
355 past

At this point, the elder's voice has trembled. From his voice, it can be heard that he is trying to suppress his emotions at this moment, but it is still difficult to hide his anger and helplessness. This is a kind of helplessness that penetrates deep into the blood. Lin Fan could understand and even thought that when they knew that they were living in hopeless despair, but still had to work hard, Lin Fan couldn't help fighting a cold war, but at the same time, he also had a deep admiration for this race. Under the condition of knowing that there is no hope, he still lives hard without giving in, looking forward to breaking the curse one day. This spirit cannot be admired by him. Even the blood-crying sword spirit ran to the elders after a long time. They stood up, stretched out a small paw and touched them, and then said solemnly, "You are all heroes!"

Hearing the words of the bloody sword spirit, a trace of gidly flashed in the eyes of the elders, and then an elder said sadly, "What about the hero? Even if we fight hard, it is still in vain. The power of the curse has penetrated into the blood of our clan and cannot be removed at all. And we don't even dare to tell our people the truth. Only when the years of existence are long enough can we know these secrets..." Later, Lin Fan felt that his voice was a little choked. At the same time, the elders trembled, and then he heard an elder mutter "We are not heroes, we are bears, we are elders, but we can't even protect our own people, and we don't even dare to let them know the truth..."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was silent and didn't speak for a long time. He can understand their feelings, but he doesn't know how to comfort them. At this moment, I heard Jiang Tai say, "With all due respect, from what you said before, the real demon emperor seems to be able to untie your curse..."

Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly lit up. He only felt their sadness, but ignored this problem. They were so excited when they mentioned the real demon emperor, and then brought themselves to this time, and the statue in front of them is nine out of ten (harmonious) nine. Isn't that it already shown that the real demon emperor can unlock their curse? At least, you can suppress their curse!

"Not bad! The real demon emperor seems to have a way to curse you, but he doesn't know how to do it? I inherited his true demon spirit, but I don't know if I can untie it? Lin Fan settled down and said. Thinking that this desperate world originally belonged to a part of the human world, and that these people in front of him belonged to a race that made great powerful races jealous in ancient times, Lin Fan was also shocked. He was also curious about how strong their bloodline could be. It can make the same powerful race jealous, and even destroy and exile their clan!

"The emperor had no choice at that time. Maybe he thought of a way, but it was extremely tricky, because he sighed and then spit out three difficult words in a row. However, he finally carved a statue of himself, and then imported his true demon spirit into it and sealed it here. Under this statue, it is The cursed power extracted from the blood of our people. However, after endless years of development, the curse power has been entangled with the bloodline and soul of our people. If you want to pull away and smash it, unless the soul of our people is completely destroyed, it cannot be eradicated. In the end, the emperor and his old man will not damage the bloodline and soul of our people. Extract part of the power of the curse, and then seal it under his statue. An elder explained in detail, and his words were full of gratitude for the real demon emperor. "If it hadn't been for his old man's practice, I'm afraid that our family would have turned into dust and no longer exist..."

Hearing the elder's words, Lin Fan couldn't help but marvel at the power of the real demon emperor. With this curse power inherited the endless years, he was able to suppress it! Although not all of them are extracted, even so, it is proud enough to be ancient times. Moreover, Lin Fan's intuition is that the real demon emperor is not without a boundary river to completely lift the curse for them, but that method must be significant, and the required cost must be extremely high!

"Did the emperor say anything when he was in the town?" Lin Fan frowned and thought for a while before saying.

"I said..." As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, the humanoid fog that had not opened his mouth since he entered this place said, "In those years, I was the only one in the clan who had always followed the emperor. At that time, he once said that if he wanted to completely break this curse, unless..." Zi stopped and didn't go on. It can be seen that he hesitated and didn't know whether to say it or not. Obviously, this has a big to do with it.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Lin Fan originally just wanted to hear whether the real demon emperor had left any clues, but he never thought that the real demon emperor would really leave a definite way. At this time, not only Lin Fan was stunned, but also the elders were stunned. Then, an elder stretched out a finger to the human-shaped fog and said in a trembling voice, "Parch, you mean... But why have you never told us before?"

"Alas..." Hearing the elder's question, the human figure dared to sigh a long, and then he fell silent again, as if immersed in some kind of far-reaching memory, and everyone did not open their mouth. They had already guessed that the method left by the real demon emperor must be a general taboo. Law, if there is no way out, despair can't adopt such a method. Everyone was silent at this moment, but they were absolutely not calm. They all looked at the human-shaped fog without blinking. They were full of curiosity about the unspeakable method, and at the same time, there was also vague fear. After all, even the real demon emperor feels that it is important and can't be opened lightly, but you know how horrible it is! Everyone did not speak, and the field fell into an unspeakable silence for a moment. Everything seemed to be still at this moment and fell into eternity. The field is full of a kind of depression that makes people feel breathless.

"I didn't tell you the truth, because maybe we can't afford such a truth, because that method, with taboo, can't describe his horror at all..." After a long time, the humanoid fog said leisurely again, "If I had told you this taboo method earlier, you We will do everything to seek. I know that you are all for the purpose of rescuing our whole people, but if you don't do it well, perhaps, all of our whole people will really be extinct. At that time, we will really have no hope..." At this point, old The voice stopped again, but no one urged them. They were immersed in the humanoid fog words and were full of shock. If it is not good, the whole proud family that has resisted endless years will be completely destroyed and perish, and all efforts will be in vain. This is indeed a great pressure! An unbearable weight!

"So, I have never dared to tell you this method, but today, everything can no longer be hidden..." Just as everyone was shocked and secretly thinking about it, the humanoid fog opened again, and the words were full of melancholy, "I think you have also felt I realized that the sealed cursed power had begun to shake the emperor's statue, and this statue had begun to crack after a long time. His magic power was disappearing. The cursed power could break through the statue at any time and return to our people again. At this time, the trace he leaked The power of the curse has formed some strange creatures around our tribe, that is, the soulless..." The old voice echoed in the whole hall, which seemed extremely silent, and also looked older and heavier, as if carrying 100,000 mountains, making people feel breathless.

At this time, Lin Fan's face suddenly changed when he heard the soulless person. The lost soul, he heard the humanoid fog mentioned earlier, that is, the flute pipers he met before. Perhaps, to be precise, they can't be called human beings. They are just some strange beings born from the power of curse. But as a result, Lin Fan was even more shocked, and the leaked power of the curse gave birth to such a horrible soulless person. How magnificent should the whole curse power sealed by the real demon emperor be? What kind of evil and powerful should power be? Further, how powerful is the curse power originally applied to this former heavenly pride in the human world! You know, these sealed cursed powers have experienced endless years! And this is only a very small part of it!


Thinking of this, Lin Fan couldn't help gasping. Such a powerful curse on the people of the clan did not completely annihilate them, which also showed the strength and horror of the clan at the beginning! No wonder you will be jealous of other strong people! I'm afraid that in the end, they will isolate one-third of the human world and then form a cage of despair, so as to slowly destroy this people. I'm afraid no one has the ability to destroy such a powerful race at once! They can only rely on their own strength to breed despair in their own hearts, and then use this unchanging despair to slowly wipe them out and make them go to self-destruction!

"The source of demons, you all think that it is something that our world is forced to protect, which is the most evil thing, but you don't know that at the beginning, the source of demons was the sacred object of our family!" Before Lin Fan and others recovered from the shock, the humanoid mist patriarch once again threw out a blockbuster news. This news was tantamount to a meteorite, which once again raised everyone's curiosity and doubts to a new peak.

"Psagall, what are you talking about? That evil thing was originally a sacred object of our family? The elders were obviously extremely shocked, and they didn't know anything about all this. At this moment, when they heard the old patriarch who didn't know how long to live say so, they suddenly said in a trembling voice, "How is this possible? That thing makes the people in our whole ethnic group live under the shadow all day long, and their hearts are demonized. How can it be the sacred object of our clan? Chief, how is this possible?

"That's because the source of all demons has also been heavily cursed by them..." The old voice was full of pain and unwillingness, "Our family majors in demons. Although it is said to be a demon cultivation, it is the righteous and masculine spirit..." Speaking of this, the human-shaped fog shook slightly, as if it seemed to be facing Lin Fan, and then said, "This is very similar to the real demon spirit cultivated by the emperor. Although it is known as the demon spirit, it has a masculinity and pure yang spirit in it. Inside. The source of all demons contains all the demons in the world, which is the source of all demons. It is the original sacred object of our clan. The great power contained in it is unpredictable. At the beginning, those several mysterious races wanted to exterminate our clan in the name of heaven, and then they took away the source of all demons and wanted to take it for themselves. However, the source of all demons was almost only Our clan can use it, or only those who agree with it can use it and draw the energy they need from it. Those people can't get the recognition of the source of demons and can't draw the energy they want from it. When they are angry, they gather all the evil spirits, evil spirits, yin qi and other unorthodox breaths in the world and join hands to They sealed into the source of demons and wanted to destroy the source of demons. In fact, they did succeed in part of it. From that moment on, the source of demons no longer emitted the magic spirit of the pure yang. On the contrary, they brought three points of evil in it, and then sealed the source of demons into this world together, and also The countless power of curses are incorporated into it, and the curse power that enters the source of demons and the curse power that enters the human body of our clan are mutually compatible. The two are called the curses. While cracking one, it will trigger the other. If one is damaged, the other will explode in an instant. The two, they control each other. About, and because of this curse power, our people can no longer draw the most powerful and pure yang demons needed by our people. If it is absorbed, the curse power in the source of all demons will also flow into the body of our people, and then the two will lead to an outbreak, causing people to destruction..."

After saying these words, the patriarch with a humanoid fog was shocked. They never thought that there would be such a thing among them! And those elders were even more angry. The original proud family was framed and exiled to this desperate world, and deeply planted the power of the curse into their blood. I'm afraid that any race would be hateful!

"They did this! Aren't they afraid of God's punishment?" An elder scolded angrily.

"They... call themselves heaven..." As soon as he finished his words, the patriarch sounded with a helpless and painful voice, with a sense of powerlessness, but these words suddenly blocked the elder's words.

"Later..." After a while of silence, the patriarch said again, "Later, our clan also broke out several major crises, and even several times it almost destroyed the children, because with the inheritance of blood, the power of the curse not only did not weaken, but seemed to gather with the inheritance, later The performance of the generation is becoming more and more obvious. Those children often begin to commit suicide as soon as they learn to be conscious. Even some newborn babies who have no self-consciousness also begin to commit suicide. It feels as if suicide is instinct for them..." Speaking of this, the humanoid fog drama He shook violently, and his voice trembled even more, in which there was an indescribable fear. "At that time, I knew that the power of the curse had reached the peak of concentration in the blood of our family. If it went on like this, our family was really not far from extinction, but at that time , I was at a loss. My heart was like ashes. I knew that even if our family fought for endless years, it still could not stop the fate of the last destruction. At this time, the emperor, he appeared..." When it came to the word "emperor", the old voice obviously paused, with unconcealed excitement. .

"At the beginning, because of an accident, he came here and sensed the breath of the source of all demons. Then, he discovered the secret of our clan and the source of all demons. At that time, he was extremely angry. First, he connected the source of all demons with his own true demon spirit. After suppressing the extremely weak magic spirit of the most powerful pure yang, with the magic spirit of the most powerful pure yang, and finally refined most of the evil qi and the power of the curse in the source of all demons, but as I said before, this power of curse is closely related to the curse in the blood of my clan, so the emperor He did not dare to refine them all, leaving a trace of them, and then pulled out the power of the curse in our human body and sealed it here. For the same reason, he did not pull them away. This is the beginning and end of the truth..." At this point, the old patriarch finally breathed a long breath.

However, Lin Fan and others were extremely uneasy. Thinking about all this, he felt creepy. The power of this curse was really too horrible. If it was added to people, it could be said that it was haunted and never stop. Suddenly, his mind moved and said, "The method said by the real demon emperor , what do you mean?

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the human-shaped fog let out a long sigh, and then the space in front of him blurred out of thin air, and then something suspended in the air. At the moment he saw this thing, Lin Fan's pupils suddenly contracted sharply!