
161 Secret

That face is ridiculously large, but it gives people an extremely harmonious feeling. His facial features are exquisite, like the most successful masterpiece in heaven. His eyes are compassionate and his eyes are deep, which seems to be able to see through the world. Although Zhu Zhihu and others only saw a face, they seemed to see a high god, overlooking all kinds of joys and sorrows in the world.

"Is this the mackerel emperor?" Everyone asked themselves at the same time. There have always been legends about the mackerel. According to rumors, there are no mackerel people living in the seabed and in the depths. They are handsome, wise and tearful. Their emperor, the mackerel emperor, is respected by hundreds of ethnic groups and subduing the sea with benevolence, and is the real king of the whole sea! However, before the endless years, the mackerel was suddenly betrayed by several powerful sea clans and collapsed. In the past, the lands collapsed and no longer existed.

"The blue sea... Legend has it that the mackerel lives in the blue sea?" Everyone suddenly remembered the relationship between the blue sea and the mackerel. Legend has it that the hometown of the mackerel is the blue sea, and this place happens to be called the blue sea. Is there any relationship between the two? However, it is rumored that Biluohai was born out of creation, and the terrain is extremely supernatural, but this place is obviously a Jedi, which makes Zhu Zhihu and others suspicious.


Just as everyone looked at the face of the mackerel and wanted to be in a daze, a gust of wind suddenly swept by. Everyone was shocked, but they found that the strong wind blew around and brushed their faces like a breeze! When everyone was stunned and wondering, they suddenly heard a panicked shout in the distance. Everyone turned around and was immediately stunned by what they saw in front of them.

The sea where the thousands of shadow evil shark knights are located, such as setting off a fierce tsunami, several feet of high waves, one after another, even across the distance, can hear the horrible stormy waves. As for those thousands of shadows of evil shark knights, they have been lifted into the air, and even more In mid-air, he was smashed to pieces by the big waves.

"This...what's going on?" There was a strong shock in everyone's hearts, which was obviously the momentum created by the shark emperor, but why did they let go of these people who were the first to "aggression" here, but chase and kill the thousand shadow evil shark knights who had escaped three miles away? Are these thousand shadow evil shark knights with the blood of the sea clan that destroyed the mackerel people?

Everyone keeps speculating, but there is one fact that there is no doubt that this mackerel emperor also treats foreigners differently.

In an instant, those thousand-shadow evil shark knights were destroyed. In front of this mackerel emperor, those thousand shadow evil shark knights could not be described as vulnerable. Seeing the end of the crisis, although everyone was still worried about the sudden appearance of the mackerel emperor, they took it for granted that the mackerel emperor was not hostile to them and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, just as everyone's mind was not stable, another strong wind suddenly set off again. At the same time, the emperor's mouth suddenly opened, as if he roared forcefully. Then, in the blue sea, suddenly seemed to be boiling, and a wave of sea wrapped in yellow sand lifted to the sky, but it did not fall, and It is constantly rotating in the air, gradually condensing and quickly forming. Finally, it condenses into a rotating portal in the air. The portal looks very deep, like a peerless black hole, and then it seems to be connected to an unknown space, from which powerful suction comes from.

Zhu Zhihu and others were shocked. They thought that the crisis had been resolved, but they didn't expect such a portal to appear out of thin air! At this time, they were being pulled to the door. Even if they tried their best to compete, the effect was still intimidating. Everyone, including the whole sea boat, was moving in that direction.

The rotating portal seems to have an extremely strong will to devour all creatures. In the blink of an eye, everyone is pulled to less than three feet away from the portal. Moreover, as the distance increases, the pulling force is getting bigger and bigger, and everyone's competition has almost completely lost its effect!


When approaching a foot, the suction force doubled out of thin air, and suddenly swallowed Zhu Zhihu and others together with the whole sea boat. Everyone even had time to scream, and then disappeared. As everyone disappeared, the boiling blue sea slowly calmed down, and the countless sand pillars rising among them also slowly calmed down. The huge face of the mackerel emperor in the sky took a deep look at the slowly disappearing portal and slowly disappeared, but if you pay attention, you will find that at the moment of the last disappearance, his face On it, there is a kind of loneliness.

The heavens and the earth have returned to calm, and the blue sea is still as usual without any change. Even those who cultivate the sky will not find anything unusual that has just happened here when they come here. If there is no accident, Zhu Zhihu and others will become a permanent mystery like those who disappeared before. Even because the people who know that they have come here, except for themselves, those thousand shadows of evil shark knights have long been forever turned into nothing. No one will know why they disappeared, and no one will know where they disappeared.

And tens of thousands of miles away, just as Zhu Zhihu and others had just disappeared, there was a clear-chest click in the arms of the thunder wind.

Lei Feng's face, which was talking and laughing, suddenly changed. He reached into his arms, and then his face changed greatly. When he took out his hand, there were several broken pieces of jade in his hand.

"Something happened to the tiger and the old wine." Lei Feng's face was extremely ugly. He looked at the jade pendant in his hand and said, "Although I are not from each other, the Sanxiu League and the Thunder Temple have always had a good relationship. We have been together since we were young. At that time, we branded a wisp of our divine consciousness on three jade pendants at the same time, each holding one. Now my one is broken, and it is broken so Thoroughly, something must have happened to the two of them. Lei Feng explained.

After listening to Lei Feng's words, Lin Fan and Nangong Ling showed a solemn look on their faces. Lin Fan frowned and guessed that nine out of ten (harmonious) the Moon Palace was afraid of him, so he thought of threatening his friends, Zhu Zhihu and others to attack his friends. Thinking of this possibility, Lin Fan was furious. He was tired of others coercing him, especially with his friends or relatives.

When he was furious, Lin Fan also knew that it was not the time to vent his anger. He took a deep breath, looked at the broken jade in Lei Feng's hand and asked, "Are they missing or..." He did not go on, but he knew that Lei Feng understood.

"This is the strange place. This jade has been broken. According to reason, they should... die, but the strange thing is that the fragments of the divine consciousness are still there, and have not disappeared, or even declined." As he spoke, Lei Feng silently moved his mind. In just a moment, he saw three extremely shallow lines of divine consciousness emerging in the broken jade block. One was lavender, which was Lei Feng's divine consciousness, and the other two, one was silver and white, and one was the line of three-point gray, which were the lines of the divine consciousness of Zhu Zhihu and Situ Goblet.

Lin Fan and Nangong Ling saw that the line of the divine consciousness of Zhu Zhihu and Situ Goblet did not flutter like the remnants in the wind, and their hearts were slightly relieved. At this moment, Nangong Ling muttered, "The wind and clouds on the sea are changing. I'm afraid they have encountered some bad weather. Since the divine consciousness has not dissipated, it is even as stable as in the past. Jian, that means they are still alive. Why don't we go to Sun Valley now and look for them first?

"No, if there is an accident at sea, I can't find it for a while. Sun Valley is close to us, and we can arrive in one day at most. We will finish things in Sun Valley as soon as possible, and then look for them, hoping that they don't have an accident..." Lei Feng shook his head. They are not far from the Sun Valley, but tens of thousands of miles away from the sea. Even if they rush there now, there will be no result in a short period of time. At the same time, he also has another important idea. Like Lin Fan, he believes that this is the action taken by the Moon Shrine to threaten Lin Fan. If Zhu Zhihu and others fall into the hands of the Moon Palace, sooner or later they will bring them out to meet Lin Fan. If they don't fall into their hands, it will be better. Sooner or later, there will be another day. However, they would not have thought that Zhu Zhihu and others would fall into the blue sea of the Jedi known as Huangquan Tomb on the sea.

"Hu, drunkard, Shen Duan, Shen, Ge Fatty, they are all my friends. As long as I live, if someone really embarrass them and makes them fall into the Jedi, I will make them pay for it with blood!" Lin Fan said in a low voice. Lei Feng and Nangong Ling couldn't help shivering when they heard Lin Fan's words. Although Lin Fan's voice was low, the murderous intention in it was frightening. But they didn't know that in addition to thinking of these, Lin Fan also thought of the smoke that still came out in the seal of the Emperor of Heaven.

The seal of Heaven was taken away by the Heavenly Emperor, and even Yan Ming left his side. Thinking of Yan Ming's anger when he saw that the horn of the Bull Demon King was used by people in the human world to attract exotic magic dragons, Lin Fan finally realized that deep indignation when he vowed to slaughter tens of millions of miles of blood. Angry!

"Big brother, big sister..." Just as the three of them were silent, the voice of the big head suddenly sounded. Lin Fan and others looked down, and saw that the big head was holding Dawei, raising his little face and black pearl-like eyes, staring at Lin Fan and others. Seeing that Lin Fan and others looked at him, he stroked the lazy big man in his arms with his hand. Wei said, "Big brother, don't worry. Those big brothers are fine, but there will be some hardships..."

"Hmm? How did you know?" Lin Fan was stunned and frowned at the big head.

"I don't know, just now, it seems that someone told me..." Big Head's big eyes showed confusion, "I seem to be familiar with that man's voice, but I can't remember who it is, but he told me that those big brothers are all chosen by him and will go through some tests. As for the others, they are Didn't say..."

Lin Fan and others looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Although what the big head said was extremely vague and it was not clear what it was, since he said so, it must have been that someone really told him this, although they wondered how the man told him. You know, conservatively estimated that this place is also tens of thousands of miles away from Zhu Zhihu and others! If the divine consciousness tells, the person's divine consciousness will be too horrible.

"Since the big head said so, let's put this matter alone first, go to the Sun Valley first, and then find a way to find their whereabouts." Lei Feng learned that Zhu Zhihu and others were not in danger, and listening to the big head's words, they obviously encountered some great opportunity. While worrying, he couldn't help but be happy for them.

After throwing this matter, everyone's mood suddenly became much lighter. After talking all the way, it took another day, and the Sun Valley was close at hand.

"Is this... Sun Valley?" Looking at the golden light in front of them, everyone felt a little incredible and speechless.

Even if it is dozens of miles away, everyone has been stunned by what they saw in front of them. The golden light scattered, and there seemed to be a round of sun in the Sun Valley. At the same time, a hundred miles away, I felt hot, and a slightly hot breath came to my face.

Huh? No!" Lin Fan turned his eyes and looked at the Sun Valley in front of him and suddenly found something strange. In the center of the golden light, there seems to be a red round ball, but because the distance is too far away, he can only see a round ball. As for what it is, he can't see it. But even this has stunned him. Is it possible that this golden light is emitted by the round ball in the center?

"Hmm! How many little furry cubs who don't know the depth of heaven and earth dare to come to the Sun Valley to look for treasure? I'm looking for death!" Just as everyone looked at it in a daze, a strong sarcastic voice suddenly came from around them.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a proud young man following the two old men, looking at Lin Fan and others with contemptuous faces, but their eyes couldn't help turning on Nangong Ling, with ** evil light in his eyes.

"Be a man, take care of your mouth, be careful that disasters come out of your mouth, and you don't know how to die." Lin Fan glanced at the young man and saw that he was only in the middle of bone refining, and the two old men in front of him, whose faces were black and white, were obviously medullary monks and medullary monks. With their hands and feet, they had the ability to drive the spirit of heaven and earth, so it could be seen at a glance. As for Lin Fan's cultivation, although he absorbs vitality, he does not store it in his body. It is almost all physical strength, so unless he is a monk who is much higher than him, his cultivation can't be seen at all.

"Do you dare to talk to me like this? Do you know who I am? I am..." The young man was rude when he saw Lin Fan open his mouth. He glanced at the two old men in front of him and saw that both of them were indifferent and did not stop him. He suddenly became bold and roared loudly at Lin Fan.

"I don't care who you are, you'd better get out of here immediately! Otherwise, no matter who you are, I don't mind you to shut up forever!" Lin Fan said that it was okay because of the previous incident, but he still blamed himself. After all, according to the current situation, it was indeed because he pulled them between right and wrong, and finally suppressed it, but this young man is so eyeless, how can he be polite?

"Young man, speak politely." As soon as Lin Fan's words fell, the black-faced old man said in a low voice, "Apologize immediately, otherwise, I don't mind..."

"Do you mind teaching me a lesson?" Lin Fan's anger is surging. What kind of world is this? Unexpectedly, people are looking for their own trouble everywhere! Even two old guys who are about to get into the ground came to move the earth on their heads! A burst of anger surged in his heart. He hasn't killed people for a long time, but it doesn't mean that he has no murderous spirit!


Lin Fan suddenly took seven steps to the sky, his figure shook, and a long shadow dragged by. Lin Fan had already reached the three!



There was a muffled sound, and then a scream. Before the two elderly people in the medullaious period came to their senses, Lin Fan had returned to the same place. His face was full of evil, suppressing a day's anger and bursting vigorously. His golden light flashed all over his body, and his cold eyes looked at the three people without any emotion, as if he were looking at the dead.

" ruined my cultivation!" The young man's face was earthy, and his eyes were full of resentment and deep fear. Then he suddenly looked back at the two old men and screamed, "Kill him!" Kill him!"

"You'd better get out of here now! Otherwise, I don't mind leaving you all here!" Lin Fan's voice was indifferent. Looking at Lin Fan's eyes, the two old men, black and white, were afraid, and at the same time, secretly hated. The young master of this sect was really too arrogant. It can be said that there was no reason to provoke such a evil star! Unexpectedly, under their eyes, they abandoned the young master! It can be expected that when they return to the sect, the suzerain will inevitably be angry!

"You have done it." The two looked at Lin Fan and spoke slowly.

"Get out of here!" Lin Fan answered them with only three words.

"You are so arrogant at such a young age that I would like to see what kind of cultivation you have!" The black-faced old man, with a grumpy face and a huge axe, suddenly appeared in his hand, then shouted and cut Lin Fan head-on! At the same time, another white-faced old man shook his hand and pulled out a three-foot-long whip and pulled it towards Lin Fan!

Relying on the old to sell old things! Do you really think you are very good at it?" Lin Fan's words were cold, disdainful and unavoidable. His hands surged with golden light, grabbing the whip in one hand, and clenching his fist in the other, shaking towards the axe!

! Dang!

Two voices sounded at the same time. The whip of the white-faced old man was pressed over by Lin Fan, but the black-faced old man was punched on the axe by Lin Fan and stepped back. He looked down at the axe in his hand. The black-faced old man was suddenly shocked. On the axe, there were cracks!

The power of one punch is terrible!

"Since you want to die, I will take you on the road now!" Lin Fan's words were cold, and he raised his hand to crush the spiritual cover of the three people.

"Wait!" Seeing that Lin Fan was really murderous, the young man no longer concealed his fear and screamed, "Kill me!" Don't kill me!"

"Give me a reason not to kill you." Lin Fan stopped and said indifferently.

"I... I'll tell you a secret about the Sun Valley!" The young man took a look at the black-faced old man and the white-faced old man and hesitated.