
282 Demon 1

With a flash of light and shadow, Lin Fan's figure disappeared after the mysterious dark door. As his figure disappeared, the mysterious domain gate that suddenly appeared slowly became blurred and finally completely disappeared into the void, as if it had never existed.

Lin Fan stepped into the space domain door and felt dark in front of him, but after only a few breaths, a light flashed in front of his eyes. After a slight observation, Lin Fan knew that he had come to the inner room of the mysterious real demon hall. The place where he was at this time seemed extremely messy, but there was no dust. The void was full of Lin Fan's very familiar breath, and it was this breath that isolated all dust. This breath is exactly the true spirit of magic.

"Strange, how can I feel several strong and weak breaths here? And these breaths are extremely fierce, as if there is a tremendous magic power surging!" Feeling the surrounding environment slightly, Lin Fan frowned in an instant. Here, he actually felt the violent atmosphere that only barbarian beasts could have! And the rolling magic power that will be found by a little closer observation in the whole void also seems to indicate their fierceness.

With a slight feeling, Lin Fan found something new. Although this breath is very similar to the breath of barbarian beasts, it is still slightly different from the breath of barbarian beasts. Because there is no brutality and raging spirit unique to fresh beasts, but similar to the breath of the blood-crying sword spirit when it was not condensed.

"Is there a kind of fierce demon here?" Lin Fan's heart moved and thought of this possibility, and then he found the strangeness here. The things here seem to be extremely messy, but in the chaos, they are also organized. Although Lin Fan has not seen these things, he has also seen many books in the Royal Book Garden of the Jingyuan Dynasty, which is a kind of artifact used to suppress spirits.

"Hmm?" Seeing this, Lin Fan suddenly observed more carefully, and then he found a strange-looking fur on a table. Lin Fan's attention was immediately attracted. He walked over and picked up the fur curiously and felt its material slightly. Lin Fan strangely found that he could not confirm what kind of material it was! But at this moment, he didn't want to worry about these things. He found that there were words engraved on this fur!

straightened the fur, and Lin Fan read these words word by word. At first, his face was still very calm, but the more he looked at it, the more excited he looked, and his eyes showed a light of expectation. It didn't take long for Lin Fan to read the content of the whole piece of fur and thought about it carefully. Lin Fan took a breath and muttered to himself, "The beast spirit born with the spirit of true demons will condense with each other and finally refine it into a demon spirit, and this demon spirit, because it has absorbed the true demon spirit in the body of many barbarian beasts, Ben With the breath of these kings of beasts, it can be used to control all beasts! In addition, it can also combine with its own body and transform into a existence similar to a real demon split, increasing its combat effectiveness several times, but it also has extremely high requirements for the human body. Fortunately, there are forty-nine domains of experience before. Otherwise, even if you know this method, you can't use it. Even if your own meat (harmonious) body is not strong enough, you will suffer back!"

Thinking of this, Lin Fan's excitement was beyond words. In addition to this demon on the one hand, he also thought of farther away. As soon as he entered here, he found this holy method to improve his combat effectiveness several times. After that, will there be a more mysterious recipe? Lin Fan knew that the body of the true devil is mainly in one qi, and the qi of the true devil is the external manifestation of the unprecedented qi! There is a good saying that if you are not crazy, you can't survive. When the unprecedented spirit reaches its peak, it is an existence similar to the demon spirit. In the true demon spirit of the real demon emperor, it is rubbed with the unprecedented spirit, so the combat power of the true demon's body is not horrible. Therefore, Lin Fan can imagine that all the methods here Eight out of ten (harmonious) nine out of ten are used to enhance combat effectiveness, and I'm afraid there are few ways to enhance defense. After all, after passing through the 49 domains, his flesh (harmonious) body is already the most powerful defensive sacred weapon!

shook his head and left all kinds of ideas behind, and then Lin Fan summoned the spirit of the barbarian beasts sealed here according to the method recorded on this strange fur. According to the fur, there are a total of nine powerful beast spirits sealed here, and what Lin Fan wants to do now is to temporarily merge the two weak ones into a demon. According to this fur, these nine demon spirits, even the weakest two, are equivalent to the existence of human monks in the middle and peak of rebirth. As for the most powerful beast spirit, according to the fur, even the third monk can't stand its blow!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan sat cross-legged on the ground, and then slowly raised his hands to his chest. Then, according to the description on the fur, he slowly moved. Gradually, a trace of true demon gas emanated from his palms and scattered in the space. Although this real demon gas, although it is the real demon gas, it seems to be different. There is a trace of blood in it. With the spread of this strange real demon gas, it was originally just a faint roaring space. Suddenly, the huge roar roar rumbled back in the whole space. At the same time, the whole was stable The space began to tremble, and it became more and more violent! It gives people a feeling that it is about to collapse! At the same time, the looming magic shadows are manifesting in the void from time to time. They are all ferocious, with extreme hatred, distorted faces, and constantly roaring towards Lin Fan. It seems that they can rush out at any time and swallow Lin Fan in one bite! But there seem to be invisible chains that bind them firmly, making them unable to break free.

In the face of this abnormality, Lin Fan's eyes were closed, his face was calm, and he was not moved at all. It seemed that he did not notice the situation in the outside world at all, but the movements between his hands were getting faster and faster. Later, he could no trace be seen, and only a blood-colored black light could be seen, like soft around his fingers. Entangled between palms.



Suddenly, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly opened, and the moment two divine lights rushed out of his eyes, the space in front of him suddenly collapsed and sank towards one side. There seemed to be invisible power, which abruptly squeezed this space into shape! As the space collapsed, an angry roar came out of one of them, and then a two-headed snake monster suddenly rushed out of it, full of ferocious eyes and extremely long tusks, shining cold light, and the two snakes had a single horn on their heads, which was daunting. It looked at Lin Fan's eyes with resentment and hiss, and went to Lin Fan. In the face of all this, Lin Fan was not afraid at all. He suddenly raised his hand, and then did not hesitate to pat one of the heads of the two-headed snake monsters. With a bang, the two-headed snake monsters roared, and then his body shrank. , instinctively wanted to retreat. Lin Fan snorted coldly, put his hands together, grabbed a single horn of the two-headed snake monster, and then suddenly pulled it out. Suddenly, the whole body of the two-headed snakes appeared a green smoke, and its eyes also flashed with pain. Lin Fan threw it in mid-air and closed it. In the space, there seemed to be a strange force rushing out in an instant, like a chain, firmly binding it to the void.

After cleaning up the two-headed snake monster, Lin Fan did not stop at all and shouted again. Then, he punched out and burst out into the void in front of him. The whole space suddenly trembled violently, accompanied by a click, and his face was huge. For a strong wild boar-like spirit body, it suddenly rushed out of it, but it was not as fierce as the two-headed snake monsters. At the moment when it rushed out and saw the strange magic spirit lingering between Lin Fan's fingers, its body quickly retreated and wanted to retreat.

Lin Fan did not expect that the spirit of this barbarian beast would be so slippery, but then he stretched out his hand to grab it, but his tentacles were extremely slippery and could not be captured at all, and the beast's soul was about to disappear. Lin Fan frowned slightly, but was not in a hurry. His hands moved with the momentum of hugging the moon, and then suddenly bombarded the soul of the beast. Suddenly, it seemed like a net falling down. He suddenly circled the soul of the beast into it and shook his hand. The soul of the beast was trapped in the space like the previous two-headed snake. .