
192 turtle block

Looking at the split in front of him, Lin Fan suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling: blood is connected!

"My split has been successfully sacrificed!" Lin Fan had a kind of uncontrollable excitement in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it, but turned his hand over and two small bottles of life dew appeared in his hand. Previously, he had divided two and a half bottles of life dew into several small bottles, which was also for ease of use. As soon as the two small bottles appeared, Lin Fan stepped in front of Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi, who sat side by side on the ground.

"Senior!" Lin Fan called out softly. As his words sounded, both Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi opened their eyes and looked at Lin Fan.

"These are two small bottles of life dew, which has some effect on the health of the predecessors. Please don't dislike it." While speaking, Lin Fan presented two small bottles of life dew to Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi respectively.

Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi did not refuse. In fact, they have indeed spent too much energy and too much mental effort to help Lin Fan condense the split. At this time, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are exhausted at this time. Without any hesitation, the two swallowed the dew of life. A magnificent energy of life quickly spread to all parts of the body, nourishing their bodies at an alarming speed. Gradually, both of them emitted a dark light. Seeing this, everyone knew that they were trying to melt the magnificent energy in the dew of life, They all quietly withdrew from this room.

Exiting the room, Lei Feng said, "Lin Fan, won't there be any sequelae of this condensed split? After all, the method you use to separate souls is not complete, and even the supreme existence is probably just groping..."

"Yes! The skills of cultivation are the most important, especially if you are still divided..." Nangong Ling was also extremely worried. Before Lei Feng finished speaking, she frowned and said, and her worried look on her face could not be concealed at all.

A burst of warmth surged in Lin Fan's heart, his mind moved, and everyone shook in front of him. Lin Fan's split body in black appeared on the field, facing Lin Fan. However, his eyes were closed and his face was also dull. If it hadn't been for a kind of cold temperament exuded from his body, I'm afraid everyone would have thought it was just A puppet.

"I just divided the parts of the soul without memory fragments, so it did not cause any damage to the memory. For this reason, the memory is still blank at this time. I need to slowly connect with the soul, instill all kinds of memories, and induce him to generate his own memory, so that It's really one of my splits. Lin Fan explained.

Lei Feng and Nangong Ling heard Lin Fan's words, nodded, and did not speak again. Instead, Lin Fan said apologetically, "We have stopped here for many days, haven't we?" Because of my business, I delayed saving them..."

"Don't say that. If they are really in danger, I will be the first to urge them, but in the past few days, the souls of tigers and drunkards have not fluctuated too much, so they should not be in danger at this time, and we still have time..." Lei Feng waved his hand. In fact, only he knows how urgent he is!

Lin Fan has been delayed here for two months in order to condense his split during this period. Fortunately, due to the pressure of the dragon soul and the sharp sound of the three-legged golden black from time to time, it emitted a spiring sun, forcing the sea beasts not dare to approach here, and they did not encounter any danger, and In the past two months, the soul imprint of Zhu Zhihu and Situ Goblet has flashed three times, and it is not the same time, which is enough to show that the two of them have also been separated, and the danger encountered is by no means unusual!

But he also knew that Lin Fan was restrained by the spirit of the god and the spirit of the real demon at that time, which was not as good as ordinary people. If he took him on the road like that, he would not only not be able to take action, but also had to separate the strength to take care of him, which would undoubtedly make everyone more passive, not to mention that the two forces in his body may be separated at any time. Control, at that time, waiting for everyone will be a bigger crisis! All kinds of conditions forced him to stop and wait for Lin Fan to condense.

"When the two predecessors are well cultivated, we will set out immediately! From the memory of the ten-year-old squid king, I have also seen a relatively safe road that can avoid most fierce beasts. It should not take long to reach the Shahe District and then break into the death area..." Lin Fan observed Lei Feng's expression. Although Lei Feng was extremely well hidden, Lin Fan still found the point between his eyebrows. Worried and anxious, but not broken, just full of guilt.

Nangong Ling and Lei Feng nodded, but they did not speak again and looked at the sky together. At this time, it was almost evening. In the distance, the white waves seemed to meet the sky, and the red glow on the edge of the sky made the scene of heaven and earth a sad blood color. Everyone suddenly had an idea, and I'm afraid that the difficulty of this trip will exceed their expectations. This feeling is for no reason, but it is so clear. At the same time, they felt that in the distant sky, there seemed to be a pair of affectionate and ruthless eyes staring at them. This feeling of being watched makes them feel very uncomfortable.

After stopping for another day and two nights, on the third day, Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi finally finished their recuperation. And this was completed under the exposure of life with magnificent energy. It can be imagined that it took a lot of money to help Lin Fan condense his split this time!

Once the two of them have finished their recuperation, even if they set out. They also know that it is urgent to find and rescue Zhu Zhihu and others, and they have lost too much time. Mo Yinzi was also secretly worried. Although he asked his eldest brother to predict before that there was no danger, he kept playing drums in his heart at this time.

According to the road found from the memory of the ten-year-old squid king, Lin Fan is indeed much safer along the way. At this time, everyone's eyesight can reach several miles or even more than ten miles. Looking around, a few miles away, the river surged, which can be called a huge sea beast, endlessly enters everyone's sight, and the fierce howls. It was even more one after another, and everyone was furrayed.

"The law of the jungle is the same wherever you go! Jungle, sea, world... There are fights not only where there are people, but also where there are creatures!" Looking at the bloody scene in front of them, everyone felt bursts of hair, and Lei Feng sighed.

"All creatures have desires, but desires are big and small. The stronger the strength, the greater the power, the higher the status, the greater the desire..." Gong Yi said, "It is precisely because of this that the shrimp fishing island has set a seemingly unreasonable rule since the third generation of island owner. For sure, all disciples of shrimp fishing island are not allowed to participate in secular disputes. If they find anything, they will abandon their cultivation and be expelled from fishing shrimp island!" The magic sound interface.

"What? Is there such a requirement for shrimp fishing? No wonder the world of practitioners only says that the power of shrimp fishing island is strong, but it has not seen people fishing shrimp island walking in the secular world!" Hearing Gong Yi's words, Lin Fan was suddenly shocked, but even if he had new doubts, he turned his head and looked at Nangong Ling doubtfully.

As soon as he saw Lin Fan's puzzled look, Nangong Lingdang understood his idea and said helplessly, "I just went out to play. The old master of the Calling Gang and my father have been friends for many years, so I asked him for the title of the little master of the Calling Gang to play. In fact, I have no right, and I can also order the Calling Gang. Brothers, make trouble or something..."

People look at the sea scenery, chat while talking, and also pay close attention to the changes around them. Although this road is the safest road, it is difficult to guarantee that there will not suddenly emerge any strong sea creatures, just like encountering sea creatures as the ten-thousand-year-old squid king in the outer area.


While the ship was sailing, the hull suddenly shook, as if it had hit a huge reef. Without everyone's defense, their bodies suddenly shook and almost fell to the ground.

"Alas, today is really not going well! When they went out to bask in the sun, it was okay to be hit, but they were hit again..." Everyone was still shocked and heard a buzzing sound. Hearing this sound, everyone was suddenly shocked. There was no one around, and the sound clearly came from the sea.

"I met an old monster!" Everyone was shocked, and the idea rushed into everyone's minds in an instant. Thinking of this possibility, everyone suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. You know, non-human cultivation is extremely difficult, and it is not enough for ten thousand years to transform, but once they are transformed, their strength will advance by leaps and bounds. At the same level, it is difficult for human monks to defeat the transformation monsters unless they are the top strong!

But before everyone could check it carefully, they saw a small mountain bag in front of him slowly bulging. As soon as they saw part of the appearance of the raised mountain bag in front of them, Lin Fan Leifeng and Nangong Ling were stunned in an instant. Even if they were Dawei, their big eyes were blinking and roaring incessantly!

What appeared in front of everyone was a turtle shell! The turtle shell is so big that it is beyond everyone's imagination! Then, the overall appearance of a huge turtle appeared in front of the dull crowd.

"What a bad year! Being hit twice a day keeps the turtle alive? The buzzing sound sounded again and suddenly woke everyone up from the shock.

"Damn... Why did you meet another old turtle?" As soon as he woke up, Lei Feng scolded, and Lin Fan and Nangong Ling, especially Lin Fan, were also depressed. Obviously, they thought of the old turtle who didn't show his face but played him fiercely.

"I said you guys, my old man, oh no, my old turtle. Why did you hit me again after basking in the sun here? The old turtle buzzed and said, with two mung bean-like eyes, looking at Lin Fan and others.

"I said, old turtle, it's not good to bask in the sun, but you just ran here. Isn't it obvious that you were looking for someone to hit you?" Listening to the rogue tone of the guy in front of him, Lei Feng immediately counterattacked rudely.

"Nonsense! I drive this road. Where can I go if I don't bask in the sun here? The old turtle's voice sounded very flat. "The turtle has lived here for tens of thousands of years. Over the years, some small hairy whales and sharks have come and gone. At least they have been quiet for tens of thousands of years, but they didn't expect that they were hit twice today! Twice! Do you know what the concept is? This is rarer than a planet falling from the sky and hitting the turtle's head..."

The old turtle chattered endlessly, but it made Lin Fan and others completely dumbfounded, and at the same time, their ears roared.

"Return the turtle! I think you are a sultry turtle that hasn't spoken for tens of thousands of years!" Lei Feng was rude and immediately rolled his eyes and replied.

"Huh? How do you know... Pooh! Who hasn't spoken for tens of thousands of years?!" The old turtle accidentally leaked, which made Lin Fan and others feel quite funny, but at the same time, it felt extremely strange. The turtle said that it had been hit twice today. Who passed by before? This place is extremely desolate, and no one will come here for no reason. At the same time, they are obviously on the relatively safest road. So what is their way to get the news? What's the reason why this old turtle hasn't spoken for tens of thousands of years? For a while, various problems came up, making Lin Fan's head as big as a fight.

"Oh, you boy is a little interesting. I actually feel a familiar atmosphere..." As Lin Fan was thinking, the old turtle's curious voice sounded again, and then a feeling of being seen through surged into his heart and immediately surprised him.

"The spirit of the gods, the real demon split, um, the little doll is a little interesting!" The old turtle's words were amazing, and everyone was surprised as soon as he opened his mouth. This can be said to be Lin Fan's biggest secret so far, but he seemed to have nothing to escape in front of the old turtle and saw through him at a glance.

"Hey, old turtle, didn't you say you were hit twice? Who was hit before? Lin Fan obviously did not want to be more entangled on this issue and immediately turned to the topic.

"Who knows who those people are? Yaya, they hit Uncle Turtle and still speak rudely and refuse to talk to Uncle Turtle! Uncle Turtle has been trapped here for tens of thousands of years... Well, no, he has lived here for tens of thousands of years. It's hard to meet a few people who can talk and ignore Uncle Turtle! Uncle Turtle was angry and threw them into the death zone!" The old turtle suddenly spilled the beans again, which shocked everyone and made the old turtle, which has obviously become a refined, trapped in this wild beast area for tens of thousands of years. You can imagine how horrible that existence is! But what surprised everyone more was another piece of news revealed by the old turtle, which waved his hand and threw the group of people to the death area. This method was simply appalling! You know, as far as they know, only after crossing the Shahe area can they enter the death zone. From the perspective of the rest area and wild beast areas they have experienced, the area of the Shahe area is absolutely vast. At a glance, they raise their hands and throw a ship across a sea area. There is only one possibility: tear it. Crack space!

At the thought of this possibility, everyone frowned, even Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi. It is not difficult to tear up the space and then pass it by themselves by means of Gong Yi and Mo Yinzi, but it is even more difficult for them to tear out a space passage and send a ship out. Today, it is necessary to help others cross the space.

Especially when they think that the old turtle in front of them is obviously still in prison, they feel more hairy. The cultivation of this old turtle must have been shocking, but even if it exists like this, it is also imprisoned in this wild beast area. The person who imprisoned him should be described as appalling!

"Hey, hey! Uncle Turtle is talking. Have you listened or not?" While everyone was thinking, the old turtle had been chattering about how many words. After suddenly realizing that no one had taken its voice, the old turtle went crazy again.

"The gray grandson imprisoned Uncle Turtle here. It's okay if Uncle Turtle can't beat him. Even you dare to despise Uncle Turtle! Uncle Turtle is angry! I'm so angry!" The old turtle was roaring, and with its roar, the whole originally calm sea suddenly set off a wind, and the high waves surged up without warning, and they were rising. As soon as they saw this sudden change of climate, everyone's faces immediately changed. At this time, they had no doubt that if they let the old turtle get angry, I'm afraid In a moment, they will all be buried here!

"Hey, hey! I said old turtle, can you calm down? If it goes on like this, no one will really talk to you!" Lei Feng shouted immediately. Although I have encountered this situation before, it is a pure " natural disaster" and will pass with a moment of patience, but this time it is a real "man-made disaster". To be precise, it is a "turtle disaster". If this old turtle goes crazy, God knows if it will not turn them all upside down.

But what he said did work. Hearing Lei Feng's words, the old turtle immediately stopped, and the vision around him slowly calmed down.

"Old turtle, who locked you here? And a lock will be tens of thousands of years!" Standing in shape, Nangong Ling immediately asked curiously. At this time, they have already seen that the old turtle in front of them is indeed not malicious, but it is also extremely... improper! He is a typical old naughty boy.

As soon as Nangong Linghua finished speaking, everyone felt a shock in the surrounding sea, and the sound of the sea rolling suddenly sounded. After a shock, they immediately understood that the question asked by Nangong Ling seemed to scare the old turtle again! And this shock was accidentally sent out by the old turtle when he was afraid just now! In addition to surprise, everyone was even more surprised. What kind of existence it was not only locked the "powerful" old turtle in front of us for tens of thousands of years, but also kept it afraid today!

"That's a cruel man!" After a long time, the old turtle opened his mouth leisurely. In his words, there was no longer the previous laughing tone, but with solemnity. In that solemnity, everyone heard a trace of horror. Obviously, that existence left a deep impression on the old turtle in those years, and its means made the old turtle even now The sun is still afraid of him.

"Who the hell is it?" Hearing that it was a cruel man, everyone's curiosity became stronger, and Nangong Ling immediately urged him.

But this time, the old turtle was not in a hurry to interface, and seemed to have fallen into a deep memory. It was not until a long time before the old turtle's slow voice sounded again, as if it came from abroad: "Let me tell you a story. There used to be a sea called the blue sea, and there lived a high bloodline in the blue sea. The noble race is called the mackerel clan. There is a person in the mackerel clan. He has a title shared by thousands of sea people, called the mackerel emperor..."