
277 Thirty-Six Days Holy Land

Looking around, it is full of golden light, which is completely opposite to the dark scene seen before. At the same time, there is also a warm atmosphere in the void, like the sun shining, making people feel warm. Lin Fan did not expect such a situation after stepping out. For a moment, he was stunned and was deeply shocked by the confusing scene in front of him.

Suddenly, when Lin Fan began to sink in this strange environment, a sense of danger hit his heart. In an instant, Lin Fan's body suddenly shook, shooting golden and black mixed strange light all over his body. At the same time, he only heard a noise and a cold wind wiping his cheeks on one side of his body. After shaving, his skin suddenly felt pain, and then Lin Fan saw a wisp of hair falling in front of him. In the face of this situation, Lin Fan couldn't help sweating coldly. Just now, if he reacted a little slower, even if he didn't die, he would definitely be hit hard. With intuition, he can feel that the strong wind has strange magic, not just a wind.

All this happened between lightning and fire. Lin Fan's consciousness was still in the previous golden light, but at this moment, the originally peaceful environment suddenly became a step-by-step murder. The idea turned sharply, and Lin Fan quickly adjusted his state to prepare for war. His eyes narrowed and looked around warily. The muscles around him were even more tense. Any wind and grass could be felt at the first time.

"Every step is several times more dangerous than before, and the more peaceful the appearance, the greater the potential danger will be. Be careful!" Lin Fan said secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he put his spiritual consciousness to the maximum and did not let go of any wind and grass. However, since the strong wind of the sword of killing gods, the surroundings have fallen into a strange silence. At this moment, this has become a fairyland-like world, full of peace, but Lin Fan knows that behind peace, there must be a heinous murder! Therefore, in the face of this situation, he not only relaxed his vigilance at all, but also became more nervous.

In Lin Fan's induction, it seems that under some mysterious rules, it is getting quieter and quieter, as if it is brewing a shocking blow, but with the passage of time, there has been no movement. Gradually, Lin Fan's eyes closed, and his face also looked calm. Everything seemed to be silent without any fluctuation. However, if you look carefully, you will find that the appearance is a calm void, with a little golden scales flashing. In a trance, it seems that there is a world-class fairy lurking void. Empty, seemingly illusory, a pair of eyes between tangible and intangible, shining with strange light, staring at Lin Fan.

However, in the face of all this, Lin Fan did not seem to feel it at all. His face was still quiet, and even his breathing was getting longer and longer, as if he had fallen asleep. In the long calm and golden light, the countless eyes seemed to have finally lost their patience and roared silently, shaking people's souls. However, they did not move at all. It seemed that they were just trying, but Lin Fan still did not move, like an old monk, and even without a trace of scattered hair. Trembling.

Seeing this situation, the endless unknown existence seemed to be reassured, with a roar, and then the endless golden shadow roared towards Lin Fan, even with a strange laugh mixed with greed and pride. With these sudden movements of existence, the whole originally calm void suddenly fell into rage. Endless wind * flow raged at this moment, with the will to destroy everything, moving towards Lin Fan's oppression, a greater pressure than before, squeezing Lin Fan down, as if to connect his body with The soul was crushed together, destroying him. And they are attached to this huge sea of pressure!


At this time, Lin Fan, who seemed to be silent, suddenly opened a pair of sun-like eyes. Suddenly, two golden lights shot out. At the same time, his hair also danced wildly. The blue shirt he had worn again before was hunting and dancing, a wild and indomitable domineering spirit leaked from his body. Out, like a fire, it swept wildly around!


This violent energy like a prairan fire suddenly bombarded with the golden wave and suddenly burst into an earth-shaking explosion, and the whole void was even more buzzing, as if it was about to disintegrate. After this explosion, it was extremely quiet, and this time, here It seemed that he suddenly became eternal, and everything stopped moving, but Lin Fan was full of black hair and danced without wind! But then, there were continuous roars and loud explosions around, which made people feel frightening.


Lin Fan suddenly shouted loudly. Suddenly, a wave of air rushed out of his mouth and spread in all directions. Circles of visible ripples spread wildly in all directions. Under this sound wave, the originally empty void actually had a little golden scales! At the same time, there was also a panic scream in the void. Lin Fan's eyes ran and saw the existence in the void in an instant. They seemed to be just a mass of gas, but they seemed to have a substantial body, which seemed extremely evil. Their faces were constantly changing, but at this moment, a little has not changed. Then It's the panic on their faces!


In the face of all this, Lin Fan was not moved at all. At this moment, the idea in his heart is extremely simple. Let the mountains block the road, rely on thousands of rivers, and let the charms run rampant. I will smash the world with one punch and make a way! Therefore, his action was extremely direct. After a roar, with the power of that roar, he suddenly punched and dominated the world, which seemed to bombard the world into a big hole. At this moment, he defended his way to attack! The fists with golden color and dark magic light flew forward like a fist of annihilation at this moment! Although there was only one punch, thousands of fists appeared in the void. For a moment, in the sky, they were full of endless golden and black strange fists. The smell of destruction raged here, and the sound of bombarded endlessly sounded here, and among them, it was mixed with illusory and real. Wail! At the same time, a somewhat twisted translucent face appeared in the whole space!

In the face of all this, Lin Fan did not have the slightest pity. His look was like an iron plate, without any emotion, and some were just indifferent. Without hesitation, he raised his hand again and sent a more domineering punch to the air than the previous punch. The rapid and domineering fist shook in the void. The endless translucent body, under this fist, turned into a fragment of this endless golden light. After counting breaths, there was only one shock left in the whole space. A panicked figure.

"What is this place?" Looking at this trembling figure, Lin Fan's face was calm and he opened his mouth faintly, and there was no fluctuation in his voice. As his words came out, the panicked face obviously showed a hesitant look, but when Lin Fan's eyes suddenly became cold, a trembling consciousness flowed out in an instant and spread into his sea of knowledge. After the explanation of this divine consciousness, Lin Fan fell into meditation.

"I didn't expect that this was the thirty-six heavenly holy land! Each step represents a field, and what I have to do is to absorb all the energy contained in each area of this 36-day holy land..." Lin Fan pondered in his heart, and then took a look at the trembling golden shadow and thought to himself, "This must have been closed for too long, so that the energy here Unexpectedly, wisdom has been produced and condensed into the original spiritual body, but this also gave me some inspiration..." Lin Fan's eyes flashed meditation, as if he was thinking about something, but then his eyebrows stretched out, and then his eyes closed, his hands slowly raised, crossed his chest, and made a strange action. Suddenly, half of his body, golden light and black light, instantly flourished, and his face also turned half golden and half black at this moment. As for the original black hair, half of it turned golden yellow. At this time, Lin Fan looked extremely strange, but it gave people an extremely strange sense of harmony. With the progress of his gesture, the whole space that had calmed down seemed violent again, but this kind of fury seemed extremely orderly, all converging towards Lin Fan!

At this moment, Lin Fan has become a black hole, crazily devouring the surrounding energy. Massive golden light poured into his body, and the only golden shadow, under the crazy squeeze and involvement of this force, collapsed and turned into the purest golden energy after a faint and inaudible howl. Measure, rush into Lin Fan's body. The surrounding energy seemed to be turbulent, but it was not as magnificent as imagined. It didn't take long for Lin Fan to absorb it. It was not until then that Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes and carefully felt the changes around his body. In an instant, he felt that his strength had been enhanced. But he also had a strange feeling. As this energy poured into his body, his meridians seemed to have expanded. This is like a reservoir. After putting in a large amount of water, instead of being filled, the water abruptly expanded the reservoir by three minutes. This kind of thing is extremely absurd, but at this moment, Lin Fan has such a feeling.

"Will my meridians further expand after experiencing the thirty-six heavenly holy land?" Lin Fan said to himself, but at the same time, he also had doubts. According to reason, the thirty-six heavens and seventy-two evils have always been accompanied by each other, but here, there are only thirty-six heavens holy realms, but there is no corresponding seventy-two evil realms, which must be said to be a little strange, but at this moment, Lin Fan does not have too much time to think about it. He is eager to know how he will improve after absorbing all the energy of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Holy Land! Now, after the fusion of the body of the god and the body of the true demon, he has touched the edge of the peak of rebirth. Will he jump into the second step after absorbing the energy of the thirty-six heavenly holy land? Lin Fan has this expectation in his heart, but vaguely, he also feels a little unrealistic. After all, the second step is a realm with space rules, which requires him to master the rules of space before he can step into it. But anyway, Lin Fan was extremely excited at this time.

took a deep breath. Lin Fan's two-half golden gods and black demons surged, which seemed to have a tendency to merge into one, and the mysterious waterification formula was running slowly in the body. The vague shadow loomed, emitting a layer of mysterious blue light, making Lin Fan With a sense of development, Lin Fan raised his foot and stepped forward.

After experiencing the previous scene and getting the relevant information from the energy-based "living body", Lin Fan has enough psychological preparation. This step is no different from the previous step. The difference is that the energy here is more surging, and the "energy" formed here The life body" was also slightly condensed and more powerful, but under Lin Fan's unparalleled fist, everything collapsed, turned into the most primitive energy, and was absorbed by Lin Fan.

At the time of absorption, Lin Fan keenly felt that this force was somewhat different from the previous one, but what was different was. When all the energy was about to be sucked up, Lin Fan suddenly noticed a little difference. At first glance, the energy here looks like a golden god, but compared with the previous one, the color is still slightly dark, showing a strange dark gold, but this color is extremely light. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it. .

Although Lin Fan was curious about all this, by this time, he had begun to indulge in the crazy energy in his body. He did not pay much attention to all this, but hesitated slightly, and then continued to move forward.

In this way, Lin Fan pushed forward layer by layer like a demon all the way. In a blink of an eye, he had advanced as many as nine steps. At this time, even with Lin Fan's physique, he felt a little tired. After absorbing the energy of the ninth step, that is, the tenth realm of Tianang, Lin Fan took a breath, but immediately A sharp pain rose from his heart and spread all over his body in an instant. This sharp pain was like ten thousand swords drilling in the heart, and like ten thousand ants devouring the body. In an instant, the bean-sized sweat rolled down from his forehead, and he also shouted, and then half knelt on the ground. At this moment, the golden gods and dark demons all over his body surged.