higher than before! His eyes, at this moment, seem to leave the body!

The joy in his heart passed, and Lin Fan calmed down and went to probe below!

The more you go to the ground, the higher the temperature of the magma. Later, even with the help of the eyes of the Xuanshui spirit, you still feel a trace of scorching heat. Lin Fan's mind moved, and a drop of Xuanshui crystal was transmitted directly from his body to the spirit of Xuanshui. Suddenly, the flexibility of Xuanshui increased greatly. With it, even his momentum continued to rise, which made Lin Fan suddenly disperse the heat, and took this opportunity to rush to the bottom of the ground!

"That's..." Lin Fan's eyes paused. After going deep into the ground, he finally found something.

By the opportunity that the spirit of Xuanshui was stimulated by the Xuanshui water crystal, Lin Fan's sight could penetrate about 30 feet at once. At this time, just more than 30 feet away, a huge light curtain tightly wrapped a space, making that place look like a vacuum! And the strong life fluctuation came from that place!

Lin Fan was more careful, and his eyes slowly detected there, getting closer and closer. Just at a distance of more than ten feet, Lin Fan finally saw it clearly.

In that light curtain, there is a huge dragon! Or, to be precise, the dragon soul! With a huge posture, dozens of people are surrounded by thick and thick dragon horns, which seems to thre through the sky! The dragon scales all over the body shine with a terrible luster, adding a majesty and making people awe!

"Is this... a dragon?" Lin Fan said to himself, and his eyes were a little closer. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly stopped. In the huge light curtain, there was not only a dragon soul, but also a person! A man in black with his eyes closed on his knees!


It seemed to feel Lin Fan's eyes. The man in black with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and shot at Lin Fan with two cold electricity!