
172 bottle seal


Like a bolt from the blue, the huge palm that seemed to turn over the sky suddenly overturned the whole hall, and the target pointed straight to the three-legged golden black egg!

Bang bang!

A series of violent vibrations sounded, and dozens of strong men who fell to the moon were slapped into mid-air, and some monks with shallow cultivation directly turned into flying ash in midair!


The slap finally approached the three-legged golden black egg, and a dull voice sounded, and the three-legged golden black egg was suddenly palmed in his hand after a violent struggle!

"It's not good!"

Lin Fan and others have dodged the first time they felt bad, but after all, they were also seriously injured. However, when they saw that the spirit of Xuanshui was in danger in the past, their faces suddenly changed. Unthinking, they rushed to the big palm with the magic lamp, connecting the spirit of Xuanshui with their thoughts, both directions at the same time. Move to get rid of the shackles of the huge palm!

"It's a big deal for me, and it's not a pity to die!" The arrogant sound sounded, and at the same time, the pressure of the whole void was even greater, which made people submit to the ground! Some strong people fell down directly and couldn't stand up at all!


The flame in the magic lamp suddenly turned into a sea of fire. A real flame world appeared and wrapped up towards the huge palm. At the same time, the soul-chasing flag also flew out under Lin Fan's control. As soon as it flew out, a remnant of a finger bone flew out and rose to the palm of the hand!


There was a shocking roar, and the virtual shadow of the finger bones shattered, but the palm just shook, without any difference!

"Up! This palm is not complete. It should be just an idea of the unknown existence. If he takes away the three-legged golden black to absorb the energy to supplement its consumption, I'm afraid we will not be able to leave here!" At the critical moment, several strong men of the moon-falling country suddenly spoke with one voice, and then all of them flew up together, sacrificed strange treasures, and bombarded the huge palm!

"You ants! Go to hell!" The fierce voice seemed to ring all over the world, rumbling, and the shocked people's ears kept buzzing, but no one flinched. At this time, everyone knew that this murderer was their biggest threat at present! It is directly related to the threat of life and death!

Everyone was fighting fiercely, but no one noticed that the big head's face was solemn at this time, and there was even a solemn smell of treasure. He stood there, which seemed to last forever and had never moved. His eyes were deep, looking at the void, as if he could see through everything, and his body was even faint. , an extremely imperceptible treasure light, and it is this precious light that makes the terrible pressure impossible to get close to him.

Then, without everyone paying attention, the big head slowly raised his hands. His face was solemn, and the movements in his hands were complicated and difficult. It seemed to be a seal, and it seemed to be shaping a treasure bottle. With the movement of his hands, the essence of the sky seemed to be attracted, like water returning to the sea, began Slowly converged towards his hands. This convergence began slowly, but it became faster and faster. In the end, the energy emitted by the whole void was like a torrent, vast soup, converging crazily towards his hands!


Under the effect of this traction, the spirit of Xuanshui, which was imprisoned in the three-legged golden black egg, unexpectedly got rid of the shackles of the huge palm, rushed out of it, and disappeared into Lin Fan's body like lightning! As soon as Lin Fan saw this situation, he was overjoyed and didn't have time to think about the reason. He was about to fly back, but at this time, the sword spirit in the blood crying unexpectedly rushed out without his order and looked at the golden three-legged black egg with greed!

"Hmm?" Lin Fan frowned, but before he had time to move, the blood crying sword spirit rushed out and directly disappeared into the three-legged golden black egg!

Lin Fan's head was big, and the spirit of Xuanshui was imprisoned in it before. Now he is finally out of trouble, but he didn't expect that the blood-crying sword spirit would be lost in it again!


Just when Lin Fan didn't know what to do, a huge traction suddenly hit him and pulled him out of the battle circle. At the same time as he reached the ground, Nangong Ling and Lei Feng, who had originally flown out, were also pulled back one after another.

"Big head?" As soon as the three landed, they immediately found the abnormality of the big head, but at this time, the big head seemed to sink into the gradually forming treasure bottle in his hand and ignored their call!

Wow! Whew! Whew!

A torrent of energy rushed out of the three-legged golden black egg and converged into the treasure bottle, making the treasure bottle more and more condensed. At this time, everyone, including the murderer and the strong man of the moon-falling country, found something strange!

"Daw! It's a bargain for this boy!"

"Who is this boy? What is the bottle seal in his hand? How can it absorb such a huge amount of energy!"

"Daw! I don't think it's strange that he is back! But I didn't expect you to come back! You're back too!"

The strong man of Yueluoguo was curious and deeply angry at the same time, but immediately, their eyes all showed a fiery light. In connection with the previous things, they all understood that the child who looked less than ten years old in front of them was simply a personal treasure! At the same time, the fierce man's angry roar sounded again, and the hatred contained in this words could be broken through the clouds! With his roar, the palm looked even more grand, giving people a feeling that they could not resist at all!


coincidentally, all the moonlight warriors gave up entangling with the palms in the space and rushed to the big head. At this time, the palm of the hand has long stopped fighting with the strong, and also turned the target to the big head!

Suddenly, a big palm that can cover the sky and hundreds of strong men of the marrow attack the direction where the big head is located, and here, Lin Fannan Palace is full of thunder and power!

Even if Lin Fan and others' faces have sunk, this is almost a mortal situation!


But at this moment, the bottle seal in the big head's hand was suddenly formed, without any fancy or unnecessary movements. The big head raised his hands, and the condensed bottle in his hand was suddenly pushed out!

The speed of the treasure bottle seems slow, but it is actually fast. In the process of rising, it keeps getting bigger and emitting a bright luster. A colorful glow comes from the mouth of the bottle, and the target is pointed directly at the huge palm!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

There were endless screams, but dozens of strong men who fell by the moon were accidentally swept by the colorful clouds of the treasure bottle and suddenly screamed. At the same time, their cultivation suddenly retreated. What's more frightening is that their appearance also changed sharply. From the original old man's appearance, they suddenly changed to middle-aged appearance, and then they continued to be old. Lightly, he finally became a young man in his 20s!

"Time! Time! This is the power of time!" The strong men of Yueluo were stunned. They looked at the big-headed eyes, which was no longer the heat of a human-shaped treasure, but the most direct fear! They dodged far away one by one, and their eyes were full of fear! It's like a swallowing warcraft!

Lin Fan and others were also surprised. No matter how they guessed, they never thought that the natural treasure bottle hit by the big head actually had the power of time! Time and space are the most mysterious, and compared with the two, time is more mysterious than space! From ancient times to now, not only Lin Fan, but also Nangong Ling from the shrimp fishing island, who came from the strong, has never heard of anyone mastering the time!

But the fact is right in front of us. The treasure bottle hit by the big head just casually wiped the bodies of some strong people, and swept them directly away, and even swept them back to their youth!


It's terrible that everyone breathes cold air. With such a means, it can almost run rampant in today's world where no one can control the power of time!

For a moment, everyone looked at Lin Fan and others with deep fear, but the big head did not feel it at all. At this time, his eyes began to become dull or concentrated. In his eyes, there was only one thing in his eyes, which flew straight out of the huge fingerprints in the air. Go to the treasure bottle!

"You are really him! You are indeed him! Haven't you fallen? Why are you still in the world? The arrogant voice appeared uneasily for the first time, and it seemed that something unexpected appeared! Although he was surprised and even frightened, he obviously didn't want to wait for death!


His palm suddenly loosened, and suddenly threw the three-legged golden black egg out, and his palm fiercely cut towards the treasure bottle with a roar. Within dozens of feet of where the two intersect, everything turned into powder, and the void collapsed violently, forming a very devouring black hole!

Lin Fan and others have avoided far away when they saw the intersection of the two. In this situation, he has experienced too much, but there are several other strong men who are too close to the moonfall. They can't dodge. They are suddenly swallowed up by the huge space black hole and screaming before they can be sent out, and they turn into flying ash without anything. The rest.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The big head did not move, and he was still standing in place, but the huge devouring power came to him, but it had no effect at all. Like a breeze, he did not even lift the corners of his clothes. His hands waved continuously, drawing out the difficult marks one by one, commanding the treasure bottle in the air, and the huge The big palm war, for a while, no one can do anything about it!

"Hey, I thought you were completely back. Now it seems that you are just the remnant soul of those years, and now you are only fighting with me with the instinct in your memory. Haha, in this case, I don't mind devouring your Taoist fruit, absorbing your cultivation, and making you completely sink forever and completely destroyed!"

The arrogant voice brought strong joy and seemed to encounter great creation. At the same time, everyone only felt a rumble in the distance, and then a stronger pressure came instantly!


A fist that seemed to break the sky, through the clouds and cracks all the way, roared from afar, smashed the space all the way, and bombarded the treasure bottle seal!

"You can try it!" The big head suddenly opened his mouth and spoke. At the same time, his eyes suddenly emitted a blazing light. Then he opened his mouth and sprayed, and a mouthful of energy and essence spewed out. Suddenly, it suddenly integrated into the treasure bottle seal. Suddenly, the treasure bottle seal became more condensed. The jade-like soft light seemed to be unbreakable. The space was suddenly full of peaceful flavor. , covering a hundred miles, suddenly, the seemingly unbreakable fist, like being trapped in a million mud, difficult to walk, as if imprisoned!

The power of time! Time is still! God! Who the hell is this man? The power of time works so well!"

Everyone was shocked, but Lin Fan didn't care about this. In his mind, the words just said by the big head kept ringing!

"You can try it!"

What shocked him was the tone of this sentence, which was not the tender voice made by the big head he was familiar with at all, but more like a... king! Majesty, domineering, fierce, unquestionable, strong self-confidence, all the characteristics of a superior, in this short sentence, between these six words, are vividly manifested!

"Big head, is it really the king of the Xuanhuang clan? Is it really the ancestor of the heavenly race? Although Lin Fan had six or seven points of faith in this point before, Lin Fan really believed it until this time! Even, he has a faint feeling that the identity of the big head is definitely not so simple!


Just as Lin Fan was thinking nonsense, there was a roar in the air. Lin Fan looked up and saw that the treasure bottle seal was shining brightly. He smashed the huge palm in one fell swoop, holding the supreme power, and rushed to the fist that had been imprisoned and almost still in the distance!