
343 Great Destruction Spear

That person is the thirteenth that Lin Fan has seen before, and standing side by side with him is an extremely thin middle-aged man. In front of them, there is a man covered in black men. His age and appearance can't be seen, but the momentum from his body is shocking. In an instant, Lin Fan I guessed the identity of this person in front of me: the head of the thirteen bandits in the desert! Thinking of his identity, Lin Fan couldn't help but have deep doubts. Previously, he knew that it was a strange place. If outsiders enter, their cultivation would be suppressed. In addition, this is considered to be the cemetery of the third-step monks! In his understanding, if the head of the thirteen bandits and the desert wolf king enter here, they may also be strongly suppressed, but at this time, from the perspective of the fact that the head of the bandits can be shaken by the void, his cultivation does not seem to have been suppressed!

"My eldest brother's cultivation has indeed not completely entered the third step, but because of his skills, his combat effectiveness is enough to shake the third step!" Just as Lin Fan was full of doubts, Thirteen's voice suddenly sounded in his heart. Obviously, Thirteen saw his doubts, and then he sent a sound to solve the puzzle.

Hearing Thirteen's words, Lin Fan nodded and then responded with his mind, "Who is that existence that shakes with your brother?"

"I'm not very clear about this. The eldest brother has some secrets. He once told us that it's not a good thing to know too much, so I didn't elaborate, but I analyze and infer that most of this existence comes from the stone tribe!" Hearing Lin Fan's words, Thirteen's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and then thought about the sentence and said.

"What? Stone tribe?" Hearing this, Lin Fan was immediately surprised. Earlier, he had guessed that this existence was mostly related to the stone balls in the True Devil's Hall, but at this time, he was inevitably surprised when he really confirmed it. After all, although he knows almost nothing about this mysterious tribe, the tribe that can give birth to such a domineering skill as attack bonus is a terrible tribe in any case. At the same time, he is even more surprised by the name of the stone tribe.

"This is a mysterious tribe. Only a small number of people, or even those at the top of the pyramid, can know the mystery. My eldest brother also accidentally got a scroll of scriptures, which he knew, but he didn't tell us in detail, just mentioned it briefly. Again, the eldest brother told us that some things are better than to know than to know. Speaking of this, Thirteen's voice stopped. Obviously, what he knew was limited.

Hearing the thirteen words, Lin Fan fell into meditation. At this moment, things kept flashing in his mind. He tried to find the context and straighten out the complicated or even messy relationship, but he felt like a mess in his mind and couldn't think of anything. At this moment, after a long silence in the field, a sound finally sounded.

"Humble human beings, how dare you slap me! Do you know that you are playing with fire!" The majestic voice was vast in the air, and the majesty in it was shocking. Even some monks were pale and almost collapsed directly to the ground.

"Huh! Humble human beings? Who huddled the turtle you were waiting for in your hometown and dared not come out? Who broke into your homeland and forced you to retreat 30 million miles? Who defeated many of your holy laws one by one? Humble human beings? Humph! Then can't I call you an ant-like race? Hearing the majestic voice, a strong voice came from the black man, as majestic as before, but there was a fierce murderous intention. In fact, with his words, a dark beam of light suddenly rushed out of his body and rushed northwest! And the northwest direction is exactly the direction of the previous sound!


Just as everyone looked there suspiciously, a shocking explosion suddenly sounded from that direction. Then, the void in the northwest was suddenly annihilated, and then a tall figure rushed out of it. Everyone was shocked and never expected such a change, but soon, everyone was relieved that it was not a real figure, but just a virtual shadow, but the virtual shadow was extremely tall, as if it were upright. What's more frightening is that his whole body seemed to look like It is generally carved from a whole stone, full of evil!

"Humble human, how dare you attack me?" The majestic sound sounded in the northwest sky, and the anger in it seemed to burn the sky.

"Hmm! If the king of your clan, even a complete stone man comes here, is still qualified to say this to me, but with you, a half-waste stone man, do you really think you are still the invincible king in the world? You look too high on yourself!" The voice of the head of the big bandit is extremely indifferent, but the contempt in his words is ** naked and undisguised. "Even if you meet the supreme saint of our world, you will drink hatred! What right do you, a half-waste stone man, have the right to brag about in my human world?

The voice of the head of the big bandit was very cold, and the contempt made the tall shadow furious! In a trance, the space he lives in is about to break up!

"Humble human beings, you have to pay for your words and deeds! I will use practical actions to make you understand that the dignity of the noble stone tribe king is inviolable!" The majestic voice sounded in the void in the northwest, and with the sound of this voice, the whole space suddenly began to rumble and shake, and then a scene that everyone will never forget appeared in the sky!

A real starry sky unexpectedly emerged from the air and fell towards everyone!

This scene is extremely shocking! You know, that's a real starry sky, in which hundreds of millions of stars shine brightly, and the great pressure seems to destroy everything! When they saw this scene, everyone immediately changed color. Looking at the roaring starry sky, they forgot to hide! Or, it's not that they forgot to hide, but because they can't hide at all! The huge starry sky fell, and all the vitality was blocked! At this moment, waiting for everyone seems to have only one way to destroy!

"Hmm! The majesty of the stone tribe? Your majesty has disappeared as early as when the heroes attacked the stone tribe! Even the king of your stone tribe dares not shout so much in my human world! What's more, you are a half-waste person!" Facing this starry sky, the head of the big bandits was not afraid at all, and the coldness on his face was even stronger, and with the words, a ten-foot-long spear suddenly appeared in his hand!

As soon as this spear began to appear, a fierce war spirit appeared around, with a fierce murderous atmosphere, raging in the space, and even with a three-point bloody atmosphere! Everyone present felt the chill and unconsciously shivered. At the same time, they turned their eyes to the spear in the hand of the head of the big bandits. However, the spear was ten feet long and rusty, as if it could die at any time, and there was no energy fluctuation on it. However, the shocking fighting spirit made everyone feel cold!

"Great destruction of the spear!"

As soon as they saw this spear, someone exclaimed in a low voice, but the voice was still unbelievable. At the same time, in the high air in the northwest, the figure also shook violently and cried out: "The big destruction spear? It's really a big destruction spear! I didn't expect that the big destruction spear that inherits endless years would be in the hands of you, an unknown person! But even so, what can it do? You can't exert its real strength at all! And as far as I know, the spear of the great destruction has long been scarred, and it is no longer strange!"

"Hmm! Even if the war spear is destroyed, even if I can't exert its power, just with the fighting spirit contained in it, it is enough to make you, a half-waste stone man, completely destroyed!" The voice of the head of the big bandit was cold, and the murderous intention made people shudder. With the end of these words, he suddenly let out a low roar, and then he suddenly rushed away and persisted to stab the real starry sky with the big destruction spear!


As soon as the head of the big bandits took off, there was a roar in the abandoned capital, and the whole void shook violently, and a force of destruction fell to the four places. However, just when everyone was scared, the original simple and unpretentious smashed spear suddenly emitted a dazzling cold light. ! This cold light is dazzling, sudden and strong, which is beyond everyone's expectations! In an instant, the temperature here seems to have suddenly dropped dozens of degrees!


In the void, there was a crisp cracking sound. At this moment, the whole void, like ice, is about to disintegrate inch by inch! However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that while this dazzling cold light is emitted, the big destruction spear seems to wake up from a deep sleep, and a clear sound sounded, and then a thousand feet of silver light suddenly rushed out of the big destruction spear! Looking at its appearance, it is almost exactly the same as the real big destruction spear. The difference is just that the body is countless times bigger!

"Break the void in the name of great destruction!"

The voice of the head of the big bandit rumbled and shook in the air. With his words, the whole broken spear seemed to be completely awake. The brilliance it emitted was even more dazzling, and even the rust on it collapsed autonomously! The rust of the collapse, as soon as it broke away from the spear of destruction, flew to the starry sky independently, and disappeared into it!

"No! How is this possible!"

As soon as the crashing rust disappeared into the starry sky, it suddenly emitted a light ten times brighter than the big destruction spear, and the air machine emitted from it was particularly powerful! Although the people on the periphery can't feel the horror of that power, they can clearly see that where the endless rust passes, the stars in the endless starry sky seem to be weak and vulnerable, turning into flying ashes! And the rust has not been affected at all! The scream of the semi-waste stone man of the stone tribe sounded from the sky. Obviously, he was greatly shocked, and even listened to his voice with three fears!

"What a horrible power!" Looking at everything in front of him, all the people present were deeply shocked by the power of the war spear!

"Hmm! The war spear was once controlled by several real heroes in our human world, and the fighting spirit contained in it has long been comparable to the sky. How can you, a half-waste stone man, resist it!" The cold voice of the head of the bandits sounded in the air, and at this time, he was holding the big destruction spear and roaring towards the starry sky! The voice was cold and cold, which made everyone fight fiercely. "Although I haven't mastered the meaning of the great destruction in the spear of the great destruction, it's enough to kill you!"

While the words of the head of the big bandit sounded, his whole body, together with the powerful smashing spear, had been bombarded with the starry sky!


A earth-shaking explosion sounded, and the whole space was completely violent at this moment, causing people in the void to feel as if they were going to be crushed by the suddenly chaotic space! And at the intersection of the two sides, it has long been submerged in a bright silver light, and the violent atmosphere is particularly serious there!

"Great Power!"

Suddenly, Lin Fan lost his voice and shouted. Just now, at the place where the big destruction spear collided with the starry sky, he briefly opened a space crack, and through the crack, he suddenly saw that Dawei and the golden dragon python were fighting endlessly! However, just as he wanted to take a closer look, the crack in the space had disappeared and could no longer be seen.

"Where is the space where Dawei is located? Why do I feel so uneasy?" Lin Fan muttered to himself. Somehow, at the moment he saw Dawei's figure, although he didn't see what the space was like, he felt that it was not a good place based on his intuition!

However, no matter how anxious he is at this moment, he can't find out any more, because the gap has been permanently bridged. Although several gaps appeared there again after that, there was no longer that gap.

In desperation, Lin Fan had to suppress his worries and turn his eyes to the location of the head of the bandits. At this moment, the strong light there has begun to weaken after extreme enhancement, revealing the scene there. At a glance, Lin Fan's face was suddenly moved, and the originally vast starry sky has collapsed by one-third at this moment! During this period, endless pieces of stars float! And the head of the bandits is holding the spear of the world-class holy soldier, and is fighting a crazy battle with a shadow!

At this moment, the combat strength of the two is rising rapidly, and the whole waste capital is shaking. Abandoned capital is a very special place. Although it exists in the human world, it is impossible to see the outside sky here. Previously, although the endless sky looked like the sky, Lin Fan and others also knew that it was stacked by countless space layers, which gave people an extremely distant feeling! At this moment, the battle between the two is in this endless space! However, even in the space layer, the war still affected Lin Fan and others, and even shook the whole abandoned capital. From this, we can see how fierce the battle between the two is!

"The universe is broken!" Suddenly, the stone man of the stone tribe suddenly shouted. Suddenly, the universe, which had disintegrated one-third, began to contract sharply and quickly condense. At the same time, a more frightening breath flowed out.

"Great destruction!"

Following the shout of the stone man of the stone tribe, the head of the big bandit also shouted. With the drinking of the word "great destruction", his whole temperament soared crazily, and his combat effectiveness increased several times! At the first time, Lin Fan felt that the means shown by the head of the big bandits at this moment must also come from the secret method of the stone tribe that can make the attack bonus! But obviously, its power is not as powerful as the real attack bonus! But even so, it's enough!

At this moment, the big destruction spear turned into a murderous soldier and made a roar that seemed to shake the world. Then, the head of the big bandit shouted loudly and suddenly let go of his hand. The big destruction spear unexpectedly flew out and roared towards the shadow!

At this moment, everyone felt in a trance. Around the big destruction spear, there seemed to be dozens of uncertain shadows, which seemed to be illusory and not real, but the power emanating from it was extremely powerful!

"Isn't the head of the big bandit really not taking the third step? Or is his combat power really so strong? At this moment, Lin Fan was deeply shocked, and at this time, the big destruction spear had brazenly bombarded the figure!


A tragic roar sounded, and then the figure quickly collapsed, but soon, he reorganized in the distant sky, but it was obviously three points weak.

"The Great Destruction Spear! The masters of all dynasties have integrated their soul of war and unyielding fighting spirit into it!" The reorganized figure's voice trembled a little. Obviously, the performance of the broken spear was greatly beyond his expectation!

"Not bad! The masters of all dynasties focused on their fighting spirit before they sat down! And the most important thing is the great destruction! Otherwise, how dare you call it the spear of destruction!" The voice of the head of the big bandits rumbled and trembled, with respect in it. At this moment, although everyone can't see the face of the head of the big bandits, they can all imagine that their faces must be serious and solemn when saying these words. After that, the head of the big bandits said word by word, "They live up to the name of outstanding people in the world!"