
286 unexpected figure

People have not arrived, and the momentum has arrived!

Lin Fan's body is still in place, but the power of his fists has turned into a colorful dragon, and in the roaring dragon, he rushed towards the figure! The momentum is like a rainbow, the momentum is like electricity, and there is nothing to stop it! Previously, a strong sea-like momentum was like a paper doll in front of the colorful dragon sent by Lin Fan, weak and defeated one after another!


The colorful divine light finally hit the figure with a bang. Lin Fan looked at the figure without blinking, but then he showed surprise. When the colorful dragon hit the figure, the figure did not move at all! On the contrary, the seemingly domineering colorful god head, broken inch by inch from beginning to end! Seeing this, Lin Fan's face showed an incredible look, but then he calmed down. This figure stood there casually and produced a sea-like momentum. Its own aura can be said to reach the peak, and how can the figure that can emit such a strong atmosphere be smashed by its own blow? Even that blow is a blow that contains all your spirit!

Just as Lin Fan was surprised by the strength of the figure, he also increased his vigilance. At this moment, the colorful dragon collapsed inch by inch. Will the momentum of being forced to retreat by the colorful dragon come again as turbulent as before? Even after this setback, will it be more violent? Thinking of the real demon in the void before, Lin Fan felt creepy. He believed that at this moment, he could not launch an attack force ten times more than his strength than before!

But after waiting for a while, the surroundings were still calm, and there was no abnormality. With the final complete collapse of the colorful dragon, the whole space, after being extremely dazzling and dazzling, returned to the previous calm again, as if no abnormality had ever happened, and the figure still stood proudly. In the same place, I didn't move too much. In the past, it is like this, and it seems that it will still be like this. The difference is that the forceful momentum full of the void and the chilling momentum have disappeared, as if it had never existed, as if everything was Lin Fan's illusion.

It calmed down for a while, and Lin Fan actually had an unreal feeling. Thinking of the previous difficulties, his thoughts, and everything before and after, Lin Fan looked around in disbelief. He couldn't believe that before he could almost press himself into meat sauce, he was safe and successfully repelled the momentum! With your own rainbow-like momentum, completely repel that momentum!


After a long time, Lin Fan took a breath. At this time, he found that the clothes he had just changed were already ragged and could not be worn again. With a wry smile, Lin Fan changed into a suit of clothes, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and then quickly ran the mysterious water magic formula. After refining the baby of Xuanshui, the autonomous operation speed of the Xuanshui formula was significantly faster, and the most direct benefit was that the function of autonomous healing was suddenly strengthened by several points, but at this moment, Lin Fan did not know what kind of danger there was on the way forward, so he could only repair the injury and restore his physical fitness as soon as possible. Although, he is too curious about the figure.

I have to say that Lin Fan's trauma this time is really too serious, such as trauma, internal injury, and even hidden and dark injury. If it is an ordinary treatment, it is basically impossible to cure all the injuries inside and outside his body, but the mysterious waterification formula itself contains the power of life. Water is Mother of all things, this is not an empty word. The spirit of Xuanshui emitted the light of Xuanshui, and it was getting faster and faster. Later, Lin Fan's body was already a piece of blue fluorescence. From a distance, he could only see a cluster of Xuanshui, which could be faintly recognized. It was humanoid. Other than that, nothing else could be seen. At the same time, the blue light also flows very fast, and it will pass around Lin Fan's body almost in an instant. The endless blue atmosphere is divided into countless lines to repair Lin Fan's injury. This process is extremely long. Even if the mysterious water magic formula has great function in repairing the injury, Lin Fan's body, thousands of white holes, and even divine consciousness have been affected. This process seems extremely long.

Time, in Lin Fan's withered sitting, slowly passed. With the passage of time, the blue atmosphere around Lin Fan has expanded to incredible, like a blue fluorescent lake, emitting endless power of life. Everything is proceeding quietly, and in the distance, the figure still stands quietly in the same place without any change. Later, the whole hall, with Lin Fan as the center, was all full of the mysterious water, but only within three feet of the figure, it could not be immersed in at all. Everything seems extremely strange.

Time is still passing. The blue gas of Xuanshui began to slowly freeze and turn into a solid! The whole space slowly "frozen" into a block, and the color of Xuanshui after becoming a solid began to become lighter. Later, when all Xuanshui gas froze, they turned into a transparent! The whole hall, on this day, has completely become an icy world! A whole piece of "ice" fills the whole hall! Through this ice, it can be clearly seen that in the middle, a man with clear clothes sat cross-legged, as if he were sleeping. His face was pale and extremely calm. His breathing was extremely even, extremely long, and even at the corners of his mouth, with an extremely light smile. That person is naturally Lin Fan. In the distance, the only figure that has not fallen into the blue ice is still the same as before, standing forever and never changing. At this moment, everything seems to have fallen into eternity.


Suddenly, on this day, a crisp sound sounded from the whole piece of blue ice, and then a slight crack spread towards the periphery with Lin Fan as the center. With the first sound, more and more sounds sounded. Later, it was dense and connected. While the endless crisp sound, countless cracks also spread around with Lin Fan as the center. The process is fast or fast, but it is not slow. In an hour, this piece of blue ice has been densely covered with cracks, as shocking as a cobweb.

And at this time, Lin Fan's eyes, which had been closed for a long time, trembled slightly, and seemed to open at any time. Moreover, this tremor is getting more and more intense. And it was this seemingly inconspicuous trembling eyelids that stirred up a storm in this blue ice like an earthquake!

click! Click!

A crisp sound came out, and the whole blue ice, which had been densely cracked, began to collapse completely, but the broken pieces did not fall to the ground, but quickly turned into fog and floated in the air at the moment of collapse. More and more blue ice is breaking, and the blue air in the air is getting stronger and stronger. There is no suspense. The blue ice in front of us is about to collapse and return to the original!


Finally, Lin Fan's closed eyes and eyelids suddenly opened after blinking tens of thousands of times! And for a moment, two divine lights shot out of his eyes, like a sword that could pierce the sky, vast, straight through the sky, and I don't know where to rush. These two divine lights, one golden light, the other black light, and what's more strange is that in these two divine lights, there is a wisp of blue light! The divine light left the body, and Lin Fan's eyes suddenly appeared in the void! His eyes, one golden, seem to take people to heaven, but the other is dark, which seems to take people to the abyss and can't be detached. They give people a feeling that if their will is not strong, they will lose themselves in an instant at the sight of Lin Fan!

Lin Fan's eyes looked in front of him. His face was calm and he could not see any fluctuations, but he could feel that he had a strange change and become stronger! More terrible! In a slight thought, the baby of Xuanshui rushed out of his body and appeared on top of his head like a naughty child. At the moment of his appearance, the dark blue atmosphere that could not melt in the sky was as if pulled and condensed towards him crazily, but the blinking time filled the endless mystery in the whole hall. The qi of water was absorbed by the baby of Xuanshui, and then he yawned, seemed to be extremely sleepy, and suddenly sank into Lin Fan's body.

At this point, Lin Fan took a breath, felt his body, and then moved slightly. Even if he understood that his body had completely recovered, and his body's function was much better than before! In the face of all this, Lin Fan seemed to have already guessed, not too excited, and his face was still calm. Then, he turned his eyes to the figure that seemed to have existed here for a long time. At this moment, there is no momentum on his body. If it hadn't been for Lin Fan's unimaginable injury before, I'm afraid he can't believe that he almost died before. Everything is like an illusion.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan raised his feet and walked forward. His heart was full of anxiety, and there was a kind of uneasiness, but he couldn't say where this uneasiness came from. For this figure, he was eager to know who it was or what it was, but at this moment, when the answer was about to be revealed, he was a little scared and couldn't help slowing down. But in the end, he came to the figure standing still. It was not until he got to see the figure clearly that Lin Fan suddenly found that the figure turned his back on him.

Wrinkled, Lin Fan paced forward, turned around and saw the front of the figure. At the moment when he saw the shadow's face, Lin Fan's face suddenly showed a shocked expression, and his face also became extremely pale in an instant, and he stepped back three steps. An unbelievable look flashed in his eyes. Looking at the face in front of him, he set off a terrible wave in his heart.

How is it possible? How is this possible? This face... turned out to be my face! What's going on? Lin Fan sweated coldly all over. The face of that figure turned out to be himself! In other words, the figure standing here is actually Lin Fan himself! At this point, Lin Fan finally understood that eight out of ten (harmonious) was the reason for the previous uneasiness!

"I can't know exactly in the era of the existence of the real demon emperor. Everything about him is a mystery in the current world. I only know that he is a figure for hundreds of thousands of years. So the establishment here has existed for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. How can my standing image appear here? Who did this?" Thinking of the figure with his own face and standing here for endless years, Lin Fan felt a chill rising from the bottom of his feet and rushing straight to his forehead.

"Is this portrait true or false?" Lin Fan licked his dry lips and forced himself to calm down, and then he instantly thought of this problem. At the moment of thinking about this problem, Lin Fan looked carefully at the face exactly like himself again. This is an extremely strange feeling. Lin Fan has never been as frightened as he is now. In a vague way, he feels that he seems to have fallen into a game.

After looking at it for a while, he had no clue at all. He settled down. He hesitated on Lin Fan's face, and then his face turned whole, raised his hand and touched the face without hesitation. However, the next moment, the accident happened suddenly.

The lifelike face looked like Lin Fan. Just as Lin Fan's palm was about to approach it, it began to be strangely blurred. As soon as he saw this situation, Lin Fan suddenly felt bad, but before he could think about it, the whole figure that had existed here since ancient times, disintegrated inch by inch and in the blink of an eye. From time to time, it turned into flying dust and floated in the whole void.

Looking in front of the empty eyes, a splash of dust danced in the air and then floated to the unknown. A strong anger suddenly surged from the bottom of Lin Fan's heart. And with the rise of anger, the true demon spirit in his whole body suddenly surged up, and the magic fog completely filled here in just a moment! And Lin Fan's eyes were also full of magic at this moment, and there was a shadow of blood flashing between the dark light.

Suddenly, Lin Fan seemed to feel something. He suddenly looked up and looked in one direction. At this moment, he felt that a pair of eyes were peeping at him, which was full of greed.


Lin Fan's face was like ice, with a cold hum, and then the voice that shocked the world rummed: "Who offends me, kill God! Meet the devil and kill the devil!" The sound rumbled and seemed to have crossed the layers of blockade and reached nine days. For a moment, the sky outside changed.

And at the same time, in an unknown space, a young man, sprayed blood on the ground, unparalleled.