
314 Abandoned Capital

As soon as he saw the hair in Lin Fan's hand, Uncle Mu's face became extremely pale in an instant. He stretched out his index finger and pointed to the few handfuls of hairs. His lips trembled, and the fear in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Seeing Uncle Mu's expression, Lin Fan's eyes instantly became extremely solemn, and the seriousness of the matter was probably beyond his imagination. These hairs obviously have a great history! Otherwise, Uncle Mu's expression will never change so violently! Uncle Mu, who has always been relatively calm, has become like this, and the rest of the people's faces are even more ugly. Their eyes were dull, as if they had lost their souls, staring at the hair without blinking.

"The the devil's hair..." After a long time, a young man opened his mouth tremblingly, as if to confirm his statement. Suddenly, there was a gloomy laughter in the void. At the same time, the space that had been calmed down suddenly blew a cold to the bone. The wind.

"Who?" Lin Fan's face darkened and shouted softly, but what answered him was only a few cold laughs, and then everything calmed down again.

Looking at the people who looked more and more ugly because of fear, Lin Fan frowned and had no choice but to play a divine light to cover the crowd. This divine light contains the effect of calming the gods. As the divine light rushed into the bodies of these mortals, their emotions gradually calmed down and their bodies no longer trembled, but the fear in their eyes was still difficult to eliminate. Lin Fan knew that this was a fear of something that had existed since birth, and could not be extinguished by a calm light.

"Mr. Mu, don't be afraid. What's going on? Tell me in detail." After all, Uncle Mu calmed down first because he had a lot of experience in his old age. Lin Fan asked when he saw his face slightly relaxed.

Looking at the hair in Lin Fan's hand again, Uncle Mu swallowed his saliva fiercely, and then exhaled a long breath, as if to expel all the fear and turbidity from his body. Then he looked up at the distant sky, and his eyes gradually blurred, and the expression of remembrance flashed on his face, which contained unconcealed fear. .

Seeing this situation, Lin Fan knew that Uncle Mu must know something, so he was not in a hurry, but quietly waited for him to speak. The three beasts, such as Dawei Blood Weeping Sword Spirit and Three-legged Jinwu, also seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the situation and stared at Uncle Mu with wide eyes.

"The territory of the Western Desert is very vast, and the hidden secrets are countless, but the most dangerous place is in the center of the desert..." After a long time, Uncle Mu's low and distant voice sounded faintly. Speaking of this, the fear in his eyes seemed to see through the void, and then, Slowly spit out two words: "Abandoned City!" After saying these two words, Uncle Mu closed his mouth again, and the faces of the rest of the people became pale. The word Abandoned City seemed to have strange magic, which could arouse the most primitive fear of everyone.

"Abandoned Capital?" Lin Fan did not have a trace of fear for these two words, but a strong curiosity. In the eyes of Uncle Mu, Lin Fan became fearless and heard Lin Fan repeat these two words.

Uncle Mu looked around, as if he was afraid that an inexplicable murderer would suddenly appear, and even shrank his neck slightly, and then continued to say, "The Abandoned City, I don't know how many years it has existed in the Western Desert, and even, so it is said that it is still a vast area in the Western Desert. At the time of the wilderness, the abandoned capital already existed, but at that time, it was still a divine city. But later, the heaven and earth changed greatly, and the original wilderness became today's desert, and the famous Western God City also became a waste city, which was called the abandoned capital. I don't know when, the ghosts surged up in the waste capital. I heard the older generation say that that time, the ghosts over the waste capital were vast, covering thousands of miles, and even the sound of ghost crying were never broken. From then on, the waste capital became a forbidden place. Anyone who walked in, no longer He didn't come back alive." Speaking of this, Uncle Mu seemed to feel dry, licked his dry lips, and then said, "And every few hundred years, there will be a cloudy wind from the waste capital, sweeping half of the desert. Once, a group of immortals came in the desert, and that time, he also encountered such a ghost wind, which also left this The kind of hair..."

Uncle Mu's words were low and gentle, seemingly without any emotion, but Lin Fan could hear the suppressed fear from it. Seeing that Uncle Mu did not speak again, Raj added, "According to the records of rock paintings, every time the wind passes, there is no sign of life activity. Moreover, the waste city will also roar. The tall ghosts roar over the whole waste city. Endless black gas rises from the waste capital and covers half of the sky. At that time, the whole desert will be filled with ghosts, making people cold from head to toe and dare not go out at all. Speaking of this, fear flashed in Raj's eyes and then said, "We really can't describe the horror of the Abandoned City, because we can only feel it from the periphery. However, every year, countless monks want to find out in the Abandoned City, but they have never heard of anyone come out..." After thinking about it, Raj said, "Indeed In a word, a man once came out, but he was crazy. It is recorded in the rock paintings that he has been saying four words since he came out..." At this point, the fear on Raj's face was extremely strong, and at the same time, he flashed with hesitation, obviously thinking about whether he should say it or not.

"What word?" Seeing that Raj wanted to stop talking, Lin Fan frowned and asked.

"Hell...the devil..." Hearing Lin Fan's question, a struggle flashed in Raj's eyes. Finally, he spit out these four words with a cruel heart. These four words seemed to have strange magic. In the moment of rushing from Raj's mouth, the whole void blew the cold wind again. At the same time, the gloomy ghost laughter also sounded around the void. At this moment, everyone had a feeling that they were surrounded by countless bloodthirsty ghosts, staring at them greedily with a pair of glowing eyes. In an instant, everyone felt that their blood was extremely cold, maintaining the previous moment's move and did not dare to move at all. Even Lin Fan had a strange feeling, which was a feeling of the devil peeping on the side, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh!" At this time, the three-legged golden black suddenly emitted a sharp roar, and with the roar, it radiated a golden light all over its body. The sharp light in its eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and then a golden flame suddenly shot out of its mouth, and in an instant filled the whole space. Suddenly, the endless cold air dissipated cleanly, and the ubiquitous sound of ghost laughter also turned into a sad and panicked ghost sound, making people's scalp numb. It didn't take long for that the feeling of melancholy dissipated, but the three-legged golden black stared at a pair of angry eyes, and the golden flames surged all over the body, with a fierce fighting spirit.

Lin Fan knew that there was something different in his heart. He snorted coldly and breathed through his eyes, and a whirlpool suddenly appeared in his eyes. Then, the two sword-like light suddenly stabbed forward, and only heard a sharp cry. Then, a vague dark shadow galloped towards the distance, but in a blink of an eye, it disappeared. Within Lin Fan's sight.

"The fierce ghost in the abandoned capital came out again..." The surroundings were calm. Lin Fan turned his head and saw Raj and others with faces**, saying words in their mouths, but without exception, saying the same sentence. Lin Fan frowned and hit a calming light again, waiting for them to calm down and ask, "Mr. Mu, what else is special about the waste?" Lin Fan's intuition is that there are clues he wants in the abandoned capital. At this moment, when he sees that Uncle Mu and others know something, he wants to ask them all.

"Think about it..." After all, Uncle Mu experienced a lot of things. After overcoming his initial fear, he gradually returned to calm down. At this time, he heard Lin Fan's mouth, and a thoughtful expression flashed in his eyes. After a while, a strange look flashed on his face, as if he was not sure, "It's true to say strange things. But I'm not sure. I don't know if it's an illusion..."

Huh? Uncle Mu, please tell me in detail..." Lin Fan's heart moved and listened more carefully for fear of missing a word.

"The big battle in the waste capital is every few hundred years, but there are always some small movements on weekdays. For example, every night, the sound of mice creaks come from the direction of the waste capital, and on the full moon night, this situation is even worse. Even if it is far away, it can be heard clearly and even noisy. People can't sleep, and sometimes there will be the sound of swords and soldiers coming from there, and from time to time there will be a glow over the waste capital, as if someone is fighting. And sometimes, there will be thousands of colorful strips, radiating brilliant light, which is very magical. Speaking of this, Uncle Mu frowned and said, "These sounds and scenes sound like illusions, but I feel that most of them are caused by the waste. After all, the fierce name of the waste in the desert is well known to everyone. It is tens of thousands of miles away, and there is no one smoke at all. However, after all, the waste capital is too terrible. Even the famous thirteen bandits in the western desert are unwilling to get too close to that area, let alone detect it, although everyone knows that there are some good things there.

Hearing what Uncle Mu said, Lin Fan's eyebrows frowned tightly. The moon night rat crowed, swords intersect, strange lights emerged, ghosts and shadows, fierce roars, and gusts of gloomy wind. All these indicate that the waste is definitely an extraordinary place, but is it related to the mysterious thirteen murderers he is pursuing. Lin Fan was also uncertain for a while.

"Maybe we should go there..." Lin Fan whispered in his heart.