
336 cause and effect

"Yes, that's right, and the person I want to locate this time is..." Hearing Lin Fan's words, Zi Mouse nodded and confirmed Lin Fan's thoughts. When he said this, Zi Mouse's eyes suddenly became deep. He looked up at the gray sky, and his voice began to look ethereal. Come on, "The person I want to locate this time is... the real demon emperor!"

"This..." Suddenly hearing the news, Lin Fan was stunned. The real demon emperor did not die, which in itself was already a big accident for him, but he didn't expect that the mouse actually wanted to bring the real demon emperor back! It can be imagined that if the real demon emperor is really brought back, the human world will inevitably cause an uproar! Even, not only the human world, the immortals, the gods, the Chaos, the extraterritorial races... All ethnic groups will be shocked! From the words of the mouse, Lin Fan can already understand that even before the endless years, even in that ancient period of power, he was an existence that could make heaven and earth pale!

"How sure is the senior to bring back the real demon emperor? To be honest, I also have all kinds of questions in my heart, hoping that he can solve my confusion..." He frowned and meditated for a while, and then Lin Fan took a deep breath and said, his voice seemed a little solemn.

"Oh? What's the problem? Maybe I can solve your puzzles!" Hearing what Lin Fan said that he needed the real demon emperor to solve his puzzles, the mouse's curiosity was immediately hooked up. He narrowed his two small eyes, and the light flashed and said with a smile. If it hadn't been for knowing that this was the first son of the king of Xuangu's 12th World War, I'm afraid most of them would have thought he was an obscene old man who cheated, eating, drinking and money. But at this moment, Lin Fan did not pay attention to this at all. After making sense, Lin Fan said what had happened in the True Demon Hall. In the end, his face looked extremely solemn and stared at the mouse and said in a low voice, "I didn't feel too much vibration or uneasy about the stone objects and the attack bonus in front of me, but why in the end? With a statue of me, I feel deeply uneasy. Especially the sight that peeped at me at that time made me feel at ease. According to the later things, this matter mostly has a deep relationship with the Huangfu clan..."

"Huangfu, it's really this bastard family!"

Before Lin Fan finished his words, he was interrupted by a cold voice of the rat. The cold murderous intention made Dawei unconsciously shrink his neck, and then he seemed to feel that this was too harmful to "majesty", so he tried to straighten his chest, but he couldn't help muttering a few words.

"Does the senior rat also know this Huangfu clan? Don't they have a great history?" As soon as he saw the look of the mouse, Lin Fan was immediately shocked. His eyes were bright, stared at the mouse, and his eyes asked eagerly.

"Hmm! How could I not know this bastard family? I could have dealt with them a lot in those years!" The mouse's voice was still chilling, but Lin Fan was not worried. The chill was obviously not aimed at him, so he did not speak. He knew that the mouse must have something to say next. Sure enough, the rat's words then sounded again.

"This Huangfu clan is extremely vicious. Their family skills, summarized in two words, are devouring. Devouring the cultivation source of others, devouring other people's cultivation, devouring other people's lives, and even practicing to a high level, they can devour other people's luck. In short, as long as all tangible and intangible things in the world exist, they can devour!" Zishu's words became colder and colder, but what he said really shocked Lin Fan, making him unconsciously take a breath of cold air. Devour! And it devours all tangible and intangible things, and even devours the luck of others! This method, even if you think about it, is shocking, and even the pores are cold! But Lin Fan did not distract himself for a long time, and his attention soon focused on the mouse again.

"In those years, this Huangfu wolf's ambition actually hit our 12th World War King. They didn't dare to deal with the four generals, but they thought we were easy to bully. However, in the end, although we suffered some losses and several war kings were a little injured, they also destroyed several of their first-class good hands!" Speaking of this, Zishu glanced at Lin Fan and said, "You have the smell of that bastard. I think you should know him. The master I mentioned is at least 30% more powerful than Yan Ming, and that is, in that battle, he huddled the turtle beaten by the Huangfu clan in the old nest and dared not come out. It was not until he later that he conspired with the rebel dragon python, the rebel Tianyao sect and some other foreign people that he dared to appear again. At that time, he was so arrogant that the monks in the world Only the foreign people are not afraid, but the Huangfu clan will tremble with fear as soon as they hear it. But in the end, wasn't it sealed by the Emperor of Heaven?

"Have you been sealed by the Emperor of Heaven?" Hearing this, Lin Fan's heart suddenly moved. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't accurately grasp what was wrong, but subconsciously frowned. At this moment, he felt a mass of light floating back and forth in his mind. He reached out to grab it, but it was always staggered at the last moment, which made him look extremely distressed.

As if he didn't notice Lin Fan's abnormality, the mouse continued to say: "I think about it, when Tiandi Town sealed the Huangfu clan, it seemed that he used an artifact, something worshipped and called a sacred object by hundreds of millions of people, but I can't remember it all of a sudden..."

"A artifact...sacred object of the Emperor of Heaven..." Lin Fan whispered and felt that he was getting closer and closer to that thing. Suddenly, his eyes and the mouse lit up at the same time, and then blurted out at the same time: "The seal of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Huh? How do you know it's the seal of the emperor? It's reasonable that you shouldn't know?" Hearing Lin Fan blurted out the three words "Heavenly Emperor Seal", the mouse's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of incredible, looking at Lin Fan like a monster.

"I understand that the Huangfu clan has always said that I was just making wedding clothes for others. It turned out that when I got the seal of the emperor, I had been calculated by them!" Lin Fan smiled bitterly and muttered to himself, but he didn't expect that even if he said a word, the mouse jumped up, his small eyes were round, and his beard was upturned, which was indescribably funny.

Lin Fan was also quite helpless about the reaction of the rat. He shook his head with a bitter smile, and then said, "At the beginning, I was just a wanderer. One day, I happened to see a beam of bright light rushing straight into the sky. Without thinking much, I walked in that direction, but before I went there, there was something straight. He came, and then rushed straight into my arms. Because of this, I was still in a coma for several days, but when I woke up, I felt that my body seemed to be different. At that time, I thought it was really lucky! Now it seems that most of it is a trick made by the Huangfu clan, although I can't guess the specific joints..."

Hearing Lin Fan explain the context of the matter, the mouse's face also became uncertain. After a long time, he slowly said, "The seal of Heaven is separated from the land of the town. According to my guess, I'm afraid it's mostly not the ability of the Huangfu clan. You are not very clear about the ability of the Heavenly Emperor. Chu, but I know very well that in this world, except for a limited number of people, no one can unlock it! Moreover, even those few people can't be completely untied without any changes! But according to what you said, when the Heavenly Emperor's seal flew out, there was nothing other than a strong light, and it can be said that it did not attract anyone's attention! In this case, there is only one explanation..." Speaking of this, the mouse's face was a little ferocious, which made him look extremely horrible. Lin Fan's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly had some guessed, but he did not open his mouth, but waited for the mouse to speak. The mouse did not hesitate at all, and quickly continued, "All ethnic groups in the region have After infiltration, or have been united with the Huangfu family, what they want to plan is the whole human world!" The voice was full of coldness, which made people shudder. But Lin Fan was suspicious.

"It's just to open the seal of the emperor and make the Huangfu clan get out of the town. How can it involve the whole human world?" Lin Fan said his doubts, and after listening to Lin Fan's words, the mouse looked sideways and his voice turned softly, "Since you have touched the seal of the Heavenly Emperor, you must know that there is a real starry sky in the seal of the Heavenly Emperor..."

"Yes, yes, I know this..." Lin Fan nodded, and then stopped talking and waited for the follow-up of the mouse.

"If I tell you that the starry sky is a real universe, and it is the first universe born in the endless world, the first universe! It's just that it's a dilapidated universe, and the whole human world is the best preserved part of it. What do you think? The mouse's voice seemed extremely solemn, but what he said still made Lin Fan a little confused and could only look at him doubtfully.

It seems that Lin Fan did not understand, and the mouse continued: "If you compare the desolate original universe to a desert, the human world is the only oasis. Compared with the vast dilapidated universe, although the human world is small or even insignificant, it may make that The original universe finally came to life in full swing! After that, the controllers of the universe of the heavens and the world are competing! To control the universe, we must first get in touch with it, and then use this connection to be consistent with the pulse of the human world to achieve the inner mind of the human world, and then infinitely strengthen the human world with one's own strength, and finally make the whole universe fully revived!" Zishu explained in detail that although Lin Fan was a little confused, he finally understood three points. In the final analysis, that is to say, he had become a pawn of the Huangfu clan long ago, connecting with the dilapidated original universe, and then waiting for all the time to be ripe, and then the genius of the Huangfu clan came forward to devour his origin and everything. At that time, he would absorb all his own Taoist fruits and control the whole The first universe! After figuring out this section, Lin Fan still has a little doubt. With the old antique rat on his side, Lin Fan will naturally not let it go.

"But why did you choose me?" Lin Fan asked, his face was the same as in his heart, and there was not too much fluctuation. Hearing Huangfu's people say that there are too many apprentices to marry. At this time, he really can't make his mood fluctuate again. Therefore, when asked this question, Lin Fan's voice seemed extremely calm.

"I don't know what the specific reason is, but one thing is certain, that is, you have the thirteenth evil cosmic Taoist in your body!" The mouse's voice was full of affirmation, but it suddenly stunned Lin Fan's words.

"Cosmic Taoist?" Hearing this new noun, Lin Fan frowned, "All I know is that I did open a hidden power in my body during the First World War, and it was later proved to be the thirteen murderers of Xuangu, but what is this Taoyuan?"

"The cosmic Taoist element is power, but it is by no means as simple as power, or it is an alternative power, just a specific name for it. But I'm afraid you haven't sensed it until now!" Zishu opened his mouth and spoke. While speaking, he carefully looked at Lin Fan and thought about the sentence and said, "I'm not very clear about the details, but I know that even the mysterious thirteen murderers of Xuangu, who were scared by all ethnic groups outside the earth, have two common characteristics. First, naturally, are all cultivated. Xi has the same magic skill, a great magic formula, but it is rarely known that the thirteen murderers of Xuangu are not people of the same era. They came from different eras, but their reputation was completely louder in Xuangu! And the reason is that Xuangu Thirteen Murders, everyone is the most suitable existence in a certain era and the human world! In other words, they are the passwords that connect the human world and the original universe! However, in the end, the thirteen murderers of Xuangu came to this abandoned capital. In the end, the thirteen people were trapped in one of the most dangerous places in the abandoned capital and could not get out of the trap. After all, they tried to bombard the thirteen murderers on a road, but in the end, they only sent the thirteenth murderers out of this place, and they were still incomplete thirteen murderers. I'm afraid that at that time, the thirteen murderers have given you that part of Daoyuan!"

"What? is this possible?" Lin Fan's face suddenly became indescribably funny. Xuangu's thirteen murderers were all people ten thousand years ago. How could he pass on Daoyuan to himself? This is a little ridiculous!

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Without answering Lin Fan's question, the mouse asked more and more.

"The legendary six reincarnations?" Lin Fan guessed.

"The six reincarnations are just small reincarnations. On top of the six reincarnations, there is also a layer of big reincarnation, the great reincarnation of heaven and earth!" When it comes to the five words "Great Reincarnation of Heaven and Earth", the solemnity on the mouse's face has reached its peak. "Even if I tell you, you still don't understand the joints, but I can tell you responsibly, not to mention ten thousand years, even hundreds of thousands of years, as long as the ability is reached, you can travel through time and space and make a specific Or virtual or real things are passed on to a specific person!"

"This..." Hearing the mouse's words, Lin Fan was completely suppressed. He never thought that he would have such a great magic power!

"Can the ancestor of the five elements do it?" After thinking about it for a moment, Lin Fan tentatively said, and then added, "I'm talking about traveling through hundreds of thousands of years of time and space..."

"I'm afraid that even the Emperor of Heaven does not dare to speculate about the years of the existence of the ancestors of the Five elements. How dare I guess?" For Lin Fan's question, Zi Rat sighed. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened and looked at Lin Fan up and down. The strange color in his eyes became more and more colorful. After a long time, he sighed and said, "I didn't expect that I was blind. You have the secret of Xuanshuiization, and it is a complete Xuanshuiization. God's secret, I didn't expect that you were a disciple of Shuizu!" When he spoke, the mouse looked at the gray sky with a leisurely face and looked at the gray sky. It seemed to be talking to Lin Fan and said to himself, "The ancestor of the five elements is an existence that even the emperor and the emperor of heaven should be respected by the Taoist saints and the wilderness gods! However, in Xuangu ten thousand years ago, only Shuizu appeared once. It is said that the fire god also appeared, but no one saw it. Among the ancestors of the five elements, Jinzu is killed. It is said that every time he appears in the world, the starry sky will be stained with blood, but Muzu is the most benevolent. It is said that she only saves people but does not kill people. However, if Muzu is angry, death will become a luxury. Tuzu, also known as Chenzu, is extremely simple and generous, and he usually only uses one method to the enemy. Even if it is smashed, the whole humanized into a piece of earth, crazy smashed down, but there is also a life in the murder. The most specific is the two ancestors of water and fire. The power of the two is much higher than that of the other three ancestors, because they have almost explored the mystery of life and death. If they want the sky to collapse, the sky will no longer be complete! If the starry sky is broken, the starry sky will turn into nothingness!"

Speaking of the ancestor of the five elements, the mouse is obviously respected and unconsciously speaks more. Lin Fan did not interrupt him. In fact, he was also very interested. For the ancestors of the Five elements, this is also the first time he has heard about their secrets.

"It's arrived..." Hearing it, the mouse suddenly stopped talking and pointed to the confused ruins in the distant sky and opened his mouth. Hearing this, Lin Fan looked up and suddenly felt unreal and a little vague in front of him. There is nothing special about the space in front of us. It can even be said to be extremely ordinary, but it has a shocking power.

Before Lin Fan continued to think, the magic ancient chariot had crossed a cyan track and rushed straight into it.