
168 big head home?

The elders of Xuanzong and his party were obviously very careful, and the traces left along the way were minimal. If they were not carefully identified, they would not be recognized at all.

In this way, except for several small aura pools completely integrated by Reiki, nothing has been found, and although these small and larger aura pools have been seen, they have dried up, and obviously seem to have recently dried up. Obviously, it was the elders and others who took these aura. All the water was robbed.

"Damn it! These robbers really didn't leave anything!" Lei Feng used a jade bottle to collect the aura water in a large pool and cursed angrily.

Lin Fan did not respond to this. He has been thinking about a question. Previously, outside the Sun Valley, he had observed it with his divine eyes. At that time, he clearly saw a huge spherical thing with endless black spots in the golden red light. It looked like it was on the periphery, but there was nothing found outside except the lava Beast King. Is it a phantom? But Lin Fan didn't believe it. He has absolute confidence in his divine eyes, so he still hasn't found anything until now, and his heart can't help but be confused.


Suddenly, a bird was startled. At the same time, a frightened bird song suddenly sounded. Then, a huge bird full of length suddenly rose from the distance. Everyone was suddenly shocked.

Huh? I'm afraid there is something going on there..." Lin Fan's heart moved, and Lei Feng and Nangong Ling obviously had the same thoughts. The three looked at each other, and then carefully walked to the place where the birds were startled.

"A swamp..." In the distance, everyone saw a swamp, covered with dark mud, and the smell came to the nose. Among them, countless creatures squirmed, and the swamp was filled with colorful fog, which was obviously poisonous.

Huh? Look there!" Nangong Ling suddenly pointed to the left front. Lin Fan and Lei Feng looked along his fingers and saw two bodies lying on the ground with black faces, obviously dying for a long time.

"That's the person of Xuanxuanzong." Lin Fan said in a low voice that although the faces of the two were indisputable, their clothes were still recognizable, but they just didn't understand why the poisonous insects in the swamp did not devour them.

"There is also an evil thing in the swamp." Nangong Ling whispered, and everyone looked into the swamp and saw a hill in the middle of the swamp moving slowly and slowly sinking into the swamp.

"What is this? It's like a mountain! No wonder we didn't feel it before!" Lei Feng whispered, with surprise in his tone.

"Let's leave here and, with our strength, we are looking for death against such evil things!" Lin Fan took another look at the color fog above the swamp in front of him, which gave him a feeling of frightening. He had an intuition that even if it was stained a little, he was afraid that his whole body would turn into pus and blood.

Except for confirming that the elders and others of Xuanxuanzong and others are indeed taking this road, it seems to have no value at all. Everyone continued to walk forward along the same road, and slowly began to see the corpses of some fierce beasts, ranging from a few feet to several feet in size, with terrible wounds on their bodies. At the same time, they could see a human body from time to time. Obviously, the elders of Xuanxuanzong had already met with some fierce beasts (harmony), and both Each side has its own damage.

"The elders and his party did not have an advantage. Along the way, hundreds of fierce beasts have died, but only three of them have died. Counting the previous two, there should be at most 21 people in their group." Lin Fan looked at another body and said.

"Why do I feel hotter and hotter? There seems to be something sunny here!" Nangong Ling suddenly opened his mouth.

As soon as she said this, Lin Fan and Lei Feng also felt strange. If you feel the temperature around you carefully, it is indeed a little hotter than just now. Lin Fan turned his head and looked at Dawei and others, but saw that their faces were also flushed. Only the spirit of Xuanshui seemed extremely excited. Zhou Feng's light blue light became more and more It is blazing. At the same time, the purple and red light on the body surface circulates several times faster than before, and the whole body is full of a kind of treasure!

Lin Fan's heart moved and looked up into the distance. At the same time, the whirlpool appeared in his eyes, and his divine eyes had unfolded.

"Those elders are really careful! They were clearly sure that no one could get here, but they still imposed a ban there!" Lin Fan observed with his divine eyes and immediately found something strange. In the void in front of him, it was dense and full of small lines, which isolated the subsequent scene, and wisps of hot air were emitted from it!

"I don't know what's behind it, but let them pay so much attention to it. This heat seems to be felt on the periphery, but there is a little difference. What is it..." Lin Fan's eyes murmured, withdrew his eyes, turned his head to Nangong Ling and Lei Feng to explain the previous situation.

"This situation is really difficult to speculate. Is it possible that the three-legged golden black egg is ahead?" Lei Feng opened his mouth, but as soon as he exited, he shook his head. "It's impossible. If it's really a three-legged golden black egg, its blazing breath can be completely isolated by these prohibitions!"

"Will it be Phoenix Grass?" Nangong Ling frowned and said, "It has been rumored that the three-legged gold is extremely fierce. The flame it emits is known as a divine flame, even comparable to the sacred flame in the heart of the earth, and 300 miles away from the three-legged gold foot, if it is 30,000 years, it is possible to breed phoenix grass. Once the phoenix grass is formed, it can be restrained. If it is forbidden by some arrays, it can indeed isolate the breath.

"Phoenix Grass?" Lin Fan repeated. He also knew some about the legend of Phoenix Grass. When he read ancient books in the Royal Book Garden of the Jingyuan Dynasty, he had seen some records about Phoenix Grass. The real phoenix grass contains the true meaning of immortality, which can make people reborn, make people get a process similar to phoenix nirvana, and take their cultivation to a higher level.

"Let's go and be careful. Maybe we can have unexpected gains." Hearing the miraculous effect of Phoenix Grass, which was similar to the essence of creation, Lin Fan was immediately moved and walked forward.

The prohibition laid by the elder of Xuanxuanzong is naturally extremely complicated in the eyes of ordinary people, but Lin Fan was left by the soul-chasing demon king on that day and left a message to let him understand the prohibition method. Since then, he has also explored almost one of it. Even if it is this, it is more than enough to break the prohibition of the elder Xuanxuanzong. You know, the forbidden method of chasing the demon king is an ancient secret method, and I don't know how much stronger it is than today's forbidden methods. The higher the so-called starting point, the greater the achievement. It didn't take long for Lin Fan to crack these prohibitions in the ignorance of Xuanzong and his party, enough for them to pass safely.


As soon as they entered the ban, a fierce hot wind came to his face. If it hadn't been for Lin Fan's urgent mobilization of Xuanshui's spiritual protection, I'm afraid they would have been burned at the first time.

"What a blazing heat! Is this still 300 miles away from the three-legged Jinwu? Lin Fan and others were shocked that it was so hot 300 miles away. What would be the temperature within three feet? I'm afraid Daluo Jinxian will be roasted into a wisp of green smoke!

"Look over there!" Nangong Ling pointed to the front, and Lin Fan and others looked in the direction of their fingers and saw that there were many shadows in front of them. More than a dozen people were busy there, as if they were searching for something.

"The three-legged golden black egg and Fu Sangmu should not be far away from each other. If they move forward like this, I'm afraid they will die before they get close. I think they should be looking for a secret path." Lin Fan looked at their slow search and made such a guess.

"I'm afraid so. Look at their trajectory, it seems that they have gradually come together." The thunderstorm also whispered.

"Big brother, come with me..." Several people were thinking about how to jump over the elders of Xuanzong and his party to find the passage first. Lin Fan suddenly felt that someone pulled the corner of his clothes, and then the big head deliberately lowered his voice sounded.

Lin Fan and others moved and followed the big head in one direction, and more than ten feet ahead, the big head was holding something to eat with relish.

"What does Dawei eat?" Lin Fan asked in a low voice. Although he probably had an answer in his heart, he still asked.

"Dawei said it was hungry, so I took it to find a few phoenix grass casually..." The big head looked up innocently, but what he said really scared Lin Fan and others. When they were hungry, they "find a few sun grass casually". If this word spreads, I'm afraid a lot of people will chase them desperately! Sun grass! That's a life-saving baby!

"I didn't expect that there was really sun grass here..." Lei Feng sighed.

"It's not a lot, there are only dozens of them, but those grandfathers have taken more than half of them, and they dare not go there..." The big head said, and then turned his hand over, and saw seven or eight bright red herbs with a foot high and thin little finger appeared in their palms. Suddenly, a strong fragrance spread into everyone's noses. The feeling of refreshedness suddenly came.

Lin Fan heard what the big head said, it was obvious that these phoenix grass grew in some places that could be called the Jedi, and even the elders of Xuanxuanzong did not dare to go there, but the big head was like a flat ground. At this time, Lin Fan saw that he didn't care, as if this was the back garden of his home, which was not as lucky as the three of them to resist the heat.

While talking, the four people had already walked to the front of Dawei. Lin Fan found that Dawei not only had three phoenix grass in his hand and ate it with relish, but even had one in front of the sword spirit's blood crying. However, he could not grab it with his claws and could only make the phoenix grass float in the air, refine it into gas and absorb it, and not I know how many plants have been absorbed.

"Wo!" Lin Fan and others were looking at it in a daze, and then listened to the childish voice of the spirit of Xuanshui. Lin Fan was stunned and saw that the spirit of Xuanshui was staring at a pair of innocent big eyes and looking at several phoenix grasses in his big head's hand without blinking, which was self-evident.

"Damn! These robbers! This is... Phoenix grass! It's a lot of value to get outside!" Lin Fan looked at the three foodies and couldn't help feeling big, but when he was stunned, he took out a phoenix grass and handed it to the spirit of Xuanshui with a big head.

"Big brother, let's go..." The big head was handing three phoenix grass to the spirit of Xuanshui. After seeing that the spirit of Xuanshui finally showed a satisfied look, he said to Lin Fan and the three with a happy face.

Lin Fan looked at the three foodies of Dawei again, and then directly chose to ignore them and followed the big head forward.

It's strange that it was originally extremely hot everywhere, but after following the trajectory of the big head for a period of time, I actually felt that the temperature around me had dropped. Although it was not so cool, it was bearable.

"Big head, are you familiar with this place?" Nangong Ling asked curiously.

"I don't know. Anyway, I think it's very familiar here, as if I once lived here." The big head's words made everyone's head big. This was the original place where the saint buried his bones. The big head actually said that he had lived here. Lin Fan suddenly regretted why he didn't remember to ask the origin of the saint's big head.

"Do you see it? There is a three-legged golden egg in the palace ahead!" I don't know how far I went, and the big head suddenly pointed to the road ahead.

"What?" Lin Fan and the three were stunned. They didn't see anything at all, but Lin Fan knew that the big head would never say anything. He immediately looked forward and faintly saw a palace, but Nangong Ling and Lei Feng still didn't see anything.


Suddenly, at this moment, a shocking roar sounded, and then a hairy monster suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking everyone's way.