
359 The source of ten thousand demons, ten thousand demons

Perceiving the breath of the demon spirit, the old patriarch's voice trembled and deformed because of excitement. The two faint light emitted from his foggy head looked more bright at this moment, like two bright lights, instantly fixed on the demon spirit, as if to see it through. At this moment, Lin Fan also keenly felt the strangeness of the demon spirit. He could feel that the demon spirit was more powerful, and it had some characteristics on its body. This trait was unclear and unclear, but it gave people a strong sense of impact and made people feel its power.

"In the past, the emperor was recognized by the source of demons, and now, this demon spirit has also been recognized by it. If you enter the source of demons with this demon, it will inevitably reduce many obstacles! Although the pain may not be reduced, there are undoubtedly many dangers in the North Sea, because since the demon has been recognized by the source of all demons, its breath itself can automatically reduce the danger in the source of demons!" At this moment, the old patriarch's voice sounded in the field. At this time, his voice had returned to calm, but there was still three points of excitement in it. The source of demons borrowed the body to preach, and the demon spirit was recognized by the source of demons. There is no doubt that this raised a hope for them, a way to get rid of the despair that I don't know when it will end.

Hearing the old patriarch's words, Lin Fan did not answer immediately. He lowered his head and frowned for meditation. If he enters the source of all demons and fully activates the bloodline, it will undoubtedly have a great ** power for him, but in this way, he must also try his best to get rid of the despair of this human tribe. However, in other words, even without such a layer, he may not be able to help these people to do his best. On the one hand, his curiosity made him inevitably do so. On the other hand, he got the inheritance of the real demon emperor. I'm afraid that with the unrivaled cultivation of the real demon emperor, he had already expected such a self to come here. In addition, there is another point that he has a deep pain for the remnants of this ancient human world. He is also a citizen of the human world, but he is jealous of foreign races because of his high talent, and he is cursed. I'm afraid that no conscientious person in the human world will sit idly by.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan did not hesitate any more. His eyebrows gradually eased. Then, he suddenly looked up, looked calmly at the old patriarch, and said calmly, "What do you need to do?"

"Brother Lin..."

"Lin Fan..."


As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, Jiang Tai, Blood Weeping Sword Spirit and Three-legged Jinwu made a sound at the same time. Their faces changed color. Obviously, they had already heard Lin Fan's meaning. After hearing the dangers, pains and hardships in the ten thousand demon quenching body said by the old patriarch, they made this decision on Lin Fan. There is indeed a feeling of thrilling. However, Lin Fan made up his mind and heard them speak, turned his head to stop them, and then turned his head again to look at the old patriarch. His eyes were still calm, as if everything was just a light thing.

"You... have you really decided to quench ten thousand demons?" Hearing Lin Fan's words, the voice of the old patriarch, who had calmed down, was excited again. His body shook violently like fog. Although there was no expression, it could make people feel his excitement. After the initial excitement, the old patriarch's body stabilized slightly, and then said in a low voice, "From my point of view Fa, of course, I hope that you can quench all demons, because your origin, teacher, and unique skills are all top choices, and because of the emperor, you can better save us ancient remnants of the human world after quenching, but you should know that this is extremely dangerous. ! The source of demons itself may not cause too much harm to you, but the power of the curse is really terrible and terrible!"

Hearing the old patriarch's words, Lin Fan's face remained unchanged and said calmly, "I know..." After pondering, Lin Fan continued to speak slowly, "I know the danger, but now the world has come out and the blood moon has appeared. If there is no accident, When he went back from here, he was afraid that the human world was already full of war. The current pain is not for future survival..." Speaking of this, Lin Fan immediately stopped talking. He did not say any more, but he knew that the meaning of this was understood by these people in front of him.

"You come with me..." There was a long silence in the field. It was not until a long time later that the old patriarch's voice sounded abruptly. After saying this, his foggy body floated out of the hall. Lin Fan took a deep breath and followed him out. Jiang Tai and several elders also wanted to go out, but the old patriarch's voice immediately sounded: "Except for the demon who came with him, everyone else withdrew from here and went back to the village. No one can stand the breath of the source of demons..." After saying these words, his foggy body The next time, it floated out. Lin Fan turned his head and took a look at Jiang Tai, Blood Crying Sword Spirit and Triped Jinwu, nodded slightly to indicate that there was no need to worry, and then strode out, and the demon spirit also followed Lin Fan.

Walking out of the hall, Lin Fan keenly felt that the atmosphere outside was indeed different from that in the hall. In the hall, because of the suppression of the statue of the True Demon Emperor, the breath of despair is not strong, but outside this hall, the breath is particularly strong! At first, Lin Fan didn't feel it, but at this moment, when compared with the hall, he could immediately feel the difference between the two.

"This breath is so strong!" Lin Fan couldn't help exclaiming.

"Alas, yes, but what you don't know is that when we were just sealed here, the breath of despair was thousands of times stronger than this. Even before the future of the emperor, the spirit of despair was more than a thousand times stronger than this. What's more terrible is that in addition to the moment of despair, the air Full of the power of curse, now I remember that it was really an era without any hope. Generations have gone to self-destruction..." Hearing Lin Fan's sigh, the old patriarch sighed and opened his mouth leisurely. In his voice, there was endless melancholy, and at the same time, there was anger emanating from his bones. In the face of this anger, Lin Fan understood, but at this moment, there was nothing he could do but nodded silently. When the old patriarch finished saying these words, he was obviously in a bad mood, very heavy, and did not speak again. Like the fire of the soul, it floated forward. Along the way, neither of them spoke again. Only the demon spirit made a low roar from time to time. Lin Fan could feel that the demon spirit seemed to have Some irritable, it seems that he is not used to the atmosphere in the air, and it can even make it a little angry. Lin Fan reached out and gently patted the demon's head as a sign of comfort, so that it calmed down slightly.

As he moved forward, Lin Fan felt more and more the horror in front of him. It seemed that there was a world-class demon sleeping in front of him. At the same time, a very strange breath began to permeate in the void, which made his brain feel drowsy from time to time. At the same time, it seemed that invisible silk threads were tied towards him, making him unable to break free. He felt that the fire of his soul seemed to be slowly disappearing, and he seemed to be walking in the dark abyss. The future was dark, there was no way out, and everything seemed hopeless.


Suddenly, at this moment, a dull roar suddenly exploded in Lin Fan's ear. With this sound, Lin Fan's brain seemed to blow a thunder out of thin air, which suddenly dispersed the heavy black fog in his brain. A light appeared in front of him. Then, Lin Fan's body shook and finally fell from the loss. Wake up. His eyes slowly became clear, and he turned his head slightly and saw the demon standing beside him, staring at him nervously. He could feel that the demon seemed extremely worried at this moment. On the other side, the old patriarch's foggy body was still shaking slightly. At the same time, a heavy breathing sound faintly came out. After a few breaths, his body completely stabilized.

"This...what's going on?" Seeing that the old patriarch was also like this, Lin Fan was completely shocked. He had guessed that most of the places they were going to be the location of the source of demons, but he never thought that he had encountered such a strange event before reaching the source of demons. Even the old patriarch almost suffered! Of course, this may be a little serious, but the old patriarch who knows the source of demons best in the whole tribe is so difficult, which itself has illustrated the problem!

" the power of curse!" After his body stabilized, the old patriarch sighed leisurely. Although he tried to calm down, the slightly trembling voice obviously exposed what he was thinking. Before Lin Fan asked, he continued to say, "The source of demons used demons to complete the borrowing preaching, but it also touched almost Wan Wan. The power of the curse that the source of the demon is integrated into, so the power of the curse has begun to slowly awaken, and with his awakening step by step, I'm afraid that the whole tribe will be entangled by the power of the curse again. At that time, there will be no hope..." In the end, the voice of the old patriarch can no longer be concealed Trembling, but there was no fear in it, but only endless sadness.

"Our clan was envied by heaven, but in the end, we had such a fate. Does our clan really want to be destroyed here? I'm not reconciled! I'm really unwilling!" The old patriarch's voice, like a dream but extremely old, seemed to be particularly touching people's hearts at this moment. Listening to the last sound of the old patriarch's "I'm unwilling", Lin Fan felt a pain for no reason, but there was nothing he could do at this moment.

"Old patriarch, how can this kind of writing be improved?" After a moment of silence, Lin Fan asked.

"Unless the devil respects life, otherwise, even if the emperor comes again, it can only be suppressed. Only the demon can lift the curse of our clan..." The voice of the old patriarch was extremely melancholy, and there was already a faint despair.

"The devil respects life..." Lin Fan said these four words, and then he suddenly asked, "Old patriarch, let me ask, if I want to enter the evil place, it is the place where the statue of the demon statue stands. Does it need to be quenched by ten thousand demons to completely activate his true demon blood and Xuanhuang bloodline, so that I can To resist some mysterious force in it?"

"Well, in fact, I don't know what kind of evil power there is in the evil land, but as you said, only by activating the Xuanhuang bloodline and the true demon bloodline can you enter the evil land. Xuanhuang bloodline has been handed down since ancient times, but the real demon bloodline is because the emperor has entered there, so I guess that if the real demon bloodline can be fully activated, it is not impossible to enter that evil land..."

"Okay! Then we will continue to go to the source of demons. If I can quench my body successfully, I will definitely go to the evil place as soon as possible and try to wake up the demon Lord!" Lin Fan's voice has a resolute smell, which makes people feel a little suspicious.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the old patriarch's misty body swayed gently. After a few breaths of silence, he muttered, "Thank you, thank you, I am the nine tribes sealed in the realm of despair, thank you! If my family has to get out of trouble, if there is an order, we will definitely do our best to help!"

Hearing the old patriarch's words, Lin Fan did not speak. He just shook his head, then looked forward, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's go, the source of ten thousand demons, ten thousand demons, I'm looking forward to it..." Later, Lin Fan's voice was also three ethereal.

The old patriarch did not speak, but continued to float forward, and Lin Fan and the demon spirit followed closely. But at this moment, Lin Fan tightened his mind. He knew that this place was full of the power of curse, and as the source of demons approached, this curse power was bound to become stronger and stronger, and his mind was bound to be a little negligent!

All the way forward, gradually, a gray light appeared in front of him. When he saw this gray light, Lin Fan couldn't help but feel tight. Even if he knew that ahead was the source of all demons. After arriving here, he could also feel that the surrounding space seemed to be full of thousands of demons and endless shadows, floating around in the void, making people feel cold. However, what makes people feel strange is that these shadows seem to have lost their souls, without any attack power, and they are understanding. After this point, the chilling smell gradually disappeared.

"These are the projections of the demons in the source of demons. Their power has been imprisoned in the source of demons and entangled with the cursed power. Over the endless years, these demon shadows can be said to have no aggression..." The voice of the old patriarch sounded at this time, and the voice was still old. Melancholy, with a kind of sadness that years can't be washed away. Lin Fan accumulated kindness and became virtuous. The pain of the old patriarch can be said to be the pain of his home, which he could not solve. Therefore, he did not open his mouth, but closed his eyes and carefully felt everything around him. This is completely a subconscious action. Naturally, without any pretentiousness. Seeing Lin Fan's appearance, the virtual shadow of the old patriarch trembled and seemed to be extremely surprised, but he did not open his mouth, but just watched quietly.

With the passage of time, Lin Fan's expression became calmer and quieter, and there seemed to be a strange force that dominated all this. Gradually, Lin Fan's eyelids moved slightly, and his face showed a trace of surprise, but soon he regained calm again. At this moment, Lin Fan felt that he had entered a wonderful world, where countless shadows were floating. They seemed to whisper, as if they were roaring up to the sky, and even a sound like Sanskrit singing, and all kinds of sounds were intertwined, which seemed extremely strange. Lin Fan felt that he seemed to have arrived in a strange place, addicted to it, and quietly felt everything around him. Time seemed to have completely stopped at this moment.


Suddenly, the space where Lin Fan stood flashed, and then Lin Fan and the demon spirit disappeared out of thin air, and the front seemed to be extremely far away, as if there was a leading door, which was slowly closing.

Lin Fan was originally carefully sensing the mysterious artistic conception, but he didn't expect that his body seemed to have been pushed and pulled forward by some inexplicable force. In short, his body flew forward without his control. Then, he only felt that he seemed to have suddenly entered another piece of time and space. .


Before Lin Fan could react, a violent Gang suddenly hit him. Before the strong wind approached him, the piercing cold pain had made him hurt all over his body. What's more horrible was that his soul felt a tingling pain! This kind of wind has a double attack effect on the body and soul!


At the critical moment, Lin Fan's body turned into a streamer and avoided the strong wind dangerously. However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, an abrupt magic claw suddenly poked out of the void on his side and grabbed his neck. The coldness, even if calm as Lin Fan, couldn't help sweating, but he still avoided it at the critical moment. However, all this was obviously just the beginning. As soon as he avoided the magic claws and stood still, he suddenly found that a large sea of blood with a strong smell of blood was pressing towards him! The pungent smell of blood made him feel creepy!

"Is this the source of all demons?" Lin Fan looked at this horrible sea of blood, and there may be an ominous feeling in his mind. This idea has not yet turned, and the sea of blood has been pressed in front of him!